Palmaris longus muscle. Why do humans actually need palmar muscles? Anterior, superior and posterior auricular muscles

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Rudiments are “extra”, non-functioning organs or structures that are scattered throughout the human body. They are the ones who prove the difference. modern man from his ancestors.

website collected 6 evidence of evolution that is preserved on your body.

Palmaris longus muscle

Place your hand on a flat surface with your palm facing up. Place your little finger and thumb together and then lift them up slightly. Did you see a ligament on your wrist? This muscle is the “legacy” of our ancestors and is responsible for releasing claws and strengthening the grip when jumping from tree to tree. Don't worry if you haven't found it - modern life she's useless.

Goose pimples

The main causes of goosebumps are cold and danger. In this case, the spinal cord excites peripheral nerve endings, which raise the hair. In the cold, this allows you to retain more heat inside the cover, and in case of danger it gives the animal a more massive appearance. Goosebumps are also associated with strong emotional experiences and can appear from admiration.


Epicanthus - skin fold on upper eyelid, characteristic only of the Mongoloid race. Most researchers believe that it arose as a result of the natural conditions of human habitation: severe cold, deserts and hot sun.

Lunar fold

This tiny fold of skin at the corner of the eye is a remnant of the nictitating membrane. In birds, reptiles and fish, it is fully functional and serves to keep the surface of the eye moist and intact. At some point, it became unnecessary for people, but they retained a small piece of this fold, connected to the muscles.

Ecology of life. Cognitive: 200 muscles are activated with just one step. The heart, the most resilient muscle in the body, works constantly. Muscles grow and train...

200 muscles are activated with just one step. The heart, the most resilient muscle in the body, works constantly. Muscles are grown and trained; tons of sports literature has been written about them. We'll tell you the most interesting things.

1. How many muscles are there in total?

In total, there are from 640 to 850 muscles in the human body. During simple walking, the body uses up to 200 muscles. Muscle tissue is 15% denser and heavier than fat tissue, so a trained person can outweigh an overweight but unathletic person of the same height. Muscles account for an average of 40% of body weight.

2. The very best muscles

The most enduring muscle in humans is the heart, the shortest is the stapedius (it strains the eardrum in the ear). Its length is 1.27 millimeters. The most longus muscle human body - tailoring. The most fast muscle- blinking. There are different opinions about which muscle in the body is the strongest. It is often said that the most powerful muscle- tongue, but the tongue consists of several muscles, so this point of view is false. The chewing muscles are very strong (their pressure can reach 100 kilograms), as well as the calves and gluteal muscles.

3. Such different muscles

Human muscles are not the same. Therefore, they need to be trained differently, and time for recovery and different groups muscles are different. The triceps recover the fastest, the back muscles the slowest. This must be taken into account when training; muscles need rest no less than load, since the growth of muscle fibers occurs due to the effect of supercompensation. Full muscle recovery occurs only 48 hours after intense exercise.

4. Muscle endurance

Endurance is the ability of a muscle to maintain performance over time. The most enduring muscle human body, as we have already said, is the heart. According to doctors, the “safety margin” of the average heart is at least 100 years. Muscles begin to get tired when they run out of glycogen, and fatigue is also explained by the large amount of calcium in the muscles. Previously, it was believed that the main culprit of fatigue was lactic acid. A study was conducted at Columbia University in which mice swam daily for three weeks and cyclists trained for three days. It turned out that after physical exercise in the chemical structure of the ryanodine receptor, which is responsible for muscle contraction, there were major changes- a gap appeared in the cell membrane through which calcium leaked into the muscle cells.

5. Muscles and emotions

It is known that the movement of facial muscles is directly related to human emotions. At the beginning of the last century, the Russian scientist Ivan Sikorsky compiled a classification of facial expressions: the muscles around the eyes are responsible for the expression of mental phenomena, the muscles around the mouth are for the expression of acts of will, and all the muscles of the face express feelings. In 2011, scientists were able to discover that human facial expressions arise long before his birth. Even during the prenatal period, the child is already able to move his facial muscles, smile, raise his eyebrows in surprise or frown. Facial muscles make up 25% of the total number of muscles; during a smile, 17 muscle groups are involved, during anger or crying - 43. One of the best ways maintaining smooth skin on the face - kissing. They work from 29 to 34 muscle groups.

6. Muscles and genes

Amazingly, muscle training affects not only the person himself, but also his genes. Modifications occur in them, which subsequently help the muscle fibers to be ready for new loads. In order to prove or disprove this, scientists from the University of Aarhus recruited a focus group of 20 volunteers and put them through a 20-minute aerobic exercise on an exercise bike. After the study, a biopsy of the subjects' quadriceps was taken to see how the genes had changed in their cells. It turned out that exercise stress activates muscle-related genes. This is because cells store DNA using methyl groups. If they are removed, the gene information is converted into enzymes and proteins that are needed to burn calories, gain muscle mass and oxygen consumption. After the experiment, the number of methyl groups decreased in all study participants - that is, the muscles adapted to the increase in metabolism.

7. Muscles and telepathy

A simple person is not able to establish control over all the muscles of the body, therefore unconscious muscle contractions can serve for knowledgeable people as an indicator of hidden thoughts or planned actions. High-level psychologists and “telepaths” can use knowledge about these processes. Wolf Messing, one of the most famous telepaths, explained his phenomenal abilities not by magic, but by a thorough knowledge of the work of human muscles. He said: “This is not mind reading, but, so to speak, “muscle reading”... When a person thinks intensely about something, brain cells transmit impulses to all the muscles of the body.”

8. Palmaris longus

Only one in six people on earth still have long palmaris muscles on both hands. Some people only have them on one of their hands. These muscle fibers are responsible for the release of claws in animals. A person, of course, does not need such a function. The palmaris longus muscle is thus a rudiment used by surgeons, if necessary, as a material for muscle transplantation.

9. Muscles and chocolate

Oddly enough, one of the most healthy products for the heart and for the muscles in general is dark chocolate. Research conducted at Wayne State University in Detroit revealed the effect of the substance epicatechin contained in dark chocolate on the growth of mitochondria in muscle cells. Scientists at the University of L'Aquila also conducted a study in which they gave subjects one hundred grams of chocolate for 15 days and measured their blood pressure. During the experiment, people's blood pressure normalized and their blood circulation improved. Accordingly, moderate consumption of dark chocolate can be considered as a prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis.

10. Muscle loss

Muscles don't last forever. After 40 years, they begin to be actively burned; a person begins to lose from 2 to 3 percent per year muscle tissue, after 60 years - up to 5%. Therefore, training in adulthood is no less important than in youth. published

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Palmaris longus muscle

The palmaris longus muscle is indicated by an arrow.

Palmaris longus tendon
Latin name

Musculus palmaris longus

Blood supply

n. medianus (C VII -C VIII)


stretches the palmar aponeurosis and takes part in flexion of the hand


Palmaris longus muscle(lat. Musculus palmaris longus) - has a short fusiform abdomen and very long tendon. Lies directly under the skin, internal to the flexor carpi radialis. It starts from the medial epicondyle of the humerus, intermuscular septum and fascia of the forearm and, approaching the hand, passes into the wide palmar aponeurosis.


Stretches the palmar aponeurosis and flexes the hand.

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Tendons are used as tendon autografts, the removal of which does not cause significant functional or cosmetic impairment.

The palmaris tendon has a significant length (from 15 to 20 cm or more, including the intramuscular part), sufficient cross-sectional area and strength. Its loss does not cause functional impairment, and its removal does not cause technical difficulties.

Disadvantages of this source of tendon grafts include the limited amount of graft material, the absence of tendon in 15% of people, and sometimes insufficient tendon length. In this regard, the palmaris longus tendon is most often used for plastic surgery of the flexor tendon on short fingers hands (I and V), when only one finger is damaged. For multiple finger injuries, it is preferable to use other sources of plastic material.

Taking technique. You can check the presence of the palmaris longus tendon by straining the straightened fingers of the hand while bending it slightly at the wrist joint (Fig. 14.5.1). From a small transverse approach, the tendon is exposed at the junction with the palmar aponeurosis. When doing this, you should be careful not to damage the nearby median nerve.

Rice. 14.5.1. Test to assess the presence of the palmaris longus tendon.

The end of the tendon is sutured and cut off, after which, by pulling the ligatures with simultaneous palpation, it is easy to determine its course under the skin. This allows, from two additional transverse approaches, to completely isolate the tendon to its outer muscular section (Fig. 14.5.2, a), after which it is cut off from the muscle belly. This procedure can be performed from one access using a special instrument - a tendon raspator (Fig. 14.5.2, b).

Rice. 14.5.2. Schematic illustration of the approaches used to harvest the palmaris longus tendon (explanation in text).

Tendons long extensors II-V toes. This source is characterized by a significant number of donor tendons (4 on each foot), their significant length (up to 25-30 cm), as well as minor loss of function and cosmetic defect after collection.

At the same time, sometimes the tendons are not thick enough (usually on the 4th-5th fingers), and their isolation over the entire length is technically difficult. This source of tendons is widely used in hand surgery, as well as in reconstructive operations on other segments.

Taking technique. On the bloodless segment, from short (5 mm) transverse incisions at the level of the heads of the metatarsal bones (Fig. 14.5.3, b), the ends of the tendons of the long extensors of the II-V fingers are isolated, sutured and cut off. At the same time, the tendons short extensors these same fingers must be preserved.

From the next transverse approach at the level of the transverse tarsal joint (Shopard's joint), all 4 tendons located next to each other can be isolated. From the third longitudinal access up to 8 cm long, located immediately above the proximal edge of the suspensory extensor tendon ligament, the long extensor tendons of the II-V fingers are exposed, which usually cannot be separated, since they represent one common trunk.

After this, the tendon sheath is carefully opened and a Rozov conductor is inserted into it in the distal direction, trying to pass to the nearest incision along the surface of the extreme tendon. With the help of a guide, each tendon is brought into the proximal wound and, thus, the common tendon trunk is separated. Then the tendons are cut off from the muscle and after removing the tourniquet and stopping the bleeding, the wound is tightly sutured in layers (including the deep fascia).

When using a tendon raspatory, access to the lower legs is not necessary, and the procedure for taking grafts is simplified (Fig. 14.5.3, a).

Rice. 14.5.3. Approaches and stages of harvesting the tendons of the long extensor toes (explanation in the text).

For special indications, extensor toe longus tendons can be incorporated into the dorsalis pedis flap and used as perfused grafts.

The superficial digital flexor tendons are used for plastic surgery of the deep digital flexor tendons. Their advantages include their significant thickness, length and quantity, as well as the simplicity of the picking technique. According to their characteristics, they are best suited for deep tendon replacement. However, their use also has significant negative sides.

First of all, in short-fingered subjects these tendons may be relatively short. This forces them to be taken together with the intramuscular part, after which the muscle can no longer be used, and the strength of flexion of the finger is noticeably reduced. In addition, taking the superficial flexor tendons requires significant access, which is also unprofitable from a cosmetic point of view.

It is important to note that this donor zone is located along the osteofibrous canals of the fingers and therefore is the most unfavorable (compared to any other zones) due to the negative influence of scar adhesions that inevitably form around the deep flexor tendons of the donor finger. Such a finger in the postoperative period itself requires full rehabilitation, which may not always end full restoration functions.

This is why it is advisable to use the superficial flexor tendons of only the injured finger and only when the level of injury is in the “critical” zone.

If injury occurs at a more proximal level, the tendon graft may become too short to be effective. Transposition of the superficial flexor tendon from the adjacent, longer and undamaged (!) finger is a gross mistake.

Taking technique. Together with the proximal end of the damaged tendon of the deep digital flexor, the superficial tendon is isolated from the appropriate access on the hand and brought into an S-shaped wound on the forearm. Then the tendon of the superficial flexor of the finger is isolated to the level of the muscle and cut off, having previously sutured its remaining end in the muscle. The latter is sutured to the central end of the deep flexor tendon after its restoration.

The plantaris tendon is of considerable length and thickness, which allows it to be used in hand tendon surgery. Its disadvantage is the limited amount of plastic material, which allows this source to be used only for tendoplasty on one finger. Additionally, the tendon is missing in 7% of people and cannot be identified before surgery.

Taking technique. The plantaris tendon is isolated from a 5-cm vertical incision anterior to the medial border of the calcaneal tendon and harvested using a tendon rasp (Fig. 14.5.4). In this case, the instrument should pass parallel to the axis of the lower leg when extended in knee joint limbs.

Rice. 14.5.4. Scheme of taking a transplant from the tendon of the plantaris muscle (explanation in the text).

The fascia lata of the femur is a virtually unlimited source of plastic material and, when replacing large tendons, must be rolled into a tube. Due to the fact that its surface does not have such high sliding properties, flaps from the fascia lata of the thigh are not used to replace defects in the flexor tendons of the fingers.

At the same time, their transplantation can give good result when replacing other tendons, including in the form of blood-supplied grafts, including fasciocutaneous flaps from the outer surface

Autoplasty of tendons

The use of autotendons for tendonoplasty is most common in clinical practice. Depending on the specific conditions, five main options are used.

One-stage non-vascular graft tendonoplasty is the most common procedure in which a tendon insert is sutured into the tendon defect.

In the vast majority of cases, this type of operation is performed for chronic injuries of the flexor tendons of the fingers.

Two-stage tendonoplasty is used exclusively in surgery of the flexor tendons of the fingers and consists in the fact that during the 1st stage of treatment, more favorable conditions are created for the subsequent transplantation of a tendon graft.

Tendoplasty combined with transplantation of complex skin flaps. When tendon defects are combined with skin defects, these two problems can be solved simultaneously, since only when the tissues surrounding the tendon are in a normal state can their function be restored.

Most often this situation occurs with injuries of the forearm in the lower third. After transplanting a complex skin flap into the defect, tendon grafts can be passed through the latter.

These two tasks can be solved sequentially during two-stage treatment. This significantly lengthens its duration and requires repeated intervention in the same anatomical area.

Transplantation of blood-supplied tendon grafts. When a soft tissue defect is combined with a tendon defect, blood-supplied tissue complexes, including tendons, can be used.

For this purpose, a dorsal foot flap can be used, taken with the tendons of the long extensor muscles of the II-V fingers. Tissue complexes from the outer thigh may include fascia lata, flaps of which can replace tendon defects.

Tendon transposition is one of the methods for replacing tendon defects, when a nearby tendon is used, the muscle of which can be switched to a new function without significant functional loss. Most often, one of the paired tendons adjacent to the defect area is used (superficial and deep flexor tendons, common and intrinsic extensors of the II and V fingers).

IN AND. Arkhangelsky, V.F. Kirillov

As a rule, we are confident that we know our own body from head to toe. And if we don’t know something, then necessary information we can get from books on human anatomy. But there are organs that are rarely mentioned even in medical reference books.

Lacrimal puncta

If you pull back your upper or lower eyelid, you will see a tiny hole in the inner corner. It turns out that there are two such holes for each eye, and there are four in total. They are designed to drain tears. That is why they are called lacrimal puncta.

Yakobson organ

Thanks to it, animals are able to sense pheromones emitted by their relatives. Whether people have this organ is a controversial issue. Scientists believe that human embryos have it, but as they develop, it atrophies, leaving behind a hole on one side (or both) of the nasal passage. However, it lacks sensory neurons. Therefore, we can only detect pheromones through our sense of smell.

Ear muscles

Some people - no more than 10-20% of all humanity - are able to move their ears, and they do this thanks to the ear muscles connected to the outer ear. A person has three of them, but, by and large, he doesn’t need them.

Palmar muscles

Only 86% of all people on the globe have such muscles. They run from the elbow to the palm. To check if you have a palmaris muscle, touch your thumb with your little finger, and then tense your wrist muscles. The palmaris muscles are thought to make the wrist more flexible. But modern man has no need for this organ. Perhaps, in the distant past, our primate ancestors needed it for the convenience of climbing trees.

Goose bump muscles

Goose bumps usually appear when we are cold or afraid of something. This happens due to the compression of tiny muscles located on the body around the hair follicles. You've probably noticed that animals' fur sometimes stands on end. Our distant ancestors were quite hairy, but modern man has no hair, so in “extreme” situations his skin simply becomes covered with pimples.


This organ officially appeared in medicine only in November 2016. It's about about double fold abdominal cavity connecting the intestine to the abdominal region. Previously it was believed that this function was performed by several organs at once. However, the real purpose of the mesentery is not yet entirely clear to specialists.


The fact that a person has such a part of the body as the tailbone is, of course, well known to everyone. This is an atavism, the remains of a tail that human ancestors once possessed. But the fact is that people also have tails. They are possessed by human embryos in the first 10 weeks of intrauterine development. And sometimes children are born with a slight bulge in the tailbone area. In the old days, people with a ponytail were mistaken for the spawn of the devil and feared as sorcerers and witches. Nowadays, the extra organ can be easily removed surgically.