How to make your muscles grow at an accelerated pace. We train muscles... with the power of thought How to make small muscles work

And you already have an idea of ​​what a muscle is. But how does muscle contraction occur? What makes our muscles work?

In simple terms, muscle contraction occurs under the influence of nerve impulses that activate nerve cells in the spinal cord - motor neurons, the branches of which are axons brought to the muscle. If you take a closer look, inside the muscle the axon divides and forms a network of branches that, like electrical contacts, are “connected” to the muscle cell. Through such contacts, muscle contraction occurs.

It turns out that each motor neuron controls a group of muscle cells. Such groups were called - neuromotor units, thanks to which a person can use part of the muscle in work. Therefore, we can consciously control the speed and force of muscle contraction.

So, we looked at the process of “launching” muscle contraction. Now let's take a closer look at what happens directly inside the muscle during contraction. This material is somewhat difficult to understand, but very important. You need to understand it, otherwise you will not be able to fully understand how our muscles grow.

Muscle contraction in rough approximation

First of all, it is necessary to understand what consists of numerous strands of two proteins: myosin And actin, which are located along the myofibril. Moreover, myosin is thick filaments, and actin is thin filaments. This explains the light-dark striped structure of the myofibril (dark stripes - myosin, light stripes - actin).

In the literature, the dark areas of the myofibril are called the A-disc, and the light areas are called the I-disc. Actin filaments are attached to the so-called Z-line, which is located in the center of the I-disc. The myofibril segment between the Z-lines, including the myosin A-disc, is called sarcomere, which can be considered a kind of contractile unit of myofibril.

The sarcomere contracts as follows: with the help of lateral branches (bridges), thick myosin filaments draw thin actin filaments along themselves.

That is, the heads of the bridges engage with the actin filament and pull it between the myosin filaments. At the end of the movement, the heads disengage and engage again, continuing to retract. It turns out that muscle contraction is a combination of contractions of many sarcomeres.

If we consider the thin actin filament separately, it is a double helix of actin filaments, between which there is a double chain of tropomyosin.

Tropomyosin is also a protein that blocks the engagement of myosin bridges with actin in a relaxed muscle state. As soon as a nerve impulse is transmitted through a motor neuron to a muscle, the polarity of the membrane charge changes muscle cell, as a result of which the cells are saturated with calcium ions (Ca++), which are released from special stores located along each myofibril. The tropomyosin filament, in the presence of calcium ions, instantly deepens between the actin filaments, and myosin bridges are able to engage with actin - muscle contraction becomes possible.

However, after Ca++ enters the cell, it immediately returns to its storage and muscle relaxation occurs. Only with constant impulses emanating from the nervous system can we maintain a prolonged contraction - this condition has been defined tetanic muscle contraction.

Of course, muscle contraction requires energy. Where does it come from, how is the energy that supports the movement of the myosin bridge formed? You will learn about this in the next article.

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Greetings, friends! In this article I would like to talk about what muscle growth is, how to make muscles grow and give some effective tips. Many people know what a plateau is, but do you know how to deal with it?

If you turn not to bodybuilders, but to scientists who are trying to look deep into the processes occurring in our muscles, then opinions differ about the reasons for muscle growth. When committing physical work mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) accumulates in the muscles - a growth factor that triggers protein synthesis in the muscles.

At the same time, the number of hydrogen ions (a product of the breakdown of lactic acid) increases. This component is necessary to activate protein synthesis. However, its excess leads to acidification muscle fibers and destruction of muscle cells.

So, some scientists argue that you need to give your muscles stress while trying to destroy them as little as possible. That is, accumulate a sufficient number of hydrogen ions, but not excess. In this case, there will be enough growth factors for the muscles to grow.

Another camp of scientists argues that the more destruction there is in muscle tissue, all the better. Arguing this is that only when muscle fibers are destroyed during training, the body will launch adaptation mechanisms, release the necessary hormones and growth factors, which will trigger the synthesis of new protein structures and compensate for muscle tissue with a reserve.

But theory is theory, but what does the practice and experience of bodybuilders say?

