Increasing running speed. How to develop running speed? Exercises to develop running speed

If you are tired of marking time and you feel that you are ready to move to new level, then this material is for you. We'll tell you how to improve your running skills and become even stronger and more resilient.

What is an aerobic base and why does it need to be developed?

Whether you've been running every day for years or just bought your first running shoes, the concept of an aerobic base should be familiar to you. Of course, this is the foundation on which not only your sports achivments, but also your running longevity. If you want to learn how to run for a long time without feeling like a dying swan, then it's time to pay attention to exactly how you run. Think not about quantitative indicators, but about qualitative ones. Aerobic base training is primarily about working on the quality of running. This is what builds endurance and allows you to run further and longer. And we asked a professional to tell us exactly how it works.

Vasily Permitin

member of the Russian national team athletics, master of sports, participant of 3 world championships and 3 European championships in mountain running, CEO of the Organic Running company. Director of Development of MBK (Moscow Running Club)

Aerobic base is the ability of the heart to provide the oxygen demand of the body. If the heart cannot cope with this task, then we are talking about anaerobic load - the body spends more oxygen than it receives during breathing. The point at which aerobic loads are transformed into anaerobic loads is called TANO - the threshold of anaerobic metabolism. At this point, the concentration of lactate (what we call lactic acid) in the blood increases sharply - this causes severe pain in the muscles and forces us to stop. The better your aerobic base is developed, the longer and farther you can run without reaching your PER. This is why both professional and amateur runners consider maximizing the development of their aerobic base their top priority. Having such a reliable foundation, a runner can significantly increase the effectiveness of training - intense exercise will help improve sports skills without wearing out the body.

Developing an aerobic base is not very difficult. You must make sure that the bulk of your training (80-90%) takes place in the first intensity zone (and you can calculate the individual zones of aerobic and anaerobic load).

In fact, the development of the base is the training of aerobic endurance (the body’s ability to perform work of average power for a long time, resist fatigue and convert carbohydrates into energy at the expense of oxygen). In this case, muscle performance directly depends on energy metabolism in the body and the number of mitochondria in muscle fibers. In beginning athletes, glycolytic proteins usually predominate. muscle fibers(GMV) - the number of mitochondria in cells is almost zero. Since there are few mitochondria in HMV cells, the breakdown of glucose, the main source of energy, does not occur completely. As a result of this process, pyruvic acid is formed, which is quickly reduced to lactic acid - it is because of it that after a couple of kilometers you feel this terrible burning sensation in the muscles.

In addition to GMF, there are also intermediate and oxidative muscle fibers (OMF). There are so many mitochondria in the latter that, with a sufficient amount of oxygen, pyruvic acid further decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. This means that oxidative muscle fibers not only continue to work, but also make full use of every glucose molecule, while receiving significantly more energy. The conclusion suggests itself: the more OMF in the muscles, the more resilient the body.

The good news: regular training can increase the oxidative capacity of muscles several times. If you manage to develop and train your aerobic base, then you can significantly increase the mitochondrial mass in muscle fiber cells - and you will no longer be stopped.

Dmitry Andryukhin

Main coach CrossFit Natrium

A well-developed aerobic base qualitatively affects the processes occurring in the athlete’s body. Firstly, there is a decrease heart rate during physical activity- the heart becomes stronger. Secondly, the body begins to use lactate for energy. And finally, recovery processes are accelerated - the body “comes to its senses” faster after intense exercise.

Mileage isn't everything

New Zealand runner and legendary athletics coach Arthur Lydiard is the author and main popularizer of “basic” training for runners. Lydiard did not hide that the secret of his success lies in a new approach to training process, the main task which consists in converting glycolytic MVs into oxidative ones. The predominance of oxidative MFs makes the human body more resilient, and endurance is a necessary foundation for improving the speed qualities of a runner.

The basis of training aimed at increasing the number of mitochondria is running at a slow pace with a low heart rate (HR), approximately 120 beats per minute. Running at a low heart rate is called aerobic - the body can provide itself with enough oxygen. If you want to increase your speed but keep your heart rate at 120 beats per minute, then your body must increase the oxidative capacity of the muscles. This way you start the process of converting glycolytic MVs into oxidative ones.

On Olympic Games In 1960 and 1964, Lydiard-trained runners Peter Snell and Murray Halberg became champions, winning gold medals. All the runners who trained under him, even those who specialized in medium distances (from 800 meters to 3,000 meters), ran on average 160 kilometers per week, and not on smooth asphalt, but on hills.

But not everything is so simple and unambiguous: if you run 100-150 kilometers a week, and your glycolytic muscle fibers have already turned into oxidative ones, then such training will be of no use. That is why Lydiard’s training concept has been repeatedly criticized, refined and reworked. As a result, the expert community came to a consensus: any training plan should include different types training, since the maximum effect can only be achieved through complex work.

1. Increase volumes gradually

Yes, mileage is the main thing. But if you have never run more than 70 kilometers in one week, then increasing this figure to 100 would be pure madness. In this matter, it is important to listen to your body and gradually prepare for a new maximum.

2. Try fartlek

A fartlek is a long running session (usually at least 40-45 minutes), the essence of which boils down to alternating sprints and light recovery running. Imagine that you are playing at speed - then you try to squeeze the maximum out of yourself for a few seconds, then go to easy jogging jogging. Fartlek is best run without a watch or smartphone, focusing solely on your own feelings.

Of course, the ability to run fast is first and foremost necessary. professional athletes. However, even ordinary lovers of this species physical activity People are also often interested in how to develop running speed. There are several factors that can significantly limit you, and now we will talk about them.

Clothes and shoes

A lot depends on what shoes you are wearing. To help you run faster, you should purchase special sneakers that are designed for this. Very often people believe that such shoes are just a marketing ploy, but this is not entirely true.

If you compare special running shoes with regular ones, you will notice differences in their design. Shoes from well-known manufacturers are quite expensive and if you want to save money, you should buy the right sneakers. This will reduce the load on the joints and spinal column. You should also wear fitted clothing to reduce the air drag coefficient.

Energy reserves

For fast run you will need a lot of energy. If you are going to go for a run, you should eat well a couple of hours before. The ideal choice would be food containing a large amount of carbohydrates and some protein compounds. Carbohydrates will be an excellent source of energy, and proteins will protect muscles.

But you shouldn’t overeat either, since you can’t really run with a full stomach. This is another argument in favor of the recommendation to eat a couple of hours before running. It is also worth remembering that to combat overweight you need to force your body to use fats rather than the energy from your last meal.

Running Conditions

The best option for jogging is rubber cover. Rubber provides excellent shock absorption and your joints will not be heavily loaded. It is not for nothing that rubber coating is used on all treadmills, as it allows you to run faster.

Running on asphalt is not the best solution, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Solid surface enhances shock load on the joints.
  • Asphalt often has a large number of holes and potholes, which can lead to injury.
  • Develop higher speed Not allowed on asphalt.

Correct breathing

It is very important to breathe properly while running. Actually, this is important when practicing any sport, but cardio training imposes special conditions on breathing. You need to take deep breaths and slowly then exhale the air. In words it seems very simple, but in practice many people have problems. Always try to exhale completely so that your diaphragm can relax. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Increase running speed

There are special exercises to increase running speed. Moreover, some of them, at first glance, are not intended for this at all, but are very effective.
  • Interval running - while running, the pace changes from slow to fast, and the distance of the change of pace should not exceed 100 meters.
  • Sprinting back and forth is what's on school lessons called shuttle running.
  • Ladder Exercise - Place on the ground rope ladder and run, stepping on each cell.
  • Jumps - perform any type of jumps.
Learn more about how to improve your running speed in this video:

How to learn to run fast? – this is the question many beginners ask. To answer this, any experienced athlete or coach will ask at what distance you need to improve your speed performance. After all, training for short and short runners long distances are radically different from each other. Let's look at several effective methods for distances of 100 (sprint) and 3000 meters and try to understand how to teach a person to run fast. It makes no sense to talk about longer distances like 10 kilometers, since it will be very difficult for a beginner to overcome them, even following all the advice of professionals.


Sprint distances (60, 100, 200 and 400 meters) are overcome by the athlete due to maximum acceleration throughout the entire distance. A sprinter simply doesn't have time to smoothly, gradual increase speed, he must run as quickly as possible immediately from the starting mark. To run very fast, he must have sufficient body mass, well developed, powerful muscles legs and explosive power, as well as perfect control correct technique sprint running. Below are ways to develop these characteristics.

Muscle gain

  • Squats with a barbell, both and and, for a comprehensive workout of the leg muscles;
  • Flexions and ;
  • Jumping on a cabinet;
  • Short accelerations with a “cart”;
  • Trusters;
  • Push and jerk of the barbell.

Explosive force

Explosive power is especially important at the start of the race, when you need to immediately take a leading position. To develop it, use all kinds of exercises aimed at developing the functionality of the body muscles. In addition to the CrossFit exercises listed above, hurdle exercises and movements from other athletics disciplines are performed: standing or running long jump and high jump.
Also, much attention is paid to all kinds of accelerations, including.

Running exercises

The technique of sprinting differs from running for medium and long distances. In sprinting, the knee rises higher, the stride length increases, and the arms and shoulders are also more actively involved in the work. Therefore, to hone their technique, sprinters perform a huge number of approaches in exercises such as running with high hip lifts and running with the shin.

Medium distances (up to 3000 meters)

In middle-distance running, the role of explosive strength and body mass fades into the background, while speed endurance becomes one of the main elements of success. In addition, important aspects are running technique and.

To develop speed endurance, athletes use in their training the following exercises:

  • Classic jogging at an easy pace for 10-15 minutes;
  • All types of interval running;
  • Hill runs, including intervals.

Interval running, that is, alternating fast and slow running tempos throughout the entire distance, divided into several identical segments, increases endurance of cardio-vascular system and increases the body's performance. On average, one such workout includes 8-10 intervals.

Recommended for hill runs use a gentle climb up to half a kilometer long. In one workout, you need to perform 8-10 runs at the same pace, without chasing maximum speed. Between runs you need to rest for about 3 minutes.

Also, athletes run long cross-country races at least 2 times a week (at least one hour).

However, don’t assume that middle-distance runners don’t work at all to develop explosive speed. It is necessary during the finishing dash, when the athlete must run faster than the entire distance and not get tired before reaching the finish line. Therefore, some strength exercises from the arsenal of sprinters are not alien to average athletes. They don't do much weight lifting because they have extra muscle mass will reduce their speed endurance, but actively use exercises from CrossFit and aimed at developing functional training.

Hand movement technique

Some beginners naively believe that running fast is the result of leg training only, but hands are no less important in running.

For both sprinters and intermediate athletes, the technique of arm movement during running plays an important role. For the former it is important throughout the entire distance, for the latter it is more important at the finish line. Correct hand movement and shoulder girdle literally makes your legs run faster.

Correct technique hand movements:

  • The hands are relaxed;
  • Shoulders slightly raised;
  • Arms bent at the elbows;
  • Movements occur along the body asymmetrically to the movement of the legs ( right leg ahead - right hand behind, left leg in front - left leg behind).

Main stages of training

To improve your running results, both short and medium distances, need to exercise regularly at least 3 times a week.

Any training should consist of three stages:, main work and.

  • Warm-up involves a light jog for 8-10 minutes and warming up the muscles, ligaments and joints by performing rotational and pulling movements.
  • Hitch– light jogging after main work for several minutes, turning into walking. It is also recommended to do stretching exercises at the end of the workout.


Almost every person without injuries or illnesses can run any distance quickly. The main condition for achieving results in speed indicators is regularity and systematic training.

Lifehack for fast running in video format

Before starting the main cross-training, you need to let the body prepare, that is, carry out. Its essence is that you will need to run several kilometers at a lower speed than during the main workout.

It is also effective to use variable and tempo cross. Variable cross involves using different speeds. That is, sharp acceleration in running alternates with deceleration and so on. During tempo cross-country, you need to move as fast as in competition. As a rule, the second half of the distance is run with even greater acceleration than the first.

At first, 3 classes per week will be enough. After you feel that you have enough time to do it, you can move on to lesson 5.

Choosing Quality Shoes for Speed ​​Running

In sports, shoes must be selected very carefully, since your choice may determine your safety and success in achieving your goals. The sole of sports sneakers should be soft have relief elements that will prevent slipping on the surface.

At the same time, often designers of well-known manufacturers of sports shoes, thinking about how to speed up running, are not guided by these rules, inventing various sophisticated models, making a bias in favor of marketing rather than safety.

Video. Acceleration. Working to develop speed

Running standard short distances for rent in all educational institutions, as well as in the army. Therefore, the question often arises of how to increase running speed over short distances. Of course, to make a lion or a cheetah in running, it takes years of training, but general principles You can learn about the preparation and technique of short-distance running from the article.

If there are more than 3 weeks left before passing the standard

The first thing you need to start with is this. To do this, you need to do a number of general physical exercises. Such exercises include: deep squats, preferably with additional weight, lunges with a barbell, pistol or one-leg squats, calf muscle training.

This basic exercises, performing which over the course of several weeks can significantly strengthen your legs and increase your running speed. The main thing is to stop performing or significantly reduce the number of repetitions strength exercises two weeks before the start, otherwise there is a danger that your legs will not run.

In addition to strength training, you need to do jumping exercises. These include the “frog” exercise, jumping on a support, jumping on one leg, jumping from foot to foot, jumping over barriers (namely jumping, not running over barriers).

Jumping work affects explosive force, which will contribute to better repulsion and acceleration.

You should do the exercises according to this principle: first do one exercise, repeating it 3 times with a short rest, then start doing the second exercise. During a workout, it is enough to perform 5-6 strength and jumping exercises, alternating 3 repetitions of each.

In addition, it is necessary to run short speed sections of 60 or 150 meters. This will allow your legs to always remain toned and improve speed qualities. It's best to alternate running training with general physical. That is, on one day you run, say, 15 times 60 meters at ¾ strength. And for the next workout, do jumping and strength training.

One and a half to two weeks before the competition or passing the standard, finish strength work, a week before the start, jumping and leave only running with accelerations. 3 days before the competition, your training should consist of a warm-up and a couple of runs at 70 percent of the maximum.

If there are less than 3 weeks left before passing the standard or competition

In this case, it will not be possible to have time to train the body well. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to teach him to run. To do this, perform speed runs. For example, 10 times 30 meters. Or 7 times 60 meters. Run at ¾ strength, and for the last time in the series, try to run at your maximum. It is best if the time of all runs is the same, and the last one is the fastest. Don't try to do everything 10 times to the maximum.

At the beginning or end of each workout, perform 3 sets of squats, steps, or some type of jumping. Just don’t overdo it, 3-4 exercises per workout will be enough. 4 days before the start, stop all strength and jumping training and focus only on speed running. 2 days before the start, leave only the warm-up and light accelerations, no more than 3-4 times.

If there is a week left before the start

In this case, for the first 3 days, just run short segments, ranging from 30 to 100 meters in length. Repeat 10 times at one speed at about 70 percent of your maximum. You determine the break between runs yourself.

Strength and jumping work should not be performed, since most likely the legs will not have time to recover. 3 days before the start, do no more than 5 speed runs. A couple of days before the start, leave only the warm-up.

Other ways to increase your running speed

The faster your arms work when running, the faster your legs run. Therefore, try as often as possible while running. The legs themselves will try to adapt to the frequency of the arms.

Don't worry about running technique. Running technique takes a very long time to learn, and if you have never practiced it in training and decide to immediately experiment in competitions, it will only do harm and your speed will be lower than if you ran as best you can.

Don't try to drag your step. Speed ​​depends on step width. But if you artificially pull it, then most likely you will simply start bumping into it when running. own leg, which was “thrown” too far forward, and, having won in the width of the step, you will lose in the force of repulsion.

Professionals run on their toes, but beginners should run as best they can. If you are strong calf muscles, and you are sure that you can run on your toes, then feel free to run like that. This will reduce the time your foot contacts the ground and increase your push-off force. If your calves are weak, then once you start running according to this principle, by the 50th meter you will lower your entire foot. In this case, the calf muscles will already be clogged, and, having won in speed at the beginning of the distance, you will lose in the second half. Therefore, soberly assess your capabilities and do not experiment while passing the standard if you are not sure.

Run in sneakers or spikes. Sneakers are not running shoes. The shoe has a too smooth sole, so with each push-off you will lose a fraction of a second slipping. Taken together, these shares will result in several lost seconds at the finish line. The sole should be made of soft rubber that grips the road well. To be fair, it is worth noting that sneakers also come with good soft soles that have excellent grip on the surface. But that rarely happens.

These are all the main points of increasing your running speed. Everything else can be achieved through regular and competent training.

To improve your results in middle and long distance running, you need to know the basics of running, such as proper breathing, technique, warming up, the ability to do the right approach for race day, do the right strength work for running and others.. For site readers, video lessons are completely free . To receive them, just subscribe to the newsletter, and in a few seconds you will receive the first lesson in the series about the basics correct breathing while running. Subscribe here: . These lessons have already helped thousands of people, and they will help you too.