The best breathing exercises for your health. Types and exercises of breathing exercises

Man needs to breathe, and breathing needs clean lungs. Through breathing exercises, you can help your lungs become cleaner, which will not only improve their performance, but also help restore the entire body. Breathing exercises to cleanse the lungs will help a person become healthier and be in a great mood.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, those who have decided to take this step should know that this is a serious process to which you will need to devote a sufficient amount of time.

If you decide to thoroughly clean your airways, then there is no point in doing it in an environment in which they have been contaminated for years. For strong cleansing, it is best to choose a vacation time and go to the mountains, where the air is clean and saturated with oxygen. But, if this is not possible, you can do breathing exercises for the lungs and other procedures throughout your life. It is best to solve the problem in combination, alternating breathing exercises, inhalation, herbal therapy, physical activity.

Cleansing the lungs with breathing exercises

To cleanse the lungs, special breathing exercises are often used, which help eliminate various heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body as a whole.

Exercise "Pump"

To do this, you need to stand up, straighten your spine and take a deep breath and exhale. Then, taking a small amount of air into your chest through your nose, exhale it sharply through your mouth, then do a number of repetitions. If you feel dizzy, it is best to stop and rest. After 5-7 repetitions, inhale while standing, exhale while slightly crouching, inhale again while standing, as if growing tall, and exhale while crouching. It’s as if you are pushing out all the negative things that have accumulated inside you.

Exercise "Ball"

Previously, doctors recommended taking a balloon or glove and inflating it, taking breaks and stopping. Today there is no trust in modern latex; by inhaling what is in the ball, you can only pollute your lungs even more. Therefore, the exercise should be done without objects.

You will need to draw a large amount of air into your chest through your nose and exhale it smoothly through your lips. Repeat also 5-7 times. Then take a break for about two minutes and duplicate everything again. This exercise opens your lungs through inhalation and clears them through exhalation.

Holding your breath

Sit down with your back straight, otherwise your lungs will be compressed. Take a deep breath through your nose, then release the air completely. Stand up and hold your breath for 5-6 seconds and sit down again with a sigh. If you feel dizzy, exercise should be stopped for a while.

Breathe in portions

Take a few deep breaths while standing straight on the floor. Inhale deeply and exhale in increments and increments. One inhalation can be divided first into three exhalations, then into five, then into 7, and so on, as far as you are able. Over time, the number increases easier and easier. In the last exhalation there should be no air reserve left at all.

Upper breathing

Upper breathing is shallow breathing, the diaphragm is almost not involved, and the breathing itself is shallow. Inhale with a straight spine, chest rises slightly, hold your breath and exhale. Everything should not happen abruptly, but not smoothly either. At first, do the exercise five times, then the load can be increased.

Medium type breathing

From a standing position, with your spine straight, inhale through your diaphragm. The inhalation should be as if to the sides, not deep. We inhale in two counts. Then we hold our breath for two counts. We also exhale to the sides, not up, for a count of four. At first, repeat 5 times, after two weeks increase the load up to 10 times.

Lower type breathing

Stand up straight, straighten your spine and draw in your stomach by inhaling, count to 5, after which, by exhaling, relax your abdominal muscles, pushing it completely forward. Breathe as if you are breathing with your stomach, as if the diaphragm is not involved, this process will help the venous circulation. At first, repeat 5 times, after two weeks repeat the exercise 7-10 times. This exercise is a kind of internal massage of the organs adjacent to the abdominal muscles.

Deep breathing

Roll your shoulders, straighten your back, and inhale deeply for four counts. As you inhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and hold your breath for a count of six. Exhale slowly, bringing the count to eight. Repeat the exercise the first time 4-5 times, then increase the load. Remember that your head may become dizzy; it is best if the exercises are performed under someone’s supervision, at least under the supervision of relatives.

Breathing through the nose

Taking an even standing position, you should close one nostril thumb, place your index finger at the point between the eyebrows. After inhaling for a count of three, hold your breath and quickly change the wings of your nose, closing the other nostril. Exhale calmly on the count of three. Repeat the exercise several times.

Breathing exercises not only cleanse the lungs and create a unique internal massage organs, and also saturates brain cells with oxygen.

Fixed exhalation

Take a deep breath and purse your lips tightly into a tube, as if whistling. Exhale slowly, for a count of eight, through tight lips. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

Breathing into the knee-elbow position

Take a knee-elbow position, strictly on an empty stomach. Arching your back and raising your head up, take a deep breath, lowering your head and arching your back up, exhale completely. Repeat the exercise at least six times.

