Citrulline in air with moisture. Citrulline: Strengthens the cardiovascular system to stimulate muscle growth


Citrulline allows you to make your workouts more intense and also reduce recovery time. It is successfully used in aerobic sports - running, cycling, swimming, etc. For quick recovery and prevention of overtraining.

The name comes from Lat. citrullus, the name of the watermelon from which it was isolated in 1930. It is most often sold as citrulline malate (a compound of citrulline and malic acid) or L-citrulline. It comes in tablets, capsules, liquid or powder. I purchased L-Cytrulline powder from NVS Labs.

Some details

Citrulline is an α-amino acid, which is not part of building proteins, but has a large number of physiological effects; citrulline is involved in the metabolism of urea; it is an intermediate metabolite in the utilization of a toxic substance - ammonia. Belongs to the pharmacological group of general tonics and adaptogens, a nitrogen donor.

It is believed that citrulline ensures the body's natural production of arginine starting from the second hour after ingestion and for the next 20 hours. It is more effective in increasing the amount of arginine in the blood plasma than supplemental arginine. Yes Yes! Now arginine is no longer needed - throw it away)).

Citrulline also removes lactic acid and ammonia, and restores ATP and creatine phosphate reserves after training.

Confirmed Action Aspects

Arginine is formed from citrulline, which improves blood flow in muscles
Provides pumping
Increases endurance and improves muscle nutrition
Helps maintain muscle size during intense training
Strengthens immune function and increases the body's energy potential
Maintains a positive nitrogen balance in the body
Reduces blood pressure
Improves erectile function;)

In simple words

In general, citrulline can be consumed for moderate to high sports loads to improve muscle nutrition during training, and accelerate the removal of breakdown products after.

The minimum effective dose of citrulline is 6 g per day. It is recommended to take small portions throughout the day.

Taking citrulline is not a replacement for feeding the body with other amino acids. It will not help repair microtrauma or maintain muscle size without adequate protein intake.

Citrulline is suitable for both jocks and skinny runners.

So far, no side effects of citrulline have been identified in clinical trials. But the benefits of its use and effectiveness, unlike carnitine (), have been proven (for example) after experiments on people :).


Last time I bought sports drink () for myself in England, this time it turned out to be more profitable in the USA. The 250g (8.8 oz) foil sealed pouch was shipped the next day after payment and arrived USPS First Class from California in 15 days.

$14.95 for delivery is, of course, a lot, but even taking into account this “horse” price, the total cost of a gram of citrulline turned out to be lower than in pharmacies or other online stores around me.

For convenience, I dissolved all the powder in 500 ml of boiled water, it turned out similar to diluted milk. The taste is sweetish, I shake it before drinking and store it in the refrigerator. This amount of solution will be enough for 33 days, if taken 3 times a day, 5 ml, at the rate of 7.5 g of citrulline per day.

The effect of the action is noticeable: running around is not so tiring, and the burning sensation in the muscles goes away faster after intervals. Even if it's a placebo effect, I prefer to trust sports medicine and think that citrulline helps me :). Whether it is necessary for those who already take complex sports supplements is a controversial issue. In many of them, this amino acid is already included in the composition.

Thank you for your attention, and happy shopping!

Modern pharmaceutical technologies provide a wide range of means to combat erectile dysfunction. Large spectrum medicines, folk remedies and dietary supplements allows every man to solve the problem of sexual impotence. It is recommended to take citrulline for potency; with its help, blood flow is normalized, providing the required level of erection.

What is citrulline: composition

Citrulline is an amino acid that appears during the conversion process to nitric oxide. The high content of citrulline in the blood helps to activate the production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for normal blood circulation. The latter contributes to the filling of the cavernous bodies.

For sports and medical purposes, citrulline malate is indicated, which contains 55-60% L-citrulline and 40-45% malate. The latter is nothing more than malic acid salts. They are actively used in the food industry as preservatives. In connection with citrulline, malates help maintain the chemical stability of the compound when ingested. It also has a positive effect on the speed of physical recovery after severe fatigue.

A number of manufacturing companies supplement the supplement with useful substances:

  • Arginine for additional vascular stimulation;
  • Carnitine, which promotes normal heart function;
  • Carnosine, necessary to neutralize the negative effects of oxidative processes on the body;
  • Creatine, which accelerates gain muscle mass;
  • B vitamins and zinc.

Impact on the male body

First of all, citrulline regulates metabolic processes in the human body. With his help:

  • Accelerates the production of essential arginine;
  • Activates muscle growth and maintenance muscle tissue essential nutrients;
  • The immune system is strengthened;
  • Improves male sexual function;
  • Nitrogen balance is maintained;
  • The tone of the body increases;
  • Physical endurance increases.

Indications for use

Citrulline is used in sports and medicine. In the first case, it is included in the diet of athletes involved in strength and aerobic sports. For bodybuilders and weightlifters, the nutritional supplement promotes intense muscle growth.

Runners and swimmers use citrulline malate to improve endurance combined with the ability to maintain normal blood pressure. It has been proven that drugs based on it successfully cope with protein deficiency in the body without disrupting hormonal levels. According to experts, the nutritional supplement should be used during extremely high loads and intense training sessions.

In medicine, citrulline malate is indicated for the treatment of a number of diseases. Among them:

  • Chronic syndrome;
  • Increased drowsiness of unknown etiology;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Asthenia of various origins.

The drug is also prescribed to speed up the rehabilitation period after surgery or serious illnesses. In old age it can serve as an excellent restorative.

The effect of citrulline on potency

When food supplements or medications containing citrulline malate are introduced into the diet, potency increases due to the appearance of L-arginine in the blood. The amino acid synthesizes nitrous oxide, which promotes the expansion of vascular lumens. A similar effect has positive influence for heart disease, clogged arteries or erectile dysfunction.

In the latter case, the mechanism of action of the drug is to ensure complete saturation of the corpora cavernosa with blood. When filled, they expand, which is why .

The remedy is practical. Difficulties arise only if there is hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. It is also possible to appear. They are expressed in the body’s allergic response to active substances entering the blood. IMPORTANT: at the beginning of the treatment course, pain in the abdominal area sometimes occurs.

Which drug should I choose?

Citrulline is produced by various manufacturing companies. Depending on the manufacturer, the name L-citrulline or Stimol may appear. However, in any case we're talking about about the compound citrulline malate.

The product is in powder form and dissolves well in water. The color is white, after which a sour taste is felt.

Russian companies supply pharmacies with a drug called Stimol, packaged in 1-g sachets. The minimum daily dose is 6 g, and the box contains 18 sachets. Accordingly, one package is enough for 3 days, moreover. According to experts, the concentration of the active substance is insufficient to ensure a full effect.

  • PrimaFORCE;
  • L-citrulline, produced by the German company Wirud;
  • Citrulline from English manufacturer MyP

How to take citrulline: instructions

Depending on the age and the tasks that citrulline is designed to solve, the dosage and dosage regimen vary. It is recommended to use the drug no more than 3 times during the day.

Recommended dose for athletes, at the same time problem solvers building muscles, increasing endurance and strengthening erections: dissolve 5-10 g of powder in liquid and drink half an hour before exercise, during exercise and at night. It is important that time has passed since the last meal.

According to research, for men struggling exclusively with reduced potency, the exact dosage has not been established. Clinical tests conducted by British scientists led to the conclusion that a dose of 2 to 15 g per day is well tolerated by patients and does not cause negative consequences.

How long does it take for the effect to occur?

L-citrulline ensures the production of arginine within an hour, and this effect persists for the next 20. Accordingly, we can conclude that the first signs of the effect of the supplement can be observed during this period.

Studies have confirmed that a stable positive result occurs after regular use of the supplement for 1 month. The effectiveness increases significantly with prolonged use of the drug.

It’s important not to overdo it, no more than 3 months, then the same break.

The human body is a complex mechanism that requires many different components for its coordinated and uninterrupted operation: vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, etc. A lack of something leads to illness and decreased vitality. That’s why it’s so important to understand what you need at this particular moment.

What is citrulline?

Citrulline is an amino acid, during the breakdown of which the well-known arginine is obtained, which is responsible for the work of of cardio-vascular system, brain nutrition, normal eye pressure, muscle growth, etc. Therefore, athletes who want to build muscle mass often take various supplements that include arginine.

The amino acid also ensures blood flow to all organs and systems of the body. And this fact already determines the special interest of men in dietary supplements containing citrulline or its derivative arginine.

Thus, an athlete or any other person who wants to eliminate problems in the body or achieve certain results is often faced with the choice of what to take: citrulline or arginine? Research by scientists has shown that citrulline helps increase arginine in the blood faster and in larger quantities than the pure drug taken.

The amino acid helps remove ammonia and lactic acid that appear during intense exercise. physical exercise, relieves pain and fatigue. Reception before start physical activity will allow delaying the onset of fatigue due to a decrease in the amount of hydrogen.

Primaforce, Citrulline Malate, Unflavored, 200 g

This supplement comes in powder form. For a more accurate dosage, the manufacturer suggests using a measuring spoon located in the jar. Depending on the desired result, it is recommended to take from one dose to three per day. The powder has a sour taste and should be dissolved in water using a shaker.

The manufacturer strongly advises against taking the supplement to persons under 18 years of age or to pregnant or lactating women. The jar should be stored in a cool place, protected from light.

When taking this citrulline, many note an increase in endurance during training process, reduction of headaches.

When exercising in a stuffy gym, you should be extremely careful when taking the supplement, as you may not feel tired or lack oxygen.

Is it in the body?

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid, that is, it is produced independently; this occurs during the synthesis of glutamate in the intestines, but over time the production decreases. The deficiency will have to be replenished either by consuming foods containing the amino acid in large quantities, or sports supplements, or dietary supplements.

Even if you are still young, and your independent production of citrulline is at the proper level, but you set yourself the goal of building muscle mass, improving physical fitness, then the amount of amino acid that the body produces may not be enough. In this case, you also need to think about buying a dietary supplement.

Now Foods, L-Citrulline, 750 mg, 90 Capsules

This package contains 90 capsules of 750 mg each. The manufacturer recommends taking 1-2 capsules once or twice a day between meals. Depending on what goals you set for yourself, you can calculate the dosage. It is also worth starting from age and body weight.

Citrulline helps remove ammonia from the body, which is formed due to intense protein metabolism. This is especially important for athletes who have an increased intake of protein foods, which play an important role in building muscle tissue.

What products does it contain?

Citrulline is found in many foods, but it was first isolated from watermelon rind. Watermelon is the largest source of the substance, especially its rind. For example, cucumber contains it in much lower concentrations. The amino acid is found in the following products:

  • white fish;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • red meat (pork, beef);
  • soybeans (in particular beans);
  • peanuts;
  • cucumbers;
  • onion;
  • garlic

Sports supplements must be supplemented proper diet nutrition, especially when losing weight. Following products It is recommended to include it in the diet to receive natural citrulline, which promotes the removal of lactic acid.


It is the leader in citrulline content, and it does not matter how the fish is cooked. In addition to this substance, it contains creatine, which helps increase muscle mass, which, together with citrulline, improves training results.


Citrus fruits help burn fat, and citrulline preserves muscle mass. The flavonol contained in the fruit, together with the additive, promotes increased metabolism, since it does not allow citrulline to be removed from the body.

Green tea and coffee

Helps reduce muscle pain after workouts. In addition, they help metabolism and weight loss.

Broccoli and spinach

They increase the accumulation of the hormone testosterone, necessary for building muscle mass, and contain many amino acids, including citrulline and glutamine, which promote muscle growth.

Doctor's Best, L-Citrulline Powder, 200 g

This supplement does not contain artificial colors or flavors. One jar contains 66 servings, which means it will last you approximately two months. The manufacturer advises taking one serving per day before training, washing down the powder with water.

The amino acid under discussion greatly contributes to the dilation of blood vessels, which means that the supply of oxygen to organs increases. Many who have taken the supplement have noted a significant increase in performance during training, as well as a reduction in the recovery period. Muscles hurt significantly less after intense physical activity.

Varieties: Citrulline Malate and L-Citrulline

There are two main varieties of the amino acid: L-citrulline and citrulline malate. They practically do not differ in their effects on the human body and method of application.

Natural form, synthesized according to the type reproduced by human cells. Additional consumption speeds up metabolic processes and has a positive effect on health. Increases nitric oxide levels, promoting dilation of blood vessels. Removes ammonia formed in the body during physical activity.

Performance increases a week after starting treatment, regardless of the dosage used. The highest content in a natural product can be found in watermelon. However, the use of L-citrulline reduces endurance, increasing the intensity of exercise. Feeling fatigue sets in later than usual, but the load increases significantly.

Citrulline malate

Formed after adding malic acid salt. The change in the effect is insignificant; the absorption time changes. Fatigue levels decrease when malate accumulates in the blood. Muscle pain does not develop after grueling workout, only the aching effect remains. Restoration of performance and increased intensity are due to the fact that citrulline malate removes oxidized toxins.

Which option is best for whom?

Both drugs have strong characteristics, but citrulline malate is most effective as sports supplement. Features of the drug affect the increase in muscle volume due to increased training intensity:

  1. more repetitions and approaches;
  2. increase in strength indicators;
  3. easing pain in muscle tissue.

The period of absorption and accumulation differs: in its pure form it takes 7 days before the first results appear. Taking malate does not require absorption by the body, as does taking L-citrulline. You can drink malate right before training, the results will not be long in coming.

Source Naturals, L-Citrulline, 500 mg, 120 Capsules

This is a supplement in capsules. This method is best suited for those who cannot take powdered citrulline. From the point of view of transportation, it is also more convenient; you can be sure that nothing will fall apart.

1 capsule contains 500 mg. The single dose recommended by the manufacturer is 4 capsules. Should be taken three times a day. However, if necessary, the dosage can be reduced.

What role does it play in sports?

Citrulline in sports is a very well-known dietary supplement. It improves pumping and removes the consequences of metabolic processes. They cause fatigue, reducing the overall performance of the body.

In other words, citrulline is a natural energy booster that allows you to increase the intensity of your workouts and develop strength. The anabolic functions of the substance have been proven. Supplementing with citrulline helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss. In bodybuilding, because of this quality, the additive is used during drying.

Citrulline is useful both in everyday life and in sports:

  1. Eliminates ammonia that appears as a breakdown product. It causes fatigue and reduces a person’s performance during training;
  2. Accelerates the production of nitric oxide, which saturates muscles with oxygen. As a result, pumping develops (increased load), allowing you to double the exercise time and the number of approaches;
  3. Restores muscle fibers by removing lactic acid;
  4. Affects the blood circulation process, accelerating the absorption of nutrients by muscles and the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Increases overall energy, reduces fatigue;
  6. Prevents the development of acid-base imbalance;
  7. Significantly affects blood pressure, allowing you to exercise active sports people with heart disease;
  8. Increases performance, emotional stability;
  9. Potency improves. The erection becomes stronger, therefore the dietary supplement is recommended for strengthening the male body.

The effectiveness of the amino acid has been confirmed by numerous studies. For example, taking 8 g. citrulline malate before exercise will result in a 50% increase in repetitions of the exercise. Muscle pain is reduced by an average of 40% depending on the intensity of the workout. Improvement occurs after 24 hours or 2 days.

Endurance increases and fatigue decreases - thanks to even a single use of citrulline malate. The dietary supplement increases the growth of lean muscle mass without developing the bloating effect. This result allows you to avoid muscle overtraining.

Why do bodybuilders?

Citrulline malate affects all athletes differently, despite the same form of release. Bodybuilders use the supplement to accelerate muscle growth without negative consequences. By increasing endurance, bodybuilding training time increases. The load on the muscle tissue remains the same, while the pump increases significantly.

ALLMAX Nutrition, 100% Pure Citrulline Malate + Maximum Potency + Absorption, 2000 mg, 80 g

This supplement contains two types of citrulline: citrulline malate and L-citrulline in a ratio of 2 to 1. That is, by taking it, you are “killing two birds with one stone.” Thanks to this combination, the drug is extremely effective and will help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

How to use?

The maximum effectiveness of citrulline malate on muscle tissue is achieved when taken one hour before training. The dietary supplement can also be taken before bedtime if the dosage is observed. Accelerating recovery processes will make you less tired.

Determining the exact dosage is not easy, since an excess is fraught with side effects. And taking an insufficient amount will not give results; this is a common problem with self-dosing.

The minimum recommended dose is 6-8 g. The effect is achieved at the first dose. However, it all depends on the type of sport, for example, 2 grams is enough for cyclists. The amount of the drug is also reduced for women. It is recommended to consult a doctor or trainer.

The drug is available in different forms: capsules, powder or even drinks. The dosage and how to properly take this or that form are indicated in the instructions.

It is important that the indicated dose is daily. If the intake approach is divided into two times, then, accordingly, 4 grams of citrulline are taken. before doing exercises and 4 g. before bedtime. Be sure to take the supplement on an empty stomach.

How quickly does the effect of taking it occur?

The dietary supplement is a fast-acting drug. The effect will be noticeable upon first use if the dosage is calculated correctly. Visible results will appear within a week after starting training with citrulline. The pronounced effect is on the 15th day.

Citrulline and its effect on male potency and health

One of the pleasant consequences of taking citrulline for men is improved potency. First of all, the substance stabilizes metabolism in the human body:

  • accelerates the production of arginine;
  • activates muscle growth;
  • nourishes connective tissues necessary oxygen;
  • improves male sexual function;
  • increases physical endurance and body tone.

Potency increases due to the release of L-arginine into blood cells. It synthesizes nitric oxide, which helps strengthen blood vessels and dilate them. The effect allows you to improve erectile dysfunction, has a positive effect on arterial blockage and heart pathologies.

The mechanism of action in improving male sexual function is that the blood is saturated with the corpora cavernosa. Filling the vascular bed, they increase in volume, causing a stable erection. The duration of sexual intercourse increases significantly due to endurance.

The biological supplement is recognized as completely safe for men in the fight against sexual dysfunction. However, the appointment must be agreed with the attending physician. Difficulty may arise if a man has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. As a result, a side effect will develop - most often it is an allergy, and occasionally pain in the lower abdomen. Citrulline for potency is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

California Gold Nutrition, L-Citrulline, Kyowa Hakko, 500 mg, 60 Veggie Caps

Citrulline is a sports supplement that promotes education. The latter is a nitrogen donor and improves blood flow in muscle fibers. The product also provides good pumping, increases endurance levels, and delivers nutrition to the muscles. Due to it, the immune system is strengthened, the boundaries of energy accumulation are expanded, and a positive nitrogen balance is maintained.

Application in sports

Citrulline is quite popular among bodybuilders. It is worth buying to ensure increased performance, aid effective recovery and improve blood supply to muscle tissue.

In bodybuilding, citrulline malate is actively involved in the utilization of the urea substance. This chemical compound is "urea". The supplement ensures rapid removal of toxins from the body. Toxins that appear during protein metabolism, strength activity, and catabolism interfere with recreation and reduce the athletic performance of an athlete. To prevent this from happening, you should consume L-citrulline.

Scientists have determined that the substance can replace arginine. This is due to the process of inversion of a substance from one type to another. The product allows you to increase the production of growth hormone and creatine, and helps increase insulin synthesis. With a daily intake of 6 grams, fatigue decreases muscle fibers, ATP production increases by 34%. After physical effort, the concentration of phosphocreatine increases by 20%.

Thanks to the listed qualities, citrulline can rightfully be called a powerful restorative and energetic agent. Representatives of strength disciplines take it to improve their sports results. The connection helps reduce recovery time after physical activity, gives exercise high intensity. The risk of overtraining is reduced. The supplement can also be used in case of aerobic exercise.

Many athletes believe that taking citrulline is more effective than arginine. It is optimally absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver once it has gone through the process of absorption from the digestive tract. This amino acid neutralizes enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. A combination of citrulline and arginine is possible.

The maximum effectiveness of the product is noticeable at the beginning of the third week of use. The first results of a positive influence can be detected on the third or fourth day at the beginning of the course. The course of treatment should last one to two months. The supplement can be taken on an ongoing basis without interruption.

Rules for taking citrulline

It is recommended to take the product on an empty stomach, half an hour before training. Additionally, you can drink the supplement before bed and after waking up. The effects that appear after taking it are ensured by an increase in arginine levels. To achieve the desired result, you need to consume at least 6 grams of citrulline per day.

Side effects

Clinical trials did not reveal any side effects from taking citrulline. Those who practice taking the drug do not report any deviations or disturbances in the functioning of the body.

To increase the effectiveness of the supplement, you can combine it with other products. sports nutrition. This increases the positive effect of citrulline on the athlete’s body.

From this material you will learn everything about the amino acid Citrulline Malate. We will talk about its advantages and possible disadvantages.

Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that is not encoded in human DNA, but is still present in some types of protein. Citrulline has been widely observed to have many synergistic effects with other popular supplements, especially BCAAs(amino acids with branched side chains).

Citrulline is produced in the rind and pulp of watermelon and is gaining popularity as a performance-enhancing supplement.

Physiological role of citrulline in the body

Citrulline does a lot of things physiological functions in the body, but the most important of them is increase in nitric oxide. Citrulline is produced from many other amino acids in the liver and is an important component of the urea cycle, the urea cycle helps eliminate ammonia and others nitrogenous slags in blood. Nitrogen metabolites are released during the digestion, absorption and metabolism of proteins.

Adding citrulline to the diet has been shown to help increase plasma arginine concentration, which in turn increases the production of metabolites derived from arginine(nitrite, ornithine, creatinine and etc.).

As mentioned above, it is very important for the synthesis and excretion of urea, which is the removal of toxic nitrogen metabolites from the human body.

Citrulline works together with citric acid, aspartic acid And magnesium to improve the release of nitrogen metabolites.

A rare disorder in humans called citrullinemia, can lead to a build-up of ammonia in the blood, this occurs when there is a lack of enzymes needed to catalyze the reactions of the urea cycle. Research shows that when added zinc in the diet, the conversion of citrulline to arginine in the liver may improve, which in turn will lead to a decrease in ammonia levels in the blood.

In addition, if you suspect liver problems, it would be a good idea to add pyridoxine(vitamin B6), which activates enzymes responsible for converting one amino acid to another. But in any case, if you suspect any health problems, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Key Benefits of Citrulline Malate

As a rule, the additive is widespread in the sports environment citrulline malate, which is regular citrulline with the addition of malic acid. According to many sports nutritionists, malic acid can speed up and improve the absorption of citrulline.

Many studies have shown that citrulline malate has many beneficial properties that enhance the performance of athletes. In addition to its important role in the urea cycle (discussed above), citrulline also improves health and physical performance:

  1. Increased intracellular production of NO (nitric oxide), which has positive effect on the process vasodilation(relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels) and blood flow in the muscles
  2. Increases efficiency of use essential amino acids (primarily BCAA) during training
  3. Reducing time recovery after training by reducing muscle pain
  4. Gain elimination(elimination) of toxic nitrogen metabolites
  5. Level up growth hormone after exercise to a higher extent than in those people who did not take citrulline malate (the study compared a group taking citrulline and a group taking placebo)
  6. Reducing (inhibiting) level increases insulin in plasma, which usually occurs after intense exercise


In many company products Rocket Nutrition contains citrulline malate. We know about all of him beneficial properties and selected the optimal ratio of intake of this amino acid.

Also, citrulline is added to the formula of the BCAA Aminoblast product, where in addition to containing a large dosage of essential amino acids and citrulline malate, you will find a large amount of glutamine.

Side effects from taking citrulline

Fortunately, citrulline is a safe amino acid and side effects, even if they occur, are not serious.

The most common side effect for people taking citrulline is gastrointestinal disorder, but this can be avoided by not taking citrulline on a full stomach, or better yet, on an empty stomach. Not everyone has the disorder, so it may not affect you.

In general, others side effects was not identified.

Why do you need Citrulline Malate?

  1. If you want to improve your fitness
  2. If you are an athlete and participate in aerobic and anaerobic sports competitions
  3. If you want to improve muscle blood flow during exercise
  4. Citrulline for you not needed if you have citrullinemia as this may make the problem worse

The optimal time to take citrulline is 15-30 minutes before training. You can also take it during your workout. The recommended daily dosage is 6-7 grams, which can be divided into several doses.

By the way, as part of various formulas, citrulline malate works in synergy with other additives ( arginine, BCAAs, beta alanine and others), so their citrulline content may be lower, but this does not mean that its effectiveness is reduced.

For example, in the Energy BCAA formula 1.5 grams of citrulline are added, but due to the presence beta-alanine And BCAAs This dosage is equivalent and even more effective than taking citrulline alone at a higher dosage.

Frequently asked questions about Citrulline Malate

Can I just eat watermelon instead of taking citrulline?
Most of the citrulline is found in the rind of the watermelon, not the flesh. I don’t think you will be able to eat this not so tasty part of it every day...

Is it true that citrulline improves libido and fights impotence?
This is actually another benefit you can get from taking citrulline, as the increase in nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to most organs. Therefore, citrulline can improve your erection health.

I've heard that citrulline is best taken on an empty stomach. This is true?
This recommendation may have been based on the fact that taking citrulline causes stomach upset in a small number of people. If this is the case for you, then it is better to take it on an empty stomach. If you tolerate citrulline with food well, then this recommendation does not apply to you.

How long to expect the effect of taking citrulline?
It all depends on your individual characteristics. But the first effect will be after the first dose. Effects such as increased strength or decreased DOMs(delayed onset muscle pain) should appear within approximately two weeks of starting use.