What determines the volume of hands? How to increase the size of your arms very quickly! Use sports supplements

Are you unhappy with your hands? Are they weak, saggy and skinny? Do you want them to become strong and fit right now? Making muscles grow instantly is impossible, but if you work hard on yourself and develop smart tactics to achieve this goal, you will see visible results in just a couple of weeks or a month.


Example schedule for arm training

There's no one "right" way to build arms, but the sample exercises below will help you create a balanced regimen that targets your entire upper body, not just your biceps and triceps. For maximum effect, take a one-day break between training days, and after the final third day and before the start of a new week of training, rest for two whole days, only then will your regimen be balanced. In the remaining four days of the “weekend”, focus your efforts on developing other muscle groups: back, legs and everything else..

Day one: Biceps and back
Exercises Time/Number of repetitions Notes
Stretching 10-15 minutes If desired, you can alternate with yoga or other types of exercises to develop flexibility.
Cardio warm-up 5-10 minutes Running, exercise bike and so on. This will warm you up nicely. Aim for a heart rate of 115 beats per minute so you have more strength to push.
Raising the barbell to the chest 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Lifting dumbbells 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Pull-ups You can sometimes alternate with weighted pull-ups to make it easier later.
Traction on a low block 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Horizontal pull-ups 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
5 minutes Brisk walking or a leisurely pace on an exercise bike. Try to gradually calm your heartbeat.
Day two: Chest and triceps
Exercises Time/Number of repetitions Notes
Stretching 10-15 minutes See above.
Cardio warm-up 5-10 minutes See above.
Bench press During this exercise, someone must be there to hold you down.
Dumbbell raises 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Triceps extensions 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Dips As many times as you can; 3-4 approaches You can use a weighted belt for more difficulty.
Light cardio to restore heart rate 5 minutes See above.
Day Three: Shoulders and Forearms
Exercises Time/Number of repetitions Notes
Stretching 10-15 minutes See above.
Cardio warm-up 5-10 minutes See above.
Standing press 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches You can alternate between sitting and standing options.
Arm raise with dumbbells 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches Can be done forwards, sideways and backwards to develop different groups muscles.
Lifting over your head As many times as you can so as not to harm your health; 3-4 approaches It can also be a hip exercise.
Barbell wrist curl 1-2 minutes; 2-3 approaches You can hold the barbell either from the front or from the back.
Light cardio to restore heart rate 5 minutes See above.

Exercises for the main muscle groups of the arms

    Consider an intense training schedule. To build up your arms, most fitness centers will tell you to start by lifting weights and doing a bunch of exercises to develop your upper body. Weight lifting is a type of exercise where you can do everything at your own pace. The more time and effort you put in, the better the result you get. While there is no "correct" way to tone your arms by lifting weights, in general, for optimal results, it's wise to keep the following tips in mind:

    • Try to lift as much weight as possible each week. An intense weight lifting regimen typically involves lifting five days a week, leaving the remaining two days for cardio or rest.
    • Try to avoid exercising the same muscle groups two days in a row. To grow, muscles need rest and time to recover from stress. For example, if today you pumped up your triceps, then tomorrow focus on your pectoral muscles.
    • You don't need to concentrate only on your arms, otherwise over time your figure will look strange and disproportionate. Your hands will be big and Bottom part skinny body. It's good if you do leg exercises and abdominal muscles at least two days a week.
  1. Train your biceps. Usually, when a person decides to pump up strong, muscular arms, he remembers only one muscle group - the biceps. Why this is so is, of course, obvious. After all, bodybuilders are usually imagined lying on a bench and bench-pressing a heavy barbell. Typically, the biceps are not the strongest muscle group in the upper torso (or even in the arm muscle groups), but no one denies that they are very important in many physical exercises for lifting and deadlifting heavy weights. Below are a few exercises that will get your biceps on fire:

    Train your triceps. Although they sometimes receive less attention than their biceps neighbors, the triceps are generally considered the more important muscle group for both muscle gain and overall strength gains. Be sure to give your triceps as much attention as your biceps, if not more. If you want strong, muscular arms, then you definitely need this. Below are some great triceps exercises:

    • Triceps stretch: Standing position, keep your hands at your head, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows bent parallel to each other. Raise the dumbbells above your head, being careful not to hit yourself in the head. Lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
    • Do push-ups: Place your hands on two parallel handles or the edge of a bench. Slowly lower yourself down until your forearms are level with the floor, then lift yourself up without trying to twist or jerking. Repeat the exercise.
  2. Pump up the area shoulder joint. Broad and strong shoulders are often considered very attractive. Besides deltoids important for various physical exercises, such as bench presses, throws, and also helps to avoid injuries to the shoulder joint. Below are just a few exercises that you may find useful:

    • Do the standing press: From a standing or seated position, pull a weighted barbell toward your chest, keeping your hands at a medium distance apart, palms down. Slowly lift the weight toward your face, then overhead. Lower the bar to about chin level and continue the exercise.
    • Do the lateral raise exercise: In a standing position, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Slowly raise your arms straight to the sides, the movement should come from the elbows. When your arms are roughly parallel to the floor, slowly lower them back down and repeat. You can also add forward or backward straight arm raises to work the front and back of your shoulders.
    • Overhead lift: This is a full-body exercise that not only works your shoulders, but also your hips, legs, and back. Standing position with a weighted barbell on the floor in front of you. Start doing it carefully deadlift to raise the barbell to approximately waist level. Raise the weight to your chest (all movements must be under control) and perform a standing press (see above) to lift above your head. Now do all these steps in reverse to place the weight on the floor and repeat the exercise.
  3. Pump up your chest. And although pectoral muscles technically they are not part of the arms, but strong arms with thin chests will not make the right impression, so training this area is a must for anyone who wants to pump up their arms. Moreover, arm muscles, such as the triceps, often play a significant role in chest exercises. Although the bench press is the most famous, it is not the only way to work the pectoral muscles. The list below will give you more information about this exercise and others:

    • Bench press: Lying position on your back. Gently lift the weighted barbell (or two dumbbells) up from your chest until your arms are straight, then lower the weight back down and repeat. Be sure to ask someone to insure you to avoid serious injuries when lifting a load.
    • Dumbbell Raises: Lying on your back or on a bench for exercises with dumbbells in each hand. Stretch your straight arms to the sides, then slowly, carefully bring them together in front of you, without bending them. Lower your arms back to the starting position and repeat the exercise. From the outside it should seem like you are flapping your wings.
    • Read on for even more exercises.
  4. Don't neglect your back muscles. Roughly speaking, the back muscles are not part of the arms. However, almost anyone who lifts weights will need to devote time to these muscle groups if they want to get strong, muscular arms. Partly, this is for the sake of aesthetics ( Strong arms do not look good with an unpumped back), but also because the back muscles are actively involved in many other exercises to increase arm strength. Below are a few exercises that will help you work on these important muscle groups:

    To make everything look proportional, spend a lot of time on your forearms. Beautiful forearms will be the “cherry on the cake” when pumping up the upper body. And although they are very important for grip strength and the entire hand (which can also be useful in other sports, such as rock climbing), many athletes simply pump them for appearance. Try the simple exercises below:

    • Barbell crunches: Sit on a bench with a weighted barbell in your hands, with your forearms resting on your thighs. Raise the bar as high as you can, using the muscles in your hands and forearms, then relax your muscles and keep the bar as low as possible. Repeat the exercise. For full complex exercises, try alternating your grip on the barbell with each approach.

    How to quickly build muscle mass

    1. Try to focus more on the weight rather than the number of repetitions. If your muscles get tired every time, then eventually your muscle strength will increase and they will grow no matter how you do it (as long as you eat enough to grow muscles). However, if you want big, bulky muscles, it is usually recommended to focus on low-repetition exercises of each exercise with heavy weights (instead of high-repetitions with light weights). For example, most sources say that if all other factors are equal, doing three to six lifts with a heavy weight will build more muscle than doing 15 to 20 with a light weight.

