Whether to become ill from. Why do you feel nauseous and dizzy after training - possible causes and solutions to the problem

Visiting the gym is an excellent prevention not only of excess weight, but also of depression and poor health. But what if physical activity does not provide relief after exercise, but, on the contrary, your health worsens? In this article we will talk about why you feel sick after a workout. About the reasons that can cause deterioration in health, and what this entails. However, we hasten to reassure you. Not always the answer to the questionWhy I feel sick after training are health problems. Perhaps you are simply doing the exercises incorrectly or eating at the wrong time.

Sports for everyone

Moderate sports load has virtually no contraindications. If a person has excess weight, problems with cardiovascular system or others chronic diseases, then it’s just a matter of choosing the right training regimen. Thus, sport is a universal cure for all diseases. Of course, with the right dosage and careful approach, and sometimes - exclusively together with a trainer or under the supervision of a physician. However, if you feel unwell after exercise, it means either you are not doing it right, or you need to change the level of load. Let's talk about the reasons why you feel sick after working out in the gym.

Types of training

Training can be roughly divided into strength and aerobic. First view physical activity associated with holding your breath. So, strength training most often means exercises with weights. An excellent example of anaerobic training would be bodybuilders or powerlifters. This could be squats with a barbell, bench press, work with dumbbells and kettlebells. There is another type of exercise - aerobic, it is associated with continuous rhythmic inhalation and exhalation. Examples of aerobic activities include running and brisk walking, working with an elliptical, cycling, and swimming. Professional and amateur athletes, as a rule, alternate both of these types of load.

Why do you feel sick? Can this happen if a person is healthy? Let's look at each type of stress and the reasons for feeling unwell after them.

Feeling unwell after strength training

That's right, even a completely healthy person according to medical standards can feel unwell after intense work in the gym. Don’t rush to run to the doctor, analyze all the possible reasons why you have a headache after exercise or feel sick.

The most common cause of discomfort is overtraining. Most often, representatives of the stronger sex, that is, men, suffer from this.

Don't overdo it in the gym!

The desire to become bigger and stronger makes men lift more and more more weight during classes. This contributes not only to micro-fractures muscle tissue, which subsequently leads to growth muscle mass, but also the production of the unhealthy hormone cortisol. Otherwise, this hormone is called the stress hormone, and its excess leads to the fact that you will feel bad even with excellent health, from a medical point of view. Trainers around the world recommend not to overdo it, as "more" does not mean "better" when it comes to strength training results.

Even professional bodybuilders know when to stop and train, albeit often, but with lighter weights or a small amount of time. Don't sacrifice your body and don't put it on the embrasure of beauty. Exercise no more than three to four times a week, and you can devote one workout to aerobic exercise.

Adequate nutrition before strength training

Those who often go to the gym know that it is quite inconvenient. It is more difficult to warm up on a full stomach, exercises are more difficult, and as a result, many gym goers try not to eat 4-5 hours before visiting the fitness club. Sometimes an athlete cannot have a snack for reasons beyond his control. For example, if you have to go to the gym immediately after work.

As a result, after a heavy load, a healthy person may feel dizzy and nauseated. The point is the lack of energy provided by food. Thus, the answer to the question of why you feel sick after training or have a headache will be “insufficient nutrition” .

The solution to this problem will be consuming liquid foods, e.g. protein shakes. Protein is a complete, quickly digestible protein. If you do not want to eat your usual porridge with meat or other solid foods, then replace your meal with the described cocktail an hour before the start of classes. You can add whipped banana to milk and protein. This way you will feed your muscles and ensure you feel good after exercise.

Incorrect exercise technique

You can master the technique of handling dumbbells or a bar, but if you don't breathe correctly, you'll give yourself a migraine or nausea after a workout. Anaerobic exercise requires not only correct positioning of the legs and back, but also rhythmic inhalation and exhalation.

Many professional athletes and ordinary gym goers are guilty of simply not knowing how to breathe. As a result, the entire strength exercise is performed in one breath. Why do you feel nauseous and dizzy after training? Review your breathing technique while doing the exercises. Think not only about keeping your back locked or keeping your knees in line with your toes, but also about breathing in and out rhythmically. You will see that, firstly, you will have more strength during the session, and secondly, you will feel cheerful after finishing the workout.

Why does a headache occur after visiting a character?

We have figured out the reasons that can cause headaches and nausea during power loads. But what if you go to the gym for a treadmill workout? How then can you explain the discomfort after class?

First of all, check whether you are taking any medications. Some pills can cause migraines by dilating or constricting blood vessels due to the extra strain. If you do not take any medications, there may be another cause of the headache. Because the heart works at an accelerated rate, it pumps a much larger volume of blood than at rest. Because of this, the blood vessels dilate. But now you have finished the workout, your heart begins to beat at its normal rhythm, and the blood vessels cannot decrease in size as quickly. This may make you feel dizzy or nauseous.

How to get rid of unpleasant feelings?

The most in a simple way To get rid of nausea or headaches directly in the hall, there are the following options:

  • Lie down so that your head is positioned above your heart. This will constrict the blood vessels, and the unpleasant sensation will pass very quickly.
  • The second way to restore normalcy is to snack on something quickly digestible. An excellent option would be an apple or banana. These high-carbohydrate foods will replenish decreased glycogen stores, and the discomfort should go away.

Why do you feel nauseous after training? Another reason may be a simple lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. Take vitamins, preferably complex ones, for 2-3 months.

However, there is reason to worry if nausea and migraines become something familiar and regular after physical activity. In this case, the answer to the question of why you feel sick after training will be a recommendation to consult a doctor. There is a risk that you have a cardiovascular disease.

Today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” you will learn the reasons and how to behave in this situation.

The main thing is not to panic ahead of time! During training, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting are a natural preparatory process, so there is no need to worry too much.

Why do you feel nauseous after a workout?

There is no need to worry about dizziness and nausea directly during or after exercise. The fact is that most athletes who increase their load with excessive zeal have gone through this. The causes of nausea vary, but the most common are the factors that we will discuss below.

Eat and drink plenty of food before exercise

If you ate less than an hour before training, and also quite heavily, you may experience nausea during training. In such a situation, it is extremely difficult for the body to direct its strength to digestion, since the load is placed on the muscles.

First of all, it harms your digestive organs.

Low blood sugar

If you are on a strict diet, you won’t be surprised why you often feel sick after a workout. If you are on a fairly meager diet or have eaten practically nothing at all 3-4 hours before training, nevertheless, at the same time you are giving yourself a fairly serious load, then you should expect that your body’s natural reaction will be weakness, nausea and even a headache. .

Low blood pressure

In order to know for sure whether you have a similar problem, you can simply measure your blood pressure. In a situation where this is not possible, pay attention to your general well-being. Try to stand up quickly. How do you feel, are you dizzy? If you sat for a long time before and then got up, did you feel unwell?

If you have these symptoms, most likely you have certain problems with blood pressure. They, in turn, often arise as a result of stress, constant malnutrition or chronic lack of sleep.

Nausea after training: what to do?

If you have periodic or constant nausea after training, it is very desirable, or rather even necessary, to adjust your own lifestyle. After all, the basis for your poor health as a result of training is precisely your incorrect lifestyle and routine.

  1. Sleep at least 7-8 hours. If you rest for less time, it is very difficult for the body to cope with the accumulated stress; it simply does not have time to relieve it, as a result of which you get overexerted. And after training, nausea is a warning from your body.
  2. On training days, try to avoid heavy foods that will take a long time to digest in your stomach. These are fatty and fried foods, meat, etc.
  3. The last meal before training must end one and a half hours before the start of classes.
  4. If you feel dizzy during training, you should eat a small chocolate after training. In addition to being delicious, the body will be replenished with simple carbohydrates, which are the fastest source of energy.
  5. Monitor your emotional state: if a lot of stress accumulates, you just need to find time to take a bath or listen to music you like, do something you love - in general, to relax.
  6. 15-30 minutes after finishing your workout, treat yourself to any low-fat dairy products. Even if there was nausea, it will go away after this.
  7. You should also not forget about warming up at the beginning of your workout, and stretching after it. These procedures will allow the body to prepare for the load and tolerate it much easier.

Nausea and exercise don't have to be the same all the time. Often, trainers advise stopping training, since continuing training if you feel very nauseous increases the risk of vomiting both during and after training.

As a rule, overstrain of the digestive system at the moment physical exercise occurs due to the fact that the normal regulation of acid-base balance is disrupted.

You need to know not only the amount of food you eat, but also pay attention to the quality of the food. Its composition should not contain a high content of acids.

Normalize your daily schedule of nutrition, work and rest, and nausea during training won't bother you anymore. And, importantly, you will feel much better, healthier and happier overall. The body will easily get used to the correct regime and begin to function much better.

Ekaterina (35) is an ordinary resident of the metropolis, a mother of two children. It is hardly possible to say from this sociable and cheerful girl that more than ten years ago she experienced her first panic attack, which served as the beginning of a whole series of painful attacks. This candid story is about how she dealt with panic attacks, how she was able to keep them to a minimum and did not allow them to ruin her life.

How it all started

Now I can calmly talk about what happened. Panic attacks, if they happen, are very rare. I’m no longer scared, because now I know what it is, and I’ve learned to treat it correctly. But ten years ago it seemed like this was my personal hell.

One evening I was sitting at home alone and watching some kind of thriller. The eldest daughter was visiting her mother, the youngest daughter was not yet in the project. I worked a lot then and smoked more than usual, I could smoke a pack a day. At some point, while puffing on another cigarette, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t breathe. In a panic, she put out her cigarette, but still couldn’t breathe. I panicked greatly, the blood rushed to my heels, my throat was constricted by some unimaginable horror. She stuck her head out the window and tried to breathe in the frosty air, but it didn’t get any better.

Gasping, with my heart beating wildly, I called my mother and called an ambulance. They arrived, took my blood pressure, gave me some Valocordin and said that everything was fine with me. They asked not to invent problems for themselves and not to bother them with false calls anymore. When the ambulance left, I calmed down for a while, but then everything repeated several more times. I would breathe normally, then start to choke again.

The first year with panic attacks was the most difficult - attacks were repeated daily, often several times a day. I think psychotherapists call such a long period of attacks “acute panic disorder.” But I only know this now, and then I simply could not understand what was wrong with me.

Shame, fear and uncertainty

At that time, in 2005, it was not common to openly say that you had mental problems. Back then there weren’t hundreds of bloggers who openly talk about their psychological difficulties on social networks. When I tried to share with one of my friends, I was met with misunderstanding, sometimes even fear. People tried to quickly move the conversation to another topic. I was ashamed and felt like I was alone.

Every time I had a completely unbearable attack and it seemed like I was going to suffocate and die, I called an ambulance again. On one of my next visits, the emergency physicians threatened that if I called them again, they would invite doctors from the “psychiatric hospital” to see me. After that I refused doctors.

I tried to diagnose myself: it seemed to me that I had lung cancer, or schizophrenia. When the condition worsened, I almost stopped sleeping and started taking heavy antidepressants (I got them through friends). At first it helped, but very soon new fears appeared, and I began to feel like I was truly going crazy.

I started drinking alcohol - it helped, but also not for long. Then there were attacks again, even worse than before.


One day I was on the subway, and the train stopped in the tunnel for a few minutes. I felt panic creep in again. I tried to pull myself together, to remind myself that this was a standard situation, there was nothing dangerous in it, and that the train would soon start moving again, but this only made things worse.

I began to beat on the door with all my might to be let out. I was wildly ashamed, I understood that people were looking at me like I was crazy, but I didn’t care anymore, because I was sure that I was going to die, I would just suffocate right there, that’s all. And none of those present will help me.

When the train started moving, I was almost unconscious. I barely remember how I ran out into the street at the nearest station, fell face down in the grass and started sobbing. It was a real breakdown, I understood that I couldn’t live like this any longer and something needed to be done.

My closest friend then lived constantly on the move, and we hardly communicated. But for some reason at that moment I wanted to call her. In hysterics, I “lay out” to her everything that was happening to me at once. She listened carefully and said that she knew all this well. I was shocked - this was the first time in all my time that someone understood me!

She said that the signs looked like panic attacks, and said that there was a forum where there were a lot of people with this problem. Moreover, it turned out that she herself suffered from attacks, but in an even more severe form, much worse than mine. That's how I learned that what was happening to me had a name. It literally helped me breathe.

A panic attack (PA) is an acute attack of fear or panic. The physical symptoms of panic can be so intense that it begins to feel like you are short of breath, like you are about to have a heart attack, stroke, or heart attack. These symptoms usually have nothing to do with the actual state of health and do not threaten a person’s life, but only further aggravate the course of PA itself.

The worst thing about panic attacks (PA) is that they can happen anywhere, at any moment and for no apparent reason: in the entrance, on the street, in the office, at home near your husband. Yes, almost everywhere, but most often in the subway. As I learned, the subway is generally the worst fear not only for me, but for almost everyone who has PA.

Not scary anymore

The good news is that the more you learn about panic attacks, the better you understand the mechanism of their occurrence, the better you understand that they themselves are not dangerous: in fact, you are not sick with anything, you do not have a heart attack or stroke and from an attack you definitely won't die. It is these fears that make you feel worse. And it turns out you can control them.

Psychotherapy really helped me then. I was lucky - I found a good psychologist with whom we were able to get to the bottom of the true reason and work through it. After this, the attacks gradually began to subside. Now I understand that if I had immediately found out what was wrong with me and then turned to a psychologist, everything would have been simpler.

After the birth of my second child, everything somehow settled down. I’m no longer afraid of attacks, probably because I’m ready for them. Over the course of several years, I found my own ways to deal with them. I’m training mindfulness so that I can understand that I’m actually breathing, that it’s just a vasospasm and that everything will go away in a few minutes. I learned to wait it out: distract myself, pinch, count, breathe long and deeply through my nose.

It helps a lot that I can now talk openly about it. Now it has become such a common occurrence that it is unlikely that anyone I know will turn away or think that I am dangerous if I say that I have PA.

Besides, I myself have learned not to attach such great importance to this. The most amazing thing is that the better I understand that a lot depends on me, that I can control what happens in my life, the less reason there is for panic attacks.

In the article, I will tell you what to do if you feel bad during training (and why this could happen).

During my entire training practice = I had no problems in this area.

There was no such thing that I stopped the workout, sat on the sofa/chair, rested, because I felt bad, there was no such thing that I took it and went home, there was no such thing that the fitness club employees called an ambulance for me, etc. . and so on. although in the gym where I train = I have seen this more than once.

However, this does not mean that I did not encounter difficulties at all, there was everything: nausea, pain, dizziness, and my legs were trembling, I almost fell, and I just remember falling on the sofa after training, I could not get up, and barely I barely made it home (although I live not far away), well, in general, this article is more for beginners and intermediate level people. Based on my experience = I will give a lot of advice.

These are banalities =) but still - for many people = not obvious.

When you go to strength training V Gym or there for some group classes, it doesn’t matter, for any training = you will work there, train, work, if you came (or came) on an empty stomach = then, when doing strength exercises or the like, and if the weights are heavy or there is little rest between approaches, in general, high intensity training = then nausea, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, etc. are possible.


1 - 1.5 hours before training = you definitely need to eat. Take a portion of energy so that you have the energy (strength) for a full workout. That is, you definitely need to eat complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, durum wheat pasta).

If you are a beginner or beginner = and came or came to the gym = and immediately let’s work like a horse = without wanting yourself = there may be consequences in the form of nausea, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, etc.

And all because you can’t immediately pick up and tear and throw if you’ve done nothing before (not at all or not at all), that is, you’ve never trained or trained, or this was a long time ago. Understand?

You need to approach everything wisely (with your head).

On our topic = if your body does not have enough water = dehydration occurs, and your muscle strength and motor control will be significantly weakened.

In this condition during training = consequences may occur: weakness, dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes, etc. and so on.

Tip #4. Recover well (rest, including sleep)

To avoid problems here, everything in training must be very competent.

You can’t talk about it in a few words here. But, if everything goes well with the training - with enough sleep (8-10 hours) = there should be no problems (provided that you read everything correctly in this article). SLEEP is the most important factor affecting overall recovery.

If recovery is poor (lack of sleep or poor sleep, under-recovery, etc.) = there may be consequences during training (in the form of weakness, dizziness, etc.).

With a lack of sleep, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. occur... what kind of training is there... strength indicators drop, strength endurance and neuropsychic activity.

And in general, without sufficient (without good) sleep, both your mood and your composure, determination, desire to train, etc. disappear.

If for an ordinary person (i.e., not involved in sports) sleep is so important for normal life, imagine the role of sleep for a person involved in sports...

For example, if you train very hard for, for example, 3-6 reps = and after that you feel very bad = then I would not do it. I would take less weight = work for 12-15 repetitions (for example).

Another example. You do some exercise, for example, a squat with a barbell (or some other one of yours) = and it is after this exercise that you feel bad = change this exercise to something else. For example, a leg press or a hook squat. Well, that is, look for options, figure it out.

There is nothing easier than to take it and complicate everything for yourself.

My favorite expression that I constantly repeat to myself.

If something hurts you, is bad, etc. = this is a signal from the body = that this needs to stop.

  • If you are an intelligent homo sapiens = you will draw the right conclusion and listen.
  • If homo sapiens is not intelligent, then you will continue to endure through pain, endure, etc. ultimately = harming yourself, your body, your health.

What other reasons?

  • Low-carbohydrate diet (if there is little energy in the body, then, even without training, you feel weak, well, unable to help but tear and throw - definitely, and when training, consequences may arise in the form of weakness, dizziness, nausea, flickering and darkening in the eyes, etc.).
  • The pressure has dropped (whoever has problems in this area knows how, as a result of training, consequences can arise in the form of weakness, dizziness, nausea, etc.).
  • Hypoglycemia (this is a low level of sugar in the blood, especially important for diabetics; in this condition it is generally quite difficult to do anything, let alone exercise).
  • etc. your personal health problems (body).

OK. If it has already become bad, what should you do?

Remember, like our father: health is always above all.

There will still be more training = through the roof, you will always have time, catch up, etc. and so on.

Therefore, if you feel bad, you feel nausea, dizziness, darkening in your eyes, etc. then I would recommend stopping training. Sit on a chair/sofa, drink some water, go wash, rest, preferably also drink juice (of some kind), that is, consume some simple carbohydrates in liquid form, thanks to this, quick energy will enter the body = you will feel better.

If you think it’s appropriate = inform the trainer in the gym = warn so that the staff is ready to help, call an ambulance if necessary (in general, this is true, just in case - you decide whether this is necessary).

Anything can happen in life - armed (a) means forewarned (a) =)

There is no need to quit training altogether = thinking = what the heck, etc. Don't be weak/weak.

In general, I described everything that I knew (and what came to mind). That's all for me today!

Finally, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my books (click here or on the photo below), with the help of them you can achieve one or another goal (lose weight, build muscles, pump up your butt, etc.).

Congratulations, administrator.

Probably, every person periodically experiences problems with their well-being when they are in unventilated, stuffy rooms. Most often, this symptom worries people with vascular disorders, as well as women expecting the birth of a child. Sometimes lightheadedness in such a situation is so severe that it can cause dizziness, even loss of balance, and even loss of consciousness. Let's look at the www.site, why a stuffy room is so dangerous, why it becomes bad in a stuffy room, what are the reasons for this, and is oxygen deficiency to blame for this (we'll look at the symptoms and treatment of such a disorder).

Stuffy room- impact on health

The nausea associated with staying in a stuffy room can be explained by several factors. Firstly, poor health occurs due to a lack of oxygen, and secondly, due to a significant amount of carbon dioxide in the environment. The first and second factors have a single medical definition - hypoxia.

Hypoxia is a pathological process that occurs in the body when there is a lack of oxygen supply to the tissues or when the utilization of waste oxygen is impaired. Synonyms for the word hypoxia are oxygen starvation, oxygen deficiency. So the main, but not the only reason why it becomes bad in a stuffy room is oxygen deficiency.

Carbon dioxide is actively released by people themselves along with the air they exhale. This substance is a fairly strong regulator of respiration and blood circulation. Normally, it is found in the blood of every person, but in small quantities. With an increase in the volume of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air, an overly active expansion of blood vessels occurs, which causes a feeling of heaviness in the head, headaches, discomfort, and fatigue.

In addition to carbon dioxide, in a stuffy room there is also quite a lot of carbon monoxide; when accumulated in the body, it can enter the lungs and blood, causing a disruption in the transport of oxygen to all cells and tissues. For this reason, hypoxia develops. The body does not receive enough oxygen, and health begins to deteriorate.

Sometimes faintness in a stuffy room is explained by problems with blood vessels, hypotension, anemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and pregnancy.


When staying in a stuffy room, some people experience general weakness and weakness in the legs. They may also experience dark vision and nausea. Sometimes pathological processes are also accompanied by ringing in the ears and darkening of the eyes. My head is spinning in the stuffy room. Loss of consciousness may occur.

Systematic stay in unventilated, stuffy rooms can cause overstimulation of the body, which is manifested by increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Many people also complain of a feeling of constant lethargy and drowsiness that comes after short-term excitement; they may experience incomprehensible anxiety for no reason.

Excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the air provoke the appearance of a dry cough. Asthmatics experience an increase in attacks. Also, being in such rooms impairs performance, memory and perception of new information, which is especially noticeable among students.

What to do if the stuffy room becomes bad? Do-it-yourself treatment

If unpleasant symptoms appear while in a stuffy and unventilated room, you should leave it or open the windows. If a person’s health has deteriorated particularly severely, you need to unfasten his collar (untie his scarf, tie, etc.) and ensure sufficient oxygen supply. In case of loss of consciousness, ammonia must be used. Usually, ventilation helps to improve well-being in a short period of time.

If lightheadedness is caused by low blood pressure, you can drink a cup of tea or coffee with sugar. It's also worth eating something like candy.

If you experience a systematic deterioration in your health in a stuffy room (even in a regular store or public transport), you should consult a doctor. You may have developed vegetative-vascular dystonia or anemia, which requires proper comprehensive treatment.

So, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, patients need to completely change their lifestyle, give up bad habits, take vitamin supplements and medicines plant based.
You can cope with anemia by optimizing your diet, consuming iron supplements and some vitamins (one of them is B12), as well as by treating concomitant diseases.

If health problems occur during pregnancy, you should avoid staying in stuffy rooms. And if this is not possible, you must insist on ventilation, carry ammonia with you, take a companion with you, etc. Unpleasant symptoms usually disappear after childbirth.

Additional Information

If you suffer from poor health in a stuffy room, try to systematically ventilate your home and workplace, regardless of the time of year and the weather outside the window. It is best to sleep with the window open. It is extremely important to systematically walk in the fresh air; you can also use air conditioners and air ionizers at home and at work, making sure that they are in good technical condition (filters replaced in a timely manner).

In the event that a child attending school or kindergarten, find out how often classrooms and study rooms are ventilated. There are certain SANPIN standards that clearly outline the schedule and duration of ventilation depending on the area of ​​the premises. Of course, ventilation in educational institutions is carried out in the absence of children. For example, the classroom is ventilated during recess.

In order to cope with illness in stuffy rooms, you need to take measures to ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the body. Antihypoxic drugs are prescribed by the doctor.