Back exercises for mass. How to pump up your back muscles: exercises and a back training program for mass and width

Hello friends! Recently we watched another blockbuster about a superhero who could spend hours jumping on walls, jumping on vines and other ropes. And if earlier this had impressed me and I had clapped my hands enthusiastically, now I just shake my head skeptically and say: “Well, with such a back, he wouldn’t have galloped far through the jungle. He stayed on the tree for about three minutes and then fell down.”

Of course, you have no need to jump through the wild Amazon forests, but every man wants to have a beautiful and powerful back. And girls also dream of getting rid of excess fat folds in this part of the body. Today I will invite you to study only the best back exercises for mass.

You can find even more information on the topic of back pumping in these articles:

So, our tourist boat sets off into the sea of ​​unknown facts about the body. Those accompanying us are asked to leave the cabins, we are leaving.

Anatomical excursion

Let's start with the fact that the back is the frame that holds our entire body in an upright position. The better your back is developed, the better your strength indicators, especially in such basic loads as deadlifts, as well as in squats, which are recognized leaders in increasing muscle mass.

To have a good idea of ​​what we have decided to train with you, it is necessary to study the muscle atlas of the back.

The trapezius muscle is located in its uppermost part and “guides” the thickness of the back. It stretches from the back of the head to the lower border of the thoracic vertebrae.
The diamond-shaped one is located in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
The latissimus is nestled comfortably in the lower back and is shaped like wings, which is why you can very often see its name. It is responsible for the width of your back.

To get a beautiful and powerful back you must use a whole range of various exercises, which involve all groups of these muscles.

Among other things, you keep in mind that it is almost impossible to achieve isolation for one or another muscle here; they work in harmony.

We pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles

To best activate your lats, do deadlifts. upper block to the chest. You should sit firmly on the bench with your legs firmly secured under the bolsters. Take the bar with a narrow grip, turning your palms towards you. As you inhale, pull it down to your chest, slightly bending your body back.

One variation of this exercise would be a mid-stance row with your palms parallel to your shoulders. The grip is straight, that is, the fingers “look” forward. Keep your body as upright as possible.

Another effective exercise is called dumbbell rows. The palms are turned away from you with a slight supination. The arms are pressed to the body, and the body is slightly brought forward. Feet are shoulder-width apart and knees bent. Your task is to bring the projectiles to the belt, while bringing the shoulder blades closer together. Elbows go as high as possible. In general, in all exercises aimed at the latissimus muscles, monitor the position of the shoulder blades, which need to be brought together as you exhale.

Another effective load is the pull of a vertical block with a V-shaped handle.

Here you should also sit comfortably on the bench, with your legs firmly fixed on a special stand in front of you. Knees slightly bent. Keep your back as straight as possible and, as you exhale, press the handle to your stomach. Watch the position of your shoulder blades.

At the extreme point, the elbow should form a right angle. As you inhale, stretch your arms forward, but do not relax completely so that the muscles always remain tense.

There is no need to use all of these exercises at the same time; you can choose one or two of them. All sections of the latissimus muscle are activated simultaneously, so it is unrealistic to achieve isolation of certain fibers of the latissimus muscle. One of the important nuances in this case is the use of cheating.

Pay attention to the fact that when working with dumbbells you should not use too much heavy weight. This may have a negative impact on your technology.

Also, in order to increase mass, I advise you to use back mass exercises, which are considered mandatory for everyone.

True, we will not pull ourselves up in a completely standard way, but by the head. That is, grab the bar with a fairly wide grip, but we will not touch it with your chin, but bring your head forward and touch it with your neck.

This can be alternated with pull-ups to the chest, grasping the apparatus with a wide reverse grip. We cross our legs at the ankles and pull our body towards the bar, where the chest becomes the point of contact.

Try this exercise using a wide overhand grip, also bringing your chest to the bar. The last variation is a narrow straight grip.

The latissimus muscles are most activated during a wide grip, which is preferable when working on this part of the body. With a narrow grip, the biceps are best activated, so the back does not work as effectively in this case.

Instead of classic pull-ups, you can use a simulator, it’s called a gravitron, and it will use the muscles that interest us. However, here you can adjust your weight, so it is recommended for beginners and girls.

Working on diamonds and trapezoids

These muscles are closely connected to each other, so any exercise for this group will use them simultaneously.

Traditionally, shrugs are considered the basic load on the trapezius. They are performed with both a barbell and dumbbells. Read the article - here more exercise and a more detailed description.

This is very simple technique. It is enough to stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, take the apparatus in both hands, pressing them to your hips. Then everything is simple: you begin to raise and lower your shoulders, as if you are extremely surprised.