Muscle growth practice

Bodybuilding originated at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, a huge amount of knowledge has been accumulated through observations and direct experiments on one's body.

It is clear that the athletes themselves and the people who trained them made a huge contribution to the knowledge base. Many training methods have undergone changes or been rejected altogether. As a result of almost 100 years of evolution, we have received the keys to effective muscle growth. Undoubtedly, development will continue and there are still many white holes, but the knowledge that the world of bodybuilding already possesses cannot be overestimated.

So, the basic principle states that in order to grow muscles, you need to create unusual conditions for the body. In our case, with the help of training. That is, we come to the gym and begin to load the muscles various exercises, this is stress for the body and it begins to think what to do, how to adapt to this stress. And he finds the solution in growth muscle mass.

But if in subsequent training we give him exactly the same load, he will already be ready for this and there will be no growth. You will hit a plateau. This is why it is necessary to constantly “surprise” your muscles. How to do this?

By increasing working weight

You are unlikely to be able to increase the weight of the equipment at every workout, but you should try to do this once every 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to increase the weight by a small amount. For example, if you do a bench press, then an increase of 2-3 kg per barbell will be sufficient.

By increasing the number of repetitions

If you cannot increase the weight of the projectile, then it will come to the rescue. Together with the first method, this can work like this: you have mastered some weight in the bench press, that is, you have performed it for 12 repetitions. Now you need to increase the weight by 2-3 kg. You do this, but you can no longer complete 12 repetitions, and only manage 8. Accordingly, in the next workout there is no talk of any increase in weight, but in order to shock the muscles you should try to perform.

By increasing the number of exercises or approaches

As you grow, your muscles become more capable of handling stress. Therefore, the previous number of approaches in the exercise may no longer be enough to give the necessary stress to your muscles. If you don't want to add an extra set, then add one more exercise. Perhaps it will allow you to put an unexpected load on your muscles.

Increase your approach time

This is one way to increase the intensity of your workout. This technique can be implemented by increasing the negative and positive phases of the movement during the exercise. In other words, perform the exercise slowly and try to feel the contraction of the target muscle. Spend at least 2 seconds on the negative and positive phases.

Work not only on strength, but also on endurance

Bodybuilders know that muscle volume depends not only on the degree of development of fast muscle fibers (type 2a and 2b), but also on the development of slow muscle fibers (type 1). To develop exactly the first type of fibers, you need to work in a multi-repetition mode. The most popular of these modes is pumping.

Its essence is to use light weights and a large number of repetitions to acidify the muscle fibers as much as possible. That is, provide them with growth factors.

Use periodization

The training load cannot always increase linearly. Sooner or later there comes a time when your muscles hit a plateau. To overcome it, by 20 percent. After that, increase the weight by 5% every week and after 4 weeks you will reach your previous working weights. And in another week you will be able to overcome them!

All of the above methods are related exclusively to the training process. They can be used by both men and girls, but with some reservations.

Girls, you must take into account the presence of menstrual cycles, since your performance depends on it. In short, your readiness to move mountains is observed in the postmenstrual and postovulatory phases.

Since in the muscles of the weaker sex the number of slow muscle fibers is greater than in men, then you, women, need to pay more attention to high-repetition training (8-15 repetitions).

Nutrition for growth

Both men and women should take into account that no matter how you “surprise” the muscles, without proper nutrition they won't grow. After all, in this case, they will have nowhere to get building material - protein. And for high intensity training requires energy - carbohydrates.

Therefore, the result of your training directly depends on what you eat. And we smoothly move on to nutritional advice.

Follow these steps and growth will follow.

  1. The calorie content of your diet should be excess, but only by 700-900 kcal for men and 200-400 kcal for women. Women need to know that when you have a calorie surplus, you store fat faster, so your calorie surplus should be negligible.
  2. Consume only high-quality and healthy food. For protein, give preference to lean meats, as well as milk and eggs. Try to consume slow carbohydrates(cereals, vegetables and unsweetened fruits). First-class sources of fats are: red fish, seafood, nuts, avocados, various oils (sunflower, olive, flaxseed)
  3. As a rule, after 40 years, the production of testosterone (the main male hormone) decreases, and its amount directly affects muscle growth. Therefore, at this age you need to increase the amount of foods that increase testosterone levels in your diet. These can be lean meats, seafood, greens, vegetables (possibly spicy) and nuts

In addition to such important components as nutrition and training, muscle growth can be promoted. But their choice must be approached with full responsibility. Despite the fact that they do not have serious side effects You need to take them wisely and it is best to consult your doctor before using them.

These drugs include:

  • Vitamins and vitamin-like substances (vitamin-mineral complexes, B vitamins)
  • Anabolizers (glutamic acid, methionine, potassium orotate, )
  • Enzymes (festal, karsil)
  • Energy preparations (inosine, lipoic acid, )
  • Performance enhancing agents (ginseng root, Eleutherococcus)
  • Drugs affecting the central nervous system (nootropil, aminalon)
  • Drugs affecting blood properties and blood flow (trental, complamin)

Please pay close attention to the following instructions. These medications should be taken only after consultation with a doctor (preferably a sports doctor) and under his supervision. Also, beginners, that is, people whose training experience does not exceed 2 years, do not need to take these funds!

The most important

In the end, I would like to say that everything must be done wisely. This is the only way you can achieve good results and at the same time without harm to health. I can only give you general recommendations, armed with which you can build your own training process and get the best result.

And with this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to the blog and share information with friends on social networks. See you soon!

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The problem is actually much more serious than poor aesthetics and a lack of attractiveness and sexiness of the figure. When it doesn't work gluteal muscle, the entire musculoskeletal system works ineffectively, the back and lower back are overloaded, the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles do not work, and spinal curvatures appear.

In order for the gluteal muscles to work, we need to understand how to create the necessary conditions for this. Let us remember in what case the muscle turns on, if there are no neurological disorders that trainers do not eliminate and refer clients to doctors in such cases.

Turning on the muscles, as we discussed in the article “Why and how muscles turn on”, naturally occurs when the distance between the attachment points of the muscle to the bones changes. In concentric mode, for a specific task, we change the distance between the attachment points, bringing them closer. In eccentric mode, as soon as one attachment site begins to move away from another, proprioceptors send a signal about this to the nervous system and nervous system gives a command to turn on the muscle to slow down the lengthening, that is, CONTROL THE MOVEMENT. Thus, our stability is controlled mobility.

All our muscles and bones move in three planes. The gluteal muscle group (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus) is no exception. Let's look at what movements they control and perform in three planes.

  1. Sagittal Plane: Based on the way the gluteal muscles attach to the pelvis and femur, they obviously lengthen when flexed - INHIBITED FLEXION and actually COMPLETE EXTENSION that way.
  2. Frontal plane: the muscles lengthen when the hip is adducted and thus BRAKE ADDITION and COMPLETE ABBDUCTION.
  3. Horizontal plane: The gluteal group controls and inhibits INTERNAL ROTATION and EXTERNAL ROTATION.

What conclusion can we draw from these three facts about planes?

The gluteal muscle will be recruited if a person has the functional ability to perform all six of the above movements during ambulation. First of all, it is important to have a motor stereotype and freedom of movement in the joint to perform FLEXION/EXTENSION, ADDRESS AND INTERNAL ROTATION.

When a new client comes to us, first of all we look at how the person stands and moves. We analyze the tilt of the pelvis and the ability to make movements in hip joint. And very often we see a huge number of very cunning compensations that the body uses in order to remove the load from the gluteal muscle group and the entire back line of the body that is disconnected from the motor chain.

The most common compensation for the lack of mobility in flexion/extension of the hip joint is excessive movement in the lumbar region, which is unstable and “hangs” on the ligamentous apparatus. Muscular stability in lumbar lordosis and along the entire lateral - outer lateral line lower limb— this most often cannot be the case with non-functioning gluteal muscles, because the extensors of lordosis, gluteal and fascia lata The hips are a single muscle sling, where each muscle works in cooperation with others in a single biomechanical chain.

So, our client will perform all flexions and extensions with a hypermobile lower back, without using the gluteal muscles and without bending at the hip joint. What are the dangers of this? Lower back pain, protrusion, hernia. If you want to know in more detail why this happens, please contact us, we will tell you.

IMPORTANT! “Pumping up” the lower back with hyperextension in this case is ineffective until the client learns to stabilize the lower back and control stable lordosis. And we won’t get to this right away. In Anatomy, we most likely will not refer to classical hyperextension at all. We rarely use this exercise.

The second compensation is overloaded quadriceps, the entire front surface of the thigh. Absolutely all squats, lunges, climbing stairs and other functional movements are performed without relying on the back line, only at the expense of the front line. Therefore, during all exercises such a person will immediately get tired of the front surface of the thigh, the buttocks area and back surface he won't feel his thighs at all. And the more we force the client to perform typical “buttock” exercises, the more we crush his lower back and pump up his legs. And huge muscular quadriceps instead of a beautiful round butt is a completely undesirable result, especially for women.


The task of engaging the glutes is actually complex.

We start by looking at how a person stands. Let's take for example one of the most common patterns, when the pelvis is slightly pushed forward and the back is tilted back. The load in this position will be increased in the area of ​​the front surface of the thigh and in the lower back that is compressed in an elongated state. The lower abdominal muscles will not be felt, there will be few rotational movements, and they will be “new”, performed not by the oblique abdominal muscles, but by the functional lines of the back. You can work with the center of gravity, moving the pelvis back a little and redistributing the weight on the feet and softened knees, offering the body new trajectories - often a person feels that he is more comfortable in a new position.

  1. We ask the client to bend over and sit down, we notice his usual patterns. We explain why he makes movements and which muscle groups should be stable and mobile normally.
  1. We begin to teach stabilization of lumbar lordosis. Sometimes, in order to feel lumbar lordosis, a person first needs to make very small movements and become aware of his pelvis in space. To do this, we use an exercise from the Pilates repertoire - the pelvic clock. Lying on our back, we perform a gentle rocking of the pelvis, the sacrum is in contact with the floor, and the pelvis gently rocks back and forth. Then we perform the same movement while lying on our stomach. And here it is important to let a person feel the moment when the pelvis tilts forward - in the area of ​​lordosis in the S1-L5-L4 zone, the back extensors are activated - to feel this zone, we usually use tactile contact - we place our fingers on the extensors and stimulate the muscles. After this area ceases to be blind and unidentified for a person, one can try to move to a more functional position and move in a standing position.
  1. Using the TRUEStretch stretch frame or wall bars for support, we work on mobilizing the hip joints in three planes. To find out more about how this is done, please contact us.

  1. After mobility has improved and movement within new ranges of amplitude has become possible, we invite the person to realize that the movements of his lower back, hips and pelvis are interconnected. So internal rotation femur functionally helps the anterior tilt of the pelvis and strengthens lordosis, and external rotation of the femurs, on the contrary, strengthens the posterior tilt of the pelvis and smoothes out lordosis. Rotary discs are a great help for this task. We place the client with each foot on a disc, give support for the arms and invite them to move and become aware of their legs, sit bones moving to open and close, and the lower back.

  1. We invite the client to gather a horizontal fold of skin on the spine in the area of ​​lordosis, and ask the client to bend over, moving the pelvis back, slightly bending the knees, bending at the hip joint and remaining motionless in the lower back. If the fold escapes from the fingers, it means lumbar region bent, and the lower back took over the movement that should have occurred in the hip joint. As a rule, the skill of stabilizing the lower back is developed in 3-4 workouts. Already after 2-3 workouts, a person is able to keep his lower back stable without holding himself with his hand; reminders are enough. During more complex movements, we continue to stabilize the lower back with a “fold” for some time while the client performs the exercises, and after a couple of months this need disappears almost completely.
  1. When the client has already understood how to bend at the hip joint and hold the lower back, we move on to teaching standing and micro-squats on one leg, the second leg touching the floor with its toes, the weight on supporting leg. This stage teaches a person to fully support the weight on one limb, to feel the inclusion of the leg along all lines; as a rule, the gluteal muscle is well felt here and the load on the quadriceps is reduced.
  1. Scissor squats. In this exercise, it is important that the person is already able to dissociate the position of the pelvis with the body with a stable lower back. We give the command to flex at the hip joint and keep the body leaning forward throughout the entire exercise. A person who does not know how to rely on the back line and gluteal group will lean back with the body and the knee will move forward, so again we see an attempt to avoid flexion at the hip joint. We build a pose, control the knee so that it does not go forward and the lower leg remains perpendicular to the floor during the squat, the weight is always on the front leg, hind leg It just gives support. When coming out of a squat, it is necessary to push off with the entire foot of the front leg, but mainly from the heel. It is the heel that activates the back line and stimulates support on the gluteal group. During squats, you need to give guidance to the stretching of the gluteal zone, the ischium stretches back, thus, the maximum approach of the femur and pelvic bones And maximum extension in the sagittal plane of the gluteal region.
  1. After mastering static scissor squats, we move on to asymmetrical dynamics and work on lunges in three planes. This system is called 3dMaps after the Gray Institute system. It teaches a person how to move safely in all directions.

  1. Balance on unstable surfaces on one and two limbs - involves the entire chain from the feet to the body.

  1. Symmetrical exercises, squats with support and then without support.

Of course, the proposed algorithm is approximate. We act with each person individually, depending on his capabilities and characteristics. However, you can get an idea of ​​what steps you can take in case of dysfunctional gluteal muscles.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to work with the body as a single system, where everything is interconnected and united in movement by the biomechanics of a chain reaction.

Lyubov Zhukovskaya
Head of Anatomy studio

Hello! Today we’ll talk about how lagging muscles should be trained and how load specialization should be structured. Let's go, friends.

From the very beginning I will say one caveat: BEGINNERS DO NOT NEED SPECIALIZATION!

Very often you can see that beginners who have just started training only bomb their arms and abs in the gym. Naturally, there is no progress for a very long time, or no progress at all, because... In order for small muscle groups to grow, large ones need to grow first. Then, in the end, having achieved a “bulging vein on the biceps,” it seems to them that progress is really being made, and they increase the load on their arms, which is the second mistake.

Beginners do not need specialization, because... they do not yet have sufficient muscle mass. Specialization is needed in order to eliminate body disproportion in an advanced athlete who has developed a lag in some muscle groups from others.

In order not to become a “mutant”, in whom only the upper body is developed, with a complete absence of legs or chest, and with the rest of the body lagging behind, you need to try from the very beginning to give an equal load to all muscle groups. However, this is not always the key to an evenly developed body.

Reasons why some muscle groups lag behind others

There are only a few reasons, in my opinion:

  1. UNEVENITY load distribution.
  2. TECHNIQUE performing exercises.
  3. GENETICS a particular person is less suited for growth in the lagging muscle group than in the rest muscle groups.
  4. OVERTRAINING lagging muscle group.

I'll tell you everything in order.

Uneven load distribution

This is exactly what I was talking about above. As a rule, this is the main reason for the lag of various muscle groups not only in beginners, but also in athletes who have been training in the gym for quite some time.

Every person in the gym has a muscle group that they like to train more than other muscle groups. For beginners, these are usually the abs and biceps, and for girls, these are the buttocks.

That's why, WE DEVELOP WHAT WE TRAIN. Some muscles begin to outstrip others in development. And this is not very good.

It’s one thing when your shoulders or calves lag behind and quite another when you have a developed upper body, and your legs are like matchsticks, for example. Or quite advanced shoulder girdle, with a strongly lagging back.

All this spoils the silhouette and often the athlete begins to look like some kind of incomprehensible, unformed lump or a mutant with an unevenly developed body.

Conclusion: To avoid imbalance, train your entire body EVENLY from the very beginning.