      There is also a “lightning-fast” approach. The most in a fast way increase muscle mass is considered a very fast weight lifting! Research has shown that so-called "lightning" exercises, that is, lifting weights as quickly as possible, will cause muscle and strength to grow faster than a conventional lift. This way your body overcomes the weakness and forces the muscles to contract faster, and if you want to get big quickly, then this strategy is for you.

    2. Think about the advantages of regular weights over machine weights. You can build a strong and muscular body with any workout if you do it correctly. However, many sources recommend regular weights (barbell, dumbbells, etc.) instead of machine exercises. Regular weights are better suited to the physical challenges of everyday life and allow the muscles not only to be ready for anything, but also attractive (however, if the exercises are performed incorrectly, you can get injured more often than with exercise machines).

      • Massive exercises (such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, etc.) are usually considered average, but they provide a lot of opportunity for muscle growth with little chance of injury.
    3. Don't spend too much energy on cardio. Cardio is good for you, in fact, it's a great way to increase your endurance and burn calories, but if you want to grow muscle, it will have the opposite effect. If you spend a lot of energy running, cycling or swimming, your muscles will have little strength left to grow. Therefore, serious cardio training should be done once or twice a week.

      • If you like cardio, try walking more instead of running or swimming.
    4. Start eating right. To grow muscle, your body needs a lot of healthy fuel. In general, to grow muscle, you need more lean sources of protein and healthy amounts of fats and carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits will provide your body with much-needed vitamins and minerals, but it is better to try not to consume sweets and high-calorie foods. Try to eat more following products, ideally you want to get 40-50% of your calories from protein, 40-50% from carbohydrates and 10-20% from fat:

      • Proteins: Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, and lean pork and beef cuts. From plant foods, proteins can be obtained from beans, soy (tofu), broccoli and spinach. Low-fat dairy products, such as Greek yogurt, are also a very good source of protein. Many athletes also recommend protein supplements.
      • Carbohydrates: Whole grain bread, brown rice, oats, quinoa, starchy vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes. Green vegetables like broccoli, celery, peas and others are also great additions to your diet.
      • Fats: Avocados, nuts, cheeses and light vegetable oils (such as sunflower) are great for energy and nutrients.

Large sculpted biceps- the dream of many men. To achieve it, they train without sparing themselves for several hours in the gym. This muscle is an integral part of a harmonious body.
You will learn how to pump up your biceps without using steroids. But first, let's figure out what “banks” are.

The biceps includes a pair of muscles that perform dual functions:

Brachial muscle. It originates from the middle of the arm in front, passes through the shoulder and attaches to the ulna. Its main function is to flex the elbow. Directly involved in elbow flexion, but not in supination.

2-head muscle of the shoulder. Includes a pair of heads starting at different locations on the scapula. The heads are connected to radius, capable of turning. Its main function is to supinate the forearm and flex the elbow. The 2-major muscle is assisted by the semibrachial and brachialis muscles.

Why can't I pump up?

The most common mistake that athletes make when pumping up their biceps is overtraining. Many
athletes, in an effort to quickly achieve the desired result, train for hours in gyms, doing one set after another of curls with dumbbells, with a barbell, on a machine. Most of these exercises are performed without any meaning, and as a result the athlete wastes time without achieving any results. To avoid this, you should train according to a specific program created by qualified specialists.

Another common reason why some are unable to increase the size of their cups is due to improper bending technique. You need to stand straight, pull your shoulders back and lower them down so that most of the load falls on your biceps.

Best exercises

So, we’ve sorted out the anatomy and the main mistakes. Now let's figure out how you can pump up your biceps in width. Below are exercises created by experienced fitness trainers to achieve maximum results after every visit to the gym.

Use only optimal technique and do not lift too much weight, so as not to harm your own health:

1. Curling arms with dumbbells, with a barbell. Grasp the barbell with a shoulder-width grip and press your elbows tightly to your sides. Concentrate all your attention on your biceps. Do bending with 100% amplitude, without wasting time resting at the highest point. Squeeze your biceps and return to your previous position.

2. To perform curls with dumbbells, stand straight, keep your hands holding the dumbbells strictly along your body. When bending your arms, try to rotate your wrists so that at the top point of the amplitude your palms are turned up and thumbs looked outside. At the extreme point, squeeze your muscles and return your arms to their original position.

3. Approximately in the middle of the training session, when the muscles are tired and competent exercise technique and balance are extremely important, use the Smith machine. Rest your chest on the elbow pad, with your arms hanging down. Using a shoulder-width grip, grab a moderately weighted barbell, raise it and lower it.

4. Bent over dumbbell curls on a bench. This is an excellent special tool for gradual increase muscle mass. Set the bench slope to 45°. Lie with your back on the bench, and so that your shoulders are in contact with its surface. Raise and lower your arms straight with dumbbells. Repeat this about 10 times.

5. Flexion in sitting position. Sit on the edge of the bench. Bend forward with a dumbbell, resting your elbow on your thigh. Bend your arm with the dumbbell toward your shoulder. Use the weight that is optimal for you, which you can not only lift, but also control. Don't help yourself with your shoulder, let your biceps do all the work.

6. Hammer Curls. Helps pump up the upper biceps. Lower the dumbbells along your torso, trying to keep your wrist motionless. Bend upward, squeeze your muscles, and then return to your previous position. Bending can be done alternately, with both hands at once.


Beginners should not train daily, since muscles should be accustomed to loads gradually, and not immediately. For example, you can start with three training sessions over a week lasting 1 hour. We must not forget that you can get beautiful “cans” only through a large number of repetitions and exercises through strength. To increase the size of your biceps, do 8-13 repetitions.

To prevent muscle adaptation from occurring, alternate exercises after a couple of training sessions.
The most effective stimulating factor is a gradual increase in the load level. After 2-3 training sessions add weight. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste, but you don’t have to cut yourself any slack either. Conquer yourself, be persistent and the result will not take long to arrive!

Here's a 4-step guide to building bigger biceps. The guide contains tips on how to increase the size of your biceps.

Digression from the topic: before you start training, read the article “” to better understand how your muscles work.

1. Change the load angle

Many people know that by varying various exercises, you can diversify your workouts and make them more effective. But it is important to understand that simply by changing the exercises, you most likely will not be able to influence them in any different way.

To load your biceps and increase their volume, you just need to change the angle of impact (within the range of movement), which changes the load point.

Example: if you are used to doing classic biceps curls, you can replace it with curls on the upper or lower block.

Here quick lesson in biomechanics to help you better understand the essence of this method:

When bending your arms with free weight The angle at which maximum muscle contraction will be achieved will be 90 degrees (when your forearms are parallel to the floor).

In the case of an upper or lower pulley, maximum contraction will be achieved when the forearms are parallel to the cable.

By using different distances and positions from the cable you will be able to target different parts of your biceps.

2. Use different grips on the bar.

Basic anatomy tells us that our biceps are engaged not only when bending the elbows, but also when supinating the forearms. Based on this, we found The best way provide maximum load on the biceps.

To do this, you need to shift your usual grip from the middle (traditional manner) to the side thumb, thereby changing the load angle. Using this strategy, you can increase the volume of your biceps by an order of magnitude.

3. 60/30

This is one of those exercises that can simply “kill” your biceps. It is performed for 30 seconds, as a result of which the muscles are pumped with blood and increase in volume and mass. Its effectiveness surprises many athletes who, when they see the exercise for the first time, think that it is useless, but this is not so.

There are three ways to increase the volume of your biceps: lift heavy weights, lift quickly (dynamic efforts) and a lot (repetitive efforts). Our 30/60 method combines all three components: creates high intensity and a lot of work.

Trainer tips:

1. Complete 60 repetitions in 30 seconds. 2–4 sets with 1–2 minutes of rest.

2 . If you can't complete all 60 reps in a certain amount of time (30 seconds), use lighter weights.

4. Method 28

Most athletes are already familiar with the classic method of increasing biceps volume using the 21 system, which was popularized by bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger. Almost every young athlete has used it to increase muscle mass in their biceps.

We have developed a new method - 28, which is based on method 21. The main goal of the method: creating more tension in your muscles

If you don't know, method 21 followed this principle:

1. You perform 7 partial range reps. From full extension of the arms to the point when the forearms are parallel to the floor.

2. Then 7 partial repetitions from the middle until the full range of motion is completed. Finally, you'll finish with 7 more reps using a full range of motion. For a total of 21 repetitions.

Technique for performing method 28

The exercise can be performed sitting, standing, or on a Scott bench (using either a barbell, dumbbell, or EZ bar), without resting between reps:

1. Perform 7 partial reps through partial range of motion until mid-range of motion

2. Perform 7 reps in the full range, holding in the middle of the range for 7 seconds.

3. 7 reps from mid to end of range

There is no bodybuilder who would not like to have massive, sculpted arms. Almost all IFBB champions demonstrate phenomenal arm muscle development. There are bodybuilders whose genetic potential allows you to have huge hands without spending much effort - for example, A. Backles. Even before competitions, he rarely does more than 10-12 sets for biceps and triceps, 2 times a week. Meanwhile, others spend much more time developing their arms and still cannot match Backles. However, any bodybuilder with a serious approach to this issue can significantly increase the volume of his arms and improve the shape of his biceps and triceps.

1. To fully develop your biceps, you must supinate your wrist when doing dumbbell or pulley curls. Some champion bodybuilders made a quantum leap in biceps development as soon as they began performing wrist curls.

2. All types of concentrated curls will help you develop the natural peak of your biceps. However, perform hundreds of sets of these exercises, and if your genetic biceps are flat, you will not develop a peak. Remember S. Oliva! Boyera Kou, having good genetics and including concentrated curls in his training, on the contrary, developed his biceps to failure.

3. Many bodybuilders, wanting to develop their triceps to the maximum, often injure them. What to do?

It is better to avoid injuries from the very beginning, but if your elbows are injured, you should try not to get “trauma injury”. The main thing is a thorough warm-up. L. Ferrigno advises starting arm training with the biceps, and then warming up the triceps with three to four “light” sets of cable rows with a high number of repetitions. The weight increases slightly in each set. Perform more presses in your programs narrow grip and push-ups, not French presses. Pumping up your arms is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to believe in yourself and really want to make your hands big.

If you're looking for a workout program that will inflate your arms to gigantic size in record time. a short time, and for it to be a highly scientific program, and for it to be a win-win program, then this article is what you need. After just three workouts in the “shock therapy” program, you will find your arms considerably thicker, as if you suddenly had two eight-kilogram hams (or six-kilogram, depending on your genetics) in the sleeves of your shirt. How uncomfortable will you have to feel for such a metamorphosis? Well, the procedure, in general, is quite painful, but short. First you need to scientifically explain where these results come from:

1) the program uses the most effective exercises.

2) Muscles are worked completely, without emphasis on individual heads, bundles, etc.

Decline extensions.

This exercise puts maximum stress on all three heads of the triceps. You get complete, focused stimulation of the entire muscle in one exercise. If this exercise is done lying on your back, it works mainly long head triceps, so if you want to really hit your triceps, do it while bent over.

Overhead arm extensions with dumbbells.

This is also very effective exercise, loads all three heads of the triceps. What’s interesting is that the same exercise, performed with a barbell instead of dumbbells, hits only the lateral and middle heads, leaving the long head to rest. The reason why the dumbbell version is more effective is the position of the hands, palms turned inward, towards each other.

Close-grip barbell curls.

Fully loads both heads of the biceps and brachialis. If you do this exercise with a wide grip, mainly only one head of the biceps works, the one closest to the body, and the other (along with the brachialis) only watches it. The grip should be narrow, about 25 cm between the hands.