You can also lift the barbell in front of you, using a narrow grip on the bar. Pull the projectile with straight arms, approximately to eye level, and then lower it as well. Do not make sudden jerks, try to keep all movements smooth. Keep an eye on, among other things, the working weight: it should not be heavy. It's better that you have the perfect technique.

The leader in mass-gaining complexes is the deadlift. Please note that in this case, not only the back muscles will be involved, but also the hips, buttocks, the entire lower part in the lumbar region, the abs, shoulders and arms. It should be borne in mind that this is one of the most technically difficult exercises. I want to digress a little and recommend my program for pumping up the abs, you can get the details find on this page.

Essentially, your task is to lift a heavy barbell off the floor while straightening your body. To do this correctly, a number of nuances must be observed. We place our feet hip-width apart, with the toes of our feet pointing slightly to the sides. Wrap them behind the bar as much as possible so that your shin touches its base.

Keep in mind that it is best not to use running shoes or any other air-cushioned shoes when performing deadlifts. Choose flat shoes for this purpose. They will help you avoid overload.

Place your hands on the bar so that your knees are between them, and your arms themselves should be straight. The pelvis is pulled back, while the back remains straight. The squat should not be too low.

In order to load the shoulders evenly, they must be brought forward so that the shoulder blades slightly extend beyond the line of the bar. Looking forward will help you control your body position. Now start lifting the barbell.

Until it reaches the knees, the front part of the thigh is involved in the work, after which the back part is turned on. Use in this process and gluteal muscles. Try to distribute the load so that all of the above muscles work, and not just your back. At the top point, no additional movements are needed, just straighten up.

When lowering the projectile down, first move your hips back. Bring the barbell to approximately kneecaps, and then bend your knees slightly. Make sure that your back does not arch or go up or down. It is important that all the weight does not fall on the hands, but is evenly distributed throughout the body.

To make the task easier for beginners, you can lift the barbell from a stand. Among other things, you can perform reverse dumbbell flyes on the trapeze. Here we also throw, from the bench, a rope pull to the face, a reverse butterfly throw.

When training your back, it is always very important to monitor the weight you use as a working weight. Too light will not give you any load, however, an excessive number of plates on the bar that you are not able to hold will also not bring the desired result.

The weight should be such that you can hardly lift it off the floor, but at the same time you can control your movements.

If you find it difficult to choose from all this variety, then be sure to include wide-grip pull-ups to the chest (as well as straight and reverse), dumbbell flyes and shrugs in your sets.

You will select the number of sets depending on your level of training. It is also at your discretion whether you perform them according to the classical scheme or combine everything into supersets.

Among other things, on the day of back training, it is also recommended to “punch” some small muscle group, for example, biceps or triceps, front or rear deltoids. If you wish, you can include pumping your abs on this day.

The warmest recommendations, parting words and wishes are collected here on this resource. Moreover, here you will find a complete set of tips and I guarantee: if you do everything as described here, after a couple of months you will not recognize your stomach, which will be evenly covered with muscle cubes.

Don't forget also that training your back will be a completely pointless exercise if you don't eat right.

Of course, this is only basic knowledge and concepts.

And that's all for today, friends! Remember that an hour of training a day is only a little over 4 percent of the day. Therefore, do not look for unnecessary excuses for yourself, but run to the gym.

I look forward to visiting you again on the pages of this blog, on YouTube channel And instagram.

We often hear “carrying everything on your back”, “for broad back- there is something in this. The back muscles are among the largest in the human body. Read more about the anatomy of the back muscles and exercises for their development!

Franco Colombo, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler have one thing in common besides multiple Mr. Olympia titles - they are all SPIN holders! Huge, pumped up, sculpted backs. It seems that last decades this part of the body has become even more important in bodybuilding competitions. If you don't have a good back, you'll have to settle for second place at best.

Of course, not everyone can build a back like Mr. Olympia, but we can build impressive, V-shaped, wide muscles that will not only make others look at you with admiration, but will also strengthen your entire body. top part body and will make it more harmonious and proportional.

We often hear “carrying everything on your back”, “behind a wide back” - there is something in this. The back includes several of the most large muscles(from the lower back to the trapezius muscles) and is involved in almost every movement we make, from stabilizing the core during bench presses to supporting us during squats. The back is of great importance in our training, but only a few give its development the necessary attention.

You must create a balance between mass and strength to achieve an impressive, muscular and strong body

Many athletes perform countless sets of exercises, but ignore their back. Perhaps this is because it is difficult to see when standing in front of a mirror. Why train something you can't see?

