How can you learn to do the splits quickly? What real people say - is it really possible to do the splits quickly? How much should you train

Absolutely anyone can learn. This does not depend at all on age, body weight, flexibility and other natural data. Many people write that due to the anatomical structure of the body, it is impossible for some people to do the splits. This is wrong! You just have to make an effort - and you will succeed! Of course, injury is another matter. It can only be complicated. In this case, be sure to consult your doctor.

Many people want to achieve what they want in a short time, but remember that this is wrong! The splits should not be the main goal for which you should put yourself in harsh conditions. by time?" - you ask. Of course, all achievements and results depend on your efforts, preparation, genetic data. And for each person this is all individual, it is impossible to answer accurately.

Cases often occur when a person reads articles, performs the exercises presented in them, but still gets no results. Then he just gets disappointed and quits training. Never do this! Be sure to have patience, desire, and desire - and then you will learn how to quickly do the splits without harming yourself. When you do the exercises, you may feel pain. It's okay if she's not strong. There should be no sharp pain, so stop stretching when it appears. It is important to know that a muscle tear is a painful injury that requires treatment.

The most effective and quick way doing the splits means training once every three days, regularly. Do all the exercises for about an hour; there is no need to overload yourself. Stretch slowly, carefully, without sudden movements or severe pain.

How to do the splits faster: proper warm-up

Perhaps the most important part of training is a proper warm-up. The muscles must be warmed up before stretching begins. It will be great if you go for a short run. At home, you can try jumping rope and squats. In addition, great way warming up is taking a hot bath. If you sit in it for ten minutes, your muscles will warm up wonderfully, and it will be easier for you to do the splits.

To warm up, you can do it in different directions. For example, forward, sideways, backward. Don't forget that your legs should be straight and your muscles tense. Don't try to move your leg as far as possible, this is not the main thing. The use of leg swings is required for a thorough warm-up.

How to do the splits faster: exercises for training

1. Do lunges. Place one leg forward and bend it. Straighten the second one and move it back. Do 25 springing movements on each leg. Don't forget about a straight back. If it works, make it more difficult. Straighten as best as possible back leg.

2. We do rolls. Spread your legs very wide. Next, sit on one leg and keep the other straight. Smoothly roll from one leg to the other. Important point- keep your pelvis close to the floor. You need to roll parallel to the floor, without leaning on your hands. Do this exercise about 20 times.

Of course, not everyone will be able to do the splits the first time; for some it may take a week or a month. But by regularly repeating these exercises, you will improve your stretching and strengthen your muscles:

If the splits are something more symbolic than yoga

For some, the splits are nothing more than a good stretch, healthy ligaments, or a yoga exercise. But for me, as someone who grew up watching the action films of Jackie Chan, Van Damme and Donnie Yen, this was something much more important and symbolic. Already in student years I blamed myself for the fact that in the seventh grade, when I went to hand-to-hand combat, did not show due diligence to do the splits. And when I was 20 years old, it seemed that time had passed, that I was old and that it was not worth even trying to do the splits.

A miracle happened - immediately after university I went to study in China. This university has a very strong school of wushu, whose adherents regularly take first place in all-Chinese wushu competitions.

It's one thing when you live in a world of walking office workers who don't particularly care about stretching, but it's a completely different matter when you find yourself in fitness room, where absolutely everyone, even children, does somersaults, flips and does the splits. In such an environment, being the greenest, oldest and most non-technical student, you immediately begin to reach upward. This desire, as well as the advice of Wushu players, helped me do the cross splits in less than a year of training. I compiled their knowledge and my experience into a list of recommendations for those who want to do the splits.

How do the splits. Instructions from Chinese Wushu champions

  1. Forget about deadlines. There are no “by the New Year” or “two months in advance”. Rushing to stretch will inevitably lead to injury.
  2. Less heroism. Slow and systematic progress towards the goal for half an hour every day is better than rare, but shock training for several hours at a time.
  3. Get to know your body. Although we are all anatomically similar, each of us has our own characteristics: the structure of the hip joint, the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. For example, with varus deformity of the femoral neck, a person simply physically cannot do the cross splits. Therefore, if one method was suitable for your acrobat brother to do the splits, then it is far from a fact that the same method will be suitable for you. During training, you must independently determine your problem areas that do not allow you to do the splits. For example, I had no problems with the popliteal ligaments; they stretched well. But the ligaments at the thigh were like wood. So I paid more attention to them.
  4. Drink more water. When you drink enough connective tissue glides over the muscles, but when there is not enough water, the fascia can stick to muscle fibers, reducing range of motion.
  5. Start training gradually, gradually increasing the frequency of stretches. I started with one workout every two days and got to three workouts in a day.
  6. In the evenings, our joints and muscles become 20% more elastic, which reduces the risk of injury and allows us to achieve best results. You can do some dynamic stretching in the morning to relieve that stiff, stiff feeling after sleep, but don't try to do anything straight away when you wake up.
  7. Before stretching, be sure to warm up your leg muscles: run, do air squats and ordinary warm-up exercises within 10-15 minutes. By stretching on a warm body, you reduce the risk of sprains.
  8. Distribute the load. When you sit in a split, there is a temptation to squat closer to the floor at the expense of your knees. Remember: if your knees or back hurt while stretching, you are doing it wrong.
  9. There are two types of splits: dynamic (when you swing your leg - a split in impact) and static (sitting on the floor). It happens that a person can swing his leg into a splits, but cannot sit on the floor in it. It also happens the other way around. These two types of twine complement each other, so they should be developed in parallel. Dynamic stretching must be completely controlled, without sudden, jerky movements, otherwise the swing may result in injury.
  10. When you stretch, you the sock should be pulled towards you, and not from oneself (as in ballet).
  11. When you are static, you do not completely freeze, but continue light oscillatory movements - up and down, like a string - at a frequency that is convenient for you.
  12. Figure out how to let your feet slide across the floor. These can be either socks on linoleum or shoes on the spit of a wushu player.
  13. Be extremely careful when third parties offer to “help” you. No one but you can know the current state of your ligaments. The coach is not a psychic. I’ve already heard so many stories about a coach who “accidentally” tore someone’s ligaments. As for me, all these paired stretches with the help of a partner have one goal - to make the process more interactive and complex. By and large, you don’t need anything to do the splits except your legs and the floor.
  14. Relax. Stretching is an unnatural activity for the body. When stretched beyond its normal range, the muscles automatically contract to prevent injury. Learn to relax and breathe evenly while stretching - this will help you deepen your splits faster.
  15. Stretch every day. Unlike strength training, after which rest and recovery are required, stretching does not require such breaks. To do the splits faster, stretch every day, seven days a week.
  16. Use a hot shower. After a hot shower, your ligaments will be more pliable for stretching.
  17. Use a timer. Sitting on the splits set a stopwatch in front of you. Start small, like 30 seconds, and gradually increase the time. These measurements will also help you feel more clearly about your progress. Instead of a timer, you can use your favorite music, in which you are guided either by the words or by the beginning of the chorus.
  18. Sign up for some section where splits are valued. For example, acrobatics, yoga, breakdancing or martial arts. It doesn’t matter whether you know how to do the splits or are just working in this direction. Man is a social being, so any “public” training, especially in a circle of like-minded people, will morally support you and provide additional motivation.

Each person may have his own favorite and more effective ways to stretch: someone will sit in a “butterfly”, and someone will swing their legs more - that’s why I didn’t describe any exercises here, you probably know them. And if not, then you know where to find them.

The most important thing is to remember that with due persistence, people do the splits both at 30 and 40 years old, the main thing is to believe in yourself. When, several months later, I finally managed to do my cross split, our main wushu player smiled at me and said: “功夫不负有心人,” which means “if you work hard, you will definitely achieve success.”

Every girl dreams of doing the splits, surprising her boyfriend, mother, and friends. But how to do this in a short time and not harm your health? Let's try to figure it out.

The ability to do the splits is not only a skill, but also healthy, beautiful and fit figure. During the exercises, you will acquire a graceful gait, straight posture and an elastic body, the flexibility of which will amaze everyone! The most important rule is that you need to do training every day, starting from 10-15 minutes, in active movement. If you practice diligently, perform each exercise, giving 100%, then in about a month you will be able to do the splits with stretching in just 10 minutes!

How to do the splits in 10 minutes - warm-up

The basic rule is to always start your workouts with a warm-up in order to put all the muscles of the body into work, increase cardiovascular activity and speed up metabolism. Trainers recommend conducting all classes on a rubber mat, turning on rhythmic music. Exercises that will take no more than 5 – 7 minutes:

  • Warming up cervical spine– rotate your head, turn left to right, bend forward and back.
  • Kneading your arms - clench your hands into fists, rotate in different directions, work your shoulders.
  • Warm up the lower back - hands on the belt, work in a circular motion hips and pelvis.
  • Warming up your feet - the most will come to them huge pressure when stretching, so they should be warmed up very well.
  • Jump rope for about two minutes. Start slowly, gradually speeding up the pace, ending with sharp jumps up.
  • Do 15 squats with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

You are now fully prepared to stretch!

How to do the splits in 10 minutes - stretching

  • Bend over with legs wide apart – while sitting on the floor, spread your straight legs as wide as possible, bend your entire body towards each leg in turn, holding the position for half a minute. Stretch as far as possible in the center and place your head on the floor. Do you feel how the ligaments have begun to work? So you are doing everything right. Stay for a couple of minutes.

  • Straight tilt - sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you, pull up your toes. Bend your whole body, trying to reach your toes with your fingers, fix the position for a minute, lowering your head between your knees.

  • The main exercise that is aimed at stretching the ligaments - do long stride left leg as far as possible and transfer your body weight to it, try to keep your thigh parallel to the floor, breathing evenly, and place the foot of your right leg on the floor. Repeat the same with the other leg.

  • Exercise Butterfly - starting position sitting, back as straight as possible. Bend your legs in knees, feet together, heels press me to you. Begin to slowly press your knees to the floor, at this time all the ligaments of your legs begin to work, you may feel a slight pain. As soon as your knees touch the floor, fix them in this position for one and a half minutes. Don't strain your back, breathe evenly and deeply.

Doing the splits is a dream of many people from early childhood. But even if you have good flexibility, without preparatory exercises, doing the longitudinal splits will not only be difficult, but also risky: you can pull muscles and get injured.

We are offering to you best exercises for longitudinal twine, which will allow you to gently and painlessly stretch your muscles and joints. Regular deep stretching will help you get into the splits quickly, even if you've never done it before.

10 rules for stretching for longitudinal splits

1. Stretching can be done only after a good warm-up. Any cardio for 20-30 minutes is suitable as a warm-up. Before stretching into the splits, you should feel that your body is warmed up.

2. If you want to quickly do the longitudinal splits, then try to stretch twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Morning stretching, although difficult, is very effective. In the evening you will be able to stretch easier - by the end of the day your muscles will be more pliable and flexible.

3. Exercises for longitudinal splits are best performed in static poses. Try to use up-and-down pulsating exercises to a minimum, as this can lead to sprains.

4. Hold each pose. for at least 30 seconds. You can gradually increase both the duration of the exercises and the range of motion.

5. While stretching, you need to focus on the sensations in your body. You should feel a gentle stretch in the muscles, but not pain. If you feel sharp pain, reduce the amplitude of the exercise or stop exercising.

6. If you are stretching in a cool room, dress warmly. Even after a good warm-up, muscles tend to quickly cool down at low room temperatures, and this makes stretching difficult.

7. When performing longitudinal split exercises, always keep your back straight, don't round it. Pull the top of your head up and when bending, try to lower yourself to your feet with your stomach, not your head.

8. You can record the results with a centimeter tape, measuring the distance from the groin area to the floor surface at the moment of maximum stretching.

9. If you neglect stretching for several days, be prepared to fall back in results. The most important thing in stretching for splits is regularity.

10. Don't bet on yourself no specific deadlines for splits (week, month, three months). Everyone has a different physiology, so someone can do the longitudinal splits quickly, while others will need a year regular classes to achieve results.

10 exercises for stretching and warming up before the splits

We offer you a ready-made version of warming up and warming up before the splits, which will help you conduct your splits training much more effectively. Stretch on a warm body is much easier and more enjoyable! Be sure to warm up before each splits workout.

The number of repetitions on one side is indicated for each exercise. For example, the first exercise is walking in place with knees raised. You must perform 20 leg raises right foot, 20 leg raises with the left leg, that is, 40 repetitions in total. You can increase the number of repetitions at your discretion (decreasing is not recommended!). If you feel that after doing the exercises you haven’t warmed up enough, repeat the complex again.

1. Walking in place with knees raised : 20 reps

2. Swing to your feet : 20 reps

3. Rotations for the hip joints : 20 reps

4. Side lunge : 15 reps

5. Tilt towards the leg : 15 reps

6. Back Squat: 20 reps

7. Back Lunges : 10 reps

8. Jumping rope: 40 reps

: 40 reps each (just count to 80 in sync with the movement)

10. Jumps with arms and legs raised: 35 reps

We remind you once again that before performing longitudinal splits exercises, be sure to warm up well. Performing these exercises without warming up is fraught with dangerous injuries and sprains, and this will delay your dream of doing the splits for a long time.

If you want to do the splits faster, you can purchase additional tools for effective stretching: yoga blocks and yoga straps. These simple and inexpensive devices will greatly simplify many of your splits exercises.

Below are exercises for longitudinal splits. Hold each pose for at least 30 seconds. Gradually move on to longer periods of time in a static position: 2-3 minutes.

