The holiday is leaving us: training after the break is a program for recovery. Common mistakes To become one you need to train hard for a long time

Most people start going to the gym to get rid of extra pounds and gain beautiful figure. But when training does not bring the desired results, disappointment sets in. Newly-minted fitness enthusiasts, trying to justify their failures, claim that working out in the gym does not help you lose weight, because “mass growth begins.” This and other myths prevent beginners from reaching their goals and admiring their toned body. How to exercise correctly to lose weight and improve your health?

Trainers give 10 life hacks to beginning athletes that will make their workouts effective and help them lose weight.

Trainers note a common mistake beginners make is that they practice too often. Daily training does not allow muscles to recover. Instructors advise taking days of complete rest, otherwise the results from going to the gym will be minimal.

To lose weight, you need to train 3-4 times a week. But during classes it is necessary to force the body to work actively.

This is interesting!

Scientists from the University of Alabama conducted an interesting experiment. They divided women who wanted to lose weight into two groups. Subjects from the first group studied daily, and from the second - 4 times a week. Women from the second group lost weight 1.5 times faster than their rivals.

Fat burns over low heat

Isolated exercises on a specific muscle group will not give the desired effect. To experience sustainable weight loss, you need to train for at least 40 minutes, giving your body aerobic exercise. At this time, at least 23% of the muscles of the total mass should be involved. If the whole body works during training, fat will be burned much faster. The loads should be light, but long-lasting.

The body’s usual “fuel” is carbohydrates, and only when they are deficient does it begin to use fat reserves. To enhance the fat burning process, you need to adjust your diet. Avoid high-calorie foods, especially in the hours before and after your workout.

Expert advice:

You won't be able to lose weight by constantly overeating. Eat 4-6 times a day, but the portions should be small. Choose the diet that suits you.

Cardio after strength training

Spend 60% of your training time on cardio. If you want to lose weight, do cardio exercises after power load. During resistance exercise, carbohydrates are primarily used. Therefore, when you switch to cardio, fat reserves will be burned.

Monitor the load during continuous movement. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to give your best, but monitor your heart rate - it should be within the fat burning zone (50-65% of the upper value). The calculations are simple: you need to subtract your age from 220 - this is the limit.

Recommended for weight loss interval training: Exercise at an intense pace for a minute, and then 1-2 minutes at a more relaxed pace. You can increase the time of intense training and reduce training at a recovery pace.

Expert advice:

If you don't have time to go to the gym, do a quick workout. Pick up a few multi-joint exercises and run them around in circles several times at high intensity.

Work all muscle groups

Include in your training program exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles. The higher the load, the stronger the blood circulates, and accordingly, the fat “melts” more actively.

Squats burn more calories than mat exercises because they work your buttocks and thighs simultaneously. Running is more effective than cycling or walking - it works during the workout shoulder girdle.

Always make sure your back is straight! Good posture motivates you to tighten your stomach and spend an extra “moment of sport.”

Is stability always a sign of mastery?

If you always do the same set of exercises, you can forget about good results. The muscles get used to the monotonous load and stop responding to it. To restore the “muscle response”, urgent measures need to be taken.

First of all, it is important to regularly increase the load and increase the number of approaches. The body should not get used to the elements of the workout, otherwise calories will be burned very slowly. The trainer will help you choose the optimal load and outline a training plan.

Expert advice:

A series of fitness mistakes can kill your desire to exercise. Don't give up, even if you have to start over!

Should there be muscle pain?

After training, the muscles should be felt, but debilitating pain is an alarming symptom. If your muscles ache for longer than two days, you should reduce the load. This indicates that they do not have time to recover, resulting in chronic fatigue, irritability, and a loss of desire to train.

To make progress, you need to give your body a rest and then concentrate on rehabilitation exercises.

Your efforts will be most fruitful if you find your own training program. Otherwise, you will simply waste time in class and will not get one iota closer to your cherished goal.

Professionals advise to always keep your fitness goals in mind. Then you will achieve the desired result faster and can be proud of your slim and fit figure.

Expert advice:

Pay attention Special attention technique of performing exercises is the key good result.

A mentor will help you get great results

Self-organization is, of course, good. But sometimes achieving a goal requires powerful motivation. You can train with a friend and set a bet to demonstrate a certain result within a set time frame.

Share your intermediate successes, support each other. Encouraging comments are the best motivation.

Have fun with your workout!

