Exercise machine for muscle contraction. Electric stimulator for building muscle mass, electric massager and electrophoresis in one device

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system occur in people of all ages. Quite often there are muscle dysfunctions associated with neurological and other diseases. In the treatment of such pathologies, physiotherapeutic procedures are of great importance, the effects of which increase muscle tone and improve condition muscle tissue. Electrical stimulation of the muscles of the back, legs, and other parts of the body helps to cope with hypotension and restores their functionality, which returns the patient’s quality of life to the previous level and improves the long-term results of the therapy.

About the method

The use of electrical muscle stimulation in neurology is based on the ability of electrical current to pass through muscle fibers, causing a physiological response in them in the form of contractile activity or relaxation. This is especially important when the nerve impulses from the central nervous system cannot reach the muscles for some reason. The electrical stimulation method protects muscle tissue from atrophy, improves its nutrition and metabolism due to the constant stimulating effect of electric current. There is scientific evidence that when muscles are damaged, their regeneration increases with external stimulation.

A large number of clinical studies in neurology show another important mechanism of this physiotherapy. Against the background of a stroke and other organic lesions of the brain, dysfunction of muscles in the form of paresis and paralysis is observed. Performing myostimulation in this case not only improves the functioning of muscle fibers, but also has a positive effect on nerve structures, increasing the level of their regeneration and plasticity, and allows for accelerated restoration of motor activity of the affected limb.

Electric current has a complex effect on muscle tissue: improves microcirculation, accelerates metabolic processes, maintains muscle tone and its regenerative capabilities.

Physiotherapists also note local positive effects of using electrical stimulation both at home and on an outpatient basis. The action of electric current leads to improved microcirculation, saturation of muscle tissue with oxygen and nutrients, which is associated with the galvanization effect. The electric field improves the outflow of blood and lymph from organs by improving the tone of the walls of blood and lymph vessels.

A large number of positive effects from electrical muscle stimulation determines the widespread use of the technique in adults and children of various ages. It is important to note that if myostimulation is performed on children, it should only be performed in a medical facility.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Electrical stimulation of the thigh, lower leg and other parts of the body is widely used in medicine. However, it should be understood that the method has its advantages and disadvantages, which determine the possibility of performing myostimulation. The main advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • pronounced effect of restoring the contractility of muscle fibers;
  • most patients experience a decrease in pain associated with damage to nerve trunks, spine, etc.;
  • devices for myostimulation are quite cheap, which determines the low cost of the procedure itself;
  • After consultation with the attending physician, electrical stimulation can be carried out at home after purchasing the necessary device.

Despite the pronounced advantages, physiotherapists note a number of disadvantages that do not allow the use of electrical stimulation as the only method of therapy:

  • severe neurological disorders are difficult to correct using physiotherapeutic procedures or are not treated at all;
  • Electrical exposure does not affect the primary disease, but only reduces the severity of its consequences.

In this regard, electrical muscle stimulation is used as part of complex treatment together with medications and other types of physical therapy.

Indications and contraindications

The positive effect of electrical stimulation on neuromuscular impulse transmission and the condition of muscle fibers provides a wide range of indications for this procedure:

  • disturbances in muscle motor activity due to neuritis, plexitis and radiculitis;
  • paralysis or paresis as a result of damage to the central nervous system: strokes, injuries, etc.;
  • hypotension or muscle atrophy after a long period of inactivity, for example, due to a fracture of bone formations;
  • atonic states of muscle tissue in internal organs (small and large intestines, gall bladder) as a result of diseases or surgical interventions;
  • dysfunction of the intestinal sphincters;
  • inflammatory processes in the nerves of the face, lower back, etc.;
  • disturbances of vascular tone;
  • the need to lose weight in case of obesity, since electrical stimulation leads to a decrease in fat content in tissues;
  • long period of rehabilitation for people professionally involved in sports.

It is important to note that, depending on the available indications, each patient is selected an individual treatment regimen, which may differ in the duration of exposure, location of electrodes, and the total number of physical treatment sessions.

The use of electrical stimulation of muscle tissue is indicated for a large number of diseases, ranging from paresis due to neuritis or stroke, and ending with intestinal hypotension due to pathology of internal organs.

There are conditions when electrical stimulation is contraindicated:

  • growth of malignant neoplasms;
  • history of epileptic seizures;
  • presence of a pacemaker or other implanted devices;
  • severe types of arrhythmia.

If these conditions are present, you should stop using electrical muscle stimulation and choose other treatment methods. However, for some diseases, the procedure can simply be postponed until recovery. Such diseases include:

  • acute or exacerbation of a chronic infectious disease;
  • decompensated state of internal organs;
  • thrombophlebitis in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy;
  • fractures of bones before their complete fusion;
  • performing surgical operations on muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the last 3-4 weeks.

Only the attending physician should determine whether a patient has indications and contraindications based on his examination and subsequent laboratory or instrumental examinations.

Preparation for the procedure

The safety and effectiveness of electrical stimulation is possible in cases where the patient has undergone preliminary training. Typically, it includes the following steps:

  • The doctor carefully examines all the patient’s complaints, prescribes and analyzes the results of additional instrumental and laboratory examination methods. This allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, as well as identify possible contraindications, for example, the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Electrodiagnostics are carried out aimed at determining the thresholds of excitability of muscle and nervous tissue, which makes it possible to select the optimal current strength and its type for the patient.
  • The attending physician talks with the patient or the child’s parents, explaining to them the essence of the upcoming treatment, as well as the need to complete the entire course of electrical stimulation to obtain the best results.

Carrying out electrical stimulation

Before using the electrical stimulation method on a child or adult, the doctor should select required mode influence (direct or alternating current). The threshold levels of excitability of nerve and muscle formations are also determined, which is necessary to select the current strength used. A similar procedure is carried out using electrodiagnostics, which is carried out by the same device as the stimulation itself.

Depending on the severity of changes in muscle tissue and the underlying disease, the physiotherapist selects the type of device used. In case of severe hypotension or atony, it is recommended to use devices such as “ASM”, “Neuron-1”, which allow creating a strong electric current with high amplitude and frequency. These devices are large and are used on an outpatient basis. There are also compact devices, for example “Omron”, “Nevoton”, which are mainly used at home by patients themselves.

The algorithm for electrical muscle stimulation is quite simple and is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor or the patient himself selects the necessary electrodes for stimulation. They can be disposable or reusable. There are different shapes: square, round, with curves, which is determined by the location of the damaged muscles. For example, large square electrodes are used to influence quadriceps muscle for paresis and paralysis of the legs, since this muscle is very large. If the procedure is necessary for infants, special children's electrodes are used.
  2. After selecting the electrodes, they must be positioned correctly. As a rule, the target muscle should be located between them, that is, the electrodes should be placed along the two poles of a particular muscle.
  3. When stimulating the abdominal organs and abdominal cavity, back with scoliosis or osteochondrosis, electrodes are installed on the lower back and in the umbilical area.
  4. After fixing the electrodes on the surface of the body, the device turns on and the minimum current values ​​are set. As a rule, the stimulation time for one point should not exceed five minutes, and the entire procedure, in general, should take half an hour. The total number of sessions during a course of treatment is 15-20, which is determined by the severity of the existing movement disorders and the nature of the underlying disease. If necessary, the electrical stimulation method can be repeated after a 1.5-2 week rest.

The simple technique of performing the procedure and the high level of safety for the patient make it possible to use electrical muscle stimulation at home. However, before carrying out such treatment, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine the available indications and contraindications, and also select the necessary stimulation parameters: type and strength of current, session time and total number of procedures.

Use in children

Electrical stimulation of muscle tissue is widely used in children of all ages. It is important to note that a similar procedure for children younger age, for example, for infants, it is recommended to be carried out only on an outpatient basis to prevent the development of negative consequences.

Electrical stimulation is used to treat cerebral palsy, flat feet, joint dysplasia (for example, hip), scoliosis, hypotonia of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, intestinal atony, etc. Pediatricians identify a wide range of indications for which the effectiveness of the use of electric currents has been proven.

Carrying out electrical stimulation in children does not differ significantly from using the procedure in adults. The only restrictions relate to the current strength - it should be two to three times less than that of adults. Also, doctors recommend reducing the time of a physiotherapy session to 10-15 minutes to ensure a “soft” effect on the nervous and muscular system child. Separately, it is worth mentioning that you should not use electrodes intended for adult patients, as they are poorly suited for a child and do not provide good contact with the skin, which negatively affects the effectiveness of electrical stimulation.

Possible complications in children and adults

Electrical muscle stimulation is safe for patients, however, in some cases, undesirable consequences of physical treatment may occur:

  • unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling and burning, as well as redness of the skin at the sites where the electrode is applied are most common in patients and are associated with the very physiological effect of the electric current on biological tissues; no serious health consequences arise;
  • burns of varying degrees in the area where electrodes are applied, as well as electrical trauma;
  • emergence or intensification of existing pain;
  • muscle hypertonicity, which is associated with overexcitation of nerve and muscle formations.

The last three complications are extremely rare and only in cases where the procedure was performed incorrectly. This is most often observed when trying to self-medicate at home or using faulty devices for electrical muscle stimulation.

Correct use of the technique in accordance with the doctor’s instructions and the instructions for use of the device allows you to avoid the development of complications and increase the effectiveness of electrical stimulation.

Electrical muscle stimulation is an important physiotherapeutic procedure widely used to treat paralysis, paresis and other diseases of skeletal muscles, as well as hypotonicity of smooth muscle tissue in internal organs. Exposure to electric current can improve the condition of muscles, their nutrition and neuromuscular transmission, which helps eliminate hypo- and atony. The physiotherapeutic procedure has a number of limitations, and therefore should be used only after consultation with the attending physician, who will carefully examine the patient and determine his indications and contraindications for electrical stimulation. In no case should you self-medicate, as this is fraught with the development side effects or progression of the underlying disease.

Manufacturers of the myostimulator claim that it can be used to remove overweight without exhausting diets and exercises. The device, simulating signals from the central nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the muscles in certain areas of the body where the sensors are located, as a result of which they begin to work. Let's take a closer look at what benefits the use of the device brings and whether there is any harm from it.

What is a myostimulator, types and purpose of the device

This is a medical device with which you can perform myostimulation. It is expressed in the fact that a person is exposed to current pulses with different frequencies. Other procedures can be performed using this device.

It all depends on the frequency and strength with which the current will affect a person. This determines the effect the device provides.

Myostimulators are:

  1. Wireless. You can wear them throughout the day. They operate on batteries, and therefore cannot have a strong effect on tissues and break down fat. The effect of their use is negligible.
  2. Stationary. Consist of a power supply, control center and sensors. May be professional or semi-professional. Effectively affects fat cells and breaks them down. With the help of such devices, you can quite successfully correct your figure.

The benefits of myostimulator and myostimulation for the body

When used correctly, the device can effectively treat:

  • CNS lesions;
  • enuresis;
  • joint pathologies;
  • vascular diseases;
  • bedsores;
  • scoliosis.

The myostimulator is often used to prevent the appearance of edema, for fractures, sprains and bruises. With myostimulation, the rehabilitation period is shortened and pain disappears. The effectiveness of the device in treating the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing blood flow and muscle tone has been proven.

The device will help muscles quickly recover after stress on the body. The maximum effect will be when a professional device is used and the external devices are accurately distributed on the body. The procedure should be performed by an experienced doctor, a physiotherapist.

You should not use myostimulators on your own, as negative reactions may occur, for example, irritation and burns of the skin at the site where the electrodes are installed, discomfort during use of the device or after the procedure.

Figure correction

With this procedure, a myostimulator improves muscle tone. A special program is used for this. The device emits waves in a specific sequence and combination. First, a relaxation program is carried out, during which the cells are warmed up, and then lymphatic drainage.

Often after such procedures, the skin at the site where the electrodes are installed does not look its best. Here you will need to tighten it. This manipulation is also performed using a myostimulator.

Fat removal

This procedure, unfortunately, cannot completely remove subcutaneous fat and make an athletic figure. The device only stimulates the muscles and prevents them from atrophying.


The device is capable of tightening the skin on the face and chin. It also reduces the depth of wrinkles. The impulses released by the device warm the tissues and stimulate their contraction.

When using a myostimulator, a person needs to make a minimum of effort. The procedures are easily performed using professional devices.

Harm and side effects

If portable devices are used incorrectly and for a long time, they can cause harm. In this case, stationary devices can become killers. When the heart is in the path of current flow, it can cause it to stop.

It is worth refusing to use cheap models of myostimulators. Poor-quality manufacturing materials lead to skin damage at the site where the electrodes are installed. Incorrect programs emit harmful impulses that will negatively affect the functioning of organs and cause exacerbation of chronic pathologies or the formation of tumors.

Problems usually arise when used by those who purchased a myostimulator for private use on the open market without a certificate. If used incorrectly, portable devices may not produce any results or cause complications. Therefore, for those who do not have experience with such a device, it is better not to use it.


These devices have their contraindications. Therefore, before starting to use them, you should consult your doctor. The most common contraindications:

  • myocardial diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to the impulses of the device;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hernia;
  • epilepsy.

You should stop using a myostimulator if you have a pacemaker in your body.

Electrodes should not be placed in the groin area. The device can increase blood flow to the pelvic organs. Severe consequences may occur.

Before using the device during lactation, you should also consult your doctor. After a stroke, to restore limb function, it is recommended to use myostimulation only as prescribed by a specialist.

When using the device yourself, you need to know simple rules:

  1. Skin contact with the electrodes should be tight.
  2. The duration of the session is no more than 30 minutes.
  3. There should be no contraindications.
  4. 1 hour before the procedure you do not need to eat.

What are the benefits of using a myostimulator, and what are the dangers? Let's find out the whole truth about myostimulators from a video from Vladimir Molodov:

It is worth noting that this device can have a positive effect on the body if used correctly with the participation of a specialist. Otherwise, the myostimulator will become dangerous for a person and can lead to his death. The first sessions should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

In contact with

Greetings to everyone. The thought has crossed my mind many times to try EMS training. I once did advertising for a club, so clients said more positive things. The Chinese are not lagging behind and also offer similar things. Lately, this product has been featured quite often in advertising and discounts. Many people are scared to buy this. but we decided and bought it. Looking ahead, I’ll say right away that I didn’t expect it...

Description from the site
SHANDONG (SHANDONG) Muscle Training Gear - This is a myostimulator to strengthen your muscles. Without even lifting a finger, achieve the body of your dreams. There are two versions (belly pad and shoulder pad), depending on which muscle group you want to get the desired effect. The soft PU pad fits comfortably and gently around the contours of your skin, while electrodes using silk printing and conductive gel sheets effectively distribute impulses.

Video of a more serious modulator in operation, but the operating principle is the same

Operating principle
Now we will move on to the complex processes occurring in the body. It is no secret to many that they need irritation to activate muscles. IN Everyday life irritation is triggered through the central nervous system, spinal cord, nerve fibers and transmitted to the corresponding muscles. These endogenous stimuli in the physical sense are electrical in nature. The EMS simulator uses the effect inherent in the body and enhances our native stimulus with external influence, thereby forcing the muscles to contract stronger and with better quality. IN general outline, EMS is the targeted amplification of one's own electrical stimuli from the outside.

Packaging and delivery

We received the goods in 14 days. Delivery throughout Ukraine is now carried out by new mail. I received one item in 8 days. At least some positive aspects began to emerge with delivery. The product is in a thick cardboard box with many inscriptions. It was not damaged and remained intact. You are unlikely to take it as a gift to someone, although if it is for this purpose (maybe to close people). Everything inside is also intact. The packaging is just great. Thick foam rubber with cutouts for components.


The kit includes multi-page instructions for English language, power supply, dual usb-microUSB cable for simultaneous charging of two control washers with brains. There is also a resealable transparent bag for storage and transportation and laminated paper (I don’t know what it’s for). There is also a cutout in the foam rubber for the third control washer, but only two are included in the kit.


There is not much information in the store, it only states that there are 6 operating modes and 9 speeds. Looking ahead, I’ll say that speed 2-3 is already “cutting”, then you can only go further large muscles.

Here is a small photo with the parameters from the instructions.

The instructions itself still contain many warnings that it should not be used by patients, pregnant women or those with personal intolerance.
Charging time 20 minutes. The red indicator lights up during charging and turns off when finished.

Photos of instructions

Measurements and dimensions

Management and use

On the main washer (I will call it that) there are three control buttons. The M button is responsible for selecting the stimulation mode, and the + and – buttons are responsible for the intensity (power). As they say in the instructions, you need to go full circle, i.e. six modes to work out the muscle. Choose the intensity based on your feelings. For me, the second regime was immediately shocking. Later, of course, the situation became better, when I began to understand that it was happening at all. There is also a micro USB port for charging on the puck. The puck has a soft touch coating that is pleasant. Everything is done quite well.

The set includes two butterflies and one ab pad. Butterflies can be placed on almost any muscle, with the exception, of course, of the neck and face (and other intimate parts of the body). The butterflies and the platform are glued to the plates. To use, peel off the protective plate. A hydrogel is applied to the contacts, which will adhere to the skin and improve conductivity. This gel is enough for 30 times of use. Then you can further extend the period by rinsing with water (as indicated in the instructions). Then you need to replace the hydrogel plates. I haven’t found where to buy them yet, but the store has butterflies and a press pad, which are sold without washers. They cost about $14. There are also other options for butterflies. We will look for this gel too. When searching for “conductive gel,” there are many options, but you need one that can be attached, i.e. was sticky.
The device automatically turns off after 20 minutes of use.


I immediately tested it on my biceps. I turned on the first mode and the first power position. There was a slight tingling sensation. As soon as I turned on the second power mode, I was simply shocked. I wanted to scream. The arm rose on its own, the biceps tensed and began to twitch in time with the operation of the mode. A minute later the sensations are completely different. You begin to understand how everything works. While working, you can try to straighten or bend your arm, this will not give an even greater effect. If used on the legs, then in the work mode you can do a squat. The effect is very noticeable. I sometimes go to the gym, I know the sensation of muscle work. Here the effect is, of course, a little different, but the muscles tense in some modes much more than when working with dumbbells or a barbell. Having studied many forums, everyone says that such training works the muscles in more detail and is an additional training from the basis of strength training in the gym. To be honest, after 20 minutes I was still a little tired. The muscles also felt well that they were in action. My abs still hurt. The thing is that you are still trying to resist when this stimulator itself is working, which causes additional stress and improves the work.

An example of how several modes work. Tested it on the first day. The sensations are ambiguous, but later you get used to it and understand everything.

Overall, I would like to say that the effect exceeded expectations. Honestly, I wouldn't have thought it would be so cool. It’s simply impossible to describe in words, but the muscles begin to work and tense up regardless of you. This device works. If you spend a lot of time in a chair, then your muscles definitely do not receive such loads. You can stretch them in this way, that’s for sure, but if you also do exercises in time with your work, the effect will definitely be better. This is not a panacea for obesity, not a magic thing for abs while lying on the couch, but there is definitely an effect. After 5 minutes you get used to it, you begin to understand how the muscle works. Even Lena didn’t want to, but then she calmly did this kind of training for 20 minutes. There were more smiles and laughter during the test than there had been in a very long time. for a long time. This was the most fun and interesting unboxing I can remember on this moment time.

No matter how wonderful everything is, there is one significant drawback - this is a conductive gel, which is a consumable item. If used as intended, out of the box it can last for 1-2 months if you use it every day, but in fact, within two days we got to the point where it didn’t hold up well. I washed it a little with water, dried it and it’s holding up again, but the plates need to be changed soon. I don’t know where to get them yet. We bought it solely for review and did not hope that we would like to use this device. It’s just that on the first day we glued one butterfly to different muscles. It was interesting. Thank you all for your attention. Friends, I tried to explain and tell you how I understand it and how it is. Until new reviews.

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Electrical stimulation (physiostimulation, electromyostimulation, myostimulation, myolifting) is a physiotherapeutic method related to rehabilitation treatment, which is based on electrical stimulation of muscle and nervous tissue. It is carried out by transmitting current with certain characteristics from the myostimulator to a certain area of ​​the body through electrodes.

The electrical stimulation technique is widely used to restore patients after injuries, with pathologies of the nervous system (peripheral and central), muscle hypotonicity, in cosmetology and professional sports.

Myostimulation means the use of stationary, fixed electrodes and current, the intensity of which makes it possible to obtain visible contractions of muscle tissue. Myolifting involves exposure to the skin of movable electrodes, which do not lead to visible contractions of muscle fibers, but are felt as the passage of current.

Mechanism of action

The action of pulsed current is mainly aimed at the tone and speed of response of muscle tissue.

When an electric current is applied to muscles or nerves, their bioactivity changes and spike responses are formed. Thus, electrical stimulation with a frequency of more than 10 imp-1 leads to 2 effects: depolarization and strong, prolonged muscle contraction or serrated tetanus. When the frequency of the current increases, due to very frequent impulses, the muscle tissue does not relax and complete tetanus occurs, which, with a subsequent increase in frequency, changes to complete inexcitability of the muscle tissue.

The most intense excitation is realized when the frequency ranges of impulses and electrical stimulation coincide in the nerve conductors. Against the background of electrical stimulation of the nerve with impulses of more than 50 imp-1, excitation of motor nerve conductors and passive contraction of muscle fibers are formed.


  • In the cytoplasm of cells, the amount of high-energy compounds (creatine phosphate, ATP) increases, their enzymatic activity is activated, oxygen utilization is accelerated and energy costs for stimulated muscle contraction are reduced compared to voluntary;
  • Blood supply and lymphatic drainage are activated, which leads to increased trophism;
  • Dilatation of peripheral vessels, occurring in parallel with passive muscle contraction, leads to activation of blood flow.

As you know, nerve cells regulate the activity of other cells. Signals coming from nerve endings cause myocyte contractions. When both muscle and nerve cells are active, ions quickly move across the cell membrane. The current generated during this is called the “action potential”, and it can be recorded using intracellular electrodes.

Impulses that are as close in shape as possible to the “action potentials” of muscle and nerve cells are called neuroimpulses. Drugs that generate neuroimpulses are especially popular in cosmetology, since the procedures are carried out with the greatest comfort, and the result is more effective and noticeable.

Indications for electrical stimulation and effects of procedures

The procedures allow you to:

  • Prevent muscle tissue atrophy thanks to special “training” of muscles during stimulation, namely, contraction and relaxation;
  • Restore nervous regulation of muscle tissue contraction;
  • Increase muscle volume and strength without shortening muscle fibers;
  • Increase adaptation and fatigue limit of muscle tissue;
  • Reduce pain in any localization;
  • Utilize energy reserves (thus activating lipolysis);
  • Provide lymphatic drainage and accelerate the elimination of metabolic products.

The most popular indications for stimulation:

  • Weakening of muscle tone;
  • Weakening of skin turgor;
  • Modeling the oval shape of the face and neck, restoring muscle tone in this area.

Devices for electromyostimulation

Modern computerized equipment allows you to set the required procedure parameters that will be most effective in each case:

  • pulse shape;
  • pulse repetition rate. Most often, low pulse frequencies are used, from 10 to 1000 Hz.

The low frequency range used in physiotherapeutic practice is preferable due to the fact that the fibers skeletal muscles can respond with contraction to current stimulation with a frequency of no more than 1000 Hz. Higher current frequencies are no longer perceived by the nervous and muscle tissue as separate stimuli, and this leads to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the effect.

To influence the skeletal, smooth muscle and nerve conductors must use different pulse frequencies. If the device allows you to change the frequency of the generated pulses, this significantly expands the scope of its application. Different classes of devices operate at different pulse frequencies:

  • Devices for electrical stimulation high class— high-frequency filling of pulses with a recommended frequency in the range of 400-600 Hz.
  • Middle-class devices - low-frequency pulse filling with a recommended myostimulation frequency in the range of 10-230 Hz.

The devices are also classified into professional ones, which are installed in physical rooms and cosmetology rooms of beauty salons, and low-power home ones (belts, bowties, shorts, etc.), which can be used independently.

The pulse duration is 0.1-1000 ms. Close to natural neuroimpulses and most preferable for myostimulation are short impulses, from 0.1 to 0.5 ms.

The current strength of the equipment varies depending on the area of ​​the body: for exposure to the face - up to 10 mA, for exposure to the body - up to 50 mA. During the procedures, the intensity of the current varies depending on the person’s sensations: muscle contractions should be strong, but not cause pain.

Impulses are classified into mono- and bipolar.

  • Monopolar pulses separate substances into ions and can propel particles with an electrical charge deep into tissue. Monopolar pulsed current can also be used for electrophoresis. The same substances are used as in electrophoresis with galvanic current.
  • Bipolar pulses result in oscillatory movements of electrically charged particles on biological membranes. Pulses on symmetrical zones compensate for electrolysis, and skin irritation does not occur under the electrodes. Such impulses more effectively overcome skin resistance, and procedures are more comfortable for patients.

Treatment with electrical stimulation is carried out 2-3 times every 7 days (every other day is possible), 20-40 minutes per session. The course includes 15-20 procedures. The minimum break between courses is 1 month.

Scheme of procedures

  1. Electrodes, well moistened in water, are installed on active motor points of muscle tissue in the affected area and secured with bandages.
  2. Connect the wires, observing polarity.
  3. Launch the appropriate program on the device.
  4. The current strength is increased gradually, 3-4 minutes after the start of exposure, until active muscle contractions appear. There should be no pain during muscle contraction. It is best to increase the intensity of exposure simultaneously in symmetrical zones.
  5. After completing the procedure, turn off the device and remove the electrodes.
  6. The skin at the procedure site is treated with a moisturizing tonic or milk.


Contraindications to electrical stimulation are quite extensive and must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. The fact is that electric current can accelerate the progression of a number of diseases and lead to the most undesirable effects.

  • Oncological diseases (however, some types of electrical stimulation are used to relieve pain).
  • Blood pathologies.
  • Pregnancy (in exceptional cases can be used for toxicosis).
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Artificial pacemaker.
  • Pulmonary and heart failure above grade 2.
  • Severe heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Arterial hypertension (upper pressure more than 180).
  • Epilepsy.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Individual intolerance to electric current.

There are also local contraindications that relate to the area of ​​the procedure:

  • injuries, abrasions, cuts, and other violations of the integrity of the dermis;
  • metal implants, for example, “golden threads” on the face, an intrauterine device with metal elements, if the electrodes are applied to the lower abdomen;
  • benign neoplasms, including nevi;
  • phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm.

Electrical stimulation methods

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

It is successfully used in medical rehabilitation, as well as as a supplement to athletic training. professional training, and is suitable for stimulating all muscles of the body.

The procedures help eliminate sagging muscles and skin, fight cellulite, help with excess weight, impaired peripheral circulation (venous and arterial) and venous-lymphatic insufficiency. Indicated for recovery muscle strength after surgery, fractures, to improve mobility. They are also recommended after a stroke, as they help restore fine movements of the hands and gait.

We must not forget about the individual sensitivity of patients to the action of current, and begin the procedure at the lowest levels, increasing them gradually. With prolonged electrotherapy, addiction may develop. Therefore, it is very important to correctly draw up a treatment program and include other methods for the greatest effect. If we're talking about about trained people, athletes, then it should be taken into account that this group of patients initially has more strong muscles, so the electrical load must be more intense.

Electrical stimulation of muscles goes well with lymphatic drainage, deep thermal effects, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, pressotherapy, and endermology.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

In other words, exposure to the lesion through the skin. It is effective for acute and chronic pain of various origins and is used in everyday physiotherapeutic practice.

High-frequency exposure activates pain inhibition mechanisms: electrical current pulses block pain signals that travel along the nerves from the source of pain to the brain. Low-frequency exposure activates the release of endorphins, which act as natural pain inhibitors.

Unlike pain-relieving drug therapy, TENS has no side effects. Can be used as monotherapy or as an addition to other methods.

Transcranial electrical stimulation

It involves the impact of pulsed bipolar currents with given characteristics on the brain. The main indications for electrical stimulation of the brain: post-stroke and post-infarction condition, stage 1-2 hypertension, rehabilitation after damage to the peripheral nervous system, pain syndrome in oncological and neurological patients, after injuries, depression, anxiety, toxicosis of pregnancy in the 1-2 trimesters, menopause, sleep disorders, itchy dermatitis.

  • Activation of opioid structures and release of beta-endorphin, which relieves pain syndromes, reduces the drug load when pain relief is needed;
  • Beta-endorphin relieves anxiety and has an antidepressant effect, improves stress resistance and mood, which in itself helps in the treatment of any disease;
  • The effect on the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata normalizes blood pressure;
  • Activation of lymphocytes by beta-endorphin leads to increased defenses of the body;

The method is also used in the treatment of addictions and relieves symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. Cravings for alcohol and drugs are reduced by stimulating the opiate system. Helps in the recovery period for severe burn patients. It has an analgesic effect, relieves stress spasm of the vascular wall and improves blood circulation.

Interstitial electrical stimulation

The second name is electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov, since the method was developed under the leadership of this scientist. Main indications: spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, pain syndrome after spinal surgery for truncation of hernias, scoliosis, arthrosis deformans, VSD, dysfunction peripheral nerves, bronchial asthma, migraine, tension headache, dizziness, heel spur.

For the procedure, special disposable needles are used, which are connected via wires to a device that generates a pulsed low-frequency current. The needles are placed directly into the painful areas.

As a result of the procedure, blood microcirculation improves, swelling decreases, muscle spasm is eliminated and nutrition in the area where the needles are installed improves. Already after the first procedure there is a significant improvement and reduction in pain.

Very often practiced for osteochondrosis localized in any part of the spine. Improves blood circulation, helps stop the breakdown of cartilage tissue, restores innervation and, most importantly for patients, eliminates pain in 95% of cases.

Electrical stimulation of the eyes

It is realized through the influence of pulsed current on the muscular apparatus of the eye, optic nerve, and retina. Main indications: ptosis, strabismus, retinal dystrophy, optic nerve, myopia, amblyopia, paresis and paralysis of the oculomotor muscles.

The impact on the motor muscles of the eyelid and eye leads to improved neuromuscular transmission, normalization of muscle tone and more efficient functioning. After a course of procedures, friendly eye movements and eyelid lifting improve. The effect on the sensory apparatus (optic nerve, retina) allows you to increase the number of connections with the central nervous system and create greater feedback, which means improving vision.

Electrical stimulation of the pelvic nerves

It is an alternative, official method of treating fecal and urinary incontinence. It works both for stress incontinence and dysfunction due to decreased tone of the pelvic floor muscles and anal sphincter.

  • When treating stress incontinence, the goal of treatment is to eliminate dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • For urinary incontinence, the procedure aims to inhibit involuntary contraction of the bladder wall by stimulating the nerves of the pelvic floor.

Electrical stimulation in children

In pediatrics, this treatment method is used quite widely, from birth, for the following pathologies: intestinal atony, pelvic dysfunction, hypotonia of the anterior muscles abdominal wall, organic damage to the central nervous system, cerebral palsy, flat feet, scoliosis, dysplasia hip joints, consequences of TBI, including in children in a state of medicated sleep, consequences of infectious damage to the spinal cord and brain, autism, hyperactivity, speech and hearing disorders, joint pathologies.

In children, all methods of electrical stimulation are used, including interstitial and transcranial. The current strength, shape and frequency of the pulse and duration of exposure are selected individually. In any case, stimulation is carried out in gentle modes and with a shorter duration of exposure than in adults.

In cosmetology

The procedure is actively used in cosmetology to correct the figure, cellulite, give the oval of the face clearer contours, reduce sagging skin and wrinkles, strengthen and improve the tone of the muscles of the neck and face, abdominals(especially after childbirth), weight loss, acceleration of lymph flow (elimination of edema).

During the procedure, influence is applied to different muscle groups pulse current of various frequencies. Myostimulation allows you to use even deep muscles.

Improves the condition of small blood vessels, accelerates metabolism, activates lymph flow, causes muscles to actively contract, eliminates stagnant processes in the skin and intensively removes excess moisture (this is why even after the first procedure you can see a decrease in body volume).

  • When changing the oval of the face, the muscles localized in the cheek area are affected.
  • For sagging necks, the wide subcutaneous muscle– platysma, by applying self-adhesive skin electrodes.
  • To reduce the appearance of a double chin, pulsed current is used.
  • You can achieve noticeable positive results even with prolapse upper eyelid using movable electrodes on a gel base.

Side effects and complications

Muscle discomfort may be felt during and after the procedure. An inflammatory reaction may develop at the site of contact between the skin and the electrodes.

To prevent these undesirable effects, the patient should monitor his well-being during the procedure and notify the doctor if discomfort or pain occurs.

Possible complications include:

  • skin hyperemia up to burns. Possible due to incorrect placement of electrodes;
  • increased menstrual flow, especially if the procedure is carried out in the first days of menstruation. Therefore, during menstruation it is recommended to refuse treatment;
  • Nausea, indigestion. This is possible if the procedure in the abdominal area was performed immediately after eating.

Very vulgar about myostimulators.

1. The key word is not electrical stimulator, but myostimulator (muscle stimulator)

2. The topic was first thought about and developed by military doctors back in the USSR. Soon after the war.
They worked for the wounded who lay in bed for a long time. Later - for submariners, astronauts - everyone who moves little and loses muscle tone. Even later for athletes to international sports olympiads where achievements are important.

3. With perestroika, all developments went to the west and southeast, where they received a rebirth as consumer goods. By that time, cheap semiconductors had appeared that could generate short pulses without problems. There was a problem with the generation of short pulses - then it could only be radio tubes. Then there were queues for TVs.
There was no need to talk about myostimulants as consumer goods.

4. The idea of ​​electrically stimulating muscles with short pulses turned out to be fruitful.
An impulse or a train of short impulses - 100-500 μs (microseconds), followed rarely - 1-400 times per second leads to a short-term displacement of ions near the nerve endings - myoneurones, and this leads to contraction of muscle fibers.

5. The trick is that the average current value in pulse mode is insignificant. This allows you to increase the pulse amplitude to 100 mA, i.e. create an electric field of noticeable volume in the body and force muscles remote from the surface of the body to contract. It should be recalled that a horse is killed by an AVERAGE current of 30 mA (milliamps), and here in a pulse it is up to 180 mA, but the average value is much less.

5a. It is useful to remind everyone who taught and has long forgotten what an electric field is. This is not a field where cows graze. This is the space in which charged particles begin to move.
According to this criterion, all substances found in nature are divided into conductors - they contain charged particles and dielectrics - substances in which there are practically no charges.
In email The field practically does not move anything inside the dielectrics.

A person with his bones, meat, fat and liquids is a conductor. It is saturated with charged particles - ions of sodium, potassium, iron, etc. Under the influence of impulses that create a short time email field in the human body, the ions begin to move, but immediately return to their place because The impulses are bipolar and short. This displacement of charged particles is enough to cause muscle fiber contraction.

The MYONEURON reacts - a nerve cell attached to a muscle fiber. It’s as if she receives an impulse from the brain. In fact, its impulse is a reaction to a short-term displacement of charged particles near the myoneuron itself. It’s just the way it is - charges interact with charges. Likely charged things repel, oppositely charged ones attract. This is how the impulse penetrates the myoneuron and causes the muscle fiber to which it is attached to contract.

6. In a decrepit body, not all muscle fibers contract. Not every myoneuron associated with a muscle fiber carries an impulse from the central nervous system. There are many reasons for this.
And then there is a powerful third-party source of a pulsed electric field - all myoneurones that find themselves in the electric field will literally jerk their muscle fibers. The entire muscle will begin to contract, the blood flow will also change, and fat and protein deposits will be pressed away from the moving muscles.
The general feeling is ease in controlling the body as after a workout and no fatigue - lactic acid poisoning.

7. Muscle contractions occur with virtually no release of lactic acid, which poisons the muscles. During normal training, lactic acid must be removed from the muscles. It is muscle poisoning that limits the duration of certain body movements. And here you can shake the muscle faster. In 20 minutes it’s like running 20 km.

It is clear that this can be used to train athletes, which is done while keeping the “training program” in great secrecy before important competitions.

8. Muscle mass noticeably responds to myostimulation with growth. The quality of life increases - in old age you can live in a young body. Unfortunately, the effect of such training lasts 1-2 days. To strengthen it, you either need to move more or regularly connect yourself to a myostimulator. For obese people with excess weight over 10 kg - change the diet and do not wait to lose weight faster than 4 weeks. The fat comes back quickly.

9. There are contraindications, but they are few.
There are no side effects from long-term (years) myostimulation.
Everything, of course, should be taken in moderation, and not to the point of burns at the points of contact with the electrodes.
General recommendations - three days a week for 20 minutes at a level of comfortable muscle tremor - is quite enough.

10. For old people, it is important that the muscles of the spine and skeleton can be developed. Get rid of joint pain because... myostimulation naturally eliminates pain from vertebral hernia and pinched nerve fibers almost everywhere where applicators that supply pulsed currents are placed. Also with pain in the hip joints, knee, foot, elbows and neck.

11. The electric field reaches deep, even to the muscles of the stomach, which allows you to change its tone in better side. Plus improved blood flow. The body corrects itself, bringing the necessary components to sick sore spots.

12. A few words about prices.
Actually, the price prompted me to do a search for information.
For 25 years I have suffered from my wife’s character. Her ailments, stomach, head - we share all this together.
This helped her. She dared to pay 95,000 rubles for a Korean device, which, in my opinion as an electronics engineer, is not worth that kind of money. Simple pulse generators, and if there is a processor, i.e. a computer that controls generators according to a program that can be changed - all the same - no more expensive than a mobile phone, and here are these numbers.

It turned out that there really are inexpensive myostimulators from 450 rubles - toys. Make cubes on your stomach. Medium - 1500-3000 rubles - up to 50 programs for different occasions. And there are expensive ones up to 120,000 rubles. professional multi-program and multi-channel. With their help you can heal the entire village. However, the village can be treated with cheaper models for 3-9 thousand rubles.

Expensive models are often focused on cosmetology. Small electrodes. Lots of channels.
It’s worth remembering that there are about 200 muscles on the face. People do not have such an easy interface to communicate with each other through facial expressions. It is important to tighten these muscles, they also become weaker, and the skin becomes thinner.
Remove fat from the face, strengthen muscles, smooth out wrinkles. Ultrasound is used with skin nourishing creams to prolong the effects. It is clear that these models will exploit women's needs for beauty and will be much more expensive.

Keywords for searching - where, what and from whom to buy on the Internet - are on the website www.allmio.ru

The EM41 model (Germans) turned out to be quite good. Powered by 3 AAA batteries. 50 programs.
The size of a pack of cigarettes. Good for hiking - weight 108g - 3 modes (pain relief, muscle training, massage)

In the "pain relief" mode there are subroutines with short pulses that are used for electrosleep. Sleep without sleeping pills is guaranteed. Calm your tired legs and fall asleep - you won’t remember when - the device turns off automatically.

A significant drawback is that Velcro electrodes become old quickly. You need to have spare ones.
Or make it yourself from foil. Glue the foil to thin rubber, and do not remove the Velcro itself to the foil. Lubricate the foil with gel before applying the electrodes to the body.

You will get covered in the gel, but the electrodes will last a long time. There is room for creativity here,
for example, you can create an individual “electric chair” with contact electrodes
for different parts of the body. A suitable gel is sold in a network of medical equipment stores, for example, for ultrasound.
Take a more viscous one.

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