Longitudinal split exercises can be performed in several approaches, if time and endurance allow. Perform all exercises first on one leg, then on the other. Always stretch evenly on both legs(even if you plan to do only the left or only the right split), this way you will get to the desired result faster.

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the visual photos. Olga Sagai.

Exercise 1

As you inhale, lower into a lunge into runner's pose with your hands on the floor or on blocks. The front leg forms a right angle, the knee of the back leg is extended and straightened. Try to lower your pelvis as low as possible without bending the knee of your back leg. Hold this pose. Next, as you inhale, with your back straight, stretch your arms up, while your pelvis continues to stretch down. Feel the tension in your leg muscles increase. While in a lunge, try to distribute your body weight on both legs.

Exercise 2

Stay in runner's pose with your arms on one side of your front leg. Lower yourself onto your elbows, trying not to round your back. If you can’t get down on your elbows, place blocks or lean on your palms. This longitudinal splits exercise helps to stretch hip joints and groin area.

Exercise 3

Lower your back knee to the floor with your hands on either side of your front leg. Stay in this position, trying to lower your pelvis as much as possible. You can perform a few pulsating movements up and down, but then stay in a static position.

A similar exercise can be done with the back leg resting on a chair, this will increase the stretch in the back leg. Rise up behind the crown, increasing the tension:

Exercise 4

Return to the lunge, lengthening your spine through the hip of your back leg. As you exhale, straighten your legs and lengthen your tailbone up. Direct your forehead towards your shin, try to pull your stomach down without rounding your back. Lengthen your arms forward or grab the shin of your front leg.

Exercise 5

From a lunge, extend your straight leg forward with your back leg flat on the mat. Bend over while keeping your back straight. Lengthen your arms forward or place your elbows on the floor. Stay in an accessible position and breathe deeply. With each exhalation, release tension in the back of your extended leg.

You can increase the stretch of your back leg by placing it on a chair like this:

Exercise 6

Move into pigeon pose. Cover the right heel with the left pelvic bone. Deepen the position by gradually moving your right shin slightly forward. Lean on your hands. Rotate your right thigh inward, lower your tailbone down.

Bend your back leg at the knee, grab your foot with the same hand and pull your heel towards your buttock. Feel the stretch in the front of your thigh. Change your grip and grab your foot with the opposite hand. As you exhale, lower your forehead onto your free hand. Pigeon is not complicated, but very effective exercise on longitudinal twine.

Exercise 7

Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Lift your leg vertically up, exhale, grab your foot and pull it towards you with your hands or a strap. The sacrum remains on the floor, the knee is straight, and the front of the thigh is tense. Feel the muscles in the back of your leg lengthen.

Exercise 8

Move into a downward-facing dog position. The back, back of the head, and arms form one straight line. Stretch your spine, your tailbone stretches back and up. Bend your knees one at a time, trying to lower your heel completely to the floor. The thigh tends to the stomach, the back and arms are in the same plane. This longitudinal splits exercise stretches back surface legs Then lower both heels to the floor and hold in this position.

Exercise 9

Stay in downward-facing dog pose. With an inhalation, pull your leg up, twist your hip inward. Freeze and breathe deeply. This exercise is useful for longitudinal and vertical splits.

Exercise 10

Grasp the foot of the same leg with your hand. Pull it vertically up, fix the maximum possible position and stay there. Make sure that supporting leg did not turn outward.

How to do the longitudinal splits: technique

If you have already completed preparatory exercises, That you can try doing the longitudinal splits. You will need two blocks or a stack of books. If you're flexible enough, you won't need blocks.

1. Get on your knee with your front leg extended forward at a 90-degree angle and the toe of your back leg resting on the floor. Straighten your back, tighten your stomach, straighten your shoulders. Pelvic bones should be positioned on the same line and looking straight ahead. Inhale and as you exhale, begin to gradually move your legs apart in different directions, lowering your pelvis down.

2. Reach the extreme tolerable position and freeze. As soon as your pelvis has dropped low enough, hold the floor with your hands and stretch your legs at the knees.

3. Gradually, step by step, you will be able to do the longitudinal splits.

4. Carefully come out of the split position. Stretch your legs forward in front of you, shake them a little to get rid of tension. Perform a similar exercise on the other leg.

Screenshots in the article are used from the official YouTube channel of Olga Sagay.

With high-quality performance of longitudinal splits exercises, you will definitely reach your goal. Longitudinal splits are available to absolutely everyone at any age, regardless of innate flexibility. But some will need more time to stretch, others less. It depends on both genetic characteristics and sports background.

Many beginners in fitness set a goal to do the splits. The goal is worthy and worth your time if you really need the splits (you do martial arts, gymnastics, acrobatics, etc.). In this post we’ll talk about splits for beginners.