I am no longer surprised when I see athletes in the gym with excellent biceps, pectoral muscles and quadriceps, who, however, cannot boast of back, hamstrings and triceps. Their shoulders are rounded forward because pectoral muscles pull the deltoids forward, causing them to appear concave. The back is insufficiently and/or incorrectly pumped, the shoulders do not move back, so the body does not look proportional.

It's all about balance and harmony. You must create a balance between mass And by force to get an impressive, muscular and strong body. With this balance, you can develop other muscles without the front of your body looking disproportionate.

A little anatomy

There are a lot of back muscles, so sometimes you can get confused which one is responsible for what. Let's look at the main back muscles and their functions.

Latissimus dorsi muscle. The latissimus muscle, which is responsible for the V shape, accounts for most of the mass of the back. The latissimus triangularis muscle begins under the shoulders, passes through the humerus and extends down to the lower back, covering the lumbar region on both sides. The latissimus dorsi muscle lowers the shoulders and takes them back.

Teres major and minor muscles. A thick, flat large round originates on the dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula and is attached to medial lip intertubercular groove humerus. It is responsible for adduction and movements of the arms in the medial direction.

Rhomboid major and minor muscles. The rhomboid major muscle, located below the rhomboid minor, ends on the medial edge of the scapula. Thanks to it, the blade is attached to chest. This muscle pulls the scapula back, moving it towards the spinal column.

Back extensor muscles. These long muscles, which run along the lumbar region, are divided into three columns: external (iliocostalis), middle (longissimus) and narrow internal (spinalis). They all work by bending to the side and straightening the back.

Let's pump up a wide back!

Now that you know about anatomy and movement mechanisms, let's figure out how to get a wide back. The movements and exercises presented are designed to achieve maximum results every time you visit the gym. Remember to always use proper technique and not lift too much weight to risk your safety.

Pull-ups on the bar with a narrow and wide grip

To perform wide-grip pull-ups, grab the bar at a distance much wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly and pull your chest toward the bar, bringing your shoulder blades together. Arch your back and squeeze your muscles tightly, then return to the starting position with your elbows slightly bent. This way you can get the desired width and curve of the upper latissimus muscles.

When doing close-grip pull-ups, grab the bar no more than shoulder-width apart, but with at least 6 inches of space between your hands. Pull up as you would for a wide-grip pull-up, then lower down without extending, however. hands completely. This exercise works the lower part of the lats, which will help you build mass where they enter. lumbar region.

Advice. If you find this exercise difficult, then decide on a total number of reps, say 40, and just focus on doing them no matter how many sets it takes. You can do 10 in the first set, 8 in the second and 7 in the third. Continue until you've completed all 40. When you feel you can do that number of reps in three to four sets of 10 to 25 reps, increase the total to 50.

Barbell and T-bar rows

These exercises help build overall back muscle mass. To perform barbell rows, grip the bar at shoulder-width distance. Bend over, keeping your pelvis in line with your back, until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Raise the barbell towards your stomach and squeeze your muscles at the top. Slowly lower the bar and repeat the exercise.

To perform T-bar rows, follow the same technique as for barbell rows, just don't round your back or jerk the weight as you move up. The back should be straight, let the latissimus dorsi muscles work, not the lower back muscles.

Advice. If you think it would be a good idea to tone up your upper lats, try doing barbell rows with a wider grip and pulling the bar toward your lower chest. You will need to reduce the weight to ensure proper technique for performing the exercise.

Rows on the lower block with two and one hands

To build muscle in your lower back near the lumbar region, use one of the following exercises. When performing lat pulldowns, sit down, bend your knees slightly and lean your body back slightly. Straighten up so that your body is perpendicular to the floor, and at the same time pull the handle back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the handle towards your stomach. Return to starting position and repeat.

The beauty of one-arm pulley rows is that you can work each side separately. Use the same principle as the exercises above and make sure you contract the muscles as you pull the handle back.

Advice. If you don't feel comfortable doing barbell rows, attach a handle to a pulley cable and perform pulley rows with a shoulder-width (or wider) grip instead of barbell rows.

Rows on blocks to the chest with a V-shaped bar and behind the head with a wide grip

Nothing develops round muscles just like a pull-down on a block to the chest with a V-shaped bar. Grab the handle and bend your elbows slightly. Pull the handle down toward the middle of your chest and squeeze the muscles tightly. Return to the starting position and feel the weight pulling your muscles upward.

When performing overhead rows, grab the bar with an overhand grip and pull from your head to your shoulders, then with your elbows bent, return to the starting position so that the entire shoulder girdle rose with the load. These exercises are an excellent replacement for pull-ups.