Arm curls with dumbbells while sitting on incline bench.

Also bombards both biceps heads as well as a bunch small muscles in the elbow area. The reason this exercise is so effective is because it gives you a good stretch. Your feet should be firmly on the floor, your arms should be bent at the same time, and don’t linger at the bottom - immediately start bending your arms.

Stretching helps to maximize the involvement of all muscle fibers. This works especially well if one of the superset exercises works at a large amplitude, stretching the muscle. For example, you do a superset “biceps with dumbbells on an incline bench + biceps with a barbell with a narrow grip.” What this does: After a couple of warm-up sets, you do a set with a heavy weight for biceps with a close grip to failure. Cheating is possible here (it’s still hard). After a short rest, the shock superset begins. First comes the biceps with dumbbells on an incline bench, this forces the muscles to work by stretching and respond to stretching by turning on new muscle fibers. Then, without giving muscle fibers cool down and settle, you do an easier approach with a barbell with a narrow grip, 20% easier than in the first approach. After a two-minute rest and massage of the swollen biceps, you finish them off with concentrated curls, one or two sets, straining the biceps to the limit at the end point.

The triceps are treated in the same way: One set of decline extensions, a little cheating won't hurt here either. Rest for a minute, throw a couple of plates on the bar, then do a set of overhead barbell extensions in a superset with decline triceps extensions. Here your swollen triceps will beg for mercy. Rest for about two minutes, admire your triceps, and finish them off with a bent over arm extension. Watch the position of your elbows while doing this. One approach is quite enough, but some masochists do two...

Hammer your muscles with supersets until they start to “burn.” Latest Scientific research show that using supersets lowers blood pH, which stimulates the production of the growth hormone we all need.

The brachialis is important for the “bicep peak.” The brachialis is located under the biceps, so by developing this muscle, you make the biceps higher. Since barbell curls work the brachialis well, you can do one final set. Very good exercise on the brachialis - “hammer” curls (bend curls with dumbbells sitting on an inclined bench, palms facing inward, thumbs facing up).

More rest means more volume. You're hitting each muscle to the max with only four or five sets, which means you have more room for hypertrophy. Remember, the more approaches you do, the less opportunity your body has to recover after intense exercise; efficiency is the main thing. This key moment of any program for the arms - to exhaust the largest possible number of muscle fibers in the smallest possible amount.


Biceps curl

Main impact. The exercise works the biceps as well as the muscles. inner surface forearms.

Execution method. Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip. The grip is about 10-15 cm wider than your shoulders. Now straighten your torso. The bar should rest on the front of your thighs. Press your elbows to your body and keep them in this position until the end of the exercise. Trying to keep your torso perfectly straight, slowly bend your elbows. Raise the barbell up until the bar is under your chin. Also slowly return the bar to initial position. Experiment with your grip width.

French press

Main impact. The exercise has a strong effect on the triceps as a whole, especially on its middle and internal bundles. Execution method. You need to take the barbell with a narrow grip from above, lie down on the bench and spread your legs, placing your feet comfortably on the floor. Straighten your arms and begin to lower the barbell down until the bar touches your forehead or bridge of your nose. Try to keep your elbows motionless and lift the barbell using only your triceps. Options. The exercise has many varieties. They do not affect the effect, but can significantly diversify the workout. Firstly, " French press"can be done on an incline bench with your head up or down. Secondly, you can do it standing or sitting. It is clear that in the first case the weight of the bar needs to be increased, and in the second, on the contrary, reduced. Third, you can use a barbell with a curved bar and take some of the stress off your forearms.

You are thin flabby arms with weak muscles? If you eat high protein foods and exercise daily exercise, then your arms will very quickly become strong and muscular! Many people prefer to study in gym, however, you can train at home without any sports equipment. Exercise regularly and you will reach your goal much faster than expected!


Part 1

Exercises for arms with dumbbells

    Start with light weights and increase them over time. There should be enough weight for the exercise to be effective, but at the same time you should be able to lift it. If you find it difficult to complete a certain number of repetitions, choose a lighter weight and keep training! Too much heavy weight may cause injury.