Despite the huge amount of advice and videos on the topic of splits on the Internet, very few of them are really valuable. Mostly stupid and irresponsible pop. Thoughtless use of such advice in practice can easily lead to serious injuries joints and muscles, and even to disability.

In this post I will give the most important information about the splits and show you how to do it really correctly.

What is twine?

A split is a gymnastics and acrobatics figure in which straight legs are spread apart along one line (transverse split) or one leg is directed forward and the other back (longitudinal split). In this case, the legs are pressed to the floor along their entire length.

To assume the split position, you need to develop significant flexibility in the muscles of the legs and pelvis. The essence of split training is to gradually achieve such flexibility that you can easily get into the desired position.

The right split for beginners and experts

When you look at pictures on the Internet of people doing the splits, you are unlikely to ask the question “is this split done correctly?”

Most people don’t even think about how to do the splits correctly. Cross splits are almost always performed correctly, since its biomechanics are extremely simple (legs must be on the same line). And we will talk about it below. But with longitudinal twine, serious clarifications are needed.

This is what an incorrect longitudinal twine looks like

It's not clear why it's wrong? It is extremely important for a beginner to understand what an incorrect split looks like. Read on! I'll explain everything.

This is what the correct longitudinal twine looks like

Pay attention to the leg being pulled back and the position of the pelvis. On first three The photo showing the wrong split shows the most common mistake that most people doing the split make. This is an unnatural position of the hip joint of the leg, pulled back. In this position, the ligaments (the lining of the joint) of the hip joint experience very abnormal twisting and can be easily injured. This instantly leads to instability of the entire joint, discomfort in it, clicking when walking, etc. The most stubborn supporters of doing the splits haphazardly can easily end up in a hospital bed, since they may lose the ability to simply walk due to severe pain.

For clarity, I drew this diagram so that you understand exactly how to sit on the longitudinal splits.

The leg being pulled back should be pulled back, not to the side. In this case, the foot should be tucked inward, not outward. The knee should be pointing straight down, not to the side.

The pelvis should not turn after the leg is pulled back. It should remain in a natural upright position.

By following these simple rules, you will protect yourself from extremely unpleasant consequences.

What does a correct cross split look like?

It is believed that doing the transverse split is much more difficult than doing the longitudinal split. But this statement does not correspond to my experience. Properly performed longitudinal splits also require a lot of time and effort.

This is what the cross twine looks like.

Please note that this is a way to do the splits with your toes and knees turned up. This is the simplest version of cross twine. This is what you should start striving for when you start training for flexibility.

If you turn your toes and knees forward, you get a much more difficult option, which not everyone achieves.

This is a cross split in the full sense of the word. And it will require a lot of time and effort from you.

Twine rules

Now let's talk about the rules associated with the development of twine. And at the same time, we’ll dispel some of the stupidest myths that are very common on the Internet.

How quickly can you do the splits?

No one knows this for sure. Even those who promise you “the splits in one day” or “in one week.” Flexibility is a very individual thing. There are people who are very gifted in plastic arts. They succeed in almost everything right away or almost immediately. Body tissues are plastic and mobile. There are people with average flexibility. They need to work hard, but the results will be very good in just a couple of weeks. There are people who are very inflexible (as they say, “wooden”). But even in this case, developing flexibility is worthwhile. Moreover, these are the people who should place a strong emphasis on flexibility in their training.

The most realistic period for which the most ordinary person with average abilities can do the splits is six months. And I completely agree with this strong statement!

How much should you train?

To develop the ability to do the splits, you need to train 5-6 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

What exercises should I do?

Flexibility exercises can be static, dynamic and ballistic (a type of dynamic).

The best results are achieved by those who use all these types of exercises, and do not just freeze for half an hour in the splits position.

How long to stretch muscles?

To develop flexibility, each exercise is performed in 2-3 approaches. If this static exercise(stretched and held), then 30-40 seconds is enough. If this dynamic exercise, 15-20 repetitions per approach is enough. You can rest no more than a minute between approaches.

Is it necessary to “open” the hip joints for the cross split?

When I hear or see trainers forcibly putting a person into the splits, putting them in the lotus position and standing on the poor client’s hips with all their (sometimes very significant) weight, I involuntarily shudder. Do these people understand what they are doing? The client allows himself to be maimed, and the trainer (due to illiteracy and irresponsibility) cripples the poor fellow.

Do not allow such experiments to be carried out on yourself! For you, they will certainly end in a hospital bed. The development of flexibility cannot be rushed at all. Develop flexibility gradually, without pain or sudden movements. This is a guarantee of quick results and no injuries.

More about twine