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This concept refers to some exercises from the world of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Basic exercises include those exercises that have a targeted effect on large groups muscles and are the most effective for the development of strength indicators and muscle mass.

As in any sport, bodybuilding training has certain features. Each athlete sets certain goals before training, and, depending on them, creates his own program. And to make the exercises even more effective, many athletes actively use those that are considered basic in their training. There are four basic principles that allow us to call the exercise basic:

  1. With the exception of push-ups and pull-ups, all basic exercises are performed with a barbell
  2. Impact falls on large muscle groups
  3. When performing the exercise, at least two joints are set in motion
  4. The starting position in the exercise is the most convenient for developing greater effort from an anatomical point of view

The benefits of basic exercises

The main effect is the development of strength and muscle mass. If you set these goals for yourself, then basic exercises should be the basis of your training. During their execution, the muscles receive maximum load, in addition, most muscle fibers are actively involved in the work. One more positive effect has a powerful effect on the nervous system.

All body systems receive maximum training impact during execution basic exercises. Thanks to this, a maximum response is caused on their part, which leads to greatest growth indicators of strength and muscle mass.

There are also isolated exercises, which are in addition to the basic ones. They are used when they want to more fully work out a particular muscle group.

Basic exercises in bodybuilding and strength sports

Today there are nine basic exercises:

  1. Standing or seated barbell press
  2. Bench press on a flat or incline bench
  3. Bench press narrow grip
  4. Dips (possibly using weights)
  5. Deadlift
  6. Overhead rows or pull-ups on the bar with any grip
  7. Bent-over barbell row
  8. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders
  9. Front Squats

These exercises are considered the basis for developing strength and mass.

In weightlifting, exercises such as the snatch and clean and jerk are actively used. As for bodybuilding, there are several non-basic exercises that also have effective impact on hand strength. The most famous of these exercises are French press and standing barbell curls.

Effective workouts at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit Gym and train with a heavy barbell or use special racks for squats and presses. But they shouldn’t be upset; with the right approach to home training, you can achieve equally impressive results. Performance correct exercises with heavy dumbbells, the effectiveness is almost as good as basic exercises with a barbell. Exercises such as dumbbell presses in a lying or seated position can develop strength and mass well.

In addition, to perform some basic exercises you don’t need or need to come to the gym. You can do push-ups from the floor without leaving your room; pull-up bars and push-up bars are available in almost every room. sports ground. In terms of their effectiveness, these exercises are in no way inferior to exercises with a barbell; they are also basic.

The most important thing in home training– drawing up the right training program. It is necessary to select the most best exercises, which allow maximum load on the muscles. The training itself must be carried out carefully and wisely, then you will achieve impressive results. There are many athletes who have been able to develop amazing strength and gain significant muscle mass by training at home.

Is it possible to do only three exercises?

Some athletes claim that there are only three effective basic exercises - squats with a barbell on the shoulders, deadlift and bench press. They say with complete confidence that you need to do only these three exercises and that’s it, you don’t need to do any others. Most of those who think this way are involved in powerlifting (powerlifting).

This is a completely wrong view of strength sports, it is too “limited”.

The reason why many powerlifters hold this opinion is understandable, because these are the three exercises that are competitive. The goal of each of them is to lift maximum weight, which is why misconceptions arise in this regard.

By the way, during the preparatory period these same athletes use a fairly wide range of various exercises. But some time before the competition itself, they discard everything “unnecessary” and focus entirely on basic training.

The effect of training only competitive exercises will only be if we are talking about professional athlete with a harmoniously developed body. As for amateur athletes, this technique is unlikely to suit them.

If you are not involved in powerlifting, but in bodybuilding or other strength sports, then limit yourself basic program Of the three exercises it’s definitely not worth it.

The human body consists of countless muscles, joints and ligaments that provide it with excellent mobility. This motor system needs to be developed, and this must be done in a variety of ways so that each link is distinguished by its strength. Take any sport represented on olympic games– only the use of a large arsenal of exercises allows athletes to achieve high results in them. An athlete’s preparation should consist of both basic and auxiliary exercises.

The best way to develop strength and muscle mass is to perform basic bodybuilding exercises. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just three of them, use the entire arsenal, this is the only way you can effectively develop your body. Naturally, we are not talking about one training session, but about training program, which includes various activities. If necessary, supplement the program additional exercises. As already stated, proper training consists of performing basic exercises, with the help of which the body’s abilities are comprehensively developed, and auxiliary exercises that need to be used to work on individual muscle groups. These could be exercises that help further work out the abs, lumbar region and any other lagging muscles.

It is necessary to distribute all the exercises into separate workouts, in each of them you need to solve some specific problems.

Muscle structure and basic exercises in bodybuilding

It is necessary to very clearly know the area of ​​influence of basic exercises, which muscle groups are involved when performing them. You need to know the structure of a particular muscle group in order not to just say to yourself and others: “Yes, such and such an exercise affects such and such a muscle.” You need to have a good understanding of muscle anatomy and a clear understanding of their location on your body, then the effectiveness of your training will increase many times over. So, it’s time to move on to describing the structure of the muscles and those exercises that have the most impact on them:

1) Shoulders (shoulder girdle). Its basis is deltoids, which consist of an anterior, posterior and lateral beam. TO shoulder girdle can also be attributed to the trapezius muscle, or rather only top part trapezoids. The main exercises for the shoulders are: bench press from behind the head in a sitting position (impact on the front and side beams), bench press from the chest while sitting (front beams), raises with dumbbells while standing (the main load falls on the side beams, the secondary load on the front and rear), pulling the barbell to the chin with a narrow grip (top of the trapezius), raising the shoulders with arms down, holding the barbell or dumbbells (top of the trapezius).

2) Rib cage . It is based on the pectoral muscles and the serratus muscle. Most effective exercises are: wide-grip barbell press in a lying position on a horizontal bench (increasing total mass pectoral muscles), exactly the same bench press, but on an incline top side bench (redistribution of the load on the upper part of the pectoral muscles), push-ups on the uneven bars (outer and lower parts of the pectoral muscles).

3) Back. Comprises latissimus muscles(wings), extensor muscles of the spine and lower part trapezius muscle. Basic exercises: rear pull-ups with a wide grip (extension of the top of the wings), bent-over barbell rows with a narrow and medium grip ( outer part latissimus muscles), one-arm dumbbell row in an incline position (working out the lats), block rows in a seated position with a close grip to the stomach (lower lats and general development of the spinal muscles) and deadlifts (spinal extensor muscles).

4)Hands. Their structure is known to every athlete; they consist of the forearm, biceps and triceps. The main exercises: close-grip barbell press on a horizontal bench (triceps), dips (triceps), French press (triceps), seated dumbbell curls (biceps) and standing curls with a barbell or dumbbells (biceps).

5) Legs. Much more complex in structure than hands. They consist of the quadriceps femoris (quadriceps), biceps femoris (biceps), calves and calf muscles. Basic exercises: barbell squats ( quadriceps), deadlifts (developing thigh muscles) and calf raises (calf raises).

6) Press. The press itself is the rectus abdominis muscle, which can be divided into two sections: upper and lower. In addition, the abs are made up of oblique muscles. Main exercises: bending the torso while lying on your back (upper abs), bending the torso on a Roman chair (upper abdomen), leg raises ( lower section), tucks on a horizontal bench (all rectus muscles) and crunches when bending the torso or lifting legs (obliques).

Basic exercises in bodybuilding: Newbie mistakes

Many of those who are just starting their journey in bodybuilding make the same mistake, namely, they almost completely ignore basic exercises and focus all their attention on isolated exercises. Moreover, almost all of them have only some general and rather vague idea of ​​what isolated exercises are. Such athletes come to training and spend all their time moving from one auxiliary exercise to another. Naturally, they think that I’m doing everything right and expect results. But the only result in this case can only be the complete destruction of one’s own muscles.

And some beginners, having seen a professional’s training methodology in some specialized magazine, immediately begin to practice it. But we must understand that he is on entry level development, and the described training plan belongs to professionals, and only a few will be able to withstand it. Most beginner athletes understand this only over time and begin to look for other ways. Sooner or later, they all come to the realization that basic exercises are the basis of any training.


Due to the fact that when performing basic exercises in bodybuilding or other strength sports, several joints are involved in the work at once, as a result, more testosterone is produced.

The term testosterone does not mean various stimulants, but what our body naturally produces. Testosterone– a male hormone, almost all athletes consider it the main muscle builder. In other words, the more hormone our body produces, the better good muscle mass is built. In addition, the amount of fat in the body is significantly reduced.

Research has revealed a number of important factors that need to be taken into account during training in order to achieve the production of more testosterone. First of all, it is produced while working with weights. Its amount depends on the intensity of training and the volume of muscle mass that was stimulated. That is, the rise itself heavy weight won't give anything. For active testosterone production, workouts must be varied; muscles must be influenced by different methods, and not just by lifting heavy “iron”. As already mentioned, the main factor is gaining muscle mass; let’s dwell on this point in more detail.

There is a very simple relationship: if during training, muscle mass is stimulated to a considerable extent, then testosterone will be produced in increased quantities. It is for this reason that basic exercises naturally stimulate an increase in hormone levels, since they affect several joints at once. A special study was conducted in which participants performed bench press and squats with a barbell. Testosterone levels increased in both conditions, but higher levels of production were recorded with squats, since this exercise stimulates several muscle groups.

A very successful example can be given - weightlifters competing at the Olympics. They produce simply gigantic amounts of the hormone. Therefore, beginners should spend more time on deadlifts, squats and other basic exercises, rather than spending almost the entire workout on isolated biceps or leg muscles.

The most active production of testosterone occurs in the first 45 minutes of weight training, after which its level decreases sharply. So athletes who spend hours doing one exercise after another should think about the productivity of this method.

Another important factor is intensity, that is, the number of repetitions in 60 seconds. One of the studies involved two groups. The first performed exercises to increase muscle volume according to the following scheme: 10 repetitions were performed per minute, the break between approaches was also exactly one minute. Participants in the second group developed strength by performing 5 repetitions per minute and taking a three-minute break between sets. According to the study results, higher testosterone levels were recorded in participants in the first group. However, participants in the second group also experienced a significant increase in the level of hormone produced.

So, one main conclusion can be summed up: if the basis of your training is compound exercises, then you do not have to worry about the fact that your body will secrete too little testosterone. Everything will happen exactly the opposite.

When working out in the gym, pay attention only to yourself. You don’t have to think about the fact that someone training next to you is looking at you and evaluating how you train. Most optimal duration workouts are considered 40-50 including warm-up; you should not spend more than this time in the gym. Between approaches you need to rest 1-2 minutes, more long breaks may be harmful to the body. You need to exercise several times a week, it is best to train 3 times a week, but no more. And don’t forget: the growth of strength and mass does not occur during exercise, but during rest and sleep.

The number of approaches and repetitions in them depends on your goal. If you want toned muscles, then do 4-6 sets of 7-13 repetitions. Do not do more than this, this is too much stress for the muscles, as a result they can simply burn. The working weight should be such that during the last repetitions you apply maximum effort.

Exercises such as squats and deadlifts are best performed with a regular bar, without weight, in the beginning. This will help you get used to the correct technique. Any discomfort during the exercise can only mean one thing - you are doing something technically incorrect. Without doing basic exercises, your progress will be very slow and minimal.

Do you need muscle, or do you want to get lean and get rid of fat? If you come to the gym for muscle mass, then your diet should mainly consist of high-calorie foods. Some fat is burned on its own during exercise, but exercise alone is not enough to completely get rid of it.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to approach any experienced athlete in the gym and ask them. Most bodybuilders are open people who are happy to advise and explain to beginners all controversial issues.

A different opinion about basic bodybuilding exercises

As already mentioned, most athletes are well aware of the need to take basic exercises as the basis of their training. But there are also those who openly declare that the base is a matter of taste, an alternative for which, if desired, you can easily find a replacement. AND we're talking about not about amateur athletes, but about fairly experienced bodybuilders. Of course, such a point of view seems absurd, but not everything is so simple.

Many famous bodybuilders, in all their years of training, have never done basic exercises, and, nevertheless, achieved amazing muscles. They performed completely different exercises and with different equipment, for example, the barbell was replaced with heavy dumbbells, and instead of squats they trained on a machine. Thus, everyone decides for themselves how necessary these exercises are.

Total amplitude is the amplitude that is the maximum possible in this exercise without compromising technique or risk of injury. In squats, we do not fully straighten our knees; in presses, we do not fully extend our elbows, so as not to harm the joints, and this is correct. But often, when we are tired, we lift weights or perform swings only half the required height.

To get a full load, it is important for the muscles not only to fully contract, but also to fully stretch. “For the result, it is important that, while stretching, the muscle still remains under tension,” explains sports doctor Evgeniy Belyanushkin. “If you let it relax, the next movement will have to be done with a jerk, and this is bad for the muscles and joints.”

How to fix: reduce the load. Take lighter dumbbells and reduce the number of repetitions. Exercise on exercise machines: this makes it easier to control the amplitude and trajectory of movement. It's better to do less, but do it right.

2. You are doing exercises at too fast a pace.

Firstly, by quickly lowering the weight because you are tired or the load is too great, you are actually “throwing” it halfway, accordingly, reducing the effectiveness of the exercise by half. Secondly, the faster the movement, the more difficult it is to control the technique. For example, if you suddenly lower a barbell or bodybar during a deadlift, you risk damaging your elbow joints. And when doing abdominal crunches at a fast pace, you unconsciously begin to pull yourself by the head, sway, move by inertia and help yourself with your back. There will be little benefit from the exercise.

How to fix: perform the exercises consciously from the first to the last second. Lower the weight as slowly and smoothly as you lift it, or even a little slower.

3. You exercise too often

It is clear that if you skip training, you will not achieve results. “But also by studying day after day,” says Alexandra Fironova, personal trainer club “Fizkult Mitino”. — During training muscle is destroyed, but is built up and strengthened - just during rest. In addition, doing dozens of squats, lifting dumbbells, and doing press exercises every day can be psychologically difficult. So you’ll give up fitness altogether.”

How to fix: force yourself to rest. Ideally between strength training There should be 1-2 days of rest, perhaps with some light cardio or stretching exercises.

4. You only do exercises that you enjoy.

The founder of the concept of high-intensity training, Arthur Jones, said: “If you like the exercise, then you are doing it wrong.” That is, with too little weight or number of repetitions, insufficient amplitude. Good fitness- this is always overcoming, experts unanimously say. By repeating the same exercises, you can quickly reach a training plateau, when the exercises become ineffective.

How to fix: change the program. Add new exercises to it or do old ones differently: for example, change the position of your hands in push-ups or your feet in squats. Train the same muscles different ways: on machines, with free weights, with rubber shock absorbers. Spend less time on your favorite exercises, and more time on the elements that are still difficult for you.

5. You persistently pump some muscles, forgetting about others.

A common situation: a woman pumps up her abs intensely to get rid of her tummy, without paying attention to her back, or, in the fight against “breeches,” she pumps up the muscles of the outer thigh, forgetting about the inner one. It turns out muscle imbalance. Sometimes obvious, disfiguring the figure, sometimes not so obvious, but still disrupting biomechanics.

"Unevenly developed muscles can ruin your posture,” says Evgeniy Belyanushkin. - Some are tense and pull the spine, others are relaxed and do not resist. At strong press and a weak back (and vice versa) suffers from lumbar curve. With a strong chest and a weak back (a common situation in men), the shoulders will “fall” forward and the person will begin to slouch.”

How to fix: create a balanced program. If you are new to fitness, you will have to seek help from an instructor.

Hello! If you work on muscles in a certain order, they develop better. Your exercise routine in the gym must be clearly defined in order to achieve your goals.

Exercise routine in the gym

It is generally accepted that bodybuilding training should begin with basic (multi-joint) exercises and end with isolating (single-joint finishing exercises).

I talked about the difference between basic and isolation exercises. Read it, it's small.

This sequence can easily be explained by the fact that To grow muscle mass, you need to increase strength. You won't see a truly big bodybuilder lifting tiny weights in the gym all the time, because if the load does not increase, then there is no point in the muscles growing, because muscles are very energy-consuming things. It's simple here. As the load increases, the muscles grow.

In what cases can you start with isolation exercises?

Sometimes it will be advisable to start training with isolation exercises, thereby changing your order of exercises in the gym. The main thing is that you pursue a clear goal!

So, you can start your isolation training:

  1. When your working weights are heavy enough that there is an increased risk of injuring ligaments or joints (as these are the “weak links” involved in heavy movements), and you need to pre-fatigue the muscles with isolation exercises. This way you additionally load the muscles and do not give them the opportunity to lift as much as usual, and also remove excess load from the “weak links”.
  2. When your muscles are still sore from a previous workout and this prevents you from training properly. You can warm up a little with light weights, and also add 10-15 minutes of cardio on an exercise bike or treadmill.

But still, as a rule, training begins with basic exercises, as well as with LARGER MUSCLES.

Large muscle groups are:

  • legs;
  • back;
  • breast;

Muscle size

It's no secret that muscle groups differ in size. Here is a list of muscle groups in ascending order:

  1. Arms (smallest muscle group).
  2. Deltas (shoulders).
  3. Breast.
  4. Back.
  5. Legs (largest muscle group).

When performing basic exercises, not only the muscles to which the main load is directed are included in the work, but also other (auxiliary, stabilizing) muscles.

Eg, when performing a bench press, the triceps are actively involved in the work, as well as the anterior (pushing) delta. Therefore, if you train the triceps in your next workout, you will most likely overtrain it, because. This will be the second training session in a row.

Here are the muscles that come into play when training large muscle groups:

  • CHEST – front delta + triceps;
  • BACK – rear delta + biceps;
  • SHOULDERS – triceps;

It can also be noted that when training legs, for example when performing deadlift, the work may involve the back and core muscles (abs).

Antagonist muscles

Antagonist muscles- These are muscles that perform opposite functions.

For example, the biceps - bends your arm in elbow joint, and the triceps – extends. Training antagonists in pairs is very effective! The main thing is to do it right.

For example, if you first did a triceps set before working on the biceps, then when you curl your biceps, you will have to additionally overcome the resistance that the triceps provides as it tries to contract. Such a problem. Therefore, we do biceps curls first, and then triceps extensions.

I repeat that this is VERY EFFECTIVE, because... By doing an approach to the antagonist muscle after an approach to the trained muscle, you additionally stretch the muscle that you are training, thereby making it more rapid recovery, and also increase its blood supply.

Here are examples of antagonist muscles that can be effectively trained in conjunction:

  • biceps + triceps;
  • back + chest;
  • front delts + rear delts;
  • quadriceps femoris + biceps femoris;
  • back + front and middle deltoids (various presses);
  • chest + rear deltoids (swings, rows);

It is very important to know the order of exercises in the gym in which you will perform them. Do not forget about doing the exercises, as well as about the important things that we discussed in this article.

I hope the article was useful to you, friends.

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With respect and best wishes,!

One of the most common questions before training is what to train with what, which muscle groups to work together and how often to do it?

There are many ways to create a training plan. Pick up best option depending on your experience and goals. If one type of training does not provide the necessary load, try building a program in a different way that will take into account your individuality.

For gaining muscle mass

According to recommendations sports medicine strength training should be done at least twice a week. During this time, you will develop the main muscle groups: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs, anterior and posterior thigh muscles.

Remember that 48 hours of rest is necessary for any muscle recovery. Do not forget that to gain weight you need to pay attention to high-quality protein nutrition and appropriate caloric intake.

What to train with in the gym to gain weight? You should not load a large number of muscles at the same time, but the muscles involved should work to their maximum, if possible without affecting another large muscle group.

In this case, the body will specifically restore certain areas without wasting building material to bring the entire body back to normal.

Training opposing muscle groups is one of the most common types of strength training. At the same time, in one session they do exercises on antagonistic muscles, which ensure the movement of joints in opposite directions. Simply put, you work on the front and back of a specific area of ​​the body on the same day.

Since you will need rest for the stressed muscles, it is convenient to train on a different part of the body the next day.

Advantages of this method:

  • The target muscle group works to the maximum. You won't be able to achieve the same effect by training your whole body at once. By focusing on a different area each time, you will get results faster.
  • Research says you exercise more muscle fibers when in the same session you work out or at least stretch the antagonist muscles. This means that the chest press will be more effective after the mid-back stretch.
  • Training antagonistic muscles ensures that you work both sides of the body evenly, maintaining a balanced development of the figure.

The disadvantages of this type of training include the fact that you will only work each muscle group once a week. Approximate schedule for four workouts per week:

  • Monday: chest and back.
  • Tuesday: front and posterior muscles hips, abs.
  • Thursday: biceps, triceps and shoulders.
  • Saturday: chest and back.

Next Monday, do thigh and abdominal exercises and continue the rotation further.

Another option for targeted muscle loading is to divide large muscle groups by day. Thus, one day you train the chest and triceps, the next day - the back and biceps, the next workout - the legs and shoulders.

The shoulders can be worked together with the pectoral muscles. This method of training is also convenient for a busy training plan.

Keep in mind that to improve performance and unload nervous system The training strategy must be changed periodically. For example, do exercises for the biceps together with the pectoral muscles, and the back with the triceps. This will diversify your workouts, relieve psychological fatigue and give impetus to further gain muscle mass.

For weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight, training should take maximum energy and burn calories effectively.

What to train with what in one day for weight loss? Functional training is well suited, in which almost all muscle groups are worked out in one session.

In this case, it is necessary to do a large number of approaches (from 8) with maximum weights, but with a small number of repetitions in one approach. Each workout includes all 3 exercises from powerlifting, but on the day of working out the pectoral muscles, a lighter workout is performed on the back and legs.

Work the large muscle groups first: legs, chest and back. For example, deadlifts and bent-over rows work multiple muscle groups at once. Then move on to working small groups: triceps, biceps and shoulders. Do 2 exercises per group per workout to avoid overtraining.

As you develop strength and endurance, you can diversify and intensify your training (add exercises or increase weights).

Beginners often believe that if they work out their abs every day, it will quickly get rid of belly fat and create those coveted abs. In fact, the abdominal muscles work on the same principle as any other muscle group. Therefore, it makes sense to give them at least a day of rest between training days. Working out the abdominal muscles is often combined with exercises for the back or legs.

Strong, pumped muscles are the result of long and intense workouts in the gym. And in this matter it is important the right approach to planning a training schedule. It depends on several factors. One of the main ones is the correct combination of muscle groups. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Training Experience

The training schedule is based on training experience. For beginners, less intense and voluminous programs are suitable, but with greater frequency. Advanced athletes, accordingly, spend longer time in the gym in order to deeply work out (from different angles) the same muscles.

Therefore, the principle of combining muscle groups during training is the same here, the only difference is physical activity. The same factor also depends on the formulation of the problem. Does a person walk to simply keep himself in good shape, or does he need significant changes in his physique? Working with all muscle groups is mandatory. It just depends on the purpose of the training which one needs to work more and which one needs to work less.

Physical capabilities

Before deciding which muscle groups are best combined during training, it is worth adequately assessing physical abilities a person and his degree of endurance. Will he be able to go to the gym five times a week or less? It is important to remember that each subsequent workout is tied to the previous one. And to get good result, you need to exercise at least three times a week.

Physical weaknesses

When drawing up a program for combining muscle groups, it is necessary to take into account the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses. The training should begin with less pumped muscles, so that the main energy is spent on high-quality work with them. Next, you can move on to strengthening groups that are in good shape.

Endurance is trained gradually. Therefore, over time, it will be possible to make amendments to the training schedule: change the pattern of classes and days off, the sequence of work, add exercises, increase weights or the number of repetitions and approaches.

Rest and recovery

For the high-quality formation of the muscular skeleton, rest and recuperation are necessary. The obligatory components here are sleep and a break between workouts. It is during this period that muscle growth occurs with proper, nutritious nutrition.

Mental work can also be used as a release. If an athlete is mentally tired of training in the gym, then a profitable replacement can be made. Skip your next workout and instead go for a long distance run. Or perform it on the horizontal bar or uneven bars.

During any procedure, you must drink water. The amount depends on the duration and intensity of the workout. On average it is a liter and a half.

Types of combination

There are many program options that involve dividing pumping or, conversely, combining muscle groups. The second type is called splits.

As you gain training experience and become stronger and more resilient, you should increase the duration of classes, the number of exercises and time for recovery. This means that each group should be worked on at least once a week. Combination is necessary to increase the efficiency of classes and free up time for a break between them.


For newbies best choice There may be classes in full body mode. This is working out all (large and small) muscle groups in one visit to the gym. To do this, you need to do two or three approaches for each exercise. The main reason for such a small load is the adaptation of novice athletes to strength training. After all, the first thing that should be mastered is to teach the body to connect and use the necessary ones. And only after that can you strengthen them and work on their size. The second stage requires a high frequency with a recovery break of 48 hours.

Training for all muscle groups for men is more intense and consistent. The latter is determined by the feature of the figure. As a rule, men begin training in the gym by pumping up their brachialis, triceps, deltoids, etc.

Muscle training for women has a lighter load program. The work begins with training the calves, thighs, buttocks and above.

Beginners should not be overzealous in the first stages of training. This will reduce muscle pain after workouts. The Fullbody program is aimed at introducing beginner athletes to the equipment. And at the same time, it allows you to pump up each muscle group moderately, without overstraining any one in particular.

The pressing question for the stronger half (and not only) has always been and is the following: how to pump Experts say that these muscles are involved in all exercises. Therefore, you should not “burn out” them by overdoing exercise machines, barbells and dumbbells. It is more correct to stick to the chosen program for symmetrical weight gain.

Split top-bottom

The load during training under the fullbody program is considered low. Therefore, the next level is to divide the torso into two parts and pump the muscles of each of them in one session. Due to the availability of additional time, the number of exercises increases to two for each group.

The combinations during training occur in a certain sequence:

  • Top = pectoral muscles + back press + delta + brachialis, triceps.
  • Bottom = abs.

The repetition range is 6-8 and 10-12 times. The first type is intended for the development of strength indicators. Therefore, it is often chosen by women. The second range (10-12 repetitions) is designed for muscle growth. Men usually come to the gym with this task.

Leg press-pull

After mastering the “top-bottom” program, you can move on to the next level. The volume of work increases in the same progression. And now each muscle group is worked out three times a week. This program is otherwise called “ three day split" It involves combining muscle groups according to the method of influence. So in one workout in the gym you need to do:

  • Press for chest, deltoids and triceps.
  • Back row, biceps.
  • Separately, it is necessary to pump up the leg muscles.

A reasonable question arises: why is the load distributed according to this principle? It's all about the features of the basic exercises. When performing them, the athlete also pumps neighboring muscles. For example, training the pectoral muscles in the gym simultaneously involves the delta and triceps. That is why, starting with this part of the body, it would be more logical to finish. If these muscle groups are divided into three days, the necessary break for recovery will disappear and the effect of subsequent training will decrease.

Experienced athletes can perform this split twice in 8 days, leaving one day off between cycles. For beginners, the training scheme below is suitable. The number of repetitions here is inversely proportional to the weight of the deadlift.

Muscle groups

Group exercises


Chest, delta, triceps

6-8 or 10-12

Back, biceps

Chest, delta, triceps

Back, biceps

4 day split

At a serious level physical training and endurance, you can try a four-day split. This program involves combining fewer muscle groups per workout, but increasing the volume and intensity of the exercises. This split is designed for one week. Therefore, three days are allotted for recuperation. Make it more difficult training process maybe shortening the rest to one day and repeating the four-day split. An alternative option could be training according to the “two after two” scheme. The schedule is selected individually, depending on the athlete’s employment, his level of training and endurance.

As for combining muscle groups, then ideal option there will be training of big ones with small ones (traction + press): for example, chest with biceps or back with triceps. This program (or antagonist split) requires a minimum of one day off. Or you can, instead of resting, shake your legs. Below is approximate diagram workouts:

Muscle groups

Group exercises


Back, biceps

Chest, triceps

In the case of a sequence, it is more correct to work out a large muscle group first, and then you can move on to a small one. The fact is that the latter gets tired faster. By starting with it, you can waste most of your energy and not be able to lift heavy weights.

5 day split

The program, which is suitable for athletes with extensive experience behind them, is called the “five-day split.” There is no alignment here. On the contrary, there is a deep study of a separate muscle group. The volume of exercises and their intensity increases to the limit. The training lasts half an hour or more. And rest usually takes place on weekends. Within the same program, you can choose a different training scheme: 2-1-3-1. It involves working with two major muscle groups during two days. Then a day off is required. And after three days of classes there is another break.

You should not pump up the contributing muscles (or synergists) in sequence one after another. IN otherwise, you won’t be able to recover completely. The table below will help you divide the load correctly:

There is no mention in the table of abdominals and calves. They belong to small muscle groups, and therefore the recovery process is quick. You can work with them every other day. They should be given the final place in the sequence of exercises.