General physical training of children exercises. Work program of the general physical training section

Tatyana Moiseeva
Club program “I want to be healthy” General physical training

Explanatory note.

« I'm not afraid to repeat it again: care about health This is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.


Health is correct, normal body activity. The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health- this is a state of complete physical, spiritual, social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects. good health- one of the main sources of happiness, joy of a person, his invaluable wealth, which accumulates slowly and with difficulty, but which can be quickly and easily lost.

At each historical stage of human development, there were different values, but the only, truly eternal value remained health. Simple people and great scientists asked the same question "How to preserve and strengthen health This question is still relevant today. Doctors and teachers, psychologists and economists, artists and athletes are trying to find answers to it. Usage physical exercise for the prevention of diseases and the continuation of life go back centuries. Ancient peoples used gymnastics, swimming and dousing with water of different temperatures. The ancient philosophers Aristotle and Hippocrates preached gymnastics, sports, hardening with water and sun, walks, moderation in diet. Plutarch called gymnastics "Pantry of Life Movements",and Plato wrote: “Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine” It’s not for nothing that the eastern wisdom says, “Whoever has health- he has hope. He who has hope has everything.”

problem health should be considered in a broad social aspect, because 75% of adult diseases originate in childhood. We call childhood a time of great beginnings. It is during this period of a child’s life that the foundations are laid health, motor readiness, harmonious physical development. The conditions in which children live in the world are unique. kindergarten. The experiences of adults dealing with problems are so different physical education and conservation health. Where is the surest road leading to health?And how fitting is the saying of the ancients: “You can show a path, but what will be achieved along that path depends on who follows it.”

When entering a preschool institution, the number of children with weakened health. We are not able to influence this trend, but we try to take it into account when organizing the educational process and life activities of children in kindergarten. Our motto: “Every day a child in kindergarten should be filled for him with joyful exploration of the world of movements.” The child's condition health depends on many factors, but since the child is in kindergarten for a significant part of the time, the task of all kindergarten workers is to take care of him health.

Before starting targeted work on health improvement for preschoolers, it is necessary to identify the condition children's health, level physical fitness in order to further develop health program, effective for every child. The wellness program should be understandable not only to teaching staff, but most importantly to parents and fully meet their aspirations. Implementation programsdepends on all its participants: kindergarten workers, parents and children. Performance criterion health program – morbidity and level of physical fitness.

As a basis for work on health improvement for preschoolers I took a comprehensive program"Green Light" health» M. Yu. Kartushina. Based on this program, I compiled a modified program

« I want to be healthy»

Focus programs« I want to be healthy» :

health and development.

The novelty of this physical education programs consists in complex problem solving health improvement: physical development children are organized with the simultaneous development of their intellectual and creative abilities, emotional sphere, and mental processes.

Program provides for the construction of the educational process based on the integration of educational areas (physical development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development) as one of the most important principles for organizing work with preschoolers in accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool education. In addition to traditional diagnostics, the tools for monitoring the physical development of children include testing of psychomotor development and examination of the level of mastery of the position of the subject of motor activity.

Relevance of development programs driven by the search for more effective ways pedagogical influences in the physical and mental education of children before school age while creating health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

From point of view modern development preschool education program developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The problem of cultivating the personal interest of each person in healthy lifestyle in last years is especially relevant due to the negative tendency towards deterioration of the condition health of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia and especially children of preschool and school age. Its solution requires an active, meaningful attitude towards one’s health and strengthening it from childhood. Modern system health methods are known all over the world as one of the most effective and popular technologies in physical education and sports. The uniqueness lies in the fact that, based on a huge arsenal of movements, it involves all the muscles and joints of the body and effectively develops them. Application in physical education and recreational work of preschool educational institutions, methods of healing guarantees children proper development functional systems of the body, beautiful posture, easy gait, is an excellent prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, instills in children communication skills, forms moral and volitional qualities, the habit of healthy image life.

Pedagogical expediency.

Methods, techniques and technologies used in the implementation process Programs, selected from among those adapted to the physiological and psychological characteristics of preschool children.

Educational activities are supposed to be carried out through play, which is the main form of work with preschool children and the leading type of activity, based on non-violent physical education. The role of the teacher is to create a game situation and organize a game subject-spatial environment. Pedagogical technology is based on the principle of student activity, characterized by a high level of motivation, the presence of creative and emotional components. Pedagogically significant result of mastering programs is to promote comprehensive, harmonious development children of senior preschool age.

