What can you do to shake your shoulders? Broad shoulders and how to pump them up? The best exercises and workouts

Shoulder workout - The best way widening the back and creating a V-shaped figure. Leveling up deltoid muscles helps strengthen the shoulder joint, allowing you to perform pull-ups and other back exercises with heavy weights. In addition, shoulder exercises increase the range of motion of the arm joints - which is extremely important when performing.

In order to pump up your shoulders, it is necessary to work the deltoid muscle from different angles - that is why there are many various exercises for shoulders performed with both barbell and dumbbells. However, it is important to remember that the shoulder joint is considered one of the most fragile. Even a minor shoulder injury will prohibit any exercise involving lifting weights with your arms.

A basic shoulder exercise is the vertical barbell or dumbbell press. Also, for training the deltoid muscles for mass, rowing a barbell to the chin (or alternately lifting dumbbells) is effective - the exercises develop the rear and middle fascicles of the deltas, making the back visually wider. Swings and lateral raises, in turn, give the shoulders roundness and volume.

Shoulder muscles: training strategy

The deltoid muscle of the shoulder consists of three bundles - anterior, posterior and lateral. Each of them is responsible for performing a certain type of movement. The front and front parts of the middle beam perform pressing functions, the back part of the middle beam and the rear delta are responsible for traction functions. The middle delta has the largest volume, so it is, as a rule, given priority in training.

Also, the shoulder muscles are connected to the muscles of the upper back and trapezius muscles. That is why proper training Shoulder training should be based on varying exercises and working the muscles from different angles. The key point is an emphasis on technique and the use of moderate working weights, since the shoulder joint is extremely easy to damage.

Best Shoulder Exercises

The best and most effective exercise To pump up the shoulders and increase the strength of the deltoid muscles, a standing barbell press is used. Note that this exercise one of the five important for integrated development body muscles. A variation of this is vertical shoulder presses - for example, seated or standing dumbbell presses.

The correct technique involves maintaining the press in conscious tension. This will help balance the load while strengthening your core muscles. Raising the barbell up is carried out while exhaling; during the movement, the triceps look straight forward. The shoulder joint should always be in the joint capsule - you should feel that the shoulder always has support.

Basic shoulder exercises:

  • Vertical presses - middle shoulder muscle
  • Lateral dumbbell raises - side bun
  • Pull to the chin - back and middle beam
  • Reverse bent over flyes - trapezius and posterior muscles shoulder

How to swing your shoulders correctly?

A shoulder exercise program should combine both barbell and dumbbells. The main advantage of exercises with dumbbells is the ability to focus on muscle symmetry - that is, to evenly develop the deltoid muscles and pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle at different angles. The standing barbell press increases mass, and flyes create volume.

In this case, the exercise that best influences the increase in the volume and mass of the shoulder muscles is considered to be the barbell row to the chin. By developing the rear and middle deltoids, it quickly makes the back visually wider. The wider the grip of the barbell, the more load moves from trapezius to deltoids - experiment and choose the grip that suits you best.

The effectiveness of barbell rows to the chin exceeds various dumbbell lifts in front of you and to the sides. A variation of the exercise is to alternately lift dumbbells to the chin. Hold dumbbells in both hands, but only pull one to your chin. The second dumbbell should act as a balance and counterweight to better distribute the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Massive shoulder training program

It is better to leave shoulder pumping for the second half of the workout. gym - strength exercises The first part of the training will prepare the joints for the upcoming loads. The workout itself should consist of a basic exercise and 2-3 isolating shoulder exercises with dumbbells (for example, dumbbell chin rows and dumbbell lateral raises).

Vertical dumbbell or barbell shoulder presses are performed in 3-4 sets of 7-10 repetitions each with mandatory preliminary warm-up of the joints and proper rest between sets. Each isolation exercise is performed in 2-3 sets and 10-15 repetitions with an average working weight. It is recommended to train shoulders no more than 2 times a week.

In addition, shoulders do not combine well with training the back and chest muscles, since in all cases powerful arm work is required. Most often, “shoulder day” is leg day. In addition, shoulders can be combined with biceps or triceps training.

Seated dumbbell press

The advantage of training shoulders with dumbbells is the variability of your grip. For example, if the dumbbells face each other, the load on the shoulder joint is reduced.

Exercise for training the anterior shoulder muscles. It is recommended to lift the dumbbells one at a time - this makes it easier to control the technique.

The best shoulder exercise to increase volume and roundness. In addition, the trapezius muscles are also involved in the work.

Exercise for the lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles. By doing thumb looks down, and the shoulder joint is fixed in one position.

Swings with dumbbells

When performing the exercise, the body is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are lowered as low as possible - imagine as if the trapezius muscles are pressed against the back.

Supersets and dropsets for shoulders

A superset is a combination of two different exercises by alternating their execution. The shoulder muscles respond extremely well to this training strategy. It is recommended to combine pumping of the front and rear delts, as well as two exercises for the middle part of the delts. In addition, as an advanced training technique, you can use trisets, working all the deltoids in one intense approach.

In turn, a drop set means reducing the working weight and increasing the number of repetitions from approach to approach. In each approach, up to 20-25% of the weight is dropped, a total of 6-8 approaches of the exercise are performed without a break. The dropset and associated pumping are the best completion of shoulder training. and, as a rule, each dropset workout is performed on different delta beams.


Shoulder muscle training should be based on combinations of heavy vertical presses (for example, standing barbell presses) and isolation exercises with dumbbells, performed with medium weight and ideal technique - this will allow both the even development of the deltoid muscles and minimize the risk of injury (the shoulder joint is one of the most fragile).

Want to quickly pump up your shoulders- no question, read the proposed methodology below. The answer to the question of how to quickly pump up your shoulders depends on many factors, all of which generally give you a general idea of ​​​​the success of this undertaking. Let's look at each factor in a little more detail:

  • Time. How fast are you going to build your shoulders? The deltoids are a very mobile muscle group and because of this, they are easy to injure. You must pump your shoulders in such a way that they have time to recover. You can't train them every day, you risk overtraining along with injury.
  • Level of training. The higher your total physical fitness, the faster you can build your shoulders because you will have access to more complex and difficult compound exercises, and you will recover better between workouts.
  • Exercise technique is crucial to ensure that you are properly swinging your shoulders without putting the load on other muscles, and also reduce the chance of injury to zero.
  • Do you train other muscles, such as the pectorals or back? First, understand that shoulders work when pumping. pectoral muscles, back, even arms. You won’t be able to train them as often as possible; you will end up overtraining. If you are a beginner, then to achieve results you will need to put maximum emphasis on a set of exercises for the deltoids, and either remove exercises for all other muscles or limit their execution, it’s up to you. You will have to sacrifice something or change your idea of ​​the time required to quickly pump up your shoulders.
  • Sports nutrition will help you get the most out of your workouts. For example, BCAAs will help you recover faster and save your muscles by partially stopping catabolism. Creatine is a very healthy nutrition, your muscles will be full of strength in the literal sense of the word, you will be able to train longer and harder. The main thing is that it will provide you with toned muscles, which is simply necessary to quickly pump up your shoulders. Arginine will provide you with excellent pumping, the muscles will increase after each approach, and during training they will receive more nutrients, which will give a better pump.
  • High-quality nutrition and the amount of protein consumed are the main things that should not be forgotten.
  • Night sleep is very important for muscle growth. If you walk at night and drink beer in addition, you won’t be able to build up your shoulders quickly.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders - technique

In order to quickly pump up your shoulders there is a 100% method, but it is difficult. If you increase your overall body weight, your shoulders will definitely grow. The most in a fast way increasing body weight are squats. They can be heavy or 20 reps, muscle growth is good in both cases. To pump up your shoulders as quickly as possible, you need a properly designed workout, which is written below.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders - training

3 sets of 12 reps

3 sets of 12 reps

3 sets of 10 reps

3 sets of 10 reps

In this shoulder workout, we target the front and middle deltoids. In itself it should be heavy.

4 sets of 15 reps

Article last updated: 12/31/2014

Our body consists of many muscle groups. IN training process they are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones are the chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and abs. Each of them contains a large amount accessory muscles, which are included in the work together with large muscles.

Professional bodybuilders can afford to devote one day to training one main group in order to work it out and achieve maximum proportionality in order to show themselves in all their glory in competitions. As you understand, the pros train almost every day. For beginners or gym enthusiasts, daily training will not bring any benefit, since the body common man will not have time to recover after training, which can lead to negative results. In addition, people who engage in bodybuilding at an amateur level have many everyday worries, such as work, study, etc. Because of this, a person is simply not able to fully devote himself to training. While the pros live from bodybuilding, this is their main income and because of this, athletes go to the gym as if they were going to work.

So you understand, professional bodybuilders resort to the use of pharmacological support in order to recover faster, improve anabolic processes in the body, etc. Therefore, they go to the gym every day, without harm to themselves.

In order to achieve the maximum effect from training, you need to divide the training of the main muscle groups into separate days. However, here the question arises - which muscles should be trained together and how to combine them? To date, three day split is the most common among beginners and experienced athletes. That is, you divide the training into three days, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This perfect option to build muscle mass as quickly as possible and fully restore the muscle. A little later, when you are more experienced, you can break the training into four days, dedicating one day, for example, to training your arms or shoulders. For more information on how to properly create a training program, see here.

There are several options, based on which you can understand which muscles to train together. Here is one of the most common examples today:

Example No. 1

This is a fairly widely used option, in which everything is quite simple and logical. Look, we're taking the basics muscle groups and divide them into three days: day 1 – chest; day 2 – back; day 3 – legs. After that, we add smaller muscles that are directly involved in training the main muscle, with the exception of the leg and shoulder combination. For example, take the same chest workout, which is based on repelling exercises. That is, take the same bench press or dumbbell press and so on. All of them involve pushing (squeezing) weight away from the chest, and as we know, the triceps are responsible for this function in the arm muscles. So he takes direct part in chest training.

The same goes for the back and biceps. If in chest training, we push (squeeze) the weight away from ourselves, then in back training, we pull the weight towards ourselves, and, as you know, not only the back muscles are responsible for this movement, but also the biceps, which helps to pull the weight and increase the amplitude movements.

As for the third day of training, the shoulders are not involved in leg training, but this is the only day that can be allocated for high-quality pumping of the deltoids. As you know, the deltoids consist of the front, middle and rear beams; if you want to pump up your shoulders, you need to train them together, in one day.

Thus, by combining training in this way, we tire out the secondary muscles quite well in advance, and then work them out efficiently.

Example No. 2

The second option is less common, however, also has its fans. Many people believe that training the main muscle and the secondary one, which is directly involved in the movement, such as the chest and triceps, back and biceps, is at least stupid, since having first tired the secondary muscle (biceps or triceps), we will no longer be able to pump them properly . In principle, for some people this is quite relevant. Remember that everyone's body is different, and everyone may respond differently to one or another type of training, so you can experiment and try both complexes to determine for yourself which one is right for you. In addition, the program still needs to be changed at least once every 1-2 months.


Many believe that antagonist training is most effective for building muscle mass and indeed it is. Such training involves working out two antagonist muscles in one day. These are the muscles that are located parallel to each other, that is, back - chest, biceps - triceps, hamstrings - quadriceps. You can read more about training antagonist muscles here.

An example of such a training plan

Having trained according to this plan, I can say that this is a pretty good solution if you need to change the program, try something new. This complex is suitable for fairly experienced athletes, as it requires a lot of energy and strength to recover, and for a beginner it is better to train according to the first or second example.

Personally, I recommend training according to the plan presented below. He absorbed a little from the training of the antagonists and from the first standard plan. It can be used by experienced athletes with at least 1 year of experience.

Gym workout plan


In this embodiment, you can combine all the muscles at the same time, only in a certain sequence. If you are a beginner athlete, you can use a workout that includes working all major muscle groups in one session. As you remember, at the beginning of the article we said, for beginner athletes the best option is to break the workout into splits, that is, train each major muscle group separately. As for a full-body workout, this is a fairly energy-intensive plan, but if you approach the process wisely, you can balance your activities.

Whole body training is needed in order to prepare a novice athlete, namely his muscles, for a further increase in loads, that is, to tighten his overall physical fitness. The workout itself does not consist of twenty exercises, as you might think, it includes basic exercises, thanks to which we can pump up and use the main, secondary and various auxiliary muscle groups in the process. Training does not take much time if you train intensively, without half an hour of rest and hack work. You can find out more about full body training here

Exercises for training the shoulder girdle - deltoid and trapezius muscles- at home. If the technique is followed and performed regularly, a beautiful line of the upper arms and back will be formed. Results will appear in 3-4 weeks.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home

Shoulders or, as they are also called in professional sports, “deltas” consist of three muscle groups: anterior, middle and posterior bundles. For harmonious development beautiful and broad shoulders need to be worked on all three groups. This training is aimed at hypertrophy (mass gain) of the deltoid and trapezius muscles. A set of exercises can be performed by men both at home and in the gym. Additional equipment not required. All you need is any elevation (sofa, bench or exercise ball).


Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
2-3 7-10
2-3 10-15
2-3 10-20

Duration of training is 30-45 minutes.

An effective training program for the shoulder girdle


Before each workout, you need to do a warm-up to warm up your muscles and get a cardio workout.

  • Energetic walking. Accelerates blood circulation and increases body temperature. Lead time: 10 minutes.
  • Circular movements of the shoulders. Prepare the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle for upcoming loads. lead time: 3-5 minutes.

Don't jump into your workout immediately after warming up. Rest for 1 - 1.5 minutes to restore breathing.

An effective exercise for working the upper chest, arms, deltoids and shoulders. Thanks to high load on muscles, helps to work out at home shoulder girdle no less effective than in the gym. However, it requires preparation (recommended only for trained athletes). Additionally, the core muscles are worked out and the vestibular apparatus is trained.

  1. Hands on the floor, palms down and shoulder width apart. The weight is evenly distributed between the palms.
  2. The body is elongated. The pelvis is slightly moved forward (in lumbar region slight deflection), legs extended along a straight line. For insurance, you can lightly touch the wall with your toes.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower your body down by bending shoulder joints and elbows. In this case, the center of gravity changes slightly, since rib cage leans forward a little.
  4. Hold at the lowest point for 1 second.
  5. Then forcefully and smoothly lift the body.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 7-10 repetitions (depending on preparation).

Advice: Before performing, you need to master the correct handstand and learn how to maintain balance. First statically, then while performing the exercise. At first, perform push-ups at an angle of about 50 degrees, gradually increasing the inclination. We recommend mastering the exercise under the supervision of a trainer and with a safety net (mats).

2018-01-18 How to pump your shoulders at home quickly: exercises

An effective exercise for working your shoulders and upper chest at home. The front and middle delta bundles are loaded.

Execution technique (classic version):

  1. Take the emphasis on your hands. Select the distance between the hands depending on the training objectives: narrower - more load on the triceps, wider - more work on the chest.
  2. Place your feet on an elevated platform. A fitball, sofa or bench will do.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower your body down, keeping your back straight.
  4. As you exhale, gently lift your body to initial position.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 10-15 repetitions.

Advice: The higher the legs are, the higher the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Move on to this exercise after classic push-ups become too easy for you. When performing, focus on your sensations and try to use the target muscle group. When the exercise seems easy, you can perform it with weights.

Basic exercise for working the chest and triceps. Also suitable for strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back stabilizers and abs. If the technique is followed, it allows you to comprehensively work out the entire top part bodies. It is an alternative to the barbell bench press, in which the load is created not by the apparatus, but by the athlete’s body.


  1. Take a lying position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. The hands are pressed to the floor.
  2. Feet rest on the floor with their toes. The body is stretched along a straight line - without bending in the lower back, between the shoulders and neck.
  3. The elbows are almost along the body, but not pressed to the body, but slightly turned outward. The head is slightly raised: the gaze is directed forward and down.
  4. As you exhale, smoothly lower your chest almost to the floor for 2 seconds, remaining suspended.
  5. Then, while inhaling, lift your body for 1 second.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 10-20 repetitions.

Advice: To avoid overloading elbow joints, at the highest point, do not straighten your arms completely, but leave them slightly bent.
If on initial stage Doing classic push-ups seems too difficult, do the exercise from your knees, from a wall or leaning over from a support. These are simplified versions of the basic exercise.

At the initial stage, basic exercises that can be performed without special equipment at home are suitable for working out the target muscle group. Push-ups provide the optimal load on your shoulders. They will give impetus to further development of the body and perform exercises in the gym.

The silhouette of the shoulders is formed by the deltoids or deltoids, which are divided into anterior, middle and posterior. Each beam needs accentuated elaboration. The optimal result is achieved by performing a set of 3 exercises to work out each area.

General recommendations for pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle with push-ups

  • To work the anterior bundle of deltoid muscles, place your palms shoulder-width apart, elbows near your body.
  • To emphasize the triceps, place your palms side by side.
  • Push-ups upside down or from a handstand position are considered advanced exercises that require preparation.
  • After strengthening the target muscle groups, when the exercises are performed without much difficulty, you can use weights.
  • Start with basic exercises and work in a comfortable range.
  • Perform the exercises smoothly, since with fast movements the body rises and falls due to inertia, not muscles.
  • Regularly performing push-ups without complex training leads to excessive hypertrophy of the chest and shoulder muscles.
  • For optimal results, you don't need to train your shoulders every day. Give your body time to recover.

Contraindications for push-ups

  • injuries and diseases of the spine (protrusion, hernia, curvature);
  • injuries or inflammation of the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints;
  • overweight (in this case, you can start with simplified options, for example, push-ups from the wall or from the floor on your knees);
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart diseases;
  • increased bone fragility.

When are additional weights needed?

Physically developed athletes can perform exercises with additional loads to specifically target the pectoral muscles and shoulders.

This is an advanced exercise that is not suitable for beginners. When training in the gym, a device in the form of a special weighted vest is used. At home, it will be replaced by a backpack with a load of the required weight and a reliable fastening.

To avoid injury, consult your trainer first.

Did you know what girls look for first when they see a guy? That's right, on the figure, namely on the shoulder girdle. So, if you have problems with your shoulders, then let's correct them, and delt exercises will help you with this.

Of course, most modern girls pay attention not to broad shoulders, but to thick wallets (or is this a stereotype?), but this does not mean that you need to abandon your body.

Broad shoulders, in the eyes of women, are a sign of courage and reliability. Behind men with broad shoulders, any woman on a subconscious level feels like behind a stone wall. Agree, it would be a sin not to take advantage of such an opportunity. But before you start shaking your shoulders, you need to understand the anatomy of these muscles.

The muscles that form the shoulder are called deltoid, and they consist of three bundles: front (front), middle (side) and rear (rear). To achieve maximum development of the deltoid muscle, it is necessary to include all three bundles in the work at each training session.

Frontal deltas(P) is the easiest bunch to work out, since it is involved in most bench press exercises, and all athletes have it quite well worked out. When developing the deltoid muscles, this bundle should be given the least attention.

Lateral delts(CP) is the same bun that is responsible for the width of your shoulders. The bun is quite difficult to work out, so we devote most of the training to this exercise. Moreover, we will pump this bundle mainly with isolated exercises that most effectively affect it.

Dorsal deltas(Z) - well, the most difficult bundle of the deltoid muscle, the posterior one. It is responsible for the massiveness of the shoulders when viewed from the side. Work through rear delts a very difficult task, since it is practically not involved in the work in any of the basic exercises.

So, we hope you have an idea of ​​what you have to work with. Your task is to work all the bundles of the deltoid muscle, correctly distributing the load. Next we will move on to describe exercises that will allow you to work your front, middle and rear deltoids.

Well, let's figure it out how to pump up your rear delts?

It is no coincidence that we began our description of the exercises with this particular bundle. We recommend starting your shoulder workout by working the back of the deltoid muscle, due to the difficulty in pumping it up.

Traction on the block

Take a straight pulley handle, or a piece of rope, as shown in the picture. Stand in front of a block (you can also do this exercise in a crossover) with your arms parallel to the ground (A). Now pull the weight towards you, without lowering or raising your elbows, making sure that your arms are parallel to the ground throughout the entire exercise.

Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Tilt wiring

Grab dumbbells with a weight that you can perform 12 to 15 reps of this exercise with. Place a bench in front of you. Lean forward and rest your head on the bench, keeping your body parallel to the ground (A). Now lift the dumbbells straight out to your sides so that you can draw a straight line through your arms (B).

Do the exercise as slowly as possible. Perform 3 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

Reverse fly lying down

Lie down on a bench with dumbbells in your hands. Stretch your arms forward as shown in figure (A). Palms should face down. Now spread your arms back, turning your hands 90 degrees (B).

Perform 4 sets of 15 slow reps.

We're done with the exercises, let's say a few more words. You don’t need to do all these exercises in one workout; it’s enough to choose one of these three and perform only that one. But if you wish, you can perform 2 exercises in one workout.

Exercises for middle deltoids

So, we've sorted out the rear deltas, now let's find out how to pump up your middle deltoids?

Arnold press

A favorite exercise for many athletes. Hold dumbbells as shown in (A). Now do the press, turning your hands 180 degrees (B). If in the initial position your palms were facing you, now they should be facing forward. Rotate your hands throughout the lift. Returning to the starting position, return the brushes to their original position.

Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Bench press

A basic exercise, quite traumatic, but very effective, so not only the middle deltoids are included in the work, but also the front ones. It can be performed both standing and sitting. We recommend using free weights.

Sit on a bench and lift the barbell above your head (A). Now lower the barbell behind your head until your elbows form a 90-degree angle (B). Then return to the starting position. Try not to lower the bar too low, this will reduce the risk of injury.

Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Wiring through the sides

Isolated exercise for the middle deltoids. You can perform it both standing and sitting. Watch the video for the technique.

Front delt exercises

So, the rear and anterior deltoid muscles have been worked, now let’s move on to the question of how to pump up your front delts.

Dumbbell/barbell press, standing/sitting

This is almost the same exercise as the overhead press, only in this exercise the barbell is lowered in front of your head. Take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight (A). Now press the dumbbells up, slowly and under control, trying to feel your shoulders working (B). Then, also slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

The version of this exercise with a barbell is no different. This exercise is mandatory and should be present in every deltoid muscle workout. Perform 4 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

Dumbbell/barbell front raises

You can use either a barbell or dumbbells for this exercise, but there is another option. Stand up straight, take the pancake in your hands (A), now raise your arms up (B). Raise your arms just above parallel with the floor, this will allow you to keep your front delts engaged throughout the exercise.

This is an isolated exercise, so we do 5 sets of 15 repetitions.

Well, that's all the exercises you should use in your workout. These are effective, time-tested exercises, and they will definitely give results. And finally, some advice:

  • train your shoulders once or twice a week;
  • start your workout with isolated exercise on the rear delts;
  • use at least one basic exercise in training (barbell overhead press, for example);
  • no machines, only free weights, only hardcore;
  • choose the weights correctly so that at the end of the workout, you can hardly raise your arms.

And soon everyone will envy your delts.

Shoulder exercises: video

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