Exercise technique

A very common problem. Nobody wants to look like a loser in the hall and everyone tries to show off as best they can. In most cases, this is done due to excessive weight.

The man writhes, twitches, spews various kinds of masses from all the crevices, but still tries to lift this weight, which is obviously large for him. This is fundamentally wrong.

Load progression- This key FACTOR GROWTH, yes, but the load must increase without negatively affecting the technique of performing the exercises.

CORRECT TECHNIQUE- this is a way to MAXIMUM LOAD the working muscle, while turning off or minimally loading all other structures (ligaments, joints, tendons) and muscles involved in this movement.

Simply put, the muscle that we are training should work, and everything else should be turned off, the LOAD MUST HIT EXACTLY ON THE TARGET, i.e. into the trained muscle.

This way you'll be better off . You will stop thinking about the weight on the bar and how your joints are cracking, and you will think about HOW YOUR MUSCLE WORKS. You will be focused on how she feels.

I hadn’t thought about it before, so my shoulders were behind in development, and I had to for a long time fix this moment. Now it's not so noticeable

That is why, a professional will be able to load the muscle much more with less weight than a beginner who is chasing heavy weights.


  1. There is no need to burden your muscles with weights that are too heavy for you.
  2. It’s better to take less, but do the exercise with better technique.
  3. Turn off everything possible from work to make the work of the muscle being trained harder.


I won’t say that the factor is the most important, but it shouldn’t be excluded.

Many people justify the lag of some muscle group by unimportant genetics. No one wants to admit that they are just doing things anyhow.

But some genetic factors can make it difficult for muscles to grow.

Eg, the muscle may be shorter than in other people and this will complicate its growth. This often happens to the biceps and calves. Calves in general are often called “stubborn donkeys” since not everyone grows well.

People who are very tall and have long bones tend to have a harder time growing muscle mass than shorter people. In people of average height (165-180 cm), as a rule, the muscle bellies are short and the ligaments create shorter levers, so it is more convenient for strength work.

But I wouldn’t pay too much attention to this point, because... many champions had poor genetics, but this did not stop them from standing at the pinnacle of glory. They just knew what they needed to work on more than others.

Conclusion: genetics is a fairly important growth factor, but in most cases everything will depend only on your DESIRE!

Overtraining of a lagging muscle group

This happens, but very rarely. As a rule, everything happens the other way around (as in point 1). Nevertheless, this moment takes place.

Sometimes, athletes begin to take an unreasonable approach to choosing a method of treating dystrophy of any muscle group. They just stupidly start training it until they drop, every day, for example, until they can only hold a barbell or dumbbells in their hands.

This is bad. THE LOAD SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT FOR GROWTH, BUT NOT EXCESSIVE! There is a proverb: « There is medicine in the spoon, but poison in the cup.” There is no need to engage in self-help overtraining. This way you will do more harm.

Increasing the load must be approached wisely.

Firstly, if you want to increase some small muscle group (calves, biceps, triceps, deltoids), then you don’t have to significantly reduce the load on the remaining muscles. Most likely, your recovery abilities will be enough to digest such a load.

But if you want to make your quadriceps bigger, then you need to significantly reconsider your program, because... restoration of such a large muscle group requires considerable energy expenditure.

Conclusion: the load should be sufficient, but not excessive.

Training lagging muscles. How to make muscles grow

To eliminate the lag of a certain muscle group, you need to understand one simple thing: THE MORE WE TRAIN A MUSCLE COMPARED TO OTHERS, THE MORE DEVELOPED IT WILL BE COMPARED TO OTHERS. But the load should be sufficient for growth, NOT EXCESSIVE.

In other words, we must force our lagging muscle to work TO THE MAXIMUM, but should not overtrain it.

  1. We do MORE work on the lagging muscle.
  2. We do LESS work on the remaining muscles.

Regarding the first point. The work can be increased by:

  • Training VOLUME(increase the number of repetitions, approaches, exercises);
  • TRAINING FREQUENCIES(increase the number of workouts per muscle per week);
  • WASTING ENERGY in the approach(increase intensity through supersets, dropsets, etc.)
  • TECHNIQUE(larger range of motion, maintenance of tension, peak contraction, etc.);
  • TRAINING WEIGHT per exercise(increases the load, BUT DO NOT GO FOR WEIGHT, as it disrupts the technique of doing the exercises);

It's all simple and I'm sure you're familiar with these things.

These are WAYS TO INCREASE THE LOAD on the lagging muscle.

But there is a second point - DO LESS WORK ON THE OTHER MUSCLE GROUPS. Why do so few people do this? Because it’s a shame to lose hard-earned results.

But in fact, often reducing the load is only beneficial, because the body perceives this as .

But this is not the only point. Thus, the body will free up the RESOURCE of recovery abilities for the growth of the lagging muscle group.

Rules for training muscles during specialization

So, I’ll note a few basic rules for training muscles during specialization.

  1. Specialization can be carried out only ON ONE MUSCLE GROUP! We need to cut this down on the nose. If you feel like you're lacking in several muscle groups, it's likely that you're simply lacking in overall lean body mass.
  2. A couple of weeks before specializing on the lagging muscle, REDUCE THE LOAD ON IT! A rested muscle responds to specialization much better than a tired one.
  3. The main specialization lasts on average 2-3 months. Then the load should be reduced and train according to the usual program.
  4. DO NOT DO TWO SPECIALIZATIONS IN A ROW! At least once, this will give the best effect.
  5. Specialize in the OFF-SEASON! Here you don’t have to worry about increasing your caloric intake and belly fat.
  6. To grow small muscle groups, you need to grow large ones (legs, back, chest).
  7. Specialized training should be done NO MORE FREQUENTLY than every other day (except for calves and abs). Otherwise, they simply will not have time to recover.

These are the most basic rules to understand what we are talking about.

How to put specialization into practice

All schemes boil down to INCREASE THE LOAD on the lagging muscle and REDUCE THE LOAD on all other muscles. Options include a wagon and a small cart.

In practice, in most cases, this is not difficult to implement. For example, we need . They are our lagging muscle group.

Then we can train as before, and train our shoulders not once, but TWICE a week. Or, for example, we used to do 4 sets of shoulders, but now we do 7. That is. the load almost doubled. You can also start doing dropsets with weight loss. Or we can generally do more approaches, train more often, and use dropsets. It all depends on your fitness and recovery abilities, friends. Determine what is best for you.

In order not to disrupt your recovery abilities, you should reduce the load on other muscle groups. Nothing comes out of thin air. Here, as elsewhere, the law of conservation of energy applies. If you spend much more energy than is in your system, you will simply break it. Don't bring your body to .


  • The smaller the lagging muscle group, the less you need to reduce the amount of work on the remaining muscle groups. This applies to biceps, triceps, deltoids, calves. You can train the rest of the muscles in almost the same way.
  • Accordingly, the larger the lagging muscle group, the more you need to reduce the volume of load when working on the remaining muscles. This applies to the legs, back and chest.

Which method is the MOST EFFECTIVE?

Specialization will work most effectively if you STOP training other muscles AT ALL and focus only on developing the lagging muscle. This works 110% because... all the body's regenerative abilities are concentrated in only one place.

In addition, you will be able to train the lagging muscle MUCH MORE OFTEN, because... supercompensation (super-recovery) will occur faster in her.

Small muscles can generally be trained every other day, or every day if you work in pumping mode.

In this case, you will be surprised how the lagging muscle group will grow literally before our eyes, but, frankly speaking, few people are capable of this, because... It’s a VERY PITY to lose results in other muscle groups. But if you decide to do this, you will eliminate the lag much faster.


These are the main points that need to be taken into account in order for training lagging muscles to be effective.

Over time, only you can create the best scheme for yourself, because... it depends specifically on YOUR MUSCLE, on the size of its lag, on your genetics, fitness, gender and age, as well as the recovery capabilities of your body.

Learn to analyze, friends. This is very important not only for creating a competent training program in the hall, but also for more important things concerning our lives.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!