What not to eat when doing bodybuilding. Proper nutrition for a bodybuilder every day

Nutrition has a direct impact on metabolism in the human body. Metabolism depends on how much food a person consumes and what kind of food. The general physical and psychological state of the person himself, the level of necessary substances in the body, as well as the level of intelligence depend on this. Equally important is the choice of nutrition in bodybuilding, since it is necessary to build muscle mass, and for this you need nutrients, and in sufficient quantities. Therefore, there is no way to make a mistake in nutrition, otherwise you may not see the results of everyday training.

Not the right approach to nutrition can negatively affect the results of training, and simply put, all the work will be in vain. This issue needs to be seriously addressed initial stage bodybuilding classes. For this purpose, detailed nutritional plans have been developed that take into account the specifics of this sport: building muscle volume. This proposed plan is free of the pitfalls that are common for beginning athletes. At the same time, novice bodybuilders often ask questions to which there are already ready-made answers, since bodybuilding has existed for a long time, although it has its own specifics.

The usual eating plan that most people use, which is breakfast, lunch and dinner, is not suitable for bodybuilders. Since the breaks between meals are quite long, athletes have time to get very hungry during this time, since their metabolic processes go through much faster. The feeling of hunger forces the athlete’s body to feed on energy reserves that are always in the athlete’s body.

At these moments, the body begins to secrete the hormone cortisol, which begins to burn muscles, in conditions of decreasing energy potential of the body.

In addition, he begins to burn carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscles, and this cannot be allowed, since muscle mass is lost, which the athlete is trying to build up in training. Glycogen levels also decrease, which is an indicator of readiness for the next workout. The higher the glycogen level in the liver and muscles, the more endurance athlete and the greater his performance. In this case, the athlete needs to eat about 6 times a day, but in smaller portions. By reducing the time between meals, the athlete's body is constantly fed with glucose, which comes from the intestines. At the same time, the body does not touch glucose reserves and does not produce cortisol. But this is just one advantage of this approach to nutrition for athletes.

Eating according to this scheme speeds up the metabolic process, which also leads to accelerated muscle growth. There is another very important advantage of frequent meals: amino acids constantly nourish muscles, ensuring their growth. The constant presence of amino acids in the blood makes the athlete’s body more resistant to various negative effects. external factors. Naturally, stable immunity contributes to more effective and high-quality training.

What is proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass?

The concept of “proper nutrition” for an athlete means eating exclusively those foods that contribute to the growth of muscle tissue. But it is better to exclude other foods that have little benefit from the diet. These products include carbonated drinks, sweet foods, baked goods, as well as unhealthy, fatty and fried foods. Proper nutrition usually means nutrition from natural ingredients. Bodybuilders mainly eat food from markets, where they purchase fresh meat, fish, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Food purchased at markets is truly healthy, since it has not been subjected to special treatments that deprive the food of vitamins and microelements. In addition, they do not fry foods, but steam them, grill them, etc., without adding animal fats.

Of course, you can visit McDonald's, but it is not advisable to eat food prepared there, especially if you are overweight. For lean athletes, you can replace one meal at McDonald's out of six possible. If you eat a couple of hamburgers, you can replenish your body with 25 g of protein and 66 g of carbohydrates. The indicator is not bad, but it is better to avoid eating fried potatoes, cocktails, ice cream and pies, since apart from harm, this will not bring anything good.

How much protein should you consume per day?

Protein is the building blocks without which it is impossible to build muscle. Many people think that protein accelerates muscle growth. Hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and insulin are responsible for building muscle mass. But this is provided that there is a sufficient amount of protein in the body. If the body feels a lack of it, then muscle building will stop. Protein is taken at 2 grams per kilogram of the athlete’s weight. Gradually, the norm can be raised to 2.5 grams. If you weigh about 90 kg, you need to consume about 200 grams of protein per day, if not more. It is better to distribute this amount over 6 meals.

Which protein is better?

Many athletes use whey protein because it is absorbed faster by the body. Whey protein also contains leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are considered the main components that ensure the necessary growth of muscle tissue. Take this product half an hour before training, as well as after it.

What are “good” fats?

Fats are considered the main source of energy for the human body, so you should not be afraid of them. One gram of fat contains up to 9 calories, which is twice as much as carbohydrates. It is generally accepted, especially recently, that good fats are vegetable fats, and bad fats are animal fats. In fact, this is not so, since a person also needs animal fats, since they serve as a source for the secretion of testosterone and other equally important hormones.

As a rule, vegetarians have low muscle tone and low sexual activity. This is due to a lack of testosterone in their body, associated with the exclusion of food of animal origin from the diet. Basically, fats do not cause harm to the human body if a person consumes them in moderation. For normal height In order to obtain a bodybuilder's useful mass, he needs to consume foods of both plant and animal origin. In addition, he needs to consume fish oil containing Omega 3 fatty acids, but not more than 30% of the total daily ration.

What should you eat before training?

Bodybuilding requires a mandatory meal before training. About 1.5-2 hours before it starts, you just need to eat. You can eat chicken, beef or fish with boiled potatoes, rice or oatmeal. Half an hour before training, drink a cocktail containing whey protein (20 g) and carbohydrates (40 g). This approach to nutrition will allow you to train more effectively and increase muscle size.

What should you eat after training?

It is equally important, after training, to immediately drink a cocktail of 20-40 g whey protein and 40-100 g carbohydrates. Such a cocktail is called a gainer. In about half an hour, the body will need carbohydrates, which are absorbed quite quickly. This could be white bread or mashed potatoes. Moreover, you should not delay taking proteins and carbohydrates, since their absence will provoke the secretion of cortisol, which is not at all desirable.

Is it necessary to drink water and how much?

Because the human body consists mainly of water, then without it no processes take place in the body, including muscle growth, since building them also requires fluid. Often, dehydration of the body is hidden. To find out, you need to drink 3 cups of water and monitor your condition. If everything is in order, then in half an hour you will have to go to the toilet. IN otherwise you should think about it, since the absence of the urge to go to the toilet indicates the presence of a disease. 3.5 liters of fluid per day for a bodybuilder is the norm.

As a rule, liquid allows you to flush out toxins from the body in a timely manner, as well as nourish muscle tissue. When an athlete feels thirsty, it must be quenched in abundance. If you drink 1 glass and the feeling of thirst disappears, then it is better to drink 2 glasses next time.

Is it possible to break the sports diet?

People who are on a diet always want to try something tasty, such as ice cream, pizza or sweet cake. There will be no problems if the athlete has a thin physique. It is permissible for such athletes to break the regime once a week proper nutrition. If an athlete already struggles every day with his overweight, then he is allowed to break the regime only once a day. In other words, out of 6 meals, one meal may be unhealthy, but the remaining 5 should consist exclusively of healthy foods. At the same time, you need to try to eat less in order to invest in your daily calorie intake.

"! Well, here we come to our daily bread - nutrition in bodybuilding. I kept thinking how soon the day and hour would come when I would lift the curtain of secrecy into the world on which 60-70% success in bodybuilding. And now, finally, this time has come - you are already quite savvy, you know a lot and are able to deal with questions that are an order of magnitude more complex than those that we have dealt with until now.

Firstly, I would like to say that you heard right, these are the numbers in the structure of construction success relief body given over to nutrition in bodybuilding , and secondly, yes, understanding the issues of proper nutrition is always difficult, but you can do it, as you will see today.

So, we will talk about nutrition in bodybuilding, the rules and principles that anyone should adhere to (especially a beginner) athlete.

They moved, or something...

Nutrition in bodybuilding: an introductory word

I'll start from afar (from abroad:)). Every person who has decided to change his life begins to take certain steps in order to begin to change. Moreover, he doesn’t just do old things in a new way, no, he radically changes his previous way of life - habits, habits, thinking. Well, because... You are on the pages of the “ABC of Bodybuilding” project, which means that the goal that you have set for yourself is clear as daylight - to become more fit, energetic and, ultimately, change your body. And of course, in order to achieve results in changing the latter, it is necessary to give it the necessary nutrients (nutrients).

Everyone knows the phrase: “we are what we eat,” and this is a scientifically proven fact. So, we don’t go a day without food, and our body receives a lot of products during this time, which, to varying degrees, (positive or negative) influence him. And okay, if we led a measured lifestyle common man, but no, we chose the path of bodybuilding, and therefore nutritional issues should become an important part of our training program.

In general, I am not a supporter of various kinds of diets, any theoretical and academic calculations, or nutrition programs of well-known stars/athletes. I prefer debriefing: how our body works (studying issues of digestion, the mechanism of food utilization, etc.), then the process of monitoring it and smoothly leading to building an optimal diet based on the analyzed information and, of course, scientific achievements and facts.

We are all unique “humans”, and each of us has our own body (oh well, really? :)), your metabolic rate (metabolism) And so on. Therefore some universal programs and there are simply no methods, what is good for Malysheva is not a fact of what is good for you, and vice versa. In this regard, you should not believe and blindly follow another new-fangled diet.

The human body is unique, and the bodybuilder is doubly unique, so nutrition in bodybuilding is an important aspect. You will have to work a lot, study a lot in order to help your body and bring it to its best. optimal mode nutrition necessary for gaining muscle mass.

Nutrition in bodybuilding: basic principles

To answer (or come to the answer) To answer the question of the title, it is necessary, first of all, to remember once again that the nutrition of an athlete in bodybuilding is radically different from the nutrition of an ordinary person, both qualitatively and quantitatively. And this is no coincidence, because heavy exercise and power loads have their own specific requirements for the functionality of the body and the supply of nutrients.

Let's go through the list of problems that can be solved with nutrition:

  • Changes in the composition and qualitative-quantitative composition of the body: an increase in the proportion of muscles and a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Adjustment of body weight: increase/decrease or unchanged state;
  • Providing the body with a sufficient amount of calories, macro/micro-elements and vitamins, in order to maintain an optimal level of physiological activity to solve the assigned tasks;
  • Normalization and acceleration of metabolic processes with the help dietary supplement (dietary supplements);
  • Creating a favorable hormonal background in order to realize the fullness of all physical capabilities and achievements maximum results in the training process.

These are the problems that can be solved with the help of nutrition. So, what to do with all this and where to start? These are the questions that a novice bodybuilder has. And you need to start with education, or rather, self-education, i.e. studying specific literature, magazines, books, articles, etc. and then the questions will disappear by themselves. Or rather, they will not disappear, but will move from the category of questions to the category of answers, and taken for granted. How can you ask questions: “why don’t muscles grow?” and “what do you need to eat to gain them?”, if you are “obscure” in matters of nutrition. However, not everything is so bad, and this matter is completely fixable; the main thing you need to remember is that each athlete must take an individual approach to organizing nutrition.

Actually, we’ve sorted this out, we can move on to the basic principles of nutrition, which every novice bodybuilder (and not only) should adhere to. Here we go.

Yes, by the way, it will be very useful to read the article “,” which talks about many preparatory processes in organizing the correct nutrition process.

So let's get back to our principles.

No. 1. Eat often

I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that you eat as standard - 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, it's time to get rid of this habit and eat no less 5-6 once. Frequent meals play an important role in normalizing the nutrition process.

Let's look at an example.

Given: Average caloric intake of food for an average person (men from 20 before 30 years) equal to 2400 Kcal/day. Number of meals: 1) three 2) five.

Assignment: In what case (at what number of meals) Will the person lose weight and will he lose weight at all?

Solution: 1) 2400 divide by 3 , we get 800 Kcal. You need to fit this amount into three meals. 2) 2400 divide by 5 , we get 480 Kcal.

Answer: By distributing the same number of calories over larger number meals, we will not only improve its absorption, but also begin to better control the feeling of hunger. In addition, we will sit at the desk less and will be able to spend the freed-up time on activity. So the correct answer is 2 .

In addition, better absorption of nutrients increases the thermogenic effect of food, which promotes weight loss. You can even increase the calorie content of each meal by 30-50 Kcal and still lose weight. This is nonsense: we eat more, but still lose weight.


Average daily calorie intake for athletes involved in strength training physical activity, is 3000-3200 Kcal.

If you have a (hard gainer) body type and find it difficult to gain extra pounds, then you need to eat 6 once a day (every 2,5-3 hours) and slightly increase the calorie content of each meal. In addition, each meal should contain high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates (we will talk about them in the following articles). Thus, the body will use consumed nutrients more efficiently and stabilize the level of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for resisting catabolism (destruction process) muscles.

So, let's summarize. Eat often, and after a while you will notice a change in your body proportions.

No. 2. Pay attention to your appetite

We all know that appetite comes with eating, however, this is not entirely true - it can change throughout the day and is like a wave shaken by the wind. Therefore, you should not constantly absorb the same amount of food. Sometimes you are cool about food, and sometimes (usually after strength training in the gym) the feeling of hunger makes itself known “in full voice.” Here it is worth listening to the body and making adjustments as you go.


Experts distinguish between “true” and “false” hunger and the same satiety. True hunger is an urgent, physiological need to “feed” your body. False (or emotional) hunger is a desire to eat something that does not arise because there is some kind of physiological need.

Remember: you shouldn’t follow every requirement/call of your stomach and adjust your diet to suit its “wants”. However, you should not neglect such signals either. Learn to listen to your appetite.

No. 3. Chew, chew - swallow!

We are all in childhood (and sometimes in adult life) We heard the phrase from parents: “Don’t grab the pieces, chew well.” It would seem, what a banality! And that’s why we often neglect it, but in vain. And now I will explain why.

The chewing process performs an important function - it prepares food for absorption in the stomach. Enzymes contained in saliva process proteins and carbohydrates, partially destroying them; fat is also converted into an easily digestible substance. In addition, by chewing thoroughly, you can control the process of satiation, because food enters the body in a slow motion. I don’t know who said this phrase: “Chew liquid food, drink solid food,” but this is exactly what you need to do.

Why do you think you should drink a cocktail? (for example, protein) through a tube? Answer: in addition to the fact that it looks aesthetically pleasing, this way of consumption the body will be able to fully absorb the entire set of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins) which the cocktail contains.

No. 4. Say no to fastfood

It would seem like a hackneyed topic, but you simply cannot ignore it. Nutrition in bodybuilding completely excludes fastfood

I won’t tell you that various pancake, donut, and syrup options are bad. You can watch a whole bunch of scientific programs about this, but I will only say the following. All products that contain preservatives, flavors, sweeteners and other chemicals have the most negative impact on your body. In addition, all this “fast food” has low nutritional value (after all, the more the product is processed/seasoned, the lower it is).

Yes, I understand perfectly well that in the modern rhythm of life (when you work on 8-10 hours), it is difficult for a person to organize adequate meals at home (especially when you eat 5-6 once a day) and that’s when fastfood comes to the rescue.

However, there is a way out of the situation - “portable food”. No, this does not mean that we take a backpack with provisions with us to work and start preparing healthy food for ourselves during our lunch break. You can get by with a couple of fruits, vegetables or protein bars, nuts, etc. “small-sized” food.

Moral: eat high-quality, natural foods and eliminate as much as possible from your diet all chemicals - dyes and preservatives. They will not help you build a ripped body, that's a fact.

So, it seems that we have completed at least the task for today - we learned a little more about nutrition in bodybuilding. Next time the article will be much more serious, because we will consider the nutrition process, so to speak, from the inside. Those. Let's talk about the mechanism of digestion, find out why muscles grow and how nutrition contributes to this. In general, get ready, we will be tough :).


In conclusion, I would like to once again recall the numbers: 60-70% Success in building a ripped body depends on how correctly you set up your nutrition in bodybuilding. Therefore, study this kind of articles most carefully, you can even write something down, because there will be technical points (complex concepts, description of processes, etc.), however, I know that you can handle it and you can do it!

Somehow like this. I’m glad that you spent this time in the company with the “ ” project, see you again.

PS. As always, if you have something to say, there are questions, comments, additions - comments at your service.

The main bodybuilding nutrition for weight is expressed in compliance with the principles, basic rules, which can conventionally be called a “diet”.

The diet given in this article can be followed as in female bodybuilding nutrition, and in men's without restrictions on the period, and it does not require “entry” and “exit” from it. However, you need to remember that you do not need to reduce or increase the calorie content and volume (amount of food) right away, otherwise there may be digestive and metabolic disorders. The body must gradually adapt to the characteristics of the new diet.

6 “commandments” of bodybuilder nutrition for gaining muscle mass:

1) You need to eat 5-6 times a day.

According to studies, the anabolic effect after a meal lasts about 3-4 hours, although the increased amino acid levels last longer. The optimal number of meals per day is 5-6 times. With this frequency, the digestive system is not overloaded, and nutrients enter the bloodstream to nourish the muscles throughout the day.

If you eat 3 times, the nutrients will be supplied in excess and the body will begin to “store” them as fat.

2) Consume high-calorie foods.

Bodybuilding nutrition for weight should be high in calories (about 70% of the daily diet). Otherwise, the digestive system is overloaded and the absorption of nutrients is reduced. When muscle mass is gained, the proportion of vegetables and fruits should not exceed 30%.

3) Limit fats and fast carbohydrates.

Try to limit your intake of foods that are high in fat: sausages, butter, lard, margarine, fatty meat, etc. It is necessary to avoid taking fast carbohydrates, sweets are especially dangerous (fruits, confectionery, etc.), and baked goods are less dangerous. Only after training is it safe to consume fast carbohydrates, when the body is able to quickly utilize glucose.

This is of considerable importance in the basis of proper bodybuilding nutrition.

4) Maintain drinking regime.

When gaining muscle mass, many metabolic processes are launched, this creates the need to increase water consumption. Proper nutrition when doing bodybuilding should include optimally 3 liters. water per day (including liquid in foods).

5) It is necessary to distribute portions throughout the day.

Portions should be approximately equal, but before 16.00 you need to eat about 70% of the entire daily diet. However, according to recent studies, this plays a minor role. Before going to bed, eat only light foods rich in protein: vegetables, dairy products, poultry, eggs, salads, fish.

How to eat before training? You need to eat 2 hours before training. Good for this protein dishes and products that contain slow carbohydrates: flour, cereals, vegetables, etc.

Carbohydrates will provide energy to the muscles and brain during training, and amino acids will trigger anabolism.

Nutrition after training. It is optimal to make a protein-carbohydrate shake (gainer) as soon as your workout is over. Then, no later than 1.5 hours after the training, you need to eat heavily. After training, the body is ready to absorb a significant amount of food, while all the beneficial substances are used to replenish energy and restore muscles.

6) The ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (in kcal).

Carbohydrates should be contained in food at 50-60%. It is better to eat slow carbohydrates. Proteins – nutrition for muscles, proteins should be 30-35%.

It’s good if the body gets 50% of its proteins from foods, the rest from sports nutrition for bodybuilding. Fat should be 10-20%. You should not consume less than 10% fat, this will lead to undesirable changes in metabolism.

You should try to consume vegetable fats.

You also need to remember that there is no ideal ratio that suits everyone. Therefore, everyone must find the ideal nutrition for themselves when doing bodybuilding. Only average figures are given here.

The basic principle for gaining muscle mass.

Muscle mass grows only when the amount of energy incoming is greater than the amount of energy expended. In addition, you need to take into account that sometimes you increase calorie content by 5, 10, 30%, but the weight does not change. It happens that in order to give a “impetus” to the mass, you need to increase the calorie content by 50%, and sometimes by 100%.

You can find the amount of calories you need based on simple rule, you need to gradually increase calories in your diet until the increase is 600-800 grams per week. If the increase is greater, you need to eat less, if less, vice versa. To do this, you need to weigh yourself at least once every 3 days. In a month you will be able to adjust your norm.

You cannot gain more than 800 grams of weight per week, otherwise the body will begin to “save” a lot of fat.

Let's find out in more detail how to eat properly as a bodybuilder!

The three stages of the diet are determined by the stages of training, since the athlete needs to work out all muscle qualities, as well as work on the level subcutaneous fat, since the aesthetic component depends not only on the size of the muscles, but also on how prominent the muscles are. The stages of training should not be mixed, since gaining muscle mass and increasing strength requires a calorie surplus, and reducing the level of subcutaneous fat requires a deficit calorie balance. The point is that hypertrophy muscle fibers is an anabolic process of synthesis of organic tissues, and reduction of body fat is a catabolic process of destruction of organic tissues of the body.

Despite the fact that anabolism occurs during the accumulation of muscle mass and the development of strength indicators, nevertheless, the bodybuilder’s diet in these two stages is different. Differences are due to different purposes training programs! If, while gaining muscle mass, the athlete trains energy supply through glycolysis, developing muscle volume, then while working on strength indicators, the athlete trains the body’s ability to provide energy to the muscles due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate. As a result, during mass gain, myofibrils are more damaged, and the synthesis of organic tissue occurs more intensely, so the athlete needs more protein. When training muscle strength, there is a need for more energy, so priority in nutrition is given to carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy in the body. It is this energy that is spent during training. Carbohydrate carriers: pasta, cereals, bread, fruits. It is advisable to consume 70% of carbohydrates in the first half of the day - this way they will have time to “burn” and will not turn into fats.

Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Wholemeal rye bread is healthier than white wheat bread. The fiber and nutritional value of these foods are very different.


Protein is the building material of the body. In order for a muscle cell to grow, it is necessary to “break” the old “frail” muscle cell during training, then give it a rest (during a leisurely walk, sleep) and recover and increase in size. To grow, the cell will need “food” - protein.

Many bodybuilders use protein mixtures that facilitate the process of obtaining and assimilating protein. Drinking protein shakes - good way“collecting” proteins, however, you should not limit yourself to artificial mixtures. Milk, fish and meat will provide you with enough “natural” protein.

Please note that not all protein eaten can be absorbed by the body. It is recommended to consume 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of athlete’s weight per day. Excess protein not only does not benefit, but even harms the body, turning into fat and waste.

The consumption of vitamins is required for the organic development of the body: the absorption of proteins, the removal of toxins, and energy exchange. At the same time, if possible, it is advisable to consume natural foods - nuts (vitamins D and PP), fresh fruits (A, C), grain bread (B3, B6), quail eggs (E). If it is not possible to regularly consume vitamin-rich foods, you can buy an inexpensive multivitamin complex at the pharmacy.

Some bodybuilders consciously separate their nutrition (and training process) into two polar parts: “force” and “”. During a “power” diet, you can eat almost anything, without any special restrictions. Fast food, foods rich in carbohydrates, fats and calories contribute to success in lifting weights in training. This is how muscles hidden behind the fat layer are acquired. During “drying”, the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced, “fat reserves” are burned, and the muscles appear in all their glory.

For a long time weight loss and bodybuilding were considered, to put it mildly, incompatible concepts, especially for the fairer sex. Diets, proper nutrition, long, exhausting cardio workouts, and fitness were the main helpers for losing weight.

But . Of course, there are many myths that prevent you from starting to “lift iron” for the sake of losing weight. The most common and funniest: bodybuilding will lead to an incredible increase in muscle mass, which will only increase your body size. The woman will thereby turn into a man. And a man who is overweight will only wear himself out and add to his problems. But to the delight of adequate bodybuilders, now this myth is becoming a relic of the past, and that’s all more people Bodybuilding is chosen as a method of losing weight.

A little theory

Of course, it is necessary to distinguish between the extreme activities of professional bodybuilders and a weight loss program. But in any case, excess weight will disappear before our eyes. The main thing to remember is that the number on the scales is a dubious indicator. The fact is that muscle mass is always heavier than fat mass. However, with muscle growth, fat burning occurs more quickly than with diet alone. Moreover, with an increase in muscle mass, metabolism increases significantly. Intense training with weights is the main condition and the only known way to achieve muscle growth. Thus, bodybuilding is one of the the best ways“burn” everything unnecessary and quickly achieve the desired shape.


To solve the problem excess weight, it is necessary to expend as much energy as possible. Therefore, training should be long. And then strength exercises, for greater effect, it is worth adding cardio exercise for 20-30 minutes. Don't take too much heavy weights at the beginning of classes, this will lead to health problems, and for a long time will discourage the desire to fight kilograms. Nutrition is also an integral part of losing weight, even if the choice fell on bodybuilding.

There are many diets for bodybuilders. They are good because they allow you to retain all the elements necessary for the body in your diet. Power training increase endurance, strengthen cardiovascular system and saturate the blood with oxygen. All this leads to increased vitality and overall strengthening of the immune system. Which is very important for those losing weight.

Are you one of those who believe that the beautiful bodies featured on magazine covers have been altered to make them look so good? Do you train your body every day, but are still not perfect in certain places?

Beautiful body in the magazine may indeed be a product of modern technology. But it can also be real. No quantity physical activity will not be able to give you the body you want unless it is combined with nutrition. In fact, bodybuilding nutrition is the most important factor in building perfect body. Exercises are just an addition to it.

The bodybuilding nutrition program encourages eating smaller and more frequent meals, rather than larger ones, as is generally common. This is so because frequent meals increase your metabolism. This means you will be able to burn more fat. It's like you haven't eaten for hours after plenty of food, then the body will gain fat and lose muscle because it will experience a catabolic state. Then the body will be nourished muscle tissue instead of the food you should eat. Eat a little every 2.5-3 hours, but it is better to eat more for a longer period of time.

A good bodybuilding nutrition program should consist of meals that contain carbohydrates, protein and fats in required quantity. Dishes that only contain one or two of these will not give you the results you want. Carbohydrates and protein should be about 40%, and the remaining percentage should be fat. Very effective method When preparing this bodybuilding nutrition, imagine the size of your clenched fist as an amount of food containing carbohydrates and protein the size of your palm.

Nutritional supplements are a good addition to your bodybuilding nutrition plan. These supplements can also serve as a snack instead of one of your frequent feedings, especially if you don't have time to sit down and eat. Supplements are another addition to bodybuilding nutrition. Bodybuilding supplements work well with a good bodybuilding nutrition program because they improve the body's metabolism.