    Train your biceps. The biceps are considered the “largest” part of the upper half of the arm. And this is a really important part to train in order to have big hands!

    • Perform arm curls. Choose a weight that is heavy enough that you can lift it several times. Sit on a bench, lean forward and place your elbow on your leg near your knee. Take a dumbbell, straighten your arm so that your forearm is parallel to the floor, and then lift the dumbbell toward your chest. In this case, the elbow should remain on the knee at all times. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  1. Train your shoulders. A person with big hands should also have big shoulders. This is an important component big hands which is often forgotten. When training your shoulders, make sure your back remains straight, otherwise you may get injured!

    Train your triceps, which are located on the back of your upper arm. This is very important muscles, but they often receive significantly less attention than the biceps. However, strong triceps are just as important for arm development!

    • Perform two sets of overhead dumbbell extensions, one for each arm. Choose a dumbbell with a medium weight. Lean forward slightly, keeping your back straight and your knees slightly bent, and bring the dumbbell back behind your head, bending your elbow. Then straighten your arm above your head and bend it back again. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each hand.
  2. Train other parts of your body. A man with developed muscular arms and thin weak legs looks rather strange. Regularly train the muscles not only of the arms, but also of other parts of the body: legs, back and chest. Many people believe that it is convenient to set aside certain days to train different muscle groups.

    • For example, Monday and Thursday can be reserved for training your arms, Tuesday and Friday can be dedicated to your legs, and Wednesday and Saturday can be reserved for your back and chest muscles.
    • Set aside at least one day a week for rest. For muscles to grow and strengthen, they need time to rest and recover.
  3. Train your shoulder muscles without dumbbells with elevated push-ups. At the same time, place your feet on a chair, gymnastic ball or box and do push-ups from the floor 10 times in one approach. Keep your back and legs straight to avoid injury.

    To train your triceps without dumbbells, do bench push-ups. Choose a suitable bench, sit on it, rest your palms on the sides of your body and stretch your legs in front of you. Slowly lower yourself down from the bench, leaning on your hands. Then straighten your arms and lift your body, then bend your arms again and lower yourself down. Do not sit on the ground and do not help yourself with your legs, otherwise the exercise will be less effective.

Part 3

Diet for building muscle

    Eat foods that are appropriate for your goals. If you want to build muscle, you should eat plenty of protein. Research has shown that protein food accelerates muscle growth. The reason is simple: your body uses proteins to create muscle tissue. The more protein he gets, the faster his muscles grow. When you start exercising regularly, you need to consume enough protein to get quick results.

    Eat protein-rich foods. Think about what kind of food you prefer. Does it have a lot of proteins? For example, lean beef is an excellent source of protein. 120 grams of lean ground beef contains 30 grams of protein. If you like lean beef, try eating it more often. If you don't eat meat, an excellent source of protein is quinoa, which contains 8 grams of protein in one glass (200 grams).

    Eat more healthy foods. If you are trying to build muscle, you should provide your body with building materials. This means you need to eat significantly more calories than usual. To determine the number of calories you need, multiply your weight by 44. For example, a person weighing 75 kilograms will need 3,300 calories daily to build muscle.

Part 4

Using Protein Powder
  • Start with low loads and gradually increase them over time. Don't use too much heavy weights to look impressive - this way you will only harm yourself and will not impress anyone.
  • There are hundreds of other arm exercises that can be found online. Watch YouTube videos or join online forums to find out which exercises work best for you.


  • Be especially careful when exercising with weights: incorrect technique You can easily harm yourself.
  • During the first 1-2 weeks your muscles will ache. Start with light loads.
  • If you are an elderly person, you have excess weight or other health problems, consult your doctor first.
  • Keep it in moderation. A slight burning sensation in your muscles is a good sign, but if you experience severe pain, stop exercising immediately.
  • Don't do heavy exercise alone. If you get injured, there will be no one to help you.