Other cleansing products

Exercising, light jogging, and walking activate the respiratory process and help cleanse the lungs. But this should be done in the early morning hours, while the air is not yet so filled with gases from cars and factories. Jogging should be in a park or suburban area, otherwise there is no point in it. If you decide to run or walk on the road, you will only increase lung pollution.

Great for clearing your lungs and reading poetry on the move. You can take any long poems and start reciting them while jumping. You should start doing this for two minutes, then increase the time. Everyone will determine their maximum for themselves. Vocal exercises will also help cleanse your lungs of harmful environmental influences.
Breathing exercises help people well along with herbal medicine, inhalations of herbs and oils. Every day you can inhale your respiratory system using a nebulizer and mineral water, this will be an excellent way to inhale salts and moisturize phlegm, which will cleanse it when leaving the body. Steam inhalations using eucalyptus, fir, pine, mint, and lemon balm oils can be used throughout your life 1-2 times a week. Herbal infusions are also perfect for steam inhalation: sage, chamomile, linden, oregano, thyme. If you have the opportunity to collect them yourself, you can also steam fresh herbs.

You should know this

Despite the fact that all the exercises are done simply, in fact this is a very serious and responsible process. You may not only get dizzy, but also faint. Therefore, be sure to try to do them in the presence of someone else. Monitor your heartbeat and pulse; if blood rushes to your temples, you should stop exercising.

In general, if you feel unwell, you should not take risks and continue breathing according to any system. In the presence of chronic diseases lungs, exercises are done under the supervision of doctors. If you have pulmonary insufficiency, exercise is contraindicated; your doctor will tell you everything you need to cleanse your lungs. Pregnant women are prohibited from doing breathing exercises; they have their own exercises for this. Approach the issue without fanaticism, with an eye to the long term.

In order to cleanse your lungs, it is not enough for you to take a course respiratory therapy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and constant breathing exercises will make this much more effective.

Also find out.


Breathing exercises are used to restore and improve breathing skills. Static breathing exercises are performed without movement of the limbs and torso, while dynamic breathing exercises are accompanied by movements.

Breathing rules when doing exercises

They raised their arms up and to the sides; take your hands back and take a breath.

Bring your hands together in front of your chest and lower them down - exhale.

Bend your torso forward, left, right - exhale.

Straighten or bend the body back - inhale.

Raise your leg forward or to the side, squat down or bend your leg towards your chest - exhale.

- We lowered our leg, took it back, straightened it out of the squat - inhale.

If during an exercise it is difficult to determine the beginning of inhalation and exhalation, breathe evenly without holding your breath.


The wind came from above,

Broke a tree branch: “V-v-v-v!”

He blew for a long time and grumbled angrily

And the trees kept shaking: “F-f-f-f”(Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.)

Steam locomotive whistle

Inhale noisily through the nose, holding your breath for 1-2 s, exhale noisily through the mouth, lips folded into a tube, with the sound “u” (exhalation is lengthened). Learning to breathe at a pace of 3-6. Inhale shorter than 1-3 counts. Hold your breath, exhale long (1-6 counts).

Walking in the clearing

Walking with active swings of arms; take deep breaths in and out through your nose. Alternate types of walking (on your toes, raising your knees high, “from bump to bump,” stepping over objects).

Breathing exercises

Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, draw out the sounds “mm-mm” and at the same time tap your fingers on the wings of your nose. Yawn and stretch a few times. Yawning stimulates not only the laryngopharyngeal apparatus, but also brain activity, and also relieves stress.

Breathing meditation

Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are inhaling the aroma of a flower... The delicate aroma of a flower... Try to inhale it not only with your nose, but with your whole body. Inhale. Exhalation. The body turns into a sponge: when you inhale, it absorbs air through the pores of the skin, and when you exhale, the air leaks out. Inhale. Exhalation.

Let's breathe deeper

Inhale through the nose,(Raising hands - while inhaling.)

And exhale through your mouth,(Free lowering of the arms - as you exhale.)

Let's breathe deeper

And then - March in place, Slowly,

If the weather is good!

Started the car

Started the car




Inflated the tire




We smiled more cheerfully and drove faster,




A set of breathing exercises “Who and how?”

1. How does the dough puff? "Puff-puff-puff..."

2. How does a locomotive release steam? “From-from-from...”

3. How does a goose hiss? "Shhh..."

4. How do we laugh? "Ha ha ha..."

5. How does the air come out of the balloon? “S-S-S...”

6. Blow on a dandelion. We blow on open palms. “F-f-f...”


You need to inhale and exhale deeply twice, and then, after the third deep breath, “dive under the water” and not breathe, while holding your nose with your fingers. As soon as the child feels that he can no longer “sit under water,” he emerges.

