All about thin girls with wide pelvic bones. Wide bones and obesity: debunking myths Are there such things as wide bones?

About the thin pelvic bone and slim figure many women dream of, but to brag perfect physique Not everyone can. Is it possible to achieve slimness with wide bones?, how to lose weight without harming your health, whether all problems with your figure should be attributed to a predisposition and give up, let’s consider in the form detailed instructions in this article.

Body types

Body type depends on the width of the bone and is of three types:

  • thin-boned
  • medium boned
  • big-boned

Bone thickness can be determined in the following ways at home:

  1. The thickness of the bone can be easily determined from the wrist by measuring it with a measuring tape. With a wrist girth of 15-18 cm, the bone is considered thin. With a girth of 17-18 cm - medium, with a girth of 20 cm - wide.
  2. The bone can also be considered thin when the fingers of the right hand are closed around the wrist of the left hand.
  3. Body type is not difficult to determine by your figure. Those with thin bones have elongated limbs, strictly in a vertical position.

Wide hips in women

Wide hips have a hereditary transmission factor, and not every woman is happy with this. Despite dissatisfaction with this body type, it is those with wide bones who are more resilient and fit for giving birth to healthy and strong children.

The formation of the hips occurs in adolescence, during bone growth and puberty. Women with wide hips tend to be tall and well-proportioned. They say about such people: “moderately well-fed, blood and milk.”

The size of the pelvic bones depends on hormones, in women - estrogen, levels that directly affect the density and width of bones during the formation of the skeleton, especially with the advent of menstruation in girls during puberty. In women with a wide pelvis, childbirth proceeds more easily, there are fewer ruptures of the vagina and cervix, but it is precisely with this type of bones that women quickly gain weight after childbirth.

Big bones or slow metabolism?

Women with wide bones are often inherited; it is this type of people who are prone to being overweight and there is no point in going through complicated procedures for this. laboratory test. Having relatives with excess weight, there will be a predisposition to obesity, but factors affecting metabolism and metabolic rate are not the least important.

Exactly slow metabolism leads to the accumulation of calories in the body, their deposition into fat. Thin people, who are not inclined to be overweight, can constantly eat different delicacies, with a fast metabolism, do not gain weight, and remain slim. Still, one cannot completely blame the metabolic rate on heredity.

By eating right and playing sports, it is quite possible to correct the speed, and to protect yourself in the future from diabetes, which simply awaits obese people by the age of 35-40, then it will be much more difficult to correct the figure. The disease is insidious and sometimes cannot be treated.

Is the predisposition to obesity real or fictitious?

Typically, women with broad bone dissatisfied with themselves, but cannot correct the situation on their own; diets and daily sports activities. The weight loss system must be correct, suitable for a specific person. However, even if all the rules for losing weight are followed, not everyone achieves the desired results. What is the reason for this? Could it be because of the wide bone?

Unfortunately, a predisposition to obesity does exist and is by no means fictitious, but sufficiently persistent and purposeful people manage to achieve good results, slimness despite the presence of a wide bone. The exception is people who have chronic advanced diseases, diabetes mellitus, who need to be treated first, and only then force themselves to lose weight.

Despite the tendency to overeat to be overweight, you should not eat stress. In addition to the natural inclination, many women eat completely incorrectly, thereby making it fictitious, without realizing their eating behavior.

How to lose weight if you have wide bones?

Whatever the predisposition, there is simply no reason for obesity. Those with wide bones should not give up at all; rational nutrition and a healthy sports lifestyle have not been canceled. However, diet and exercise must be chosen correctly, with an emphasis on correcting problem areas, in particular, the broad pelvic bone.

When deciding to “lose weight,” you shouldn’t stop halfway and despair. Only faith in success, a positive mood and perseverance will help in the struggle for the desired result.

Weight loss – long stage, it will hardly be possible to achieve correction of your figure in a short time. The right diet nutrition and fitness should become the norm of life, integral rules for everyday work on your figure. But you shouldn’t limit yourself in everything; a strict diet will not bring any benefit; you can create more complex health problems for yourself.

Food should be healthy and tasty, fortunately, a variety of products today provide such an opportunity, you just need to find your own nutrition system, learn to eat properly and wisely. Snacking on the run is harmful and that's just it bad habit, which you can get rid of if you really want to.

Truth and fiction about broad bone

The concept of a wide bone was invented by the people; it is difficult to talk about the thickness of the bone about a person’s tendency to inevitably become fat. Initially thin people may well suffer from excess weight, while hypersthenics with broad bones remain slim throughout their lives.

The pelvic bones can indeed be narrow or wide, however, wide bones do not always and do not lead to fullness. The width of the bones is most significant for medical purposes, for example during pregnancy; the opinion that women with a wide pelvis have an easier birth is fully justified and in practice this is actually what happens.

Should having a wide bone be considered a death sentence, an inevitable set of excess weight and the ineffectiveness of all known diets in the fight against one’s physiologically determined figure? Of course, you can gain weight, consider yourself fat and not try to correct the situation, and live fat for many years. But this is just one of the options.

You can go another way force yourself to give up harmful products and start moving more. The second path is more difficult, but it is no less difficult to learn to love yourself. Maybe this is precisely the reason, in the unwillingness to take care of oneself, to let everything take its course, blaming one’s big bones and the hereditary factor for all the troubles.

Everyone chooses their own path and decides for themselves in which body they are more comfortable. Although, it is much better to feel in a thinner body; movements and gait become light and unencumbered extra pounds. You can be attractive even with a big bone, but not every woman can cope with her own laziness and love herself, hence all the problems, dissatisfaction with her appearance.

Everyone has a chance to lose weight, but not everyone can use it correctly, sometimes they simply ignore it.

The life observations of each of us with full confidence confirm the fact that people gain weight in completely different ways. For some, it is enough to eat a little sweet, and the weight will begin to increase. Others do not lose the elegance of their figure even after heavy meals. Why is this happening? In most cases, it depends on the person's body type. And, as you know, it is given to everyone by nature.

Three types are classified: normosthenic and hypersthenic. Determining whether a person belongs to any of these categories is quite simple. To do this, measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand. In the case when this indicator is in the range from sixteen to eighteen and a half centimeters, we can talk about a normosthenic physique. A human figure with such parameters basically has the correct relationships and proportionality of its main parts.

If the wrist circumference is less than sixteen centimeters, then the body type is classified as asthenic (thin-boned). In such people, there is a predominance of longitudinal body dimensions over transverse ones. They are usually light in weight, long and beautiful neck, little hands, and the muscles are poorly developed.

A wide bone (you see the photo below) indicates that you have a hypersthenic build.

People belonging to this type have transverse body dimensions that are significantly larger than those of asthenics and normosthenics. The circumference of the wrist of a person with a wide bone exceeds eighteen and a half centimeters. This is characterized by the shoulders and chest. While the bone is wide, it is also somewhat heavy. Hypersthenics tend to be overweight more than others.

There is also an indicator of the ratio of a person’s height to the length of his legs. There are also certain proportions here. In the case when the length of a person’s legs is less than half of his height, they are considered short. Women should not be upset about this. Everything can be fixed with high heels. Those who have wide bones and legs two to four centimeters more than half their height can consider their figure beautiful. For normosthenics, this figure is within four to six, and for asthenics - six to nine centimeters.

The correct ones for those with wide bones are within the following limits:

Eight to ten centimeters more than half the height;
- waist circumference is within seventy to seventy-six centimeters (height is 166-168 cm);
- hip circumference at the same height is ninety-five to one hundred and four centimeters.

For asthenic and normosthenic body types, these indicators are slightly lower.

Girls with wide bones can have a beautiful and attractive figure. Their difference from representatives of other body types lies only in the width of the wrist, hips and shoulders. At the same time, all women should remember that what makes any of them stand out from the crowd is a graceful gait, a straight-set head, a proud posture, as well as the ability to freely control their body, and not indicators of an ideal figure.

Until the age of 25, I was firmly convinced that I would never have to limit myself in food. Now I understand that if I had been a little less lucky with my metabolism, then with such eating habits I simply would not have gotten through the door. And a few years ago, I was sincerely perplexed why someone couldn’t eat half a cake at night or denied themselves fresh baked goods. I remember the anxious looks of the photo editor at one of my previous jobs, when I devoured pies one after another, sitting at the monitor. “Eh, you’ll ruin your figure!” - he sighed, and I just laughed.

But, despite the fact that I was thin since childhood, beautiful abs I could never brag. “You have such a structure: your stomach is set close,” my family told me, and I took it for granted. Well, what can you do - such heredity! I think that I would have spent my whole life with this naive confidence if one day I had not come to the gym. I came, as usually happens, with the intention of “toning up my muscles a little.” Months of “amateur” and useless exercises - and then the truth suddenly revealed: you can radically change your body if you just want to. True, this requires not only training, but also thoughtful nutrition. And “close-set stomach” is just as stupid as “wide bone.” We eliminate buns and cakes - we get the coveted stripe on the stomach.

Plenty of other examples from life lead me to believe that what we consider an irresistible genetic trait is very often no more than the result of our ignorance, laziness and inaction.

Almost all participants in the “Lose Weight with Lady” project who suffer from excess weight grew up in families where obesity was considered hereditary. Although in the process of communicating with nutritionists, it turned out that the reason for everything was the wrong lifestyle to which all family members were accustomed. Yes, the culprit is most often the recipes for rich borscht and pork chops, passed down from generation to generation, and joint evenings watching TV, and not the “big bone”.

X-ray of a person weighing more than 200 kg. As you can see, the width of the bone is quite standard

I look with admiration at one of my colleagues: athletic, slender, energetic Ksyusha. Five days a week she can be seen in the mornings at the corporate office. gym, and exactly at 13.00 she has lunch in the kitchen: salad, vegetables, fish. She counts calories and doesn’t look exhausted at all: on the contrary, she’s full of energy. A few years ago, Ksyusha was able to lose 20 kg and now maintains herself in great shape. “When I now come to visit my relatives, they say that they are ashamed of me. That when they look at me, they understand that this is not a “big bone,” but banal laziness.”

Another example: I once met a girl who teaches strip plastic. I was amazed by her flexibility and grace, and how easily she did the splits. I was amazed when I found out that by nature her body was literally “wooden”, and stretching was always incredibly difficult for her. But Katya wanted to dance so much that she constantly overcame herself. Over the years she had to learn what others found easy. Can you imagine how disappointing it is: a beginner, as soon as he comes to class, easily does something that you only succeeded in a couple of years later? But that didn’t stop her: “I compared myself not with others, but with who I was in the past, and I realized that I was moving forward.”

So does the notorious heredity exist, and how important is it in improving the body?

Yes, indeed, the metabolic rate different people may vary, although this factor is not always due to heredity. And there are lucky people who are able to eat almost as much as they want and not gain weight, but most often this is only until a certain time. So, disordered eating had practically no effect on my figure until I was 25. But at some point I still realized that I was starting to look different from what I would like. After all, in addition to the quantity of the body, there is also quality - it can be elastic or loose, fit or flabby, young or old. Sports and healthy eating Everyone needs them, regardless of weight and volume. But for those who are naturally lucky, it is often difficult to take charge of themselves. And when the reflection in the mirror begins to upset you, it is often too late to change something radically. So luck is questionable!

There are those who know for sure: they only need to eat a couple of pieces of cake in the evening to see +1.5 kilograms on the scales in the morning! These women, as a rule, realize earlier that beautiful body means hard work. And when, after 30 years, their girlfriends, lucky thin women who have never denied themselves anything all their lives, turn into “skinny fat”, they, who always kept themselves in control, will remain slim and young. If you are one of those who are unlucky by nature, remember: “bad” heredity in this case can turn into your trump card!

In a word, have no doubt: in matters of harmony, genetics is far from the determining thing. The only things that really matter are lifestyle, nutrition and how strong your desire to change. And if, after reading this column, you still want to be indignant: “It’s easy for you to say, but I really have a wide bone,” just open the refrigerator now. Look closely at sausages and frankfurters, drinking yogurt, which contains more sugar than milk. Count how many times a day you drink tea with “something tasty.” And then repeat this phrase again.

Many people who suffer from excess weight today grew up in families where obesity was considered hereditary. Although in the process of communicating with nutritionists, it turned out that the reason for everything was the wrong lifestyle to which all family members were accustomed.

Yes, rich borscht with spoons standing in it, fatty cutlets, as well as joint evenings watching TV while watching “something tasty” are most often to blame.

Often what we think is an irresistible genetic trait turns out to be just the result of overeating. Is this bad? Of course not, that means we can fix everything!

Myth or reality: does it happen?

The photo shows two twin sisters. Those. parents, heredity and predisposition they have in common! They really like to confuse genetics and incorrect eating habits instilled in the family! “Everyone in my family is fat” is correct: everyone eats dumplings with mayonnaise together at night.

IMPORTANT POINT: Yes, differences in skeletal structures really exist, it’s stupid to deny it. There are girls with wide hips, even with a low percentage of body fat, and there are girls with a boyish figure and an almost complete absence of curves.

People with narrower bones tend to have smaller hands and feet, thin fingers, if a woman, then narrow shoulders, narrow rib cage. Those who have wider bones in their structure, respectively, have wider feet and wrists, and, most importantly for the purposes of this article, large quantity muscle mass .

The wider the bone, the more muscle, which are attached to it. But if you believe that muscles are much heavier than fat, then we advise you to watch this video. It perfectly shows that the weight of animal fat and muscle is approximately the same!

There is also other data on this topic. Muscle weighs more than fat, but not by several times, due to different densities:

    muscle density – 1.3 g. on cm;

    fat density is about 0.9 g. on cm

This means that fat weighs about one and a half times less than muscle. There is a difference, but not as significant as many people think.

Therefore, with all the parameters taken into account, complaints about that very “wide bone”, which adds from 5 to 15 kg. To total weight human body, on “fat power” and genetic predisposition to increased weight gain, in fact, are not entirely comparable with the real state of affairs.

And the amount of fat has absolutely nothing to do with wide bones. Let your hips be a little wider than others, but these will be two big differences: whether they will be with 10 kg of fat on them or with 2. Yes, a wide bone can give external massiveness (although you must agree, this is more than attractive), but not an additional 50 kg of fat.


Look, in the left picture it seems that the girl has a very broad shoulders, however, after losing weight it becomes clear that it is not bones, but fat that makes her so square
Hips narrowed :)

How to determine?

How to understand whether a bone is wide or not? Feel yourself 🙂 If you feel fat through the skin, then, alas, you won’t be able to blame it on the bones. But if under the skin you feel a hard surface with a slight layer of fat, then you are the happy owner of chic, wide hips, which the vast majority of men consider sexy!

What means?

Looking for a wide bone means one thing: you obviously need to lose weight! Many people believe in the big bone more than the big bang theory. With the exception of the inner part where the brain is located, bones are solid structures made of calcium.

Once you have stopped growing, the size of your bones cannot be changed without causing serious harm to your health. However, you can change the size of your body fat. This is what will help you change your appearance. Therefore, read to the end of this article and find out how to solve the problem.

So what if you don’t see a waist like young Gurchenko’s? But they didn’t come close to Krachkovskaya. So love yourself and take care of yourself without any complexes!

How to lose weight?

What is body positivity in simple words?

Unfortunately, the true meaning of body positivity is now lost behind the showdowns between overweight ladies and clothing companies (as well as, by the way). The message is that a person (yes, not only women, but also men) does not have to be “attractive” to anyone according to some glossy standards.

If a person is satisfied with his own beauty, he is not obliged to chase utopian newfangled trends. We are absolutely not against fat people and support such body positivity: you don’t need to be like someone else, you need to be better than yourself yesterday. Let a person decide for himself what kind of life to live.

Love yourself for who you are. But do not harm other people by doing this, do not force them to love you - your freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins!

Body positivity is about the diversity of beauty. About the ability to see it everywhere - in others, in yourself. Around. About your right to have a nose, not like the models in the magazine, and a couple of extra kilos. About the ability to enjoy the capabilities of your body - from running jumps into the water to sex.

Love yourself, but don't indulge yourself! Today they talk a lot about love, especially that you need to love yourself first. But no one talks about what kind of love this should be. No one says that love can be painful: overly protective, destructive, pulling back, interfering with progress.

No one says that love is not the satisfaction of all one’s desires, it is not self-pity, it is not “wrapping oneself in cotton wool” and deliberately avoiding difficulties. True love is not about giving in to your destructive habits, but about becoming a better person, moving forward: taking care of your health and well-being.

Loving yourself should make you a better person. If this is not the case, then it is a surrogate. Chocolate, cigarette, Bloody Mary - these are not manifestations of your self-love, but only an ersatz palmed off by your subconscious.

For example, you decide to go on a diet, but at the same time you perceive it as a cruel restriction, as a mockery. You suffer by giving up high-calorie, fatty, sweet foods. And in the depths of your subconscious the conclusion is born that you do not love yourself, since you voluntarily condemn yourself to such sacrifices.

Your subconscious mind reasons within the framework that you yourself have given it. Everything in your life is mixed up - it seems to you that self-love, true pleasure lies in following your emotions and the thoughts that you associate with them, and the slightest deviation from the given trajectory means stress and pain.

Remember, everything is in your head and everything is in your hands. Our article can help you deal with such problems.

A funny video

Don’t be upset about your weight, but rather listen to the funny song “Oh, you’re a wide bone”: