Types of physical activity by nature. Characterize the load and its parameters in sports training

Physical activity is physical activity, muscular work, the magnitude and intensity of which depends on the sphere of human activity. So, if in office work it is reduced to the limit, then in sports it has high values. In this article we will look at what types of physical activity are distinguished in physical culture. Its classification is useful in that it allows you to choose the right type of physical activity to achieve your goals. Also, knowing the required load, you can choose the appropriate one.

On a note! Determining the importance physical activity a lot of research has been devoted. They proved the following: the degree of physical activity directly affects the ability of tissues and organs to absorb oxygen, the body’s ability to build muscle mass and reduce fat tissue.

Types of physical activity in sports

There are several types of physical activity. Each of them solves its own problems.


The body receives it during so-called cardio training. Cardio load is created during running, hiking, snowboarding, cycling, rowing, swimming and other low-intensity physical activity and is aimed at:

  • Weight loss by burning fat.
  • Stimulation of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory system.
  • Increased endurance.

The advantage of aerobic physical activity is that it has no contraindications. Depending on age, presence of diseases, level physical fitness Everyone can choose a feasible intensity of loads.


With this type of physical activity in the body, energy for muscle work is formed without the participation of oxygen. This is possible when performing strength exercises (bodybuilding), which are aimed at:

  • Increased strength.
  • Growth muscle mass.
  • Development of endurance.

This type of physical activity is possible on simulators, when performing exercises with free weights.


This type of physical activity involves a change in aerobic and anaerobic physical activity. So, it is possible even within the same workout, for example, when combining high and low intensity running.


Hypoxic physical activity is work in conditions of lack of oxygen. It is indicated for athletes with excellent training; as a rule, those who plan to work or train in high altitude conditions.

Types of physical activity and their intensity

Load in sports is characterized by several criteria: frequency, duration and intensity. Intensity is recognized as one of the important factors. It is this that determines the effectiveness of motor activity. Intensity refers to the total number of exercises performed at a certain power, speed and density. You can judge the intensity of muscle work by heart rate - heart rate (this is one of the informative indicators).

Important! Physical activity and its effectiveness are predetermined by its type, intensity and achieved heart rate. In this regard, motor intensity according to the training effect can be divided into several zones:

  1. Zero (aerobic processes) – heart rate up to 130 beats per minute (warm-up, leisure, recovery at interval training). Has no training effect.
  2. The first (aerobic processes) – heart rate from 130 to 150 beats per minute. Effective for beginner athletes.
  3. The second (threshold of anaerobic processes) – heart rate from 150 to 180 beats per minute.
  4. Third (anaerobic processes) – heart rate more than 180 beats per minute.

To ensure one or another physical activity, equipment is required.

How to choose exercise equipment?

Cardio exercise is possible not only when running around the stadium, cycling in the park, but also when exercising. This type of equipment is designed specifically for:

  • running and walking in confined spaces ( Treadmills);
  • skiing (elliptical bike);
  • cycling (exercise bikes);
  • climbing stairs (stepper, climber).

Thus, when walking quickly, when the heart rate reaches no more than 130 beats per minute, aerobic physical activity is provided, aimed at losing weight and improving work performance. of cardio-vascular system. But exercising on a cardio machine does not exclude another type of muscular work: if a high-intensity run over a distance of 100 meters is simulated on a treadmill, then against the background of a large “oxygen debt” anaerobic physical activity is ensured.

Anaerobic (strength) loads are obtained by training on any type of strength training equipment:,. Exercises on them are characterized by three features:

  • Short term.
  • High intensity.
  • Maximum voltage.

So, when performing a chest press, energy is generated in the body without the participation of oxygen. It is the result of biochemical processes in the muscles. Strength training equipment, allowing you to increase the load, are indispensable when gaining muscle and increasing your strength level.

The Fitness Project company will help you select equipment for all types of physical activity and is aimed at cooperation with fitness centers different levels, health centers, educational institutions, sports schools, and by private individuals.

Modern classification of training load.

In domestic and world literature there are a number of various classifications loads

Some of them are built on taking into account only individual indicators, most often internal (heart rate, energy expenditure, energy supply, oxygen consumption, blood lactate concentration, pulmonary ventilation, etc.). Other classifications, especially among sports practitioners, are based on taking into account only “external” indicators (cyclic, acyclic, strictly dosed and variable, in relation to the speed or power of the exercises performed, etc.).

At the same time, in a number of studies by teachers, physiologists and biochemists, it was found that a number of internal and external indicators training loads has a linear relationship with each other at a certain power of muscle activity and speed range. For example, in the heart rate intervals of 120-170 beats per minute, there is a linear relationship between heart rate, oxygen consumption, pulmonary ventilation, cardiac output, oxygen demand, work power or movement speed.

The moment of nonlinear change in the relationship between lactate accumulation, pulmonary ventilation, heart rate and other functional indicators, on the one hand, and work power or movement speed, on the other, is usually called " anaerobic threshold" (AnP).

Indicator of movement speed, work power and oxygen consumption at the AnP level in last years began to be considered one of the most important characteristics of the loads and performance of athletes.

The level of the anaerobic threshold is directly determined by the concentration of lactate in the blood.

In practice, indirect methods for determining the anaerobic threshold are widespread: the pulse anaerobic threshold is based on the inflection point of the straight line of heart rate indicators when the speed or power of the work performed increases.

An ANP value of 4 mmol/l has become widespread. However, each athlete has his own individual anaerobic threshold, the values ​​of which can vary in terms of lactate levels up to 6.0 mmol/l.

The intensity of work at the level of AnP helps to establish a balance between the activity of glycolytic and oxidative enzymes in the muscle and allows you to maintain a higher concentration of ATP and CP in cells by increasing the oxidative abilities of mitochondria, which helps to select optimal modes work. All this indicates that the power (speed) of AnP is a reliable indicator of adaptation of oxygen transport and muscular systems to specific work and can be used as a boundary when developing a load classification.

In order to build sports training, it is necessary to systematize all the loads encountered in the training of athletes on the basis of a single principle that would combine, on the one hand, the form and direction of exercises (pedagogical external indicators), on the other hand, would connect them with the integral response of the main autonomic body systems (biological internal indicators).

The modern classification of loads identifies five zones that have certain physiological boundaries and pedagogical criteria that are widespread in training practice. In addition, in some cases, the third zone is divided into two more subzones, and the fourth into three, in accordance with the duration of competitive activity and the power of work.

It is based on the sign of using, as the boundaries of the corresponding load zones, not the level of world records, but the corresponding speeds or powers, recorded as the load increases and having certain biological criteria: maximum speed, MIC rate, AnP rate, aerobic threshold rate (blood lactate 2 mmol/l).

For qualified athletes, these zones have the following characteristics:

Izone - aerobic recovery. Near training effect loads in this zone are associated with an increase in heart rate to 140-145 beats/min. Blood lactate is at resting levels and does not exceed 2 mmol/l. Oxygen consumption reaches 40-70% of MIC. Energy is provided through the oxidation of fats (50% or more), muscle glycogen and blood glucose. The work is ensured by completely slow muscle units (SMU), which have the properties of complete utilization of lactate and therefore it does not accumulate in the muscles and blood. The upper limit of this zone is the speed (power) of the aerobic threshold (lactate 2 mmol/l). Work in this zone can be performed from several minutes to several hours. It stimulates recovery processes, fat metabolism in the body and improves aerobic abilities (general endurance).

Loads aimed at developing flexibility and coordination of movements are performed in this zone. The exercise methods are not regulated.

Zone 2 - aerobic development. The short-term training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate to 160-175 beats/min, blood lactate to 4 mmol/l, O2 consumption 60-90% of MIC. Energy is provided through the oxidation of carbohydrates (muscle glycogen and glucose) and, to a lesser extent, fats. The work is provided by slow muscle units and fast muscle units of type “a”, which are activated when performing loads at the upper limit of the zone - the speed (power) of the anaerobic threshold.

BMW-type muscle fibers entering into work are able to oxidize lactate to a lesser extent and it slowly gradually increases from 2 to 4 mmol/l.

Competitive and training activities in this zone can also take place for several hours and are associated with marathon distances, sports games. It stimulates the development of special endurance, requiring high aerobic abilities, strength endurance, and also provides work to develop coordination and flexibility. Basic methods: continuous exercise and interval extensive exercise.

Zone 3 - mixed aerobic-anaerobic. The short-term training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate to 180-185 beats/min, blood lactate to 8-10 mmol/l, oxygen consumption 80-100% of MIC. Energy is provided primarily through the oxidation of carbohydrates (glycogen and glucose). Work is provided by slow and fast muscle units. At the upper limit of the zone - critical speed (power), corresponding to MPC, fast muscle units of type "b" are activated, which are not able to oxidize the lactate that accumulates as a result of work, which leads to its rapid increase in muscles and blood (up to 8-10 mmol/ l), which also reflexively causes a significant increase in pulmonary ventilation and the formation of an oxygen debt.

I Continuous competitive and training activities in this zone can last up to 1.5-2 hours. Such work stimulates the development of special endurance, provided by both aerobic and anaerobic-glycolytic abilities, and strength endurance. The main methods are continuous and interval extensive exercise.

Zone 4 - anaerobic-glycolytic. The immediate training effect of the loads in this zone is associated with an increase in blood lactate from 10 to 20 mmol/l. Heart rate becomes less informative and is at the level of 180-200 beats/min. Oxygen consumption gradually decreases from 100 to 80% of MIC. Energy is provided by carbohydrates (both with the participation of oxygen and anaerobically). Work is performed by all three types muscle units, which leads to a significant increase in the concentration of lactate, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen debt, the total training activity in this zone does not exceed 10-15 minutes. It stimulates the development of special endurance and, especially, anaerobic glycolytic capabilities.

Competitive activity in this zone lasts from 20 seconds to 6-10 minutes. The main method is interval intense exercise.) The amount of work in this zone in the macrocycle in different types sports ranges from 2 to 7%.

5 zone - anaerobic alactate. The near training effect is not associated with heart rate and lactate levels, because the work is short-term and does not exceed 15-20 seconds in one repetition. Therefore, blood lactate, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation do not have time to reach high levels. Oxygen consumption drops significantly. The upper limit of the zone is the maximum speed (power) of the exercise. Energy is provided anaerobically through the use of ATP and CP; after 10 seconds, glycolysis begins to join the energy supply and lactate accumulates in the muscles. Work is provided by all types of muscle units. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 120-150 seconds per 1 training session. It stimulates the development of speed, speed-strength, and maximum strength abilities.

In this material we will try to list the main types of physical activity with brief description their features. The material is intended for those who are just beginning to understand the specifics of sports physiology.

It is clear that the influence of physical activity on the body is determined by a whole set of factors - amplitude, speed (intensity) of movement, the presence or absence of weights, the number and size of those involved. muscle groups. Let's look at the main types of physical activity.

1. Static or eccentric load

An eccentric movement is a movement in which the muscle does not contract, but rather lengthens. These are usually resistance exercises or the negative phase of the movement. For example, when bending the biceps with a barbell, the muscle contracts, and when extending the arms (reverse phase) with the same barbell, there is a static load.

The static load is accordingly called physical exercise, which fixes the position of the body under load without making a movement.


Static poses performed with effort: yoga poses, planks of all types, stances in martial arts, reverse movements with a barbell (with an emphasis on reverse phases), rock climbing, bouldering, etc.

  • It should be noted that it is this type of physical activity that causes so-called muscle soreness - pain for 1-3 days after physical activity.
  • The reverse phase of the movement can also be performed with a large number of repetitions, for example, exercises “descending stairs” can cause terrible soreness. Those who train on machines or on a flat surface and then go out onto trail running competitions- can fully appreciate this effect.
  • Physical activity of a static and eccentric nature develops strength, but does not lead to a significant increase in muscle mass.
  • The creatinine-phosphate reaction plays a major role in heavy exercise of this type - more about it below.

ADVICE. Include static exercises and the reverse at least in the amount of 5-10% of the training time, regardless of the type of sport you are involved in (with the exception of marathons and very long activities).

2. Development of maximum strength

Repetitions with large (75-100%) of the maximum possible weights for 1-5 times. Physical activity of this type is the basis for speed-strength sports - powerlifting and other types of weightlifting, rock climbing.

EXAMPLES OF EXERCISES. This training method is especially effective for large muscle groups and, accordingly, basic weightlifting exercises with big scales: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, deadlift, bench press, overhead pull-ups, bent-over barbell rows, barbell snatches for a set, etc.

  • The main mechanism for ensuring such sports loads is the fastest possible use of ATP in muscle fibers, in which creatine phosphate and creatine-phosphate reactions play a major role. Therefore, during active physical activity of this type, it makes sense to include this nutritional supplement in your diet, at least 1-3 grams immediately before training.
  • Muscle growth during such physical activity will be noticeable (with a normal high-carbohydrate and high-protein diet), but much less than doing 8-16 repetitions with lighter weights. Power training do not lead to an increase in their own mass. It seems that this type of training is relevant for mountaineers and rock climbers who periodically have to perform high-amplitude power movements.
  • Large muscle groups require a long recovery period - at least 4 days between strength training sessions.
  • There should also be significant rest between approaches - 3-5 minutes. This is necessary so that the level of creatinine phosphate has time to recover
  • It makes sense to include climbers and most athletes in training

3. Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles

Physical activity performed for 1-1.5 minutes. with weights that allow you to perform 8-16 repetitions. With proper nutrition this is the most effective method build muscle mass, which is especially actively used in bodybuilding. Another thing is that physical activity of this type is rarely found in everyday life and in sports other than bodybuilding, and there is no particular effect from the point of view of functionality from these exercises.

EXAMPLES OF EXERCISES: all modern system bodybuilding (the founder of which is Joe Weider - trainer of champions (c)) with a variety of both basic (squats, presses, deadlifts with free weights) and isolated (along a given trajectory on simulators) physical exercises.

  • Physical activity of this type leads to stimulation of hormonal metabolism and the production primarily of testosterone, so after such training, well-being, mood, and desire to live improve, which is difficult to achieve, for example, when running a marathon.
  • This is the easiest way to achieve an athletic build, but only if proper nutrition. Bodybuilders usually alternate periods of “bulking” and “cutting”, the nature of physical activity during which is radically different.
  • These exercises can accelerate the pulse (Heart Rate, abbreviated HR) to 120-130 beats/min, the nature of the load is aerobic (without significant oxygen consumption)
  • During the exercise, acidification of the body occurs when the production of lactate (lactic acid) in the muscles exceeds its consumption - the athlete feels a burning sensation in the muscles and general fatigue

It is generally accepted that the maximum heart rate can be considered a value equal to 220 - the age of the athlete. Those. if an athlete is 35, then his maximum heart rate = 220-35 = 185. Of course, everything depends on the level of adaptation to physical activity and individual characteristics, but for the entry level it is quite possible to accept this formula. There are a number of methods for determining heart rate max and ANNO (anaerobic threshold), but entry level The above formula is quite sufficient.

Anaerobic (well, i.e. anaerobic-aerobic) is considered physical activity from cyclic exercises(one movement is performed many times, such as running) at heart rate = 80-95% of heart rate max. Approximately at a pulse of 170-175 beats/min.

The types described above sports load are anaerobic, however cyclic species sports (when one movement is repeated many times - running, swimming, climbing, cycling, skating) allow you to achieve anaerobic load when performing them on high speed with large amplitude.

EXAMPLES: speed running from 100 m to 3 km at a speed close to maximum, other cyclic loads lasting 0.5-15 minutes.

  • Loads of this type are difficult to perform and are not recommended for beginners;
  • Physical activity at the anaerobic threshold requires a long recovery period between workouts; for amateur athletes this should be at least 2-4 days.
  • This type of training “falls off” the fastest, so usually the emphasis on functional anaerobic physical activity is especially relevant in the pre-competition period. During periods basic training It’s better to concentrate on aerobic exercise on the one hand, and on the strength base on the other.

5. Black hole in training

Physical activity, usually of the cyclic type, at a heart rate at a level of 75 to 85% of the maximum (conventionally from 150 to 170) is a “black hole” in training, i.e. essentially an ineffective waste of time. The fact is that with such a pulse, effective glycolytic metabolism is already activated (glycogen stored in the athlete’s muscles and liver is consumed), and fat consumption (the so-called lipid metabolism) is reduced, but at the same time this is not enough for full functional training. At the same time, the athlete’s feelings are as follows: on the one hand, he feels that he is “training”, on the other hand, he feels “tolerably hard.” That is why most inexperienced amateur athletes spend on this physical activity maximum of your time, and this is very ineffective in terms of results.

It is necessary to either carry out long workout at a lower pulse, which will strengthen the capillary system and develop lipid metabolism, or vice versa, go to higher pulse zones or strength physical activity.

Aerobic physical activity up to a level of 65-70% of heart rate (+-130 beats/min) for average people and amateur athletes is considered easy and can be performed for a long time (more than an hour) - used by athletes for recovery and for beginners.

A load in the range of 70-75% of the maximum heart rate (+-140 beats/min) is most effective for the development of the aerobic base, i.e. the body's ability to perform physical activity with maximum oxygen consumption.

  • It makes sense to carry out this kind of cyclic training such as running, cycling, swimming in the aerobic range for more than 40 minutes, and preferably more than 1 hour, because The longer the workout lasts, the greater the role lipid metabolism plays (energy supply due to the breakdown of fats, not glycogen).
  • Again, to stimulate lipid metabolism and fat burning during training, it is not recommended to eat food either during or immediately before or after exercise.
  • If we talk about nutritional supplements, then again, for the purpose of burning fat and stimulating the heart muscle, it makes sense to pay attention to L-carnitine.
  • There are complex methods for determining the threshold of anaerobic metabolism and, accordingly, the pulse zone, but for beginners it is easy to determine aerobic physical activity - breathe freely through your nose. If this is difficult and impossible not to open your mouth, then you have left the desired zone (entered the black hole of training) and you need to slow down.
  • This kind of long physical activity should be the basis during the basic periods of training, because endurance is trained for a long time and is maintained for a long time, and in the pre-competition and competitive periods, aerobic activity should take much more time.

When playing sports, any person strives to get results.
Everyone's goals are different:
someone wants to lose weight,
someone strives to become stronger
and build muscle
someone trains endurance.

In all cases, without understanding the processes that occur in the body, it will be extremely difficult to achieve results. After all, then, instead of conscious planning and implementation of the most effective exercises a person, like a “blind kitten,” begins to get lost in all the variety of systems and techniques.
Fortunately, understanding the essence of the processes is extremely simple, which is what this article will help with.

All types of physical activity can be divided into 3 types depending on the mode of energy production:

  1. work in anaerobic mode, energy is obtained without the participation of oxygen;
  2. work in aerobic mode, energy is obtained with the participation of oxygen;
  3. work in a mixed anaerobic-aerobic mode.
Details about what kind of energy is obtained, from what and what oxygen has to do with it are written in the article “What are aerobic and anaerobic exercise (training)”. Here we will not consider the biochemistry of processes, but will understand exclusively practical side question.

It is easy to understand in what mode the athlete’s body works from a blood test and/or from the nature of the movements performed.

In analyzing the nature of movement, the main thing is the force of muscle contraction as a percentage of the maximum. In physiology, the following classification of physical exercises is accepted:

Processes in the human body under different operating modes

Anaerobic performance can occur at the beginning of any type of training. This occurs because oxygen transport increases gradually. It takes at least 2-3 minutes for the level of oxygen consumption to reach the required level during aerobic exercise. The beginning of any work is accompanied by oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency call the difference between the body's need for oxygen and its actual supply.

During endurance work oxygen deficiency covered during operation.

During strength exercises oxygen deficiency is eliminated after completion of work. Throughout the entire workout, there is an increase in heart rate, systolic volume, minute volume of blood circulation and, accordingly, O2 consumption. Despite this, an oxygen debt forms and increases in the body. To replenish the missing oxygen, pulmonary ventilation, heart rate and minute volume of blood circulation increase and reach the maximum possible values. Lack of oxygen leads to an increased share of anaerobic processes in providing muscles with energy. As a result, the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles and blood increases.

Why classify loads and why know in what mode the body works?

The answer is simple:
Only by understanding the operating mode can you correctly design your workouts and select the weights and intensity of the workout.

A separate article will be devoted to each goal and the preparation of training for this goal. Let's say it briefly here.

If you want to lose weight -
The body must work strictly in an aerobic mode. The desire to stop and catch your breath (shortness of breath) is a clear sign that the heart and lungs cannot keep up with the needs of the muscles and the body goes into anaerobic mode.
The load needs to be reduced.

If you want to build muscle -
the body will build muscle if the work performed is more than 85% of the maximum possible. This is anaerobic mode.

This means there should be breaks between approaches to cover the oxygen debt.
If these breaks are not there or they are too short, then the muscle simply will not be able to develop the force necessary for growth in the next approach.

Properly dosed physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body. They allow you to achieve perfect figure, increase muscle tone and even strengthen the human immune system. However, to get the desired result, you need to correctly compose a set of exercises and choose their optimal intensity. We will tell you in our article what types of physical activity exist and for what purposes they are most suitable.

Load classification

Sports are performed for a specific purpose. This could be support muscle tone, losing weight, recovering from injury or preparing for sports competitions. In each case, the types of physical activity and their intensity will differ, so they are usually divided according to the following classification:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic;
  • interval;
  • hypoxic.

Our body is exposed to some of these loads every day, while others may be completely beyond the strength of a novice athlete. Let's look at what the differences are between each type and for what tasks you should choose one or another option.

Aerobic exercise group

Aerobic exercise (or cardio exercise) is a set of simple exercises that are aimed at enriching cells required quantity oxygen, increasing the body's defenses and training its resistance.

Our body is exposed to these loads every day: while going to the store, while cleaning the apartment, on the way to work and while walking. This also includes:

  • cycling;
  • water sports;
  • skiing, skating, roller skating;
  • daily gymnastics;
  • walking up the stairs;
  • dance classes, etc.

This group includes almost all options for active pastime. To keep the body in good shape it is perfect view physical activity.

Aerobic exercise is considered the safest. People can do them of different ages regardless of the level of training. Patients who have suffered severe injuries and have chronic diseases, these are the recommended loads. However, in this case, the intensity of exercise and the body’s reaction should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

Anaerobic exercises and how to do them

The anaerobic group of exercises includes types of physical activity characterized by increased severity and intensity. These include those performed by athletes to increase muscle mass and train the body's endurance.

Exercises are performed using heavy dumbbells, barbells and various exercise machines. Their main essence is a short-term movement of gravity without body movement. The final result considered a significant increase in volume muscle tissue and high strength indicators. However, you should know that in the process of rapidly increasing muscle volume, their elasticity decreases significantly.

Anaerobic exercise has contraindications and is not recommended for people over 40 years of age. However, you can do exercises with moderate weights to keep your body in good condition. physical fitness: lift dumbbells up to 5 kg, use rubber or spring expanders.

Group of interval exercises: what are their features?

During training, athletes can alternate and combine different kinds physical activity (and its intensity). In this case, they talk about interval load, when classes include elements of the first and second types.

For example, young and healthy men involved in strenuous sports are required to perform aerobic exercise. That is, during their training, heavy exercises and light running alternate. At the same time, athletes can additionally use heavy loads, affecting a specific muscle group. In sports, types of physical activity alternate constantly, especially if we're talking about about professional training.

Hypoxic loads

They are used for endurance training professional athletes. Hypoxic loads are considered heavy exercises, as they are performed in conditions of lack of oxygen, when a person is at the limit of his capabilities.

The main goal of this type of training is to minimize the process of acclimatization of the body in an unfamiliar environment. are used to train the respiratory system of climbers, who often stay in high altitude conditions, where

The principle of choosing types of physical activity (according to the nature of the impact)

The correct choice of optimal exercises is the key to obtaining the desired result. That is why before starting training you need to clearly define the final goal. It could be:

  • rehabilitation after injuries, operations and chronic diseases;
  • healing and recuperation, relieving stress after a hard day;
  • maintaining the body in its current physical shape;
  • increasing endurance and increasing body strength.

Selecting the load in the second and third options usually does not cause difficulties. Here are the exercises with therapeutic purpose It’s much more difficult to choose on your own. When thinking about what types of physical activity are most effective for recovery, one should take into account the person’s current condition and capabilities.

The same exercise can be very effective for an athlete in moderate physical shape and absolutely useless for a beginning athlete. Therefore, the choice of training program should be carried out according to the principle of threshold loads, and it is better if the coach is well aware of the athlete’s condition and capabilities.

Types of loads

In addition to the main classification of training, there is a division of exercises into several types. Each of them is aimed at developing a specific quality.

Based on the nature of the impact on the body, there are several main types of physical activity:

  • power;
  • expressways;
  • for flexibility;
  • to develop dexterity and coordination abilities.

To get the maximum benefit from your workouts, they should be performed in accordance with certain rules, which we will discuss below.

Strength exercises

Strength exercises help keep the body in good shape, slow down the aging process of tissues, and prevent the development of various cardiovascular diseases. It is important that everyone receives the load because inactive tissues are deprived of essential substances, which leads to their aging.

Positive impact from strength exercises is achieved if the load gradually increases, but at the same time it corresponds to the state of human health. The burden of loads and their repetition should also increase gradually. Exercises with an uncontrolled number of repetitions are absolutely ineffective for training endurance and strength.

IN health-improving exercises physical activity (the classification and types of which are prescribed by the doctor) is based on an unlimited load and a clearly established number of repetitions. This method of choosing loads allows you to achieve results and avoid injuries.

On initial stages training, you should use weights no more than 40% of the maximum possible according to the state of the body. Next, the load can be selected so that the maximum number of repetitions of the exercise is about 8-12 times. And for the muscles of the forearm, neck, lower leg and abdomen it would reach 15-20 times (with pauses between sets of 1-3 minutes).

High-speed loads

Such training does not require a person to have great endurance and strong tension. They provide positive influence for both young and aging organisms. In the latter case, speed exercises are considered especially relevant. After all, the main sign of fading of the body is not only the fading of its motor functions, but also a slowdown in movements.

Speed ​​loads should not be carried out for longer than 10-15 seconds. Long exercise(30 to 90 seconds) should be performed with reduced power. It is precisely such exercises, alternating with short time intervals for rest, that contribute to the maximum extent to slow down the aging process of cells. In order to keep the body in optimal shape, speed exercises are recommended to be performed during every sport activity.

The benefits of elasticity of muscles, ligaments, joints

Flexibility exercises are the most popular types of loads. They are included in the school lessons of children in the youngest grades. Such loads help maintain flexibility and mobility of the joints and spine. In addition, the positive effects of such loads include:

  • prevention of excessive wear of joints;
  • preventing the development of arthritis;
  • improvement of the condition of the joint capsule;
  • prevention of osteochondrosis.

The elasticity of muscles, joints and ligaments significantly reduces the likelihood of injury and promotes rapid recovery of muscle tissue after physical activity. Flexibility exercises perfectly relax muscles and improve their tone.

The absence of such loads leads to tissue stiffening. Energy that could be used for recovery is wasted, and the muscle itself suffers from a lack of oxygen.

What other training is needed?

Dexterity and coordination abilities- no less important qualities required by a person throughout his life. In the absence of systematic training, these skills gradually decrease. What types of physical activity should be included in training to develop these abilities? Everything is as simple as shelling pears here. The most the best option There will be various sports games: tennis, tabletop, badminton, etc.

Light sports are great for training agility and are good prevention of cardiovascular diseases. There are no age restrictions for such loads, but they are very difficult to dose. For this reason, during training you need to control your own breathing and monitor your heart rate.

Agility training using sports games significantly increase the body's adaptive abilities, and exercises that require constant attention train the mental reaction well. A person begins to make complex decisions faster and acts faster in unforeseen situations.

As we have seen, any type of physical activity can have a positive effect on a person. However, to achieve maximum results, training should be systematic and include several types of exercises simultaneously. In this way, you can ensure a high degree of resistance of the body to adverse factors, as well as constantly develop and improve new skills. The main thing is to remember, no matter what type of load you choose, it is important to always know when to stop!