Construction principles programs:

The principle of systematicity and consistency presupposes the interconnection of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of connecting theory with practice forms in children the ability to apply their knowledge to preserve and strengthen health in everyday life.

The principle of repetition of skills is one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

The principle of individual-personal orientation of education assumes that the main goal of education is the child, and not the world. The teacher, based on the child’s individual characteristics, plans his development, outlines ways to improve skills and abilities, and build a motor regime.

The principle of accessibility allows us to eliminate harmful consequences for children’s bodies as a result of excessive demands and physical activity.

The principle of success is that at the first stage of formation health the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

The principle of active learning obliges us to build the learning process using active forms and methods of teaching that promote the development of independence, initiative and creativity in children (game technologies, work in pairs, subgroups, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

The principle of communication helps to instill in children the need for communication, during which social motivation is formed health.

The principle of interaction between kindergarten and family, continuity during the transition to school is aimed at creating conditions for more successful implementation of the child’s abilities and ensuring the possibility of maintaining health during further education at school.

The principle of effectiveness involves obtaining a positive result health work regardless of the age and level of physical development of children.

Goals and objectives programs« I want to be healthy» :

Target: increasing children’s physical fitness, level health while simultaneously developing their mental abilities.


Strengthen the functional systems of the body.

Contribute to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, psychophysical disorders.

To create optimal conditions for each child in the process of mastering motor experience.

Develop psycho physical qualities, musical, intellectual, sensory abilities.

Cultivate the habit of healthy and an active lifestyle.

Broaden horizons and shape children’s cognitive interests.

Peculiarities programs:

Considered under health aspect.

Accent health work is done to develop the child’s motor activity.

Classes are structured taking into account age criteria.

Use of small forms of folklore.

It is carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.

Distinctive features programs:

IN programa combination of techniques was used:

Techniques, aimed at developing the respiratory organs:

Methodology breathing exercises B. S. Tolkacheva.

This method of physical rehabilitation of children suffering from respiratory diseases is characterized by a combination of simple physical exercises with audible exhalation.

Methodology of paradoxical breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova.

The essence of the technique is an active short breath, which trains all muscles respiratory system. Exhalation occurs spontaneously.

Techniques, aimed at vision correction:

V. F. Bazarny’s method of vision correction is that visual-motor projection patterns are used to activate visual coordination.

Method of improving vision by W. Bates and M Corbett

Techniques are used to relieve eye strain.

Methods aimed at preventing acute respiratory infections to increase the body's resistance:

Massage of biologically active zones (according to A. A. Umanskaya)

Massage of active vital points increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. During the massage, the body begins to produce its own medicines (interferon).

Finger massage.

Oriental medicine, massage thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, the index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, the middle finger on the intestines, the ring finger on the liver and kidneys, the little finger on the heart.

Self-massage using the Chinese Shiatsu method.

Acupressure is combined with stroking and rubbing movements. It improves tissue nutrition, thermoregulation, promotes muscle relaxation and relieves nervous and emotional tension.

Techniques, aimed at developing the speech apparatus:

finger games, logorhythmics are aimed at correcting speech disorders, improving general motor skills, regulation muscle tone, activation of attention and memory.

Techniques, aimed at preventing the musculoskeletal system:

Elements of hatha yoga.

Hatha yoga - education system healthy body and healthy psyche. Some of the hatha yoga exercises are used, aimed at improving posture and developing flexibility.

Corrective gymnastics exercises for the prevention of postural disorders.

The general physical effect of exercises, with their correct dosage, contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s muscles, allowing him to maintain long-term correct posture due to sufficient muscle endurance.

Methods aimed at developing motor activity increasing children's performance:

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the varieties health-improving gymnastics , It strengthens the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular system, promotes the formation of correct posture.

"The Mozart Effect" Relaxation to the music of Mozart helps to relax and calm children and relieve emotional stress.

Program provides for the involvement of parents in the educational process through participation in open classes, questioning, and organizing a photo report.

Working with parents:

Introduce parents to outdoor games used in club work

Consultation "What is a musculoskeletal disorder"

Oral journal with the participation of an orthopedist and a pediatrician at a children's clinic.


Introducing parents to self-massage techniques.

Introduce parents to a set of exercises to prevent scoliosis and flat feet.


children's health"

Consultation on the topic “How to breathe correctly and maintain posture”

Consultation “We teach the child to take care of his health»



Introduce parents to the diagnostic results

Contest “Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment”.

Children's age:program designed for children of senior preschool age

Number of children – 10-12 children

Age 5-6 years

The group is recruited at the beginning school year on a free basis from among children of basic and preparatory physical education groups in the absence of the following medical contraindications : chronic and acute diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs; heart defects; significant myopia with changes in the fundus; increased intracranial pressure.

Implementation deadlines: program designed for one year of study, 72 hours.

Forms of classes:


Circuit training

Activities - travel



Lesson mode:

2 times per week

Time: 25-30 minutes

Principles of interaction with children:

the child himself is a great guy, everything works out for him, the difficulties that arise are surmountable;

constant encouragement of all the efforts of the child, his desire to learn something new and learn new things;

exclusion of negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions;

comparison of all the child’s results only with his own, and not with the results of other children;

Each child must progress at his own pace and with continued success.

Terms of sale programs.

Classes are organized in the form circle work and complement the content of basic general education programs in physical education at a preschool educational institution.

Each lesson begins with a warm-up, then the main strength part of the workout takes place in a playful way, exercises are performed to maintain posture, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop coordination, and relaxation exercises. For creative development, special tasks are given to invent games and exercises.

Some of the material can be organically included in the main course on physical education, since it does not contradict its content and software requirements.

Children must have sportswear and a room that meets sanitary and hygienic standards.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness:

Expected results are correlated with objectives and content programs:

Strengthening posture, improvement of physical qualities: coordination, strength, general endurance, agility, flexibility, speed, combination of speed and strength, balance.

Improving the technique of performing various types of basic movements, optimally for age standards.

Development of creative abilities in the motor sphere.

Improvement of mental abilities: attention, reaction speed, memory, imagination.

Development of the emotional sphere, moral and volitional traits, communication abilities.

Development indicators programs:

The methodology of express analysis and assessment of children's activities is used (O. A. Safonova)

1 block:

Shuttle run

Standing long jump

Throwing sandbags into the distance with the right and left hands

Flexibility (sitting forward bend)

Force (medicine ball throw)

2 block:

The ability to unite with other children in their actions;

Interest in physical activity;

Knowledge of outdoor games;

Ability to organize and self-organize in outdoor play;

Testing method for poor posture

a) To monitor the effectiveness of classes, static tests were used muscular endurance, proposed by I. D. Loveiko

neck muscle test:

1 - raise your head and neck, look at your toes and fix the position.

abdominal muscle test:

I.P. - lying on your back, arms down

1 - raise your legs to an angle of 45 and fix the position.

back muscle test:

I.P. - lying on your stomach, arms up

1 - bending over and fix the position

b) To determine the mobility of the spine, we used a technique developed by researchers at the Research Institute of Pediatric Orthopedics named after. G. I. Turner (Saint Petersburg) O. S. Bailova and K. F. Zenkevich:

I.P. - standing on a bench, feet parallel.

1 - lean forward without bending your knees (measured using a ruler in centimeters - 0 from the bench)

Testing method for identifying flat feet:

Examination by an orthopedist

foot print

Forms for summing up the implementation of additional educational programs programs:

Design of a photo exhibition of work mug

Instructional and methodological lesson on the prevention of postural disorders and foot deformities.

Demonstration of a video about the work carried out in mug.

Master class "Exercises to strengthen children's health"

Days open doors with viewing the work mug

Questionnaire on the topic “Your opinion about work mug« I want to be healthy»

Educational and thematic plan for additional educational programs:

Month Theme

September Take care of yours health

October Learning to breathe correctly

November Correct posture

December Ball School

January Charging for the tail

February In the land of Charomania

March Magic Ring

April I health take care of myself, I'll help

May To be strong be clever, we all need training

To fulfill the assigned health and educational objectives of the programthe following structures are provided:

General physical training (OPP).

Drill exercises.

0general developmental exercises (ORU).

Breathing exercises.

Corrective gymnastics.

Exercises to develop general endurance, strength, speed, and agility.

Special physical training (SFP).

Movement coordination exercises.

Flexibility exercises

Various types of running

Rhythmic gymnastics

Relaxation exercises

Dance moves, different kinds outdoor games

Entertaining warm-ups

Various types of massage

Finger gymnastics

Methodological support for additional

educational programs:

Section title (subject, discipline, educational field) training course Materials, equipment Educational and visual aids

Educational area - physical development

Sport equipment: benches, hoops, balls large