Advice. When performing any pulling movement, try to raise the shoulder girdle in starting position. As you pull the weight down, lower your shoulders down and back, opening your chest. This will ensure that your back muscles are fully engaged.

Pullover with dumbbells and rows while standing on a block

Dumbbell pullovers and overhead rows are among the few isolated exercises for the back muscles, so they are great to finish off your workout.

When performing a pullover, lie perpendicular to the bench so that only your upper back touches it. Take the dumbbell by inner part, place it directly above your chest and bend your elbows slightly. Lower the dumbbell back behind your head in an arc, engaging your back muscles, until it is at least level with your head, then lift the dumbbell back to the starting position.

To perform standing pull-downs, stand in front of a pulley machine. Grasp the bar at a shoulder-width distance, approximately at eye level, so that the load falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles. Pull the weight down toward your hips without bending your arms and squeeze your lats tightly. Return to starting position and repeat.

Advice. These exercises are also great as a pre-exhaustion before the main back workout. Three quick sets of moderate reps are a great option.


The main exercise for the back muscles can be considered deadlifts. This exercise helps to pump up the muscles of the whole body and especially the back. With a barbell loaded on the floor, grab it with a shoulder-width grip, bend your knees, and keep your back straight. Lift the barbell off the floor, squeezing your legs first, then straightening your back until you're standing completely straight. Return the bar to the floor in the same way (in the opposite direction).

Advice. If you have trouble doing deadlifts from the floor, try doing partial deadlifts. Load the barbell onto a bench at approximately knee height and lift as described above. This will take some of the stress off your back if you are tall or if you don't want to work some of your leg muscles during this exercise.

Training Plans

Width of the upper part of the latissimus muscles


Thickness of the lower part of the latissimus muscles

Total weight and width

What is a partial deadlift?
A partial deadlift is very similar to a regular deadlift, but the barbell does not start from the floor. It needs to be put on power frame or some boxes/bench so that it is at the level of your knees.

Forget about the traditional "3 sets of 10 reps" training program. Professional bodybuilders recommend using heavy weights to train your back muscles using the Tabata system, which will help you increase strength, muscle size and endurance.

Have you thought about how your back training program works? Perhaps you have developed your own approach, which includes the following points: a small number of exercises (3 sets of 10 repetitions each), training hard, and also working on increasing muscle mass. And you don’t want to change anything?!

Break away from the usual patterns, make changes to your program, try multi-joint exercises for the back. Vary the number of repetitions, which will allow you to achieve several goals at once. Stretch your latissimus dorsi muscles. Perform finishing exercises that will fill your muscles with blood.

After the first training program, you will feel how your muscles are strengthening. The exercises that will be discussed below will include many in various ways Back muscle workouts that take less than an hour to complete.

Follow these simple rules

  • Warm up and start with the most difficult exercises. Reduce the load as you get tired.
  • Starting each workout with a higher load level and fewer repetitions will help you increase muscle strength. Increase the number of repetitions and decrease the load level as you progress through the exercises.
  • The rest time should depend on the complexity of the exercises performed and the level of load. As you lower the load level and lower the number of repetitions, reduce your rest periods.
  • Work all the muscles in your back - the latissimus, rhomboids, upper and lower trapezius, teres major, and even the rear deltoids (involved in pulling movements). At the very end of your workout, perform single-joint glute exercises. This method is often practiced by experienced bodybuilders.
  • Finish your workout with single-joint Tabata exercises that place intense stress on specific muscles.

A set of exercises for the back

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles according to the Tabata system (warm-up)

The warm-up includes both cardio exercises and Tabata exercises. While performing the block row to the belt while sitting, the pulse will increase and the blood will flow to the muscles. Yours training load should be 40% of your RM (repetition maximum). Focus not on the number of repetitions, but on the time. Alternate periods of work and rest. Break your set into eight 20-second segments with 10-second rests. Continue for 4 minutes.

Allow your muscles to move beyond their normal range of motion, increasing it slightly to make the warm-up more complete. Keep your back straight to avoid injuring it.

Start with strength program 5x5 which includes deadlift rods

Deadlift is important element back training programs. It uses a large number of muscles with a small number of repetitions. Thus, deadlifting can promote protein synthesis in muscles.

This workout will give you strength as your muscles will be subjected to a heavier load. Perform up to 5 repetitions. This is “5X5” - 5 series of 5 repetitions.

The 5x5 training program has a better effect on muscle strength than light exercise and has a positive effect on muscle mass. Choose a weight that you can lift about 6 times while in good shape and with maximum effort. Take a break after the first 2 series without reaching muscle failure. Finish the exercise before failure occurs.

If you feel unwell during the exercise, stop. You've had enough.

High block row with medium reps

The next exercise is a pull-down on a high block with a neutral grip. Increase the load volume. When performing this exercise, eccentric muscle work occurs. Return your hands to the starting position slowly (the process should take about 8 seconds). Research shows that this method, known as negative reps, causes your muscles to work 20 to 60 percent more during the return to the starting position than during the deadlift.

Use a wide, neutral grip to pull down on a high block. Keep your elbows pointing away from your body, thereby working the middle and lower trapezius muscles, rhomboid muscles, upper latissimus muscles and rear deltoids. You can use arm straps if you have difficulty supporting the weight during long sets.

Add volume to your muscles by increasing the number of reps on the T-bar row.

When performing a multi-joint exercise, bent-over T-bar rows with a high number of repetitions, you will most likely be working up a sweat. The load will be less intense, but the number of repetitions will increase (3 series of 15). This method contributes to the development muscle strength and muscle endurance.

Build your rear delts with this final Tabata exercise.

Not everyone trains their rear delts along with their back muscles. But during training you, one way or another, pump them up. So why not work your rear delts at the same time?

This single-joint bent over exercise will help you work your rear delts using the Tabata system. Perform the exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Break the set into eight segments that will take about 4 minutes to complete.

Use an optimal working weight and perform about 20 repetitions (load 40% of RM). Train to muscle failure. When performing this exercise, focus on time, not the number of repetitions.

At the very end of the workout, perform a single-joint exercise for the lower latissimus dorsi muscles, also using the Tabata system.

Return to the latissimus dorsi. Perform a block pull down with straight arms in a standing position. Use the same technique as before. This is an ideal finishing exercise as your muscles are already toned. The result will become even more pronounced. Having completed this exercise, you will feel a burning sensation in the latissimus dorsi muscles. Again, use a load of 40% of your RM.

Let's sum it up

As you work through this amazing workout program, take notes so you know where to start next time and what to strive for in the future. As with other workouts, push yourself to increase the load and/or number of repetitions over time. After about six weeks, once your body has adjusted, make further changes to your back workout to make it more challenging.

While doing this program, pay due attention to post-workout nutrition and body recovery. Muscle pain the next day may be especially noticeable after the first or second workout, but should subsequently decrease.

The most the main task for a bodybuilder - pump up a massive back to achieve a V-shaped body. In this guide, you will learn how to pump up your back muscles for maximum width and depth, how to choose the right exercises and build a weight training program for your back.

Luxurious shoulders, bulging biceps, triceps are worthy rewards after training. But what about a powerful back? How about broad ones that eclipse the sun? If you don't have them, now is the time to pump them up. A strong and well-developed back is the main thing for a physically balanced and functional athletic body.

As they say, in bodybuilding, “The show is won from behind.” Judges evaluate bodybuilders' sculpted chests and arms, which must stand out from the crowd when paired with the right curves. Size also matters for success. Sure, from a certain angle thin waist And developed muscles The backs look great, but if the back lacks power, the mouse can lose valuable points on stage due to insufficient width and depth and not look as impressive in real life.

But if you look at it from another perspective, a strong back can prevent or speed up recovery from injury, as well as showcase the brilliance of your core. And in sports, a powerful back will help: in football it is better to block, in wrestling there is a powerful grip and more dynamic strikes in all combat sports.

In this guide, you will get a general understanding of the back muscles and understand which exercises are best to perform to relieve or prevent back pain, as well as which ones are used when performing certain movements.

If you've been putting back training on the back burner, don't worry, you can improve your lats with Calum's tips and back training program.

The back is made up of bones, joints, nerves, muscles and connective tissue. They all help keep the vertebrae in the spinal column straight. Actually, the spine is divided into three parts: cervical region, thoracic, lumbar. Incorrect bending or turning when lifting heavy objects can damage the discs between the vertebrae. To keep your back healthy and strong, you need to maintain an upright posture all day long, not just when lifting heavy objects.

The back muscles include the following groups: trapezius - (this is the upper part of the back), rhomboids - (located immediately below the trapezius), latissimus (the largest group of the lower back), teres major and minor (located under the latissimus) and muscles - spinal extensors (those that straighten the lower back, the longest, divided into many subtypes).

The chest and abdominal muscles play a key role in physical development and strengthening the muscles of the back of the body. Straight abdominal muscle(six pack abs) and obliques (located on the side of the torso) stabilize the spine and help with heavy lifting. Typically, each back exercise involves all or several specific groups.

What is the best exercise to choose to train your back muscles?

After intensive training, there comes a time when it becomes much easier to control the shape of the back muscles, for example, when posing. This mainly happens when significant success is achieved in gaining weight.

The king of all back exercises

Many experts believe that the deadlift is king, as it adds strength and stimulates growth of all muscle groups in the back.

Thus, when trying to gain muscle mass in the back, the deadlift is an integral and most important exercise to achieve the set goal.

Also, the deadlift can be a good training tool for beginners, as long as the correct technique is followed. Beginners increase their strength not only solely due to systematic deadlift training, but also due to the improved nervous system endurance that comes as the body adapts to such a load. This is achieved when nervous system learn to use every part of every muscle when performing deadlifts, and then muscle and strength growth will increase.

After a long training program, muscle growth stops after 1-5 sets of deadlifts, which means it's time to start working on aesthetics: perfect amount approaches in muscle building exercises are from 8 to 12 repetitions with increasing working weight. And performing exercises for 15-20 approaches, which implies the use of lighter weights, improves muscular endurance, but not a lot.

Free Weight Exercises

You can increase the mass of your back using the following exercises: bent-over barbell rows, one-arm bent-over dumbbell rows, shrugs with dumbbells and a barbell, dumbbell rows to load the rear deltoid. Performing bent-over barbell rows puts a load on the latissimus dorsi, teres major, middle trapezius, rhomboid, and posterior deltoids. Such movements cannot be combined with deadlifts.

Bent-over dumbbell rows with one hand to the waist load the same groups as bent-over barbell rows, and also strain lateral muscles back with weight gain. Shrugs that develop the trapezius and rear deltoids make your upper back look more powerful. Bent-over dumbbell swings, when using a lighter weight for these exercises, can significantly improve upper back definition.

Exercises on simulators

After exercises with free weights, you need to move on to training on simulators: overhead pull-downs, lower pull-downs, arm swings in the simulator ( reverse dilution, peck-deck, butterfly). They work the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, and rear delta. Using a long bar and wide grip for lat pulldowns can help increase overall lat mass. And lat pulldowns with a reverse grip can increase the volume and range of mobility of vertical movements, which helps add mass to all abdominal muscles.

Using lever and overhead grip machines (which have single-arm variations) will help you focus your efforts on increasing muscle size in specific areas at the same time. A little-known technique for single-arm machines is the concept of strength training or eccentric exercises, where the training time or weight lifted during the final series of sets is increased.

For example, working the latissimus muscle using a D-shaped handle on strength training equipment, to perform lat pulldowns with one hand, you need to set the load to 9.072 kg, and then lower the handle down right hand. And then with your left hand you need to set the load to 18.144 kg and return the block to its original position. The first half of the exercise is aimed at concentric muscle contraction, the second - at eccentric muscle contraction (when lifting the weight back up). By focusing attention on performing the second half of the exercise, muscle growth is stimulated in a way that is unusual for muscles, and as a result, the growth process is accelerated.

Bodyweight exercises

When performing a separate part of the program to build back muscles, only the visual effectiveness and definition of the torso improves. In this case, there is no point in lifting weights if it is impossible to lift your own weight. Pull-ups, reverse rows, back stretches, and TRX loop workouts are exercises designed to build strength and size in the back in a way that works all the muscles in the body at once instead of targeting one muscle or muscle group. And you don’t have to be limited by your actual body weight when you exercise with “ own weight bodies."

For example, as soon as doing 10 pull-ups on the bar in three sets becomes habitual, you need to increase the load by attaching a belt to your waist with additional weight on it.

If it is physically impossible to do pull-ups, you should start with reverse thrust and training with TRX loops - this teaches you to stabilize the torso corset while improving the performance of body tightening exercises.

Bodyweight exercises such as gundog, superman, dead bug and plank will help prevent or speed up recovery from lower back pain. They can also help restore strength and strengthen the core muscles after injury to improve athletic performance in terms of endurance and strength. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions of all four exercises at the beginning or middle of your back workout. Make them at home free time to increase the longevity of your weightlifting (or bodybuilding) career.

How to properly pump up your back muscles

1 Focus on compound exercises

Calum's best advice is to start with multi-joint exercises. This is the best route for beginners. That's how he started out himself. Calum thinks that basic exercises will not only help develop your back, but will also help with coordination and strengthen your core. Choose movements like deadlifts—which work your back, legs, and glutes—as opposed to isolation exercises like straight-arm cable rows.

One more rule– Never sacrifice technique for more weight. Throwing a bunch of iron onto a barbell to increase the size of your back on a barbell deadlift is a recipe for diminishing results, not adding mass.

Calum has been taught by many years of experience to monitor the technique of performing exercises. He says he's tried and used heavy weights before, both for deadlifts and bent-over rows, but it's not good for muscle building.

2 Create a brain-muscle connection (neuromuscular connection)

To tone up his massive back, Calum focused on neuromuscular connections and the muscles began to grow.

Although he has always had a well-defined and prominent back, Calum hasn't always enjoyed training this specific body part. He would better bench press lying down or squatting to strengthen the quadriceps. But last year he noticed a difference in the width and thickness of his back, which prompted him to take action.

Calum has also recently created a strong mental connection with his back. He says the best thing about back training now is the brain-muscle connection that I have. He usually tries his best to activate his back muscles. Calum says he didn't know how to stretch before, but now he can do multiple stretches, which makes the workout much more effective.

3 Pull, pull, pull

When it comes to your back, barbell rows and wide-grip pull-ups should come to mind. Calum believes that for good, broad back, the bent over row is ideal because it is initially aimed at the middle trapezius muscle, which lowers the center of your back.

Combine it with a lat pulldown to develop width. Think about your back during every workout to maximize the involvement of all fibers.

4 Stretching and contracting

For building powerful back, the main thing is that you stretch and contract every muscle at the peak of each set. Isometric exercises—such as stretching, counting to 5, and relaxation—help activate and fatigue this muscle.

Any isometric exercises increase the time the muscle is under load, and strengthens the neuromuscular connection with every movement. The result is more than just a great mass!

The correct technique for performing the exercise and involving the maximum number of muscle groups and muscle fibers, will help pump up a massive back.

Are you ready to put these tips into action? Start working on your back using Calum's advice. Push yourself to lift heavy weights the way you need to, but stick to proper form and rest periods.

Back training program

Rest 30-60 seconds between warm-up sets

Rest 60-90 seconds for working sets

Reverse grip pull-ups

6 sets of 10 reps (body weight)

Bent-over barbell row

2 warm-up sets of 6-10 repetitions; 3 working sets of 6-10 reps

In this article you will learn what exercises to choose to train your back muscles in order to increase its mass, make it wider and more prominent.

Rock on your back gym You can do it with a barbell, dumbbells and in exercise machines. Knowing which movements are best for building a wide, strong back will help you achieve your goals much faster. That's why we've compiled a list of the 10 best exercises for building back muscles.

Because there is very little research on this topic, we selected these movements based on factors such as popularity, number of muscle fibers involved, difficulty of technique, and uniqueness of the movement compared to others. Our list includes the most effective exercises for pumping your back in the gym, which can be included in any training program.

To do right choice and include only the essentials in your training program, you need to understand which muscle groups are loaded by which exercises and what goals you are pursuing. They can be roughly divided into those that are effective for pumping up the width and mass of the back.

Please note that all movements presented in the article are equally suitable for men and women. The execution option for girls differs only in the worker that will be used for training. When we talk about that, similar movements will be used in different ways muscle groups and the technique will be different.

This is definitely best exercise for pumping up the back, although purely technically it is aimed not only at the development of this part of the body. The deadlift works the entire posterior chain from the calves to the upper traps. When performing, it is extremely important to follow the technique in order to maintain the health of the spine, ligaments and joints with a constant progression of working weights. Once you learn how to do this, you can lift huge weights, which will force your muscles to work at their best, stimulate the production of hormones and help you get bigger.

There are also many programs available to help you improve your deadlift and set personal bests. Physiologists love to include deadlifting in strength-building and improvement programs. physical fitness, because it works the muscles very well and is great for strengthening the bone structure.

Incorporate classic deadlifts into your back training program. Other variations of the exercise, such as the sumo deadlift, shift the load from the back to other muscle groups.

If you're going to lift heavy weights (less than 6 reps), do deadlifts early in your workout when you're full of strength. If you're focusing on high reps, you can do it later.

This is perhaps the second most important exercise in which you can work with heavy weight. EMG data shows that the standing bent-over barbell row engages large muscle groups in the upper and lower back equally, making it effective for building back muscle mass. As with deadlifts, you need to be careful correct technique to avoid injury.

Do bent-over rows early in your workout, working with heavy weights in a low rep range (around 6-8 or 8-10). The Smith machine version is a good alternative. This allows you to maintain an upright position, but you must ensure that your body is tilted correctly relative to the bar. Barbell rows put quite a lot of stress on the lower back, so it's best to do them early in your workout. If you've maxed out your deadlifts, you can skip the bent-over barbell rows.

3. Wide grip pull-ups

It's always a good idea to include a pulling exercise in your back workout, and pull-ups are one of them. best options. Wide-grip pull-ups are great for working the upper lats. A narrow grip increases the range of motion, but we prefer a wide grip due to the optimal starting position for the joints. One of the main difficulties with this exercise is training to muscle failure in a suitable manner. muscle growth rep range (8-12).