If working out in the gym is accompanied by constant stress, the body begins to accumulate fat “for a rainy day.” Take a few days off and try to reconsider your schedule.

Move your workouts to another time or diversify your program. You may be pushing yourself too hard and your body is resisting. excessive loads. The process of losing weight will be much more active if you enjoy the exercise.

After the sauna, metabolic products are eliminated, muscle pain subsides, and excess fluid “evaporates” from the body. As a result, cellulite becomes less noticeable and body volume decreases.

You can go to the sauna 2-3 times a day, the temperature should be up to 60 degrees. It is useful to drink herbal teas or mineral water.

If muscle pain is the only thing you get from training, it won’t take long to become disillusioned with the sport. Gaining toned muscles is not a quick process, and some people find it particularly difficult. But this does not mean that it cannot be simplified if you listen to the recommendations of the coaches. We asked Theo Pellegrini, a practicing trainer at City Athletic, about how to get the most out of your workout. It's time to speed up your progress. If the effect is not noticeable, you are probably...'re betting on the wrong exercises

The most common mistake beginners who want to get massive biceps are fixated on “isolation” with dumbbells. These exercises are called isolation exercises because they work only one muscle group and are best done towards the end of a workout to cause an increase in size. muscle fibers called hypertrophy.

Pellegrini: Performing the same biceps exercises in a circle is a very dubious idea. It will be better if you start with weighted squats and barbell work. When performing such exercises, a lot of muscles are loaded - and it will be much more effective if you start them at the beginning of your workout, while you are still fresh. This doesn't mean that isolated exercises are not needed - but it is better to return to them towards the end of the workout.

A little science:

According to scientists from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the effectiveness of the bench press decreases by 75% if you start with dumbbell flyes. Developing a beach body and pumping up real muscle strength are two different things and require different exercises, do not forget. a hurry with repetitions

Most of us are familiar with this: you know you need to do 12 repetitions - and towards the end you are only thinking about how to get rid of them quickly. As a result, the breaks between repetitions are shortened, the movements appear hasty, the execution technique deteriorates - but you seem to have done everything you should have. In itself, such perseverance is very commendable. But it's of little use.

Pellegrini: If you want your muscles to grow, provide them with 40-70 seconds of tension with each repetition. Doing exercises too quickly prevents the fibers from being properly engorged and reduces the effectiveness of your efforts. On the other hand, if muscle volume worries you less than their strength, reduce the load to 20-40 seconds. This will stimulate large, fast-twitch fibers. In any case, you need to decide: if you complete half of the repetitions in 70 seconds, and half in 35, nothing worthwhile will come of it.

...staring at the phone

We only spend three to five hours a week in the gym - not a period of time that you can't do without your smart technology. Apart from the function of playing music, a smartphone will not help your workout in any way - it will only distract you and others.

Pellegrini: During training, you need to immerse yourself in the exercises, not in your smartphone. Spend the breathing time between sets thinking about correct weight and number of repetitions. And drink some water. According to Kent State University, texting on your phone during exercise lowers your heart rate and exercise pace. There's another reason to leave your cell phone in your bag: The Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine reports that dumbbells can be 365 times dirtier than a toilet seat. After training, you don’t take a shower with your smartphone, do you? This means that all the bacteria that you picked up in the gym remain on it!

...eating the wrong way before training

Have you heard the theory that you need to exercise before breakfast to force your body to burn fat as efficiently as possible? It is a myth. Fasted cardio doesn't pay off. According to the Journal of Sports Medicine, training on an empty stomach only leads to greater fat storage throughout the day - and as a result, is useless. But you can’t have anything for breakfast either. The best way to start your day is with whole grains. Let's say the oatmeal is full slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - just right if you have a workout afterwards. By the way, morning coffee will also help - according to the University of Nebraska, caffeine before training will help you withstand 2.2 kilograms more on the bench press. Judge for yourself, you can't drive without fuel. And the same principle applies to the body.

...not keeping track of your progress

Remember when you bought a workout notebook? Use it. Chaotic workouts will only harm your muscles. To build muscle, you need a program, patience and consistency. Consider this the foundation for further success.

Pellegrini: When you go to the gym with a workout plan and a firm intention to give best result than last time, you can be sure that your efforts will be rewarded. But this is not a matter of just going to the gym. Majority training plans last from four to twelve weeks, our annual program training with own weight, the first part of which has already been published in the January issue - and even more. Getting your body in order is a matter of months, not days. Yes, about the notepad. Even if you just arm yourself with a scale and a tape measure and record the changes happening to your body in a notebook, you will see progress that will inspire you to further achievements.

Have you tried to start exercising more than once, but each time you quickly give up? Do you want to start training, but don't know how? It's no secret that physical activity is good for our health, but sometimes we find it so difficult to make exercise a habit. In this article you will find several useful tips about how to start systematically playing sports and not quit training.

Psychological benefits of exercise

It's no secret that physical exercise good for the health. But do we really know everything about their benefits for our body?

  • Exercising reduces stress levels;
  • According to research, physical activity combined with helps fight depression;
  • Sport increases your self-esteem and improves your attitude towards your own body;
  • Some researchers believe that exercise reduces the risk of cervical cancer;

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  • This study says exercise reduces the risk of early death associated with sedentary life, and also counteract other negative consequences caused by the fact that we spend most of our lives sitting;
  • Exercise helps create new neural connections in the brain centers responsible for learning and memory, according to this study.
  • Moderate exercise strengthens our cardiovascular system.

From the following video you will learn why it is harmful to your health to be in sitting position for a long time. The fact is that our body is created for movement. Don't forget to activate subtitles!

Despite the fact that we all know about the benefits of physical exercise, few people are in a hurry to start exercising right now. And it's even harder to make exercise a habit. Why is this happening? Largely because our brains tend to.

  1. Discomfort from exercise. Playing sports entails a number of unpleasant sensations that are far from our usual sense of comfort, our own cozy world. Exercise makes us sweat, our clothes and shoes get dirty, muscle pain appears, we feel tired, we suffer from cold or heat. We are so unaccustomed to these feelings of discomfort and irritation. It's like we're living on a cloud, and we're terrified of having to step out of our comfort zone.
  2. Low motivation. If it's hard for you to start exercising, you probably don't have enough motivation. Perhaps you do not like the sport you intend to engage in, or you find it too difficult.
  3. Unrealistic goals. If you're going to spend an hour on your first day working hard at gym, or want to lose 10 kilograms in just one week, you will most likely lose motivation very quickly.
  4. Sport does not bring results immediately. Many of us are willing to work towards short-term goals. And it's much harder for us to imagine the benefits of exercise because we only begin to notice them over time.

In the next video you will learn why is it so much harder for some peoplestart playing sports than others. This is due to differences in perception of reality, and depends on our motivation and the belief that sport is hard work.

  1. Choose the type of exercise that suits you best.

If you start playing a sport that you initially don't like, coming to training will cost you a lot of work. Even the exercises themselves will only bring you suffering and negativity. And this is not at all the goal that we are pursuing. The real goal is to become happier and healthier by taking care of your body. So if all your friends go for a run or go to the gym, but you don't enjoy it at all, you shouldn't do it as a group. Instead, you can always do walking, ice skating, dancing, cycling, aerobics, pilates, yoga. There are many sports and physical activities you can do to get your body moving. Find the one that's right for you.

Choose the type of exercise that you like.
Yoga may be a good option.

  1. Find time to exercise.

“I don’t have time to exercise” is no longer a valid excuse. It is recommended to devote 150 minutes of physical exercise per week. Thus, half an hour of training for 5 days a week will be enough. Even 15 minutes of physical activity a day brings great benefit our health.

  1. Start gradually.

If on the first day you decide to jog for an hour, and you are not a professional athlete, then most likely it will be difficult for you to achieve your goal and repeat this experience the next day.

If you're having such a hard time getting started with exercise, your biggest accomplishment could be just taking your sneakers out of your closet on the first day. The next day you can put them on, and the next day you can leave the house and walk down the street a little. Slow but steady movement forward and realistic goals will increase your motivation, and you will feel much better. And who knows, perhaps the very next day you will be visited by a natural desire to start playing sports.

  1. Create a reminder system.

One of the best ways to form habits, these are reminders. There are certain everyday activities that have already become familiar to you, and you can use them to create your new sports habits using the method of associations. For example, if you leave your sneakers next to your bed, then every time you wake up, you will remember to go for a run. Or if you make it a rule to go to the gym right after work, you will always remember about it at the end of the working day. If this doesn’t work, then setting reminders on your mobile is also a good option.

  1. Reward your efforts.

Reward yourself every time you achieve a goal. Congratulate yourself, do something nice. This way, your brain will create positive associations with exercise. This increases the likelihood that you will not quit training and can increase your motivation. But avoid the reward of junk and junk food. It's best not to use food as a reward. Choose a different type of reward, such as a foot massage or a relaxing shower, you can help watch your favorite show or devote time to yourself.

Once exercise becomes a habit for you, you should give up rewards. Because training in itself should be a sufficient motivator.

  1. Find a company to exercise with.

  1. Exercise while developing social connections.

Exercising in a group can have a positive effect on your motivation. You will get a boost of positive emotions by training with other people. As they say, it's more fun together. Start playing team sports or join a roller skating, skating or running community. Moreover, this good opportunity chat and make new friends.

  1. Get used to discomfort.

If one of the reasons you find it so difficult to start exercising is discomfort, try to get used to it. Walk in the rain without an umbrella, get sweaty, get dirty. After a while, you will not pay attention to these inconveniences. And if you can't overcome it, you can always do exercises that don't involve discomfort. Take walks, and although your body temperature will increase slightly, you will not sweat or lose breath as you would when running.

  1. Make an action plan.

If you make a plan for how, when, where and for how long you will train, your chances of success will greatly increase.

  1. Record your achievements.

We tend to overestimate our exercise. If we keep a journal of our achievements and progress, in addition to being a motivational booster, we will get an accurate account of what we have achieved.

  1. Consider getting a dog.

Owning a dog requires a lot of responsibility, but pets also provide many health benefits. One of them is the fight against in a sedentary manner life. The dog needs to be walked, played with, and this obliges us to take regular walks. Owning a dog can give us great motivation to be physically active. Some studies show that owning a dog actually makes us lose weight.

If you can't afford to have a dog, but you like these animals, you can volunteer at a dog shelter and take them for walks.

  1. Do you find it difficult to leave the house?

Sometimes we find it difficult to continue training when the weather changes. Sometimes it is too hot, too cold or raining. In these cases, try to find alternative view physical activity that you enjoy and can exercise in indoors. There are many on YouTube teaching aids and guides on how to exercise without leaving home.

  1. Lead an active lifestyle

The more active your life is, the easier it will be for you to exercise. Use more stairs and fewer elevators, walk to work (or get off one stop earlier), try to use your car less and do more walking.

Translation by Alexandra Dyuzheva

Surely, if you run, you have noticed that sometimes the workout goes very well, and sometimes there is no strength at all to carry out the stated training program. So that you do not have the fear that you are doing something wrong in terms of training program, let's figure out why this happens.

Health problems

There are diseases that simply will not allow you to train, and you will always notice them. For example, if you have a damaged muscle in your leg or the flu. But there are diseases that are difficult to notice at their initial stage of development unless the body is given increased physical activity.

These diseases primarily include the initial stage of a cold. That is, the body has already “caught” the virus, but it has not yet turned into a disease. Therefore, your body strengthens its resistance to the virus to prevent it from spreading. But if you give him some kind of increased load, then he is forced to spend energy both on fighting the virus and on training. Therefore, he allocates less energy for training. And most importantly, if you have a strong immune system, then the disease may not start. And if you are weak, then in a few days you will become completely ill.

At the same time, you need to train on such days. Since although the body spends additional energy on training, due to the increase in body temperature during running and the acceleration of metabolic processes, the fight against the virus is stronger.

The same thing happens if you have gastritis or an ulcer in its early stages. Every second person on the planet has gastritis. But every second person does not run. That is why few people pay attention to this disease. But if you give additional stress in the form of running, especially if you have set up your diet incorrectly, then the body will immediately remind you of the existence of gastritis. That's why tablets for gastritis It is a must if you have gastritis and are a jogger. Otherwise, you will face many problems.


Somewhere I came across a study that said that during the heat, they show on average 20 percent worse results for themselves than if they ran in ideal weather conditions. This figure is of course approximate. But the point is that during the heat, an unprepared body actually works much worse. And even if you are perfectly prepared physically for the upcoming workout, when it’s +35 outside, don’t expect outstanding results. However, this does not mean that such training will not be beneficial; on the contrary, if you prepare the body so that it will be good work in hot weather, then in good weather it will give much better results.

Psychological moments

Mental health is no less important for training than physical health. If you have a mess in your head, a lot of problems and worries, then your physical body will never work at its maximum under such conditions. Therefore, if you go to training after some kind of hassle, then get ready for the fact that running will clear your brain of excess junk, but your physical body will not show everything that it is capable of.


When you train every day for a week or two, and even twice a day, then sooner or later your body will get tired. You will demand from him to continue to work to the maximum, but he will resist and save his strength.

Therefore, make sure that you are always in good shape. Take time to rest and don't overtrain. Moreover, depending on your physical training For you, overtraining can occur even from 3 workouts a week. You must exclusively look at your condition yourself, and not blindly focus on some load tables and graphs. If you realize that you are starting to get tired, then take a rest.

Excessive rest

There is another side to relaxation. When you rest too much. For example, if you train regularly for a month, then do nothing for two weeks, then be prepared that the first part of your workout after rest will go very well, but the second part will be very difficult. The body is already unaccustomed to such a load and needs time to get used to it. The longer the break you took, the longer it took him to get involved. Therefore, even if you do not have the opportunity to train, try to always keep your body in good shape.

Here are the main reasons why training can be easy or difficult. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition before, after and during running. Accordingly, if you don’t have energy, then your workout will go very badly. Do not forget to drink water, since dehydration even by a small percentage will result in a large outflow of energy.

To improve your running performance, all you need to do is know the basics of running. Therefore, especially for you, I created a course of video lessons, by watching which you are guaranteed to improve your running results and learn to unlock your full running potential. Especially for readers of my blog “Running, Health, Beauty,” the video lessons are free. To receive them, just subscribe to the newsletter by following the link:. Having mastered these lessons, my students improve their running results by 15-20 percent without training, if they did not know about these rules before.

How do you know you've had a productive workout? Do you feel a burning sensation? Do you fall exhausted after an approach? Does your whole body hurt? Are you turning yourself inside out into a specially prepared bucket? Can't walk after leg day? Can't drive after hand day? Zozhnik translated for you the opinion of coach Christian Thibadeau from T-Nation.

Severe athletes use the above intensity criteria, but all this does not guarantee an increase in results. And, unfortunately, many of us celebrate only these external manifestations, and not objectively measured progress. Why? People like it when training is a battle. I like to feel like heroes going through severe trials.

I overcome myself

I once worked with a famous TV presenter. There was little free time in his busy schedule, so the activities were extremely short and intense, such as pulling heavy sleds, flipping tires, farmer's walks and various strength exercises almost no rest. He once said: “When I train with you, I feel like I’m overcoming myself.”

At first I took it as a compliment, but then I thought about my approach. I didn't want to be a coach whose clients "get over themselves." I wanted them to get results. It's easy to give them a painful workout; it is much more difficult to make consistent progress and achieve goals. Most of my clients have previously worked with some sadists, so at first it’s a little difficult with them. They are convinced that they wasted their time in the gym if they could walk after training. Then they see the results and start listening to me.

What does ultra-intense training lead to??

If you want to achieve your goal faster, you need to train more intensely. However, after reaching a certain threshold, increasing the load does not add anything good, but on the contrary, it ruins your progress in the long term.

I'll give you a personal example. I recently did this “CrossFito-Strong” workout:

4 Atlas stone shoulder lifts (80 kg),
4 front squats (100 kg),
4 bench presses (100 kg).

Only a minute was allotted for each exercise, including rest. If, for example, 4 repetitions took 30 seconds, then I could rest another 30 before the next movement. Of course, the weights are not record-breaking, but believe me, doing front squats 20 seconds after lifting stones is extremely difficult. I was all sour, “pampered”, exhausted, but proud - “I overcame myself.” Therefore, I decided to conduct similar training three times a week.

This intention disappeared the next morning. Firstly, almost everything hurt: quadriceps, biceps, shoulders, back, etc. ( Recommendations for training with muscle pain – Zozhnik).

Secondly, I was very tired, sleepy and didn’t want anything anymore. And this lasted for five whole days. Of course, once I tried to go into the gym and start training, but I had to quit after ten minutes. Here I don’t want to say that you can’t exercise with post-workout pain, but it was too much. So I asked myself, “How productive is a workout like this if I miss a few days after it?”

Who can kill himself in the hall and grow?

I will say this: it is difficult to deny the facts. There are very strong guys and girls who achieve success by regularly killing themselves in training. Why?

1. Firstly, it depends on the frequency. If you only work a muscle group once a week, you can overload it properly. Can't walk for five days after training your legs? So what, you only do this once a week. However, those who exercise more often need to choose the right load so as not to disrupt their training.

2. It is important with what weight(relative to 1RM) you are working hard. For example, with 60-70% of your maximum you can tolerate more pain than with 80-90%, without destroying yourself. Forget about 90-100%. Cannot combine weight limit and failure. Bodybuilders, of course, work beyond the limits - drop sets, rest/pause, partial repetitions - but not at all with a submaximal load.

3. It is necessary to take into account the “altered state of the body”: some “doping” helps you recover, but has a terrible effect on your health. ( “ ” – opinion of a sports doctor – Zozhnik). I'm not saying that all people who train brutally and grow are necessarily on something, but in general there are various means that help cope with killer training for a long time.

4. People differ not only appearance, but also in response to training stimuli: some people better tolerate large volumes with moderate weights, others find it easier to do less, but with more weight. high intensity. Some people take rejection more easily, while others have a limited ability to bear the load. For example, I trained one athlete (bench press 190 kg with a weight of about 80) who could only handle 6-8 working sets during the entire workout. And there are clients who can easily study for 2-3 hours.

5. We became “better” motivated.. At first we skip workouts due to fatigue, but gradually we get hooked, look at inspiring pictures on the Internet and still go to the gym. And then we completely consider constant exhaustion to be the norm.

6. Professional athletes recover faster than ordinary people who go to work, which is especially physically and mentally exhausting. A professional receives money precisely for his results in the gym and spends it on massages, saunas and other restorative things. Of course, he endures loads that traumatize the average person.

Should I forget about the refusal?

Although I personally believe that regular exercise training and gradual progression of weights are better, there are also advantages to extreme loads.

First, reaching failure and working beyond it (drop sets, rest/pause, etc.) is effective for hypertrophy. Although it is possible to stimulate growth without these methods, they definitely load more muscle fibers.

Secondly, you develop both physical and mental capabilities. Once or twice a month I include some interesting challenge in my training: the above-mentioned performance of various timed exercises, 100 bench presses, 100 barbell cleans ( the author is a former weightlifter, not a fashion fitter - translator's note), 50 squats, etc. Of course, after them you come to your senses for a few days, but they still teach you to overcome yourself and give a new charge of motivation.

But the disadvantages are no less significant. It should be remembered that failure occurs not only due to fatigue of the muscles themselves - you may run out of energy or get tired nervous system, and frequent trials will only bring injury.

And a few words about buckets

You may have never seen this in your shiny gym, but there are gyms that have vomit buckets in them. ( And in general – – Zozhnik’s text will help you). And trainees take pride in finishing their sets at the bucket. What leads to this?

There are two main reasons:

1. Your workouts force blood to flow powerfully from the digestive system into the muscles.
2. The pre-workout meal was too late (which indicates your lack of discipline).

What workouts cause this remarkable effect? The most energy-intensive, with the maximum accumulation of breakdown products or metabolites. Pulls and pulls of heavy sleds, 400-800m sprints, CrossFit and intense bodybuilding sets produce huge amounts of lactic acid and cause the body to turn itself inside out in an emergency dump of all the waste.

What does this mean? Yes, you are very cool if you are able to reach this point in your training. It's as cool as walking naked in the sun and getting sunstroke.

This, however, does not help the development of strength and muscle growth:

You lose electrolytes, which impairs your workout and recovery.
You are wasting nutrients that could have gone into growth.
You lose your appetite for several hours after exercise.
Sometimes you have to end your workout early.
You become dehydrated, and dehydration greatly affects the quality of your workout.

As you can see, this is not particularly destructive, but quite counterproductive.


1. Elaboration muscle group until complete failure will not allow loading it over the next few days. This can be done once a week, but if you want to work the muscles or practice the movement more often, you need to abandon the refusal.

2. Regenerative capacity (including subsequent growth) is not unlimited. If you use training methods beyond failure, the volume must be reduced, otherwise you will only stagnate.

3. Some people, thanks to their physiological characteristics(genetics, doping), can quickly recover from extreme hard training. Most do not recover if such loads become regular.

4. Hard training challenges can be beneficial both physiologically and psychologically.– if they are carried out rarely, for example, once every couple of weeks.

5. The most important thing is progress. You must objectively improve in strength, size, or performance in your sport. If this does not happen, then you are training and/or eating incorrectly.

If you kill yourself in the gym and don’t achieve your goal, then you kill in vain.

Translation for Zozhnik: