Evgeniy Sandov barbell weighing 80 kg. Evgeniy Sandov - the strongest man in the world, the founder of strength gymnastics and bodybuilding

There are many techniques aimed at increasing strength and growth. muscle mass. But the first set of exercises that made it possible to build beautiful body, there was a system famous athlete Evgenia Sandova.

Who is Evgeny Sandov

Before talking about what is good about the Sandow system, it is worth paying attention to its author, who, without exaggeration, was a legendary person.

Evgeny Sandov was born in 1867 in Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad. Thanks to his achievements, he gained fame as the strongest man on the planet. Moreover, he was the first to begin competent propaganda of athleticism and bodybuilding. The audience was delighted with the ones he showed more than once.

An example is the following trick: a platform was installed on Sandow’s chest, with which he held a piano or three horses. He was an excellent wrestler, gymnast and horseman, which allowed him, in addition to athletic tricks, to fight even with a lion.

Later, Sandow’s system “Strength and how to become strong” appeared, which became very popular at the beginning of the twentieth century. To create it, the author used the experience gained under the guidance of his trainer and medical knowledge. The system included a number of which, according to Sandow, were relevant not only for men, but also for women and children.

The essence of the system

The effectiveness of the set of exercises developed by the father of bodybuilding and bodybuilding is difficult to overestimate. The main advantage that the Sandow system has is its versatility. The exercises are so well thought out that they can be used by people of any size, regardless of physical potential.

According to the author of the system, its success lies in the acquired ability to produce conscious muscle contractions during exercise. Essentially, it was about the ability to focus attention on the work of muscles during exercise and influence their condition. In addition to using dumbbells, Sandow recommended spending time throughout the day purposefully tensing your muscles.

Modern fans of the exercises developed by the legendary athlete have the opportunity to evaluate his personal recommendations. So the system physical development Evgenia Sandova is based on the following principles:

1. There is no need to set a strictly defined time for classes. You need to exercise when it is convenient. But it is important to ensure that the load is carried out no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

2. Like a growing child, the body needs competent education, the role of which can only be fulfilled by correctly composed exercises. In addition to muscle development, they also have a beneficial effect on health.

3. You must perform the exercises in front of a mirror - this will allow you to monitor the correct execution of the technique. It is important that the movements are calm. In this case, each exercise should take an average of 2 seconds.

4. Do not force the number of repetitions and increase the weight of dumbbells.

5. The essence of the system is the above-mentioned control of muscle function, carried out through concentration. If you master this technique, then even with modest physical data, you can achieve significant results in both strength and physical fitness.

The role of hardening

Evgeniy Sandov's system also involves hardening, which boils down to taking a cold bath after exercise. But before moving on to such a practice, you need to prepare your body for it. Preparation involves swimming, which begins in the summer and continues daily throughout the year. This method of hardening, according to Sandov, is the least risky and at the same time quite effective.

If for some reason you cannot take a cold bath, you need to wipe yourself with a damp towel. Afterwards, you need to quickly rub the skin using a dry towel. This technique will strengthen the body and prepare it for new stress.

How to determine the current weight of dumbbells

As mentioned above, the Sandow system is universal, but the weight of the shells must be selected wisely, taking into account the physical characteristics and age of a particular person.

Friedrich Wilhelm Müller (Sandow's real name) was a fairly experienced athlete and recommended training not only with weights, but also using your own body weight. But if we return to the topic of dumbbells, it is worth noting that, according to the recommendations of the author of the system, it is better for teenagers aged 12 to 14 years to use dumbbells weighing 250-500 g. For those who are 14 years old but not yet 18, weights within the range of 1.5-2.5 kg. At their core, such exercises can be defined as

At the same time, the Sandow system involves increasing the weight of the equipment every 30 days of stable training. For adolescents under 14 years of age, this figure is 250 g, boys under 18 years of age can increase their weight by 0.5 kg monthly, and those who have already reached adulthood can add 1 kg.

Static exercises

Also, Sandow's training system involves additional impact on the muscles during the day (after or before training). This refers to tension without using dumbbells. We are talking about muscle contractions, say, while reading or relaxing in a chair. Moreover, the reductions should be constantly intensified.

This system of loads, which can be defined as isometric or static, was used in China, but when it began to be practiced in Europe, it caused a real boom.

Evgeniy Sandov himself, using the principles of static tension of tendons and muscles during training, achieved significant development of strength indicators. This effect is complemented by the fact that body weight when used isometric tension does not increase, but endurance and strength increase greatly.


Since the Sandow system - This is a set of specific exercises, it is worth considering specific examples:

1. It is necessary to stretch your arms with dumbbells apart at shoulder level, turning them inner side up. Afterwards, you need to bend your arms so that the dumbbell is above your shoulder without lowering them. Moreover, the arms themselves must be stretched strongly enough for a noticeable tension in the muscles.

2. The same exercise, only the arms are bent at the same time, and not in turn.

3. Stretch the inside of your arms forward and, straining your muscles, bend them one by one so that the dumbbell is at shoulder level. The upper part of the limb should be adjacent to the sides. The shoulders and elbows are lowered. During extension, the arm should be completely straight. This exercise trains the biceps.

8. The arms are extended to the sides to shoulder level and at the same time quickly rotate on the axis of the forearm. In order to diversify the load, you can bend your hands back and forth. The muscles of the hands and forearms develop.

9. The same exercise, only in this case you need to take the dumbbells by the ends and rotate them from left to right.

10. Dumbbells must be placed on the floor so that they are along the outer sides of the feet. In this case, the handle will move closer to the toe. Next, you need to bend over and lift the dumbbells, and then take a straight body position. The next movement is to turn half a turn to the left and raise the right forearm at a right angle to the body at waist level. From this position you need to make a strong lunge right hand and left leg. After this, the starting position is quickly assumed. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles and develops broad dorsal, large pectoral, deltoids, as well as legs.

11. The same exercise, only you need to turn to the right. This means that you will have to raise your left forearm to your waist, and the lunge is performed right foot and left hand.

12. Push-ups. In this case we're talking about about an exercise familiar to many, during which in a horizontal position with emphasis on your toes and hands you need to lower and rise. The entire body (from head to heels) should be a straight line. Accordingly, you should also not bend your knees. It is important to ensure that your chest and knees do not touch the floor.

The Sandow system, the exercises of which are not focused on working with heavy weights, makes it possible to obtain amazing results in increasing the main thing with this approach is the quality of the execution technique.

N German athlete Eugene Sandow at the end of the 19th century was one of the strongest people in the world* Having moved to England, he did a lot to spread his training system. It is from his books “Strength and how to abtain it” was translated in Russia and was very popular.

The merits of this system, like any other, can only be assessed in practice. But the fact that thanks to her, Sandow himself, who was a frail and sickly young man, became one of the first strongmen in the world and that numerous followers spoke very well of her, speaks for itself.

The Sandow system is designed for people of different genders and ages and is intended as a means of promoting health. At the same time, it is noted that it can also be used for those who in the future want to become a famous athlete.


1. Strict gradualness in increasing loads. The exercises, with some exceptions, are the same for everyone, but each gender and age corresponds to a certain dumbbell weight and number of repetitions. The sequence in increasing the loads has also been determined.

It is recommended that the given instructions be followed with the utmost precision, because the fidelity and strength of success depends on this. In pursuit of “early” success, you should not prematurely increase the weight of dumbbells and the number of repetitions. This is more likely to cause harm than benefit (especially to a young, fragile body). Moreover, persons who are weak or in poor health are advised to begin exercises according to the table, one step below their age.

2. The predominant importance of conscious muscle contraction during exercise. This is the “nail” of the Sandow system, which forms the basis for successful development of strength. When performing each exercise, you should focus not on its result, not on the weight of the dumbbells, but on the process of muscle contraction itself. It is necessary to consciously contract the muscles; dumbbells serve only as an additional regulator of strength and uniformity in movements.

According to Sandow, the brain can do as much or more than dumbbells. It is precisely because of the great importance of this side of the system that the explanations for the exercises include the main muscle groups, by conscious contraction of which this or that movement is performed.


When they begin the system of exercises set out in the accompanying tables, the very first question that arises is: “What part of the day should I devote to training?” I don't set a specific time. Golden Rule is to choose the part of the day that is most convenient for you. If possible, do not begin exercise earlier than 2 hours after eating. Also, don't exercise right before bed if you find it makes you sleepy. Many of my students find that they sleep much better after exercise, but for some the exercise has the opposite effect.

It is advisable to practice in front of a mirror, undressing (at least to the waist). This way you can monitor the movements of different muscles. And to see their work and observe their gradual, even development is in itself both help and pleasure.

Trainees should not be discouraged if they feel tired after the first days of training. I strongly recommend to them - do not give in to apparent difficulties; if you want success, then go forward and never retreat. This fatigue also becomes a very pleasant feeling. You'll like her soon. Personally, I can say that it is one of the most pleasant sensations I have ever experienced.

I am often asked how long does it take to become strong? The answer depends on you, but not only on your physical build. The main thing is the participation of your will in the exercises. The muscles are developed by the brain, which can do as much, if not more, than dumbbells. For beginners, the most difficult aspect of my system is to learn to concentrate the thoughts so strongly on your muscles that you gain absolute control over them. The ability for such control is acquired gradually. The brain sends an order - the nerves receive it and transmit it to the muscles. Regarding the willpower used in this case, it should be remembered that tension can be achieved by simple muscle contraction, without lifting weights.

You may notice that in my exercises I insist on alternating movements. In this case, one group of muscles rests while another works. This ensures freer blood circulation than when performing exercises at the same time.


1. Turn the inside of your arm forward and, tensing your muscles, alternately bend your arms, bringing the dumbbells to your shoulder. Shoulders and elbows should be lowered, and top part hands - close to the sides. When lowering the dumbbell, you should straighten your arm completely straight. Develops biceps (biceps muscle).

2. Turn the outside of your arm forward and do the same movements as in #1, but in this exercise bring the back of your hand to your shoulder. Develops biceps and triceps (triceps muscle).

3. Stretch your arms apart, at shoulder level, turning the inside of your arm up, and alternately bend your arms so that the dumbbell rests on your shoulder. At the same time, you should ensure that your hands do not fall below shoulder level. When straightening your arms, you should stretch them to their full length, stretching the muscles. Develops biceps, triceps and broad dorsal muscles.

4. Exercise is the same as No. 3, but bending the arms is performed simultaneously, and not alternately. Develops the same muscles.

5. Extend both arms forward, at the level of your mouth, straightening your elbows and throwing your head back. From this position, move them back to the shoulder line, then quickly return them to their previous position. Develops muscles: deltoid and pectoralis major.

6. Bend both arms toward your shoulders, palms facing inward, and alternately straighten them above your head in a vertical direction. When lowering your hand, your elbow should touch your side and move slightly back; You should stand straight, with your shoulders back and your chest out. Develops biceps, triceps, deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles.

7. Bend your back slightly and lower your hands to your legs, above your knees, with the backs facing outward, with your chest slightly concave. Alternately raise your arms to their full length, forward and up, to shoulder level. Develops the deltoid muscle.

8. Stretch your arms apart to shoulder level and at the same time quickly rotate them on the axis of your forearm. Vary the exercise by bending the wrist back and forth. Develops the muscles of the forearm and hand.

9. The position of the hand is the same as in No. 8. Taking the dumbbells by their ends, turn them from right to left, rotational movement hands Develops the same muscles.

10. Exercise is the same as No. 9, but the dumbbells, taken by the ends, are rotated from left to right. Develops the same muscles.

11. Place the dumbbells on the floor along the outside of your feet, with the center of the handle toward your toes. Bend over, lift them up, stand at attention!, and make a half turn to the left on your heels. Raising your right forearm to your waist, make a strong lunge at a right angle to your torso with your left leg and right arm. Quickly straighten up to the original position, bringing your elbow back. Stretches muscles. Develops muscles: deltoid, latissimus dorsalis, pectoralis major and leg muscles.

12. The same as in No. 11, but in the opposite direction, i.e. a half turn is made to the right, the left forearm is raised to the waist and the lunge is made with the left hand and right leg. Develops the same muscles as in No. 11.

13. Push ups. Leaning on your hands and on your toes, alternately lower and rise (by bending and straightening your arms). You should stay completely straight, your head, torso and legs should be in a straight line, your knees should not bend; When lowering yourself, you should not touch the floor with either your body or lower limbs. Dumbbells are not used in this exercise. Develops biceps, triceps, muscles: deltoid, pectoralis major, broad dorsal, quadriceps (extensor leg) and abdominal oblique.

14. Tilt your torso to the right and left without moving your lower limbs. At the same time, alternately bend your arms, turning your hands with dumbbells into the armpit. Develops muscles: arms, shoulders and oblique abdominal.

15. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Alternately rise to sitting position, leaning towards your toes, and lower yourself back into horizontal position. This exercise is performed first without dumbbells. Subsequently, you can first take one dumbbell in both hands, and even later, one in each hand and, stretching your arms behind your head, do the exercise as described above. Develops abdominal muscles.

16. Lie on your back (with your arms behind your head). Raise both legs at the same time, with your toes pointed and knees straight; bring it forward from further away and then slowly lower it to its original position. Develops muscles: abdominal, groin and quadriceps (leg extender).

17. Slowly rise up onto your toes and then back down onto your heels. Develops leg muscles.

18. Keep your arms parallel with your sides and rotate your hands in and out. Develops the muscles of the forearm and hand.


For boys and girls ages 7 to 10 (use 1 pound dumbbells only)

Exercise no.

Increased number of movements*

One every three days

One every five days

One every three days

One every five days

One every five days

One every two weeks

One every three days

One every two weeks

16 (boys only)

One every three days

Similar programs are offered for boys and girls aged 10 to 15 years. It is recommended to use two-pound dumbbells (ages 10-12) and 3-pound dumbbells (ages 12-15).

For girls ages 15 to 17 (use 3 pound dumbbells only)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements

One every three days

One every five days

One every three days

One every five days

One every five days

One every two weeks

One every three days

One every two weeks

One every two weeks

One every three days

For boys ages 15 to 17 (use 4 lb dumbbells first)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements*

One every other day

One every two days

One every three days

One every two days

One every three days

One every two days

One in a week

One every other day

One every three days

One every two weeks

One every three days

Printout of the training program

For girls aged 17 years and older (use 4 lb dumbbells only)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements

One every other day

One every two days

One every three days

One every two days

One every three days

Before fatigue sets in

One every two days

One every week

One every three days

One every three days

For youth ages 17 and older (use 5 pound dumbbells only at first)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements

Five every day

Two every day

One every day

One every three days

One every two days

Before fatigue sets in

One every two days

One every three days

Two every day

One every two days

Two every day

Printout of the training program

After increasing the number of repetitions in the first exercise to 120, and in other exercises - in proportion to this, it is recommended to train at the achieved level for 6 months. Then you should increase the weight of each dumbbell by 2 pounds and start training again, focusing on the table. Likewise, it is recommended to increase the load in the future. The author claims that after completing a training course with dumbbells, the weight of each of which reaches 20 pounds, the exerciser will become as muscular as himself ****

1. Standing, heels together, toes apart. Hands with dumbbells along the body and pressed to the sides, palms facing forward, shoulders straightened, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and straighten your arms elbow joints. Elbows should be motionless. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary.
The exercise develops the biceps brachii muscles (biceps).

2. The same exercise, but the hands with dumbbells are turned knuckles forward (overhand grip).
The exercise develops the biceps and extensor muscles of the forearm.

3. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised to the sides, palms up, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. Do not lower your elbows during the exercise. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary.
The exercise develops deltoids, biceps and triceps muscles shoulder (triceps).

4. The same as exercise 3, only now bend and straighten your arms with dumbbells at the same time. When bending your arms, inhale; when extending, exhale.

The exercise develops deltoids, biceps and triceps.

5. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised forward, palms inward. Spread your arms straight to the sides and inhale, quickly return to initial position- exhale.

Exercise develops pectoral muscles, muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

6. Standing, hands with dumbbells to your shoulders, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Alternately raise and lower your arms. Breathing is uniform.

The exercise develops the triceps brachii, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

7. Standing, hands with dumbbells on hips, back slightly bent. Alternately raise your straight arms forward to shoulder level. Raising your right hand, inhale, raising your left hand, exhale.

The exercise develops the deltoid muscles.

8. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms down. Simultaneously and quickly turn your hands up, down - forward, backward. Breathing is uniform. Perform the exercise until fatigue sets in.

Develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

9. Take the dumbbells by one end and spread your arms out to the sides. Without bending your arms, do circular rotations brushes forward and back. Breathing is uniform. Do the exercise until you get tired.

10. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised up. Without bending your knees, lean forward and touch your hands to the floor - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. Hands should not lag behind. At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells.
Exercise develops abdominal muscles, back muscles and hamstrings.

11. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Raising your right forearm to your waist, at a right angle to your torso, make a strong lunge with your left leg and straighten your right arm - exhale. Quickly return to the starting position, bringing your elbow back - inhale. Then lunge with your right leg and left arm.

The exercise develops the deltoid muscles and leg muscles.

12. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body, look straight ahead. Raise your arms straight up through your sides - inhale. Lower to the starting position - exhale.
For those who experience discomfort in the joints when performing this exercise We recommend that you temporarily perform it by raising your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
The exercise develops the deltoid and trapezius muscles.

13. Push-ups while lying on the floor. The torso and legs should form a straight line. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale. Bending your arms, touch your chest to the floor.
The technique of this exercise has been discussed.
The exercise develops the triceps, pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle muscles.

14. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Bend your torso to the left side, bend your right arm so that the dumbbell touches your armpit. Then tilt in the other direction, bending left hand. As you bend over, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale.

Exercise develops lateral muscles abdomen, biceps, deltoids and trapezius muscles.

15. Lying on your back, legs secured to a fixed support, arms with dumbbells extended behind your head. Sit down and bend forward - exhale. Slowly return to the starting position - inhale. We hold our hands near the head. At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells or without placing them behind your head in the lower position. On large scales You don’t need to bring the dumbbells behind your head all the way to the floor - this will make it easier to perform repetitions of the exercise.
Exercise develops muscles abdominals.

16. Lying on your back, hands under your head. Raise your straight legs up - exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position - inhale.
During the exercise, it is advisable not to put your legs on top of you; a light touch of the floor is allowed, your back is pressed to the floor (we don’t help with your back, we work with your abs).
The exercise develops the abdominal muscles and quadriceps muscles hips.

17. Standing, heels together, toes apart, hands with dumbbells along the body. Rising on your toes, squat - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.
Ideally, the entire exercise is performed on your toes. At first, beginners can perform it normally and even without dumbbells. Watch your health!
It is recommended to do squats at an angle of no more than 90 degrees, but it is better not to squat all the way to the bottom - the joint goes to a bend, and the muscles are no longer loaded. The knees do not go beyond the socks. The exercise technique has been discussed.
Exercise develops calf muscles and quadriceps femoris muscles.

18. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Bend and extend your hands at the wrist joints. Breathing is uniform.

The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

A set of exercises develops strength, muscles, and endurance.
The entire complex is performed non-stop, in 20-30 minutes.

Date of death:

Path to glory

Career in America



Sandow also had many followers in Russia, where his books and articles were published in large editions. His methods were used by the St. Petersburg Athletic Society, which trained many excellent wrestlers, such as Ivan Poddubny.

Achievements of Evgeny Sandov

Evgeniy had phenomenal strength. For example:

  • Over the course of four minutes, he did 200 push-ups.
  • For several seconds, he held weights of 27 kilograms each on his outstretched arms.
  • Leaning his heels on one chair and the back of his head on another, he held two people on his chest and a 22-kilogram weight in his outstretched hand.
  • Holding a 24-kilogram weight in each hand, he stood on a handkerchief, then jumped and did a backflip, landing exactly there.
  • A platform was placed on his chest, and he held three horses on it. In another room, there was a piano and an eight-piece orchestra on the platform.
  • In 1894, he set a world record by squeezing with one hand a barbell with huge hollow balls, inside of which one person sat at a time. The weight of the unusual barbell was 122 kilograms.
  • While on tour in San Francisco in 1894, Sandow fought a lion that was muzzled and wearing mittens. The lion rushed at Sandow, and he caught him, held him and threw him away.
  • In 1895, Sandow performed a very difficult power trick: he lifted and squeezed a barbell weighing 115 kilograms with his right hand and, transferring it to his left hand, squatted down and lay on his back, then, without lowering the barbell, stood up.

Anthropometric data

Literary works

Evgeny Sandov wrote several books about his methods:

  • Evgeniy Sandov's system of physical development Sandow's System of Physical Training ) ()
  • Strength and how to find it Strength and How to Obtain It) ()
  • Bodybuilding: Man in Action Body-Building) ()
  • Strength and Health: how disease can be successfully defeated physical culture(English) Strength and Health) ()
  • Life is Movement: Physical Reconstruction and Regeneration of People Life is Movement) ()

see also

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  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing Evgeniy Sandov

The militiaman in the presence of Pierre was no longer so caustique, and his face expressed bewilderment at what Julie’s smile meant. Despite his absent-mindedness and good nature, Pierre’s personality immediately stopped all attempts at ridicule in his presence.
“No,” Pierre answered laughing, looking around his large, fat body. “It’s too easy for the French to hit me, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to get on the horse...
Among the people being selected for the subject of conversation, Julie's company ended up with the Rostovs.
“They say their affairs are very bad,” said Julie. - And he is so stupid - the count himself. The Razumovskys wanted to buy his house and his property near Moscow, and all this drags on. He is treasured.
“No, it seems that the sale will take place one of these days,” someone said. – Although now it’s crazy to buy anything in Moscow.
- From what? – said Julie. – Do you really think that there is a danger for Moscow?
- Why are you going?
- I? That's strange. I’m going because... well, because everyone is going, and then I’m not Joan of Arc or an Amazon.
- Well, yes, yes, give me some more rags.
“If he manages to get things done, he can pay off all his debts,” the militiaman continued about Rostov.
- A good old man, but very pauvre sire [bad]. And why do they live here for so long? They had long wanted to go to the village. Does Natalie seem to be well now? – Julie asked Pierre, smiling slyly.
“They are expecting a younger son,” said Pierre. “He joined Obolensky’s Cossacks and went to Bila Tserkva. A regiment is being formed there. And now they transferred him to my regiment and are waiting for him every day. The Count has long wanted to go, but the Countess will never agree to leave Moscow until her son arrives.
“I saw them the other day at the Arkharovs’. Natalie looked prettier and cheerful again. She sang one romance. How easy it is for some people!
- What's going on? – Pierre asked displeasedly. Julie smiled.
“You know, Count, that knights like you only exist in the novels of Madame Suza.”
- Which knight? From what? – Pierre asked, blushing.
- Well, come on, dear Count, c "est la fable de tout Moscou. Je vous admire, ma parole d" honneur. [all of Moscow knows this. Really, I'm surprised at you.]
- Fine! Fine! - said the militiaman.
- OK then. You can't tell me how boring it is!
“Qu"est ce qui est la fable de tout Moscou? [What does all of Moscow know?] - Pierre said angrily, getting up.
- Come on, Count. You know!
“I don’t know anything,” said Pierre.
– I know that you were friends with Natalie, and that’s why... No, I’m always friendlier with Vera. Cette chere Vera! [This sweet Vera!]
“Non, madame,” Pierre continued in a dissatisfied tone. “I didn’t take on the role of Rostova’s knight at all, and I haven’t been with them for almost a month.” But I don't understand cruelty...
“Qui s"excuse - s"accuse, [Whoever apologizes, blames himself.] - Julie said, smiling and waving the lint, and so that she had the last word, she immediately changed the conversation. - What, I found out today: poor Marie Volkonskaya arrived in Moscow yesterday. Did you hear she lost her father?
- Really! Where is she? “I would very much like to see her,” said Pierre.
– I spent the evening with her yesterday. Today or tomorrow morning she is going to the Moscow region with her nephew.
- Well, how is she? - said Pierre.
- Nothing, I’m sad. But do you know who saved her? This is a whole novel. Nicholas Rostov. They surrounded her, wanted to kill her, wounded her people. He rushed in and saved her...
“Another novel,” said the militiaman. “This general elopement was decidedly done so that all the old brides would get married.” Catiche is one, Princess Bolkonskaya is another.
“You know that I really think that she is un petit peu amoureuse du jeune homme.” [a little bit in love with a young man.]
- Fine! Fine! Fine!
– But how can you say this in Russian?..

When Pierre returned home, he was given two Rastopchin posters that had been brought that day.
The first said that the rumor that Count Rostopchin was prohibited from leaving Moscow was unfair and that, on the contrary, Count Rostopchin was glad that ladies and merchant wives were leaving Moscow. “Less fear, less news,” the poster said, “but I answer with my life that there will be no villain in Moscow.” These words clearly showed Pierre for the first time that the French would be in Moscow. The second poster said that our main apartment was in Vyazma, that Count Wittschstein defeated the French, but that since many residents want to arm themselves, there are weapons prepared for them in the arsenal: sabers, pistols, guns, which residents can get at a cheap price. The tone of the posters was no longer as playful as in Chigirin’s previous conversations. Pierre thought about these posters. Obviously, that terrible thundercloud, which he called upon with all the strength of his soul and which at the same time aroused involuntary horror in him - obviously this cloud was approaching.
"Enroll in military service and go to the army or wait? – Pierre asked himself this question for the hundredth time. He took a deck of cards lying on his table and began to play solitaire.
“If this solitaire comes out,” he said to himself, mixing the deck, holding it in his hand and looking up, “if it comes out, it means... what does it mean?” He didn’t have time to decide what it meant when a voice was heard behind the office door the eldest princess asking if she could come in.
“Then it will mean that I have to go to the army,” Pierre finished to himself. “Come in, come in,” he added, turning to the prince.
(One eldest princess, with a long waist and a petrified face, continued to live in Pierre's house; the two younger ones got married.)
“Forgive me, mon cousin, for coming to you,” she said in a reproachfully excited voice. - After all, we finally need to decide on something! What will it be? Everyone has left Moscow, and the people are rioting. Why are we staying?
“On the contrary, everything seems to be fine, ma cousine,” said Pierre with that habit of playfulness that Pierre, who always embarrassedly endured his role as a benefactor in front of the princess, acquired for himself in relation to her.
- Yes, it’s good... good well-being! Today Varvara Ivanovna told me how different our troops are. You can certainly attribute it to honor. And the people have completely rebelled, they stop listening; My girl started being rude too. Soon they will start beating us too. You can't walk on the streets. And most importantly, the French will be here tomorrow, what can we expect! “I ask one thing, mon cousin,” said the princess, “order me to be taken to St. Petersburg: whatever I am, I cannot live under Bonaparte’s rule.”
- Come on, ma cousine, where do you get your information from? Against…
- I will not submit to your Napoleon. Others want it... If you don't want to do it...
- Yes, I will do it, I’ll order it now.
The princess was apparently annoyed that there was no one to be angry with. She sat down on a chair, whispering something.

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Evgeny Sandov, a legendary figure among athletes. He changed the view on the strength indicators and capabilities of a simple, once physically undeveloped person. It was he who introduced the progressive resistance technique. Evgeny Sandov can be called one of the founders of bodybuilding. All about him and his achievements can be found below. .

Evgeny Sandov - a great vulgar athlete

Evgeny Sandov, strength and will (1867-1925)

Evgeny Sandow, aka Friedrich Wilhelm Müller, was born into a family where his mother was of Russian origin and his father was German. Evgeniy grew up as a weak child and was constantly sick, but everything changed when he became a student.

IN student years he became interested in anatomy and physical education, to which he devoted all his free time. This kind of hobbies began to improve his physical appearance, and also helped him get rid of constant ailments that had tormented him since childhood; he knew how to make up.

Eugene's coach was the strongman Professor Attila (Louis Durlacher), who was famous for his talented students, but it was Sandow who became the most eminent and famous throughout the world. Professor Attila used his very effective technique- a progressive increase in weights, which revolutionized athletes and gave great results.

In 1885, Friedrich Muller left Germany and moved to England, where he began performing in the circus. Exactly new job forced him to change his name given at birth to the pseudonym Evgeniy Sandov. During his athletic training, Evgeniy acquired wrestling skills, which he also used during performances in the circus.

Anthropometric data

Evgeniy Sandov - winner of lions

Despite his short height of 170 cm and weight of 80 kg, Sandov easily defeated athletes much larger than himself. His anthropometric data were: calves - 40 cm, biceps - 43 cm, thigh - 63 cm, these indicators can be called ideal even for modern athletes.

In England, Sandow opens physical education universities, salons and various kinds of studios, in which he promotes all his new methods and trains those interested. Eugene can also be called the man who became the father of the beauty contest among athletes; he was the first to hold it with the help of the royal family.

During this period, he completely ends his wrestling career, and is only engaged in promoting his methods to the masses, through demonstrating his strength achievements.

Fame and business

The weight of the bar was 122 kilograms

Thanks to the fact that he showed off his beautiful body and various kinds of power tricks, Evgeniy Sandov very quickly gained popularity. With his program, he begins to travel around Europe and a sensation awaits him everywhere; in 1894 he visits America, as the most strong man in the world.

It was in the United States that he realized that by advertising his method he could earn good money and become a symbol for many of his contemporaries. Sandow proved himself to be a talented businessman, thanks to which sales improved sports equipment and special literature about bodybuilding.