If you do pull-ups at the beginning of your workout, it is better to use a weight belt. Of course, if you find it difficult, you can do pull-ups using a machine with a support mechanism or with the help of a partner. As an alternative, you can do head pull-ups if you don't have shoulder pain.

Proper technique also plays an important role. In the starting position, the shoulder blades should be lowered down and brought together.

Due to the large range of motion, a few light repetitions will serve as a good warm-up for shoulder joints. Since technique is also very important, it is best to perform pull-ups early in your workout.

4. Standing T-bar row

We chose this variation of the T-bar row because it allows you to lift more weight, although athletes often “help” themselves through their knees and hips. Some people find it difficult to keep their back straight, so this version is a better choice.

The T-bar row is not a squat, so keep your legs bent throughout the movement. You can also change your hand position and grip width. A wide grip will put more stress on the latissimus muscles, and a regular grip will put more stress on the middle part of the back (rhomboids, teres muscles, and trapezius). This is one of the easiest pulling exercises to provide belay.

Perform the exercise at the beginning of your workout. Focus not on moving your arms, but on working the muscles in your back. If you are an experienced lifter, use a weight of 10 kg instead of 20 kg, gradually increasing the range of motion and slowing the movement of the shoulder blades at the bottom of each repetition. With each repetition, make sure you maintain a straight back position.

5. Wide-grip seated pull-down

Why it's included: Almost everyone performs pull-downs with only a close grip. A wide grip allows for a change of pace because it places some of the load on the upper lats. This exercise is similar to other back pulling movements performed on machines, so don't do them in the same workout unless you make some changes to them, such as changing your grip width or rep range. You can also try a shoulder-width grip, which works better bottom part lats, but remember to keep your elbows close to your sides.

Since this exercise is performed in a machine, it is best done at the end of the workout. Choose a weight that allows you to perform no more than 12 repetitions.

6. Reverse grip barbell row on the Smith machine

The reverse grip engages the biceps more actively, and when moving the elbows pressed to the sides, more load falls on the lower part of the latissimus muscles. The Smith machine allows you to focus only on lifting the weight and not worry about balancing it.

Bend at about a 45-degree angle, stay close to the bar, and lightly engage your knees and hips as you lift. heavy weights. While many athletes view the Smith machine as taboo, the fixed motion pattern and ability to control what you lift will make a difference in your workout and make it a little easier.

You don't need to include more than one reverse grip exercise in your workout. Do it mid-workout, after heavy pulling movements. When doing any of these, don't neglect the straps. Your goal is to work your back as much as possible and not experience limitations due to an insufficiently strong grip.

7. Close-grip chest row

The wide-grip pull-down is very similar to the wide-grip pull-ups we reviewed, so we opted for the close-grip pull-down. EMG data shows that a close neutral grip activates the lats just as much as a regular grip, so you'll hit every part of the muscle. As mentioned in the chapter on pull-ups, narrow grip increases the range of motion and time of tension of the latissimus muscles, which has a positive effect on muscle gain.

This exercise works well as a warm-up for the shoulders, but for muscle gain it is best performed at the end of a workout in the 8-12 rep range.

8. One-arm dumbbell row

This is an excellent unilateral exercise where each side of the body works independently of the other, allowing you to lift a lot of weight. This increases your range of motion without being limited by more weak side. It will also make it easier for you to support your lower back (which you might otherwise be lying on). huge pressure), placing one hand on the bench. Rotating the dumbbell slightly will help engage your core muscles to a greater extent.

If you move your elbow to the side, you will force the lower part of the lats to work more actively. Perform the exercise between the middle and end of your workout in the 10-12 repetition range.

9. Incline Pullover Head Down

This exercise is similar to the straight-arm pull-down, which you're probably familiar with. The movement is single-joint, but allows you to perfectly work the latissimus dorsi muscles. The upside down version keeps the lats tense throughout their entire amplitude longer, compared to horizontal position. When you finish the exercise, simply hold the dumbbell behind your head and throw it to the floor.

In almost all cases, single-joint exercises should be done at the end of the workout. Try to do more reps (about 12-15 per set) to achieve a pump.

10. Smith machine one-arm barbell row

This embodiment is perfect for working on bottom latissimus muscles. Stand with your side to the machine, grab the bar in the center, put one leg back (split position), and bend your knees to better maintain balance. Pull the bar up as high as possible. It is acceptable if the body naturally sways a little while performing the exercise.

Perform it at the end of your workout in the range of 8-10 or 10-12 repetitions. You can do this instead of dumbbell rows since the movements are similar.