Overweight like. Obesity and overweight

Overweight syndrome is a pressing problem modern world. Sedentary lifestyle, stress, bad habits, street fast food, are risk factors that lead the population of all ages to varying degrees of obesity.

The United States holds the record for the number of overweight people - two-thirds of Americans suffer from overweight. Europe is in second place with about 28% of obese people. Japan ranks third with 20% of overweight people.

Chronic obesity is gradually becoming a global epidemic. Excess weight bodies and obesity have become a common diagnosis even among people in developing countries. Previously, the acute problem here was the lack of food, now every tenth person suffers from diseases associated with excess weight.

The presence of excess weight can be determined using Quetelet’s formula: BMI = Weight/Height2 [kg/m2]. A BMI greater than 25 indicates overweight.

Quetelet's formula is the main guideline in diagnosing excess weight. Please note that a BMI that is slightly higher than normal does not warrant a diagnosis of obesity. But if accompanying symptoms arise (extra pounds make it difficult to tolerate physical activity, the functions of internal organs and skin are disrupted, stomach upsets, constipation, thirst, shortness of breath appear, joints hurt), then it’s time to seek help from specialists in the field of nutrition.

Overweight and obesity are different concepts. With obesity, a thick layer of fat accumulates under the skin. Fat forms in the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, covers the heart, blood vessels and liver, causing organ dysfunction and chronic diseases.

  • Cardiovascular diseases develop. deposited on the walls of blood vessels, blood clots form. Blood circulation worsens, blood pressure increases, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension, and strokes increases. The heart increases in size and becomes covered with fat. Performance decreases, shortness of breath torments.
  • Metabolism is disrupted and diabetes mellitus develops. The retinas of the eyes and kidneys suffer, the body does not fight infections well - due to high sugar levels, the blood becomes an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
  • Poor digestibility of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and salts provokes dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Salts are deposited, joints hurt, and the risk of developing arthritis, arthrosis, neuritis, and gout increases. Excess weight puts stress on the spine and leg joints. The center of gravity shifts, cartilage tissue wears away, and curvature of the spine occurs.
  • Overeating is bad for the liver. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, excessive carbohydrate consumption fills the liver with glycogen and fat deposits. Excess weight causes fatty liver, diseases of the gallbladder and ducts, and the formation of stones.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases occur. Chronic overeating overloads the digestive system. The stomach and small intestine increase in size by up to 40%, which leads to digestive disorders, chronic gastritis and other diseases.
  • Sexual functions are impaired. Half of obese women have disrupted menstrual cycles, problems with conception, and infertility. Excess weight, even in young men, leads to impotence and decreased sperm activity.

Causes of excess weight

Doctors are confident that the main causes of obesity are associated with genetic and endocrine disorders and heredity. Nutritionists respond by stating that an innate predisposition to excess weight will not manifest itself if a person is taught to eat properly from childhood. Psychologists say that excess weight is a consequence of stress and dislike for one’s own body.

If a participant decides to ignore traditions, he will certainly encounter condemnation and resistance from others. By changing eating behavior, the participant unwittingly forces others to adjust their diet, which they clearly did not plan.

Lack of understanding and support from family and friends makes it difficult to achieve the goal, and sometimes stops a person halfway to losing excess weight.

Eating habits

The harm of eating habits imposed by the Western lifestyle is known to people, but changing habitual behavior is not so easy. It seems that the crazy pace of life, busy work schedule, bustle and stressful situations should contribute to weight loss. As a result, another risk factor for the development of obesity arises. Pay attention to the list of habits that do not bring anything good to people, but harm the body and figure.

  • People have forgotten how to have breakfast. Breakfast is the main source of energy. In the morning, a person should consume at least 400 kilocalories to feel normal. If you didn’t have breakfast in the morning, you eat on the go, quickly and a lot, or you eat up for the whole day with a hearty dinner.
  • They eat poor quality food. Delicacies, sweets, smoked meats, fast food - food rich in flavors, carbohydrates, calories. Nutrients – zero, one harm to the body. A lack of fruits and vegetables interferes with the synthesis of good cholesterol and the elimination of bad cholesterol.
  • Eat in large portions. Nutritionists recommend placing a portion on a plate that fits in two palms. People are able to eat 2-3-4 times more food, but the body will absorb and process only the first portion into energy, and subcutaneous fat is formed from excess food.
  • They eat and watch TV. While eating, you need to look at the food, and listen to your own stomach in order to receive a signal from the body in time: “I’m full”! TV occupies the brain with unnecessary information, so there is no control over the saturation process. And a conditioned reflex is developed: the TV turned on - your mouth waters, you urgently need to make a sandwich.
  • They chew gum. Chewing gum contains carbohydrates; in addition, chewing gum on an empty stomach provokes gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. As a result, digestion and metabolism are disrupted.
  • They forget. Water is an essential solvent for digestion. You need to drink two liters of clean water at room temperature per day. Not tea, not soda, not juices - just plain water.

Lack of physical activity

The era of a sedentary lifestyle has arrived for humans. We work while sitting, we drive while sitting, we eat while sitting, while sitting we watch TV or sit at the computer, we sit with friends in a cafe... Lack of physical activity – main factor risk of overweight and obesity. Being active and athletic is good for both your appearance and the health of your entire body.

A person needs healthy physical activity, at least 60 minutes of daily exercise: running, jumping jacks, swimming, regular morning exercises.

Sleep problems

Chronic sleep problems lead to exhaustion of the body. A person who has not had enough sleep feels lethargic and is not ready for vigorous activity. Instinctively, the body looks for a source of additional energy and finds it in food. In addition, fatigue reduces the level of protein, which is responsible for regulating appetite, and metabolism slows down. No matter how much a person eats, the energy reserves in the body will not be replenished. Calories burn slowly, and the feeling of hunger continues to torment you.


People who are in a state of chronic emotional stress strive to drown out internal discomfort by any means. Having not found support among loved ones, many find solace in food.


Stressful situations increase the level of hormones in the human body. In order to protect against aggressive external environment hormones are produced: cortisol (responsible for preserving energy resources) and cortisone (causes the accumulation of fat reserves). The fight against stress begins.

To get rid of a stressful state, a person needs to use an active strategy: find and eliminate the cause of the situation. But more often the struggle takes place in a passive form, the body tries to eliminate the consequences, and not the cause of the situation.

People who are prone to obesity choose passive strategies to deal with stress - instead of looking for solutions, they “eat up problems.”

Psychotherapists have noticed that symptoms of central obesity in women (when excess abdominal fat accumulates on the abdomen) indicate dissatisfaction with life. A thick fat pad is formed in the solar plexus area - the energy center, for protection from the outside world. How stronger woman If you are dissatisfied with yourself and life, the more fat is formed on your stomach.


With alexithymia, a person cannot distinguish between emotions and does not recognize the difference between feelings of fear and anxiety, sadness and anger. Feeling nervous tension, boredom, disappointment, people experience emotional hunger, but mistake it for physical hunger. As a result, every emotional outburst is accompanied by a hearty snack.

Sexual problems

Lack of regular sex life leads to a lack of the good hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin, the “calm hormone,” is also released when consumed. Therefore, single people compensate for the lack of sex by eating fatty foods.

Excess body weight may be associated with negative sexual experiences in the past.

People who have experienced sexual violence experience anxiety and fear when thinking about intimate relationships, and unconsciously strive. Excess weight helps them get rid of attractive forms, hide their natural sexuality, and avoid repeating unpleasant experiences.

Many women gain weight after marriage. Psychologists say that slender beauties who have found family happiness turn into plump women due to the loss of the need to seduce and attract men. A married woman has no one to show off her figure except own husband. And the husband supposedly loves his wife “in any form”...

Homework: After familiarizing yourself with the mechanisms of excess weight accumulation, make a list of risk factors that lead to the accumulation of fat in your body or prevent you from losing weight. Using the list, find solutions that will help you eliminate the causes and develop a weight loss strategy.

Fighting excess weight

The fight against excess weight is, first of all, an internal confrontation between willpower and excessive appetite and laziness. The latter factors win out more often, which is why few people manage to get closer to their cherished ideal weight.

If your decision to lose weight is harder than rock, you are ready to believe in the power healthy eating and adjust your diet, stop sitting on the sofa and start doing daily complex exercises for weight loss - you can win over excess weight!!!

Help from a nutritionist

Consulting a nutritionist is a necessary step on the path to weight loss. Each body is unique, so there is no single prevention that can help everyone. By contacting a nutritionist, you will receive comprehensive information about your body and find out which weight loss strategy will suit your body. The specialist will explain in detail the basic rules for losing weight that you will have to follow throughout your life.

  • Not to starve! The diet only needs to be slightly adjusted: reduce the single portion, replace harmful products useful analogues. Strict diets, instead of losing weight, have the opposite effect. Feeling prolonged hunger, the body decides that extreme times have come and it urgently needs to stock up on fat.
  • Eat little and often! Nutritionists recommend eating your daily diet in 5 meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Feeling the urge to grab a quick snack, choose fruits, vegetables,... You should not eat before going to bed.
  • Maintain a balance of nutrients! Balance your diet so that you eat 30% protein, 20% fat and 50% carbohydrates per day.
  • Burn more calories than you eat! Therefore, the more you eat at lunch, the more physical activity you need to burn off the calories. Conclusion: either eat in moderation, or sweat in the gym sparing no effort.
  • Drink water! A glass of water, drunk half an hour before meals, will dull hunger and the desire to devour all the dishes that are on the table. In addition, water is a universal solvent and is necessary for digestion.

Help from a psychologist

Normal eating behavior is the best therapy for excess weight. Keep track of what you think about, do and feel while eating, write down your observations in your diary. The recordings will help you understand what behaviors need to be changed.

  • Eat mindfully! Listen to your inner feelings, try to eat to satisfy your hunger, and do not “eat” stress and emotional tension.
  • Turn off the TV! You need to eat at the table, looking at the plate, thinking about the benefits that the food you eat will bring. Break the association between eating and watching TV, reading, and talking.

Eating heavily and being addicted to sweets are not yet the reasons for a rapid increase in body weight. More precisely, they are not the only provocateurs of obesity. There are a number of diseases, the development of which leads to a rapid increase in fat and extra pounds.

The causes of excess weight often depend on the coordinated functioning of internal systems and organs. Basically, what can provoke obesity is hormonal imbalances and disorders of those organs that produce hormones (hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries). Let's look at 9 diseases that provoke excess weight gain along with deterioration in condition and well-being.

Causes of excess weight you need to know

Very often it seems to us that excess weight This is banal overeating and we should reduce it daily ration and all problems will go away by themselves. But nothing like that happens

There are three “pillars” of reasons that provoke obesity and prevent you from losing weight

  • psychological reasons: worries, stress, constant anxiety, melancholy, a lot of negativity in life position, lack of sleep.
  • reasons related to nutrition: excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods, fast food, irregular and unbalanced diet, addiction to overeating after a diet, hunger strike;
  • reasons related to physical activity, or rather with its absence: sedentary lifestyle life, limitation of physical activity, sedentary work.

The above reasons are just the tip of the iceberg as to why fat accumulates and obesity begins. In addition, the main reasons that occupy 80% of this iceberg are health problems.

9 diseases that cause excess weight

Impaired functioning of the adrenal cortex leads to excessive secretion of the hormone cortisol, which can cause excess weight.

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome It is possible to diagnose immediately after examining the patient: the main symptom is a significant increase in body weight.

In excess, the hormone cortisol in the body can trigger various metabolic disorders. This hormone provokes the breakdown of protein and leads to an increase in blood sugar. This affects the rapid decrease muscle tissue, and an increase in body fat. Mostly fat accumulates on the waist and hips, in the chin area, while the legs and arms do not improve and remain thin.

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome cannot be left without treatment and medical supervision. This is fraught not only with obesity, but also with the development of cancer and death.

Hypothyroidism: malfunction of the thyroid gland

This disease is associated with a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. It can be asymptomatic and masked for a long time. A decrease in the amount of hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and, as a result, to an increase in fat accumulation. The main symptoms can be confusing, attributing everything to exhaustion nervous system or vitamin deficiency: fatigue, fatigue, memory impairment, drowsiness, significant decrease in performance, anemia, constipation, menstrual disorder.

Did you know

Genetics is to blame

Genetic pathologies such as Lawrence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome or Carpenter syndrome develop due to malfunctions of the hypothalamus. Excess hormones in the body provoke constant overeating - a person cannot distinguish whether the body is full or not. If you constantly oversaturate your stomach with food, it will stretch, digestive disorders will occur and obesity will begin to appear.

Violation of the hypothalamus leads not only to weight problems, but also to a decrease in mental activity, which can lead to retardation and limitation. In addition, such disorders are often accompanied by developmental defects: asymmetry of the skull, curvature of the spine, an increase in the number of fingers or toes.

Pituitary obesity - Adiposogenital dystrophy

After injury or damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system, this type of obesity may develop. At the center of the problem of weight gain is the improper development of the reproductive system. Delayed sexual development can provoke fat accumulation. It appears in childhood or adolescence, during puberty.

Important! Parents should pay attention to the sequence of weight gain by the child: whether the weight is normal or exceeds. If your child's weight is rapidly increasing without a medical explanation, you should undergo an examination to find out the reasons for the excess weight.

Pickwick syndrome

This disease is characterized by obesity and respiratory failure. Lung pathologies are not observed during the development of this syndrome. The patient has to inhale and exhale more often due to heavy weight and roundness of shapes. This syndrome most often develops in men aged 40 to 60 years.

Scientists find it difficult to explain the reason for the development of this syndrome. Rapid weight gain begins after disorders of the central nervous system, which leads to sleep disturbances, increased appetite, and self-doubt. Patients feel weakness, drowsiness and excessive appetite - these are the worst enemies of normal weight and healthy appearance.


This neoplasm, which consists of β-cells of the pancreatic islets, provokes the release of large amounts of insulin into the blood. As a result, there is more insulin in the blood and less sugar, which leads to hypoglycemia.

Attacks are characterized by cold sweat, trembling, tachycardia, feelings of increased hunger and fear, hearing, voice, vision, and speech disorders. In severe cases, the patient may experience seizures and coma.

Menopausal obesity

During the onset of menopause in women, the production of sex hormones produced by the ovaries decreases. This leads to the accumulation of excess fat female type(hips, stomach, legs, chin). This type of obesity can occur after surgical removal of the ovaries.

Excess weight is not just a physical disability, it is a disease that prevents a person from leading a full life and can lead to serious consequences.

An increase in body weight due to the deposition of fat is called obesity. Obesity is considered chronic disease, which can occur at any age. It manifests itself in an excessive increase in body weight due to the accumulation of fat in the tissues. The number of people suffering from overweight and obesity has been growing inexorably in recent years. As a result, the overall morbidity and mortality of the world's population is increasing.

Obesity develops due to a lack of balance in the body between energy absorption and energy expenditure. The action of our body's energy systems is regulated by certain genes. Children of overweight people have a genetic predisposition to obesity. This is why obesity is often a hereditary disease.

In addition to genetic factors that predispose to obesity, there are also other factors leading to excess weight:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diseases related to the endocrine system;
  • high susceptibility to stress;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • taking medications containing psychoactive substances;
  • eating disorders based on mental disorders (psychological eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, psychogenic overeating).

In healthy people, unlike those predisposed to excess weight, the main factors of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity. Excessive amounts of calories entering the body are not consumed and are stored in fatty tissues.

According to statistics:

  • The number of obese people has more than doubled since 1980
  • in 2008, about 1.5 billion people over 20 were overweight
  • in 2010, the number of overweight children in the world exceeded 40 million
  • women suffer from excess weight 2-3 times more often than men

Reasons for weight gain

To begin to fight the disease, you need to know about the causes of its occurrence. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons for weight gain. It's quite easy to identify them.

  1. 1 An unbalanced diet is one of the main reasons why healthy people gain weight.
  2. 2 Consequences of diseases in which metabolism is disrupted.
  3. 3 During pregnancy, a woman often does not control the amount of calories she absorbs.
  4. 4 Features of body structure. A tall, thin-boned person is less likely to be overweight than a short, broad-boned person.
  5. 5 Slow rate of fat burning.
  6. 6 “Eating” grief. After experiencing stress, people often crave sweets or fatty foods.

Obesity is unprofitable

The adverse effects of obesity are numerous. Here are the most common ones:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. These include mainly atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke. It is known that people suffering from obesity are 2-3 times more susceptible to these diseases than people with a normal weight.
  • Type 2 diabetes is 8 times more common in obese people than in thin people.
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Overweight in the body are an additional load on the joints. The joints of the legs suffer the most. They wear out faster, and the cartilage that covers the articular surfaces wears off faster. As a result, the joints become inflamed and swollen, causing pain. Also suffer lower sections spine. The pressure causes the spinal nerves to become pinched. As a result, a person experiences severe back pain.
  • Oncological diseases. In men, the risk of colon and prostate cancer increases, in women - of the gallbladder, uterus and mammary glands.
  • Liver dystrophy. Due to systematic overeating, the liver is overfilled with glycogen, and all its cells become filled with fats.
  • Reduced reaction speed, sharpness of thought processes, decreased ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • Breathing problems. Excess belly fat puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing lung capacity to decrease. The result is pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Overweight women experience an excess of estrogen, which leads to problems with the menstrual cycle and conception. In men, there is a decrease in sexual activity and sperm motility.

Getting rid of extra pounds will bring significant relief to your body, increase your life expectancy and slow down the aging process. Everyone needs to understand that excess weight means extra cells and extra products their vital activity, which causes wear and tear of all organs and systems of the body. This leads to many diseases that can be completely cured only by getting rid of excess weight. Almost all diseases, including acute respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia in people who are overweight, are more difficult and longer to cure, and cause more complications.

Where to begin?

Before you begin treatment for obesity, you must:

  1. 1 Establish its cause.
  2. 2 Use your body mass index (BMI) to determine your normal weight. It is equal to the number obtained by dividing body weight by height in meters squared.
  3. 3 Limit the intake of calories into the body.
  4. 4 Increase your intake of fruits (except high-calorie ones) and vegetables, nuts and whole grains.
  5. 5 Organize a meal schedule.
  6. 6 Perform regularly physical exercise. Lack of activity is the cause of many diseases. Physical activity improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure, lowers heart rate, muscle and nervous tension, improves blood circulation, makes slim figure, ensures optimal lung function, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves mental abilities.

Extra pounds are a rather insidious thing. If initially they only spoil the figure and appearance, then with weight gain, a deterioration in health is added to the aesthetic problem.

The main causes of excess weight

  • Dietary disorder. Consuming excess carbohydrates and calories;
  • Sedentary work. Limited physical activity;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Metabolic slowdown associated with age.

In 90% of cases, people who claim that they cannot lose weight are lying. And either they did not try all the methods, or did nothing at all to lose weight.

Problems caused by extra pounds

  • Psychological and social

People having overweight, often suffer from ridicule. They are not confident in themselves, which prevents them from living a normal life. Such people often don’t want to go out on the street again, because they are simply shy and ashamed of their unkempt appearance.

Social standards and television dictate the rules of being slim. Passersby automatically associate an overweight person with laziness, sloppiness, and lack of self-confidence. Fit, slim, and active are held in high esteem. You can observe a vicious circle: a person has gained weight - he does not want to go to the gym, fearing that he may be ridiculed or that he will not be able to do some exercises. The man stays at home and drives sedentary image life, eats up his problems and... gains even more extra pounds.

Basically, everything is aimed at slender people: weight restrictions in amusement parks, on exercise machines, narrow seats in transport, limited Size chart in clothes (and those clothes that are made for overweight people look like one big bag).

There is also discrimination in hiring. Slim and fit competitors have a much higher chance of getting a position. And this is not surprising, because HR managers perceive an overweight person a priori as lazy and often sick.

However, if the candidate for the position is a first-class specialist or he satisfied the employers with all his qualities, despite his appearance, then another test follows - the team.

Most often, employees are wary of a new person and, above all, pay attention to his shortcomings. AND excess weight a newly arrived colleague becomes excellent ground for gossip.

The chances of arranging a personal life for overweight people are low. People greet you, as they say, by their clothes. Therefore, all internal qualities may remain unclaimed. Excess weight will probably scare away a potential partner, because it is associated with problems in everyday life and with childbirth.

  • Health problems

The worst thing about excess weight is for human health. Due to the fact that the heart has to pump a much larger amount of blood over a certain period of time, it is subject to a colossal load. As a result, a person faces hypertension (increased arterial, ocular, and intracranial pressure).

A large amount of fat also creates stress on the bones, which causes the development of arthritis, arthrosis, injuries to the knees and spine. Nerves may become pinched, leading to partial or complete immobilization and very intense acute pain.

A frequent companion of an overweight person is diabetes. This happens because fat blocks the action of insulin or reduces its effectiveness. As a result, glucose cannot penetrate the cells on its own and an excess of it in the blood develops, which leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Adipose tissue, among other things, produces a special substance – resistin, which reduces the human body’s sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is very important for cells, because it serves as a conductor for glucose, without which cells starve. Most often, the work of the hormone is interfered with by visceral fat, that is, the fat that surrounds the internal organs. Type 2 diabetes is dangerous not only because of its consequences, but also because it is difficult to detect at an early stage.

Most often, this disease is initially asymptomatic, but at this time the body’s cells are already suffering. If you are overweight, you should pay attention to the following signs: excessive sweating, fatigue, numbness in the arms and legs, nervousness, and slow wound healing.

People with diabetes can only be saved by gradual weight loss with proper and regular nutrition. It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of dishes and completely eliminate sugar consumption.

Another danger facing obese people is fatty liver hepatosis. It occurs due to consumption of fatty foods. Lipids accumulate in liver cells and turn into fat; they inhibit the action of enzymes responsible for breaking down food. Symptoms are nausea, bursting pain in the right hypochondrium, and bloating.

Gradually the disease becomes chronic. It causes impaired blood flow in the liver, cirrhosis, and in severe cases, cancerous degeneration of cells. Hepatosis is detected by analyzing liver samples and ultrasound. To prevent or treat this disease, you should reduce your consumption of sugar and fat. Cereals, stewed vegetables, fermented milk products and protein are useful. Need to increase physical activity and drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

Excess weight is not a death sentence; the path of a person losing weight is thorny and difficult, but the result is worth all the effort. After all, a happy, easy, slender life is at stake!

Today we’ll talk about health, namely, what problems excess weight creates and its consequences for human health. When someone says, “I want to lose weight,” most often these people are driven by the desire to look beautiful. Statistics say that 90% of women who turn to specialists are concerned about aesthetics - “I don’t like the way I look,” “I can’t look at myself in the mirror,” “I want to wear fashionable, beautiful clothes.”

But men, although they are less likely to turn to weight loss specialists, but if they do, it is precisely for the purpose of health. And this is correct, since excess weight really affects our health.

Excess weight is a health problem

Oh I already said earlier. Now let's talk about the problems. In fact, if the conversation was only about fat, which affects aesthetics, namely subcutaneous fatty tissue, then this could be survived. Just think, I was size 48, now I’m 52 – you can, if you want, look beautiful with this size. But excess weight leads to not only subcutaneous fat, but also to an increase in visceral fat, the fat that is inside us and envelops all our organs.

On the one hand, visceral fat is also needed in reasonable quantities - it is a kind of airbag for our organs - it warms the internal organs, supports them in the desired position, and softens shocks during movement. A lack of visceral fat can lead to prolapse of internal organs even with such a shock as coughing or sneezing, so we need it.

But with excess weight, worse if it is obesity, our internal organs are compressed by fat and adipose tissue begins to grow inside. Our internal organs literally suffocate from such hugs and various health problems begin.

Consequences of excess weight

The list of consequences is quite impressive:

  • limited mobility;
  • labored breathing;
  • high pressure;
  • the likelihood of stroke and heart attack;
  • high sugar;
  • high cholesterol;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • joint problems;
  • arthritis;
  • bone problems;
  • hernia;
  • impotence in men and infertility in women;
  • high risk of cancer;
  • low life expectancy.

These are medical problems of excess weight, there are also psychological problems:

  • low self-esteem;
  • depression;
  • social inequality;
  • fewer job opportunities.

Excess weight is a pressing problem

And indeed it is. According to statistics, 30% of overweight people do not even realize that they are overweight, much less realize the seriousness to which they expose their health. Many people argue this way - my whole family is like this and my overweight grandmother lived until she was 90 years old. But, as experts say, it’s time to stop looking back at our grandparents. We must realize that everything has changed, we live in a different time, we already have different genetics.

And what’s interesting is that if we consider the list of diseases that can arise due to excess weight, then a person will see a doctor to treat this disease, but about extra pounds and even obesity, people sometimes do not go to doctors, although obesity is included in the register diseases and has its own code.

“I’ve been living with this weight for 10 years, I’m not dead.”- this is what many people think. What a misconception if you look at the list above.

Do you want interesting fact? Scientists conducted the following study: if all patients with cancer are cured, the life expectancy of the population will increase by only one year. And if you cure all obese people, the life expectancy of the population will increase by four years.

We conclude that excess weight does not lead us to the problem of a fashionable dress or suit, it is a problem of our health, which must be solved if you are overweight and urgently solved if you are obese.

So I will continue the topic of excess weight, because we should know how overweight differs from obesity, how to find out if we have excess visceral fat and other questions. Follow the blog news. I also suggest watching Galina Grossman’s video course while it’s freely available, she’s a lot useful tips gives advice on weight loss. Click on the banner.