Cow in interesting poses. Gomukhasana - Cow Head Pose: correct and incorrect execution

Gomukhasana is translated as “cow pose” or “cow head pose” because... Go- this is “cow”, and Mukha- “face”, “head” (well, Asana- “pose”, respectively).

Execution technique

Sit in Dandasana pose (legs together, extended forward, back straight, hands on the floor).

Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor.

Slide your left foot under your right knee and place it on the floor, with outside right thigh.

Cross your right leg over your left, placing your right knee on top of your left and your right leg on the floor outside your left thigh (see photo below).

Place your feet so that they are an equal distance from your hips. Because the right leg turns out to be on top in this case, you will have to pull your right heel closer to your left thigh. Sit with your body weight evenly distributed across your sit bones.

Inhale and extend your right arm to the right, keeping it parallel to the floor. Turn it so that thumb hands moved towards the floor, and then “pointed” towards the wall behind you. The right palm is facing the ceiling. This movement will slightly rotate the right shoulder up and forward, and also slightly round top part backs.

As you exhale completely, place your right arm behind your back so that your forearm is in the hollow in your lower back. In this case, it will be parallel to the waist.

Rotate your shoulder back and down, then move your forearm up until it is parallel to your spine. The outer surface of the palm will be between the shoulder blades.

Inhale and extend your left arm in front of you, pointing it towards the wall in front of you and keeping it parallel to the floor.

Turn the left palm with the outer surface facing the ceiling, and with the next inhalation, extend the left arm upward, palm facing back.

As you exhale, bend your left arm and bring it behind your back, towards your right hand. Interlace your fingers behind your back.

Lift your left elbow up. Press your shoulder blades to your ribs and lift chest. Try to keep your left hand to the left and behind your head. The back is straight. You can close your eyes.

Gomukhasana: final position (photo:

This final position. Stay there for 1-2 minutes, breathing normally.

Exit from the pose: Unclasp your fingers, free your arms, straighten your legs.

Repeat the pose on the other side. For simplicity, remember that the leg that is at the top is combined with the arm of the same name at the bottom, i.e. if the right foot is on top of the left, then the right hand is below, and left hand above.

Attention direct to the breath, either to the Ajna or Anahata chakra.

Gomukhasana: benefits

  • The asana promotes relaxation.
  • When holding the pose for 10 minutes or more, fatigue, tension and anxiety are eliminated.
  • The pose stimulates kidney function.
  • Prevents the occurrence of diabetes in mature age(of course in combination with proper nutrition).
  • Relieves back pain, sciatica, rheumatism, and also eliminates stiffness of the shoulders and neck.
  • Opens the chest, improves posture.
  • Eliminates muscle spasms in the legs, making the leg muscles more elastic.

From the words “go” - cow and “mukha” - face. Gomukha is one whose face resembles a cow. This phrase also means the type of musical instrument - narrow at one end and wide at the other, like the muzzle of a cow.

Gomukhasana pose. This name, like others, is in the ancient language Sanskrit. The literal translation into Russian is the cow's face pose, or, more simply, the cow's pose. The photo of this pose is published by Shri B.K.S. Iyengar in his book "Yoga Deepika. Clarification of Yoga." This is a sitting pose: legs bent, shins intertwined, toes pointing back, pelvis on the heels, knee of one leg over the knee of the other leg. The body is vertical: pelvis, chest, head in one vertical plane. The arms are bent, the hands are clasped behind the back between the shoulder blades, the elbow of one hand is pointing vertically upward, the elbow of the other hand is pointing vertically downward. The gaze is directed straight ahead.


  1. Sit on floor, legs stretched straight forward (Photo 77).
  2. Place your palms on the floor and raise your seat.
  3. bend back left leg back and sit on left foot. Take your hands away from floor, raise your right leg and place your right thigh on left. Raise your buttocks and With use your hands to connect your ankles and back of the heels.
  4. Lower your ankles to floor, toes pointing back.
  5. Raise your left arm above your head, bend it at the elbow and place your left palm under your neck between your shoulder blades. Lower your right arm and bend it at the elbow and raise your right forearm back until the right hand will end up between the shoulder blades. Grip your hands together back between the shoulder blades (Photo 80- front view, 81 - rear view).
  6. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, breathe normally. neck and keep your head upright and look straight ahead.
  7. Open your hands, straighten your legs and repeat the pose in the other side, holding it That same amount of time. Replace the word "right" with"left" and vice versa. Then release your hands, straighten your legs and relax.


The pose cures leg cramps and makes the leg muscles elastic. The chest opens well, the back becomes straight. Increases mobility shoulder joints, the dorsal muscles are fully involved in the action.


The benefits of this pose are as follows: crossed legs increase blood circulation in the muscles and joints of the legs, which relieves tension from them and improves their mobility. And this, in turn, improves performance lower section spine. The position of the hands relieves tension from the joints of the hands, improves their mobility, strengthens and has a beneficial effect on the upper spine (heart and cervical). The pose opens and expands the chest, which improves the activity of the heart and lungs, gives a joyful mood, and increases the energy of the body.

When people hear the word “yoga,” most people think of the dreaded “pretzels.” But in yoga there are many poses that do not require much flexibility. And not everyone knows what it is great way relax muscles and relieve pain.

A recent rheumatology journal study found that 8 weeks of yoga resulted in improved overall health. This experiment helped many people get rid of pain and improve their body tone.

We don't always have the budget for an expensive massage treatment, but the following exclusive list of incredibly easy yoga poses will help you get healthier at home.

Child’s pose” (back pain, hip pain, stress)

Kneel on the floor or hard bed. Lower your buttocks onto your heels and
lean forward with your arms extended, palms down. Lower your forehead to the floor.
Breathe deeply and allow yourself to relax. Stay in this position for one minute.

Sitting on the wall” (relieves tension in the neck muscles, eliminates headaches)

Lie on your back against a wall. Place your legs along the wall.
Let your hands rest on your chest or stomach. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, allowing yourself to relax. Stay in this position for 3–10 minutes.

Cat-cow” (back pain, working out the entire spine)

“Cat-Cow” is one of best exercises for the spine.

We start with the “neutral spine.” Get on all fours. Place your hands strictly under your shoulders, your knees hip-width apart, your palms shoulder-width apart. The spine in the starting position is parallel to the floor: feel it, stretch your neck so that it becomes an extension of your back. With an inhalation, bend into the “Cow” pose – bend your torso down and lift your head up. Feel the stretch in your torso and neck. Mentally direct the crown of your head to your tailbone.

Important point: We start the movement from the tailbone and then move in a wave along the spine to the neck, which is the last to be included in the process. Even with a fast rhythm of movement, do it in waves and smoothly.

Then, with an exhalation, we move into the “Cat” pose - we bend our torso up and lower our head down. Keep your movements smooth.

Repeat this sequence 10 times. We finish with an inhalation in the “Cow” pose. We stretch and smoothly move into the pose of a “neutral” spine. Calm your breathing. We observe changes in sensations. (To enhance the effect, you can do an exercise with mantras: inhale - SAT, exhale - NAM).

If you have knee problems, use a soft mat.

Twisting” (for pain and upset in the digestive system)

Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs extended. Bend your right knee and bring that leg behind your left leg, which remains straight. Turn to the right, using your right hand for balance. Breathe deeply and still sit as straight as possible. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat with your left leg, turning to the left.

Butterfly” (for pain in the hip joint)

Sit on the floor with your back straight. Bring the soles of your feet together.
Breathe deeply and lower your knees to the floor in smooth movements, as if you were a butterfly. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes.

T” twist (working for pain in the lower back)

Lie on your back, position your arms so that your body with your legs extended looks like the letter “T”. Now raise your bent knees towards your chest. And then slowly lower them as low as possible to the floor to the side. Keep both of your shoulders pressed to the floor. Breathe deeply and try to relax the muscles in your lower back. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

Pelvic tilts”

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Breathe deeply. As you exhale, straighten your lower back towards the floor, which will allow you to tilt your pelvis slightly upward. As you inhale, relax your back and lower your pelvis to the floor. Repeat this exercise for one minute.

Bend forward” (relieves cramps during menstruation)

Sit on the floor: your left leg is straightened, and your right leg is bent and your foot is pressed against your left leg.
Slowly lean forward over your left knee, allowing your hands to rest on the floor. Breathe, stretch your spine as much as possible. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with your left leg bent.

Overhang stretch (calf pain)

This stretch is great for relieving calf pain from wearing high heels and other activities.

Standing, cross your legs. Slowly lower yourself forward until your hands are on the floor in front of you. Bend your right knee while keeping your left leg straight. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Return to initial position and repeat the exercise, now bending your left knee.

The name of the asana is translated from Sanskrit: go means “cow”; “mukha” – head, muzzle; asana – “body posture”. This pose is not as simple as it seems at first glance; it requires preparation for its implementation. Although some can cope with it on the first try.

Gomukhasana rear view

Execution technique

  1. lower yourself to the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you;
  2. place your palms on the surface and lift your pelvis;
  3. Bend your left leg at the knee and lower your buttocks onto your foot. Lift your palm off the floor, pick up your right leg and place your right thigh on your left. Raise your buttocks, using your hands, bring your ankles and the opposite edges of the heels of your feet towards each other so that they meet;
  4. lower your ankles by turning your toes back;
  5. extend your left arm over your head, bend it in elbow joint and place your left palm on your back between your shoulders. Bend your right arm at the elbow, place it behind your back and move your right forearm up along your back so that your hands are between your shoulder blades. Connect your fingers;
  6. lock in the position for 20 – 60 seconds. Breathe in a calm rhythm. Watch your neck and head so that they are vertical. Fix your gaze ahead;
  7. separate your arms, straighten your legs, then repeat the pose in the opposite direction, changing from right to left and back again. Perform the asana for the same amount of time in both directions. Then open your palms, straighten your legs and rest.

Anatomy of gomukhasana

Gomukhasana helps expand the chest and hip joints. This asana works the chest muscles, upper area back, hips, shoulders and pelvis.


  1. strengthening the muscles of the legs, neck, arms;
  2. expansion of the chest;
  3. restoration and strengthening of posture;
  4. improving the mobility of the shoulder joints.
  5. healing of internal organs through blood flow to the pelvis.


  • injuries to the lower back, knees, shoulders, neck;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Gomukhasana is a cow head pose (sometimes simply called Cow Pose). “Go, gov, gova” - cow, “Mukha” - muzzle, face, head. It is believed that if you look at this asana from above, it looks like the head of a cow.


Gomukhasana is a yoga pose that restores mobility. hip joints, improving the flow of blood and lymph in the pelvic area, healing the internal organs. It makes the calf muscles, thighs, and shoulder muscles elastic. Opens the chest, straightens the back. The pose stimulates kidney function. Opens the chest, improves posture. Eliminates muscle spasms in the legs, making the leg muscles more elastic. Prevents the onset of diabetes in adulthood (in combination with proper nutrition, of course). This asana is recommended for cramps. calf muscles and hips, increased nervous tension, short temper.


Serious injuries to the lower back and shoulders.

Execution technique

Sit on the floor and bend your knees, placing them half a meter from your buttocks. Place your left foot under your right knee and position it on the right side of your pelvis so that your left knee is pointing forward. In the same way, place the right foot on the left side of the pelvis.

Place your knees one above the other, lift your body, lower your pelvis between your heels. Make sure your body weight is distributed evenly across both sit bones.

Place both hands behind your back: the right one through the top, the left one through the bottom. Clasp your palms together. Straighten your lower back, lower your chin slightly, stretch your neck upward.

This final position. Stay there for 1-2 minutes, breathing normally.

Exit from the pose: Unclasp your fingers, free your arms, straighten your legs.

Repeat the pose on the other side. For simplicity, remember that the leg that is at the top is combined with the arm of the same name at the bottom, i.e. if the right foot is on top of the left, then the right hand is below and the left hand is above.

Attention direct to the breath, either to the Ajna or Anahata chakra.


Feet are on the same level.
Knees- one under the other.
Small of the back straightened.
Rib cage revealed.
Upper arm elbow slightly laid back and stretches straight up.
Lower arm shoulder pulled back.
Chin slightly lowered, neck extended upward, following the crown.

Subtleties of execution and safety rules

  • To achieve the maximum effect, turn the shoulder of the hand that will be below in a circular motion back together with the shoulder blade of the same name. This will help you open up your chest.
  • Unusual stretching in this exercise often causes involuntary holding of breath. In this case, you need to relax and breathe evenly.
  • Do not push your knees towards the floor under any circumstances! Difficulties in performing Gomukhasana are associated more with the condition of the hip joints, and not at all with the knee joints.
  • Keep your shoulders level, aligning your entire body.

Possible mistakes

Don't bend your lower back forward. Don't twist your pelvis.

Simplifying the asana

Variations of legs in Gomukhasana

Complicating the asana

Place your palms on your knees and, stretching your spine forward, lower your body down. When your stomach rests on your thighs, hook your chin to your knees. Place your straight arms behind your back, interlace your fingers and, turning the lock, lift it up, opening your chest, stretching your back even more forward.

Asanas before and after this asana

Before Gomukhasana you can perform: Baddha Konasana, hero pose, Supta Virasana, Upavistha Konasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Supta Padangushthasana.

After the cow pose, the following are suitable: Garudasana, Padmasana, Upavista Konasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Bharadvajasana, Marichiasana III, Paschimottanasa.