It is recommended to perform the exercise between different respiratory complexes to avoid dizziness.


Option 1. The teacher suggests first taking a breath after each line, then every other line, and gradually learning to speak while exhaling.

The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo-oo! I'm going, I'm going, I'm going! And the wheels are knocking, And the wheels are saying: “Well, well, well, well. Chuff-chuff, chuff-chuff. Shhh, oooh! We’ve arrived!”

Option 2. Accelerate the recitative to maximum tempo, accompanying it with walking in place, turning into running. Then go to a slow pace, and at the end stop with the sound “puff” and relax your whole body.

I can breathe like a locomotive, chug, chug, chug. I puff and puff to the sound of the wheels, chug, chug, chug. I puff, puff, puff, puff, chug, chug, chug. I want to develop breathing, chug, chug, chug.


The bird flapped its wings

And she quietly squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee.”

(Inhale. Exhale.)

I raise my hands to the sun

I raise my hands to the sun,

And I sigh, and I sigh,

I'm omitting hands down,

Exhale - the locomotive whistles.

At four - take a deep breath,

One two three four.

One two three four.(Breathing exercise in a standing or sitting position (dosage required). Inhale for four counts, exhale for four counts.)

Tongue Twisters

You need to take a deep breath and say the tongue twister in one breath. When the air runs out, the child must remember how many Yegorok he named.

On the hill near the slide

Thirty-three Yegorkas lived:

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas...

Let's sit quietly, without moving

Let's sit quietly, without moving,

Let's start the exercise(Straighten up, raise your chin, bring your shoulder blades together.)

Let's raise our hands,(Arms arched inwards upward - inhale.)

Then we'll divorce(Arms to the sides - exhale.)

And very deep

Let's take a deep breath.(Hands down, then behind your head.)

Breathe once and breathe twice,(Hands behind your head, bend over, straighten your legs forward - inhale, bend forward, relax - exhale.)

It's time for us to get to work.


An owl sits on a branch and shouts: “Boo-boo-boo-boo.”(Inhale. Exhale with sound.)

(Inhale.) (Exhale.)









The kettle was on the stove,

It blew steam through the spout: “Bang-bang-bang-bang.”

What a holiday parade

What a holiday parade

Here, balloons are flying all around, flags are waving, people are smiling. We gently draw in air and inflate the red balloon. Let him fly to the clouds, I myself will help him!

Miracle nose

I breathe through my nose, I breathe freely, deeply and quietly, however I like. I will complete the task, I will hold my breath... One, two, three, four - We breathe again: Deeper, wider.


The teacher asks the children to imagine that they are balloons. On the count: one, two, three, four, the children take four deep breaths and hold their breath. Then slowly exhale on the count of 1-8.

Red ball

We gently take in the air, inflate the red balloon, the balloon pushes, puffs, it bursts and whistles: “Shhhhhh!”(Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale with sound.)


I. p. - standing, hands on the belt.

1 - move your elbows back, inhale through your nose, bend over. 2-3 - hold your breath. 4 - I. p., exhale through the nose.

Alien conversation

I. p. - sitting.

Inhale through the nose; As you exhale, pronounce the nasal sound “mm-mm”, lightly tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose. Gradually lengthen your exhalation.


I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.

1 - tilt to the right leg, left hand up, exhale.

2-I.p., inhale.

3 - the same to the other leg, exhale.4-I.p., inhale.

The wind shakes the trees

I. p. - standing, hands up.

Alternate bends to the sides with smooth movements of the arms (like twigs); breathing through the nose.


I. p. - emphasis - crouching.

1 - stand up, stretch your arms up through your sides, inhale through your nose - “the ball has taken off.”

2-6 - maintain static tension and hold your breath while inhaling.

7-8 - I. p., exhale through the nose - “the ball flew away.”


I. p. - kneeling.

1 - arms up, bend over, take a deep breath through your nose and “grow”. 2-4 - sit on your heels, lean forward, move your arms back and up, exhale - “hide.”

The elephant nods his head and bows to the elephant

Tilt the head as far as possible with slow deep inhalations and exhalations through the nose.

D crayfish

I. p. - sitting.

1-4 - take a deep breath through the nose.

5-8 - tap your finger on the right half of your nose as you exhale, say “mm-mm”, do the same with the other half.


I. p. - sitting.

1 - take a deep breath through the nose.

2-4 - intermittent exhalations (snorting) through the nose.

Let's sunbathe

I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. Free swings up and down; right and left with legs bent in knee joints, do not hold your breath.

Smells of spring

p. - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 2 - 3 - turn the body to the left, take a deep breath through the nose.

I. p., exhale through the mouth. 6-7 - the same in the other direction.

I. p.


I. p. - sitting on my knees.

Slow deep breath through the nose; hold your breath for 4-5 seconds. (the snake hid); exhale slowly through the nose.

Game with fluff

I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms freely. Exhale sharply through your nose, trying to blow away the fluff as far as possible, keeping your mouth closed.


I. p. - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 - bend over, inhale through the nose, hold your breath for 5-6 seconds. 2-3 - 4 - intermittent exhale through closed lips, pronounce the sound “pf-f-f”.


AND. By. With.

1 - arms to the sides, take a deep breath through the nose. 2-3 - arms forward, exhale while pronouncing nasal sounds “mm-mm” with the mouth closed.4- I. p.

5 - arms to the sides, take a deep breath through the nose. 6-7 - hands up, inhale while pronouncing nasal sounds “n-n-n” with the mouth closed.8-I.P.

We woke up early in the morning

I. p. - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind your head. 1-2 - arms up - to the sides, stretch, inhale. 3-4-5-6 - arms down, exhale.

Inflate the balloon

AND. p. - sitting.

As you inhale through your nose, stick out your stomach; as you exhale, draw in as far as possible.

We're cold

1-4 - inhale through the nose.

5-12 - exhale through the nose, hug yourself by the shoulders as tightly as possible.

Draw a line

AND. p. - sitting.

Turn your head to the right, take a deep breath through your nose. Slowly turn the head as far as possible with a long exhalation through the nose, “draw a line” (the same in the other direction).


I. p. - o. With.

Raise your shoulders, inhale through your nose. Lower your shoulders, exhale through your nose.

Look at your friend

AND.P. - standing, hands on your belt.

1 - turn the head to the right - inhale through the nose.

2-4 - I. p. - exhale through the mouth.

5 - turn your head to the left - inhale through your nose.

6-8 - I. p. - exhale through the mouth.


I. p. - o.With,inhale through the nose.

As you exhale, pinch your nose with your fingers (2-3With),exhale completely through the nose.

Birds are flying

AND.P. - O. With.

1-2 - through the sides of the arms up, inhale through the nose. 3-4 - hands down, exhale through the nose.

Blow off the petal

I. p. - sitting (standing), cut paper (fluffs, petals) on the palm.

Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Intermittent exhalations through the nose, trying to blow off several “petals.”

The dog takes the trail

I. p. - standing on all fours.

“Sniffing” - intermittent breaths through the nose; exhalation is voluntary.

sleeping Beauty

I. p. - lying on your back.

1-2-3-4 - slowly inhale through the nose.

5-6-7-8-9-10 - exhale slowly through the nose.

Laughing Tuckers

I. p. - sitting, support behind.

1 -4 - inhale through the nose, mouth closed.

5-10 - exhale with your mouth closed with the pronunciation “ha-ha-ha.”

A set of exercises for the development of the respiratory system

1. "Tick-tock"

I. p. - stand with legs apart.

1 - swing your arms back (“tick”).

2 - swing your arms forward (“like this”). Repeat 8-10 times.

2. "Pump"

I. p. - stand with legs apart - inhale.

1 - exhale with the torso tilted to the right, hands slide along the torso with the sound - “whack”.

2 - straighten up, inhale.

3-4 - repeat in the other direction (“zip”). Repeat all movements 4-6 times in each direction.

3. "Ku-ka-re-ku" Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Locomotive"

Walking in place bent arms perform circular, alternating movements along the body, saying as you exhale: “Chuh-chukh-chukh.” Repeat for 20-30 s.

5. “The porridge is boiling”

I. p. - right hand on the stomach, left hand on the chest. 1-2 - draw in your stomach and inhale through your chest. 3-4-lowering your chest, exhale and stick out your stomach, saying: “f-f-f-f.”

Repeat 3-4 times.

6. "Semaphore"

I. p. - sitting, heels and toes together. 1-2 - arms to the sides, inhale.

3-4 - slowly exhaling, hands down, pronouncing the sound “s-s-s-s-s”. Repeat 3-4 times.

7. "Chopping Wood"

Depict chopping wood. Raise your hands - inhale. Put your hands down - you sighed, saying: “Uh-hh! Uh-hh!” Repeat 3-4 times.

8. "Pendulum"

I. p. - standing in the aisle between the desks.

Inhale. Bend to the sides, saying: “T-u-u-h-h-h!” T-u-u-u-h-h-h!” - exhale.


Kovalko V.I. School of Physical Education Minutes (grades 1-4): Practical development of physical education minutes, gymnastic complexes, outdoor games for primary schoolchildren. - M.: VAKO, 2007. -208 p. - (Teacher's Workshop).

Proper breathing is one of the main principles of good health in Eastern medicine. Breathing methods were mastered by people in Ancient India, China and Tibet. Today this practice is popular all over the world. One of the well-known techniques in Russia is Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

At first, the basis of gymnastics included exercises aimed at developing vocal abilities in people. But, having used this method on her own daughter, who suffered from heart disease, Strelnikova saw that the child’s condition improved significantly. A set of breathing exercises helped cure the disease forever.

Over time, Strelnikova's daughter joined her mother to study the influence breathing exercises not only on the development of vocal abilities, but also on the restoration of the entire body.

The Strelnikovs also revealed a positive effect of the technique on such a serious disease as bronchial asthma. Subsequently, the respiratory system according to Strelnikova was studied by Mikhail Shchetinin, a patient and student of the teacher. Many teaching aids have been published under his authorship.

The essence of Strelnikova’s gymnastics is exercises based on inhalation and exhalation. In this case, inhalations may differ from each other in depth, intensity and frequency, and exhalations are spontaneous. During these exercises, the whole body heals, waste and toxins are released.

Inhalation is of great importance. The fact is that on the nasal mucosa there are receptors that are connected to all organs human body. Abundant air entering through the nose saturates all these systems and has a positive effect on the entire body.

Basic principles and benefits of breathing exercises

The effectiveness of the respiratory system depends on its correct execution in compliance with the following recommendations.

  1. Exercises should be performed every day in the morning and evening for an hour. On average, a course of treatment includes 15 procedures.
  2. The correct exercises are in which the inhalation of air occurs very noisily and with tension in the diaphragms, and the exhalation is free.
  3. This means a combination of inhalation and exhalation with special exercises. This combination involves the arms and legs, head, neck, lumbar region, abdomen, hips, shoulders and spine, allows you to strengthen muscles and tone the body.
  4. Inhalations are carried out comprehensively, up to 32 times per interval. Between complexes there are short pauses for rest, 3-5 seconds. The optimal option is 96 breaths, 4 per series with short intervals. Such a series of breaths is called the “Strelnikov hundred”. You can master them only after long training.
  5. One procedure includes at least 10 exercises.

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  • strengthening the body's defense system;
  • increased tone and energy;
  • improving the functions of internal organs;
  • stabilization of breathing and functioning of the respiratory organs;
  • destruction of inflammatory infections;
  • improvement of general well-being.

Indications for use

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are recommended for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • skin diseases;
  • pathologies of male and female genitalia;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • voice related problems.

Breathing exercises for expectant mothers are excellent preparation for childbirth. If you perform the Strelnikova complex during pregnancy, the body will prepare for childbirth and become resistant to infectious influences.

Proper breathing helps get rid of toxicosis, relieves increased tone uterus, saturates the body with oxygen in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises can be successfully combined with other exercise– running, fitness, swimming, horse riding. It is also useful to practice breathing exercises not only during treatment, but also for prevention.

Every evening approaches 30 times will increase energy tone, lift your spirits, relax and relieve fatigue and tension accumulated during the day. In this case, you only need to think about breaths, train and count them.

Contraindications and potential harm

There are categories of people for whom this technique is contraindicated. These are people suffering from myopia and glaucoma, high blood or eye pressure, renal failure,. People with heart disease should perform the exercises with caution (they are not direct contraindications, they just require a balanced approach).

In addition, contraindications for Strelnikova’s gymnastics include combination with other breathing techniques– yoga, oxysize or qigong.

Exercises according to Strelnikova

The basic gymnastics complex consists of 13 exercises (in addition, the author of the method advises repeating “Pump” to get 14 exercises), which are very easy to perform.


This exercise is a warm-up exercise. It is performed according to the following algorithm: standing, you need to bend your elbows and turn your palms away from you. As you inhale, you need to squeeze your palms tightly and relax while exhaling. You only need to work with your fingers.


You need to stand up straight, straighten your arms parallel to your body. Then bend your elbows so that your fists are pressed to your stomach. Tighten your arms and shoulders, while inhaling, lower your arms sharply, unclench your fists, spread your fingers.

As you exhale, you need to return your hands to your stomach.


To execute this exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your arms parallel to your body. Then, lowering your head and rounding your back, slowly bend toward the floor at an angle of no more than 90 degrees.

At the end point of the tilt, you need to take a quick breath of air and return to initial position without straightening up completely.


To perform the “Cat” exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, spread your legs not reaching shoulder width, press your arms to your sides and bend your elbows. The hands should be lowered and kept at chest level.

Inhaling, squat down slightly, turn to the side and seem to grab the air with your hands. Exhale when returning to the starting position. You need to alternate turns right and left.


This exercise can be performed either standing or sitting. When inhaling, you need to tilt your head to the right or left, as if reaching your shoulder with your ear. You need to exhale while returning to the starting position. You only need to use your neck.

"Hug your shoulders"

While performing this exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them above your chest, as if you were sitting at a desk. During inhalation you need right hand grab your left shoulder, and grab your right shoulder with your left hand. This must be done so that the elbows come together at one point.

"Big Pendulum"

This exercise is an alternation between the Pump and Shoulder Hug exercises. On one exhalation, you need to hug yourself by the shoulders, on the other, lean forward. You can perform the “Big Pendulum” either standing or sitting.

"Head turns"

The exercise is performed while standing, with the back straight and motionless. As you inhale vigorously, you need to turn your head to the right and left, exhaling between turns.

"Pendulum head"

This exercise is performed in exactly the same way as “Ears”, only in this case you need to tilt your head forward and back.

“Rolls” with the right foot forward

You need to stand up straight right leg move forward a little. As you inhale, the entire weight should be placed on the right leg, which should squat.

“Rolls” with left foot forward

Performed in the same way as the previous exercise, with a change of leg.

"Forward Step"

This exercise is similar to walking in place. When inhaling, one leg, bent at the knee, rises to the stomach, and the other squats. On the next inhalation, the legs change.

"Backward Step"

It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, with the legs pressed against the buttocks.

Breathing exercises for children

Strelnikova’s technique successfully helps treat respiratory diseases, heart disease, diabetes, neurological diseases, and stuttering. In addition, exercises develop plasticity and flexibility in children.

The advantage of Strelnikova’s gymnastics for children is that there are no age restrictions. You can perform the exercises with children 3-4 years old. This age is characterized by an increased risk of colds and infectious diseases that children bring from kindergarten.

Breathing exercises will help strengthen the body’s protective functions and strengthen the immune system without the use of drugs and pharmaceutical vitamins.

Another reason why babies are introduced to breathing exercises is their inability to breathe. Because of this, the body does not receive enough oxygen, hence colds, low immunity, hyperactivity, and even poorly developed speech.

Also, breathing exercises according to Strelnikova can save a child from stuttering. To do this, you need to regularly perform the “Pump” and “Hold Your Shoulders” exercises. They improve lung ventilation and teach you to breathe deeply, which helps completely change your breathing technique. Several months of exercise twice a day effectively treat the disease.

Effective help brings correct breathing in combination with physical exercise and for adolescents. Gymnastics helps balance hormonal balance, relieves pain for girls and regulates the menstrual cycle. Boys, performing breathing exercises, reduce the risk of phimosis and cryptorchidism.

Proper breathing will help in the fight against characteristic adolescence skin problems.

This is a system of breathing exercises aimed mainly at the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system, cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, sexual disorders in men, diabetes, and also for weight loss.

Breathing exercises- are an integral part physical culture And ; since every exercise, every human movement is accompanied by inhalation and exhalation.

Breathing is the most important source of life. A person can live without water and food for several days, and without air for a maximum of several minutes.

Breath is a set of processes that ensure the entry of oxygen into the body and the release of carbon dioxide from it ( external breathing) and the use of oxygen by tissues and cells for the oxidation of organic substances with the release of the energy contained in them necessary for life (cellular respiration, tissue respiration).

The structure of the respiratory system

The diaphragm and respiratory muscles of a person work in accordance with his consciousness and will, therefore, in order to breathe correctly, it is extremely important to know the structure and mechanism of the respiratory organs.

Human respiratory system structure and functions:

  • Nasal cavity- formed from bones and cartilage and lined with mucous membrane. The main function is to clean the inhaled air from dust particles, warm and moisturize it, and mucus, in turn, prevents the penetration of microbes.
  • Oral cavity- just like the nasal nose, it serves to inhale air if breathing through the nose is difficult or even impossible (for example, rhinitis).
  • Pharynx connects between the nasal and oral cavities. The main function is to conduct air from the nasal cavity (or mouth) into the larynx, moving the food bolus from the oral cavity into the esophagus.
  • Larynx consists of muscles, unpaired (large) cartilages and contains. The main function is to pass air from the pharynx into the trachea when exhaling air vocal cords begin to vibrate and produce sounds.
  • Trachea continuation of the larynx, consists of 16-20 cartilaginous rings with mucous membrane. Main function: does not allow air to be retained during any neck movements.
  • Lungs a paired respiratory organ, the right lung consists of 3, and the left lung of 2 lobes. The lungs are covered with a serous membrane. The lungs also contain: bronchi, the pulmonary artery, and exit into 2 pulmonary veins. The main function is to carry out gas exchange between the air, which is located in the lung parenchyma, and the blood that flows through the pulmonary capillaries.
  • Bronchi enters the left and right lungs. Educated smooth muscles and hyaline cartilaginous rings that prevent the collapse of the bronchi; The bronchi are lined from the inside with mucous membrane. The main function is to transmit air to the bronchioles.
  • Bronchioles- these are the terminal branches of the bronchial tree, which do not contain cartilage and pass into the alveolar ducts of the lungs. The main function is to deliver air to the final destination of the alveoli, where gas exchange takes place.

The amount of air that ventilates the lungs in 1 minute is called MVR (minute breathing volume). MOD is equal to the product of tidal volume and respiratory rate (the number of respiratory movements in 1 min, equal to about 15-18 in humans) and in an adult at rest is 5-8 l/min.

Types of breathing: superficial and deep, rare and frequent, upper, middle (thoracic breathing) and lower (abdominal breathing).

Goals of breathing exercises

Performing breathing exercises has 2 main goals:

  1. Target purposefully influence respiratory system, increasing its functional reserves.
  2. And by influencing the respiratory system, make changes in functional systems and various organs.

People have been using breathing exercises since ancient times. Over the centuries, attitudes towards these exercises have changed, but interest in them has never faded.

Experts from different countries attribute breathing exercises to the number of effective factors that promote health and increase the resistance of the human body to various diseases.

Types of breathing exercises

Nowadays there are a huge number of:

  • gymnastics(, Bodyflex, Tai Chi),
  • martial arts(Wushu)
  • complexes(Yoga),
  • methods(K. P. Buteyko, Y. G. Vilunas, N. A. Agadzhanyan, Y. Bulanova, V. F. Frolova),
  • systems(I.P. Muller, L. Kofler, O. Lobanova - E. Lukyanova),
  • exercises(included in the warm-up) associated with breathing.

Let's look at some of them briefly below:

Yoga- a concept in Indian culture, meaning in a broad sense a set of various mental, physical and spiritual practices developed in different directions of Buddhism and Hinduism. The main goal of which is to control the physiological and mental functions of the human body in order to achieve an unearthly mental and spiritual state for each individual.

Pranayama- is the fourth step (level) of Ashtanga yoga. Pranayama (in yoga) is the control of prana (Qi-life energies) through breathing exercises.

Wushu- a term used to refer to Chinese martial arts, and modern species sports created on their basis, as well as recreational and breathing gymnasts.

Qigong Neigong- the direction of Wushu, which includes complexes of meditative and breathing exercises, dietary and hygienic regulations, as well as a special type of spiritual education.

This is a healing method that was created several decades ago by A.N. Strelnikova. This paradoxical breathing exercises has been and is used for diseases of the respiratory system, also vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, disorders associated with sexual activity in women.

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise that uses aerobic breathing to rejuvenate and heal the body. Bodyflex was built on the synthesis of knowledge of ancient sciences (one of them is “self-healing Ayurveda”), as well as Tibetan breath and yoga. The basic principle of bodyflex breathing exercises is the burning of fat deposits and the formation of a muscle frame and mass with the help of the diaphragm, aerobic respiration in combination with isometric stretching exercises. In other words this breathing exercises for weight loss.

This is the treatment of deep breathing diseases by the method of volitional normalization (elimination) of deep breathing (VLDB). K. P. Buteyko is a famous physiologist and academician. At the Buteyko Clinic, diseases were treated: cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems, allergic diseases, ENT diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as for the preventive purpose of immunodepressive conditions.

Muller system is a set of physical and breathing exercises without additional stress, aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Müller I.P. is a famous German naturalist, doctor, professor and of course an athlete. Müller believed that there are no miraculous treatments, but it’s all about healthy life. Muller also believed that the most important of all floor exercises are breathing exercises.

Dear blog readers, if you have tried one of the types of breathing exercises, please leave comments or reviews. This will be very useful for someone!

This complex will allow you to master correct and natural breathing, as well as get rid of many manifestations of VSD (headache, rapid heartbeat, feeling of a “breathing corset”, etc.)

It is advisable to perform breathing exercises 2 times a day so that proper breathing becomes a habit. They can also be included in your daily morning exercises.

Most people prefer to do breathing exercises while lying down, but you can do the exercises while sitting or standing. It is important to follow the sequence of exercises - their complexity increases from one to the next.

Exercise 1

Breathe rhythmically through your nose, with your mouth closed, at your usual pace. (Repeat 3-6 times)

If at the same time there is no need to open your mouth, “help” them, try to master rhythmic breathing with one nostril (pinch the other with your finger). In this case, you should have enough air entering through one nostril. In the future, you can complicate uniform nasal breathing by inhaling jerkily, in 2-3 steps, and exhaling through the mouth.

Exercise 2

Exercise on abdominal breathing. (Repeat 8-12 times)

Trying to keep your chest motionless, while inhaling, try to stick out your stomach as much as possible. Breathe through your nose. As you exhale, vigorously draw in your stomach. To control the correctness of movements, keep your hands on your chest and stomach.

Exercise 3

Chest breathing exercise. (Repeat 8-12 times)

Trying to keep the front wall of the abdomen motionless, while inhaling, expand the chest as much as possible in all directions. Exhalation occurs due to vigorous compression of the chest. Breathe only through your nose. To control the correct movements, keep your hands on your waist.

Exercise 4

Full breath. (Repeat 8-12 times)

You can start this exercise if you have mastered the previous three well. As you inhale, expand your chest and at the same time protrude the front wall of your abdomen. Start exhaling by calmly drawing inward the abdominal wall, followed by compression of the chest. Breathe only through your nose. To control the correctness of the movements, at first keep your hands, one on your chest, the other on your stomach.

Exercise 5

Counter breathing. (Repeat up to 12 times)

Well develops coordination of respiratory movements. During inhalation, the chest expands and the stomach retracts; when exhaling, it is the other way around. This is an excellent workout for the diaphragm, which is responsible for abdominal breathing. Perform the exercise rhythmically, without tension and silently. Breathe through your nose.

Exercise 6

Breathing rhythm control training. (Perform continuously for no more than 2 minutes)

Smoothly slow down the rhythm of your breathing, and having reached a certain limit (as soon as you feel discomfort), without disturbing the smoothness, gradually speed it up until you return to the original rhythm. Separately, train in smoothly deepening your breathing without changing the rhythm. There is no need to set records in this exercise; it is important to simply study your capabilities in order to expand them over time. Breathe through your nose.

Exercise 7

Rhythmic nasal breathing with prolongation of exhalation. (Maximum - 12 breathing movements)

Inhale for 2 seconds, and exhale for 4, then inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds, etc. Gradually lengthen the exhalation to 10 seconds.

Exercise 8

A combination of uniform nasal breathing and walking at a slow pace. (Perform for 2-3 minutes)

Focus all your attention on the rhythm and synchronization of walking and breathing. Choose the optimal pace that is familiar to you. When performing this exercise, the inhalation should be slightly longer than the exhalation or equal to it.

Exercise 9

Starting position - arms down, legs together. Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 3-6 times.

Exercise 10

Voluntary breathing simultaneously with rotation of the arms in shoulder joints forward and backward, alternately 4 times in each direction.

Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 11

“Ragged” breathing. . (Repeat 4-8 times for each sequence)

Inhale slowly through your nose. Exhale in one quick movement through your mouth, then hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Then change the sequence: take a quick deep breath in through your mouth, exhale slowly through your nose.

Exercise 12

Synchronizing leg movements with breathing. (Repeat 6-10 times in each direction)

Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Move your straight leg to the side and return to the starting position - inhale; pause - exhale.

You can do this exercise like this. Place your legs straight together and lower your arms. Alternately bend your knees. When lying down, it resembles riding a bicycle; in a standing position - run in place: raised leg - exhale, lowered - inhale.

Exercise 13

This exercise allows you to enhance your breathing by bending over. (Repeat 6-10 times).

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Start bending to a horizontal position and below. Tilt - exhale, straightening - inhale. Notice how this makes the work of the diaphragm easier.

A complication of this exercise is bending to the side. Starting position - legs together, arms to the side. Tilt your torso to the sides. Tilt - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale.

You can make the task even more difficult. Rotate your torso to the sides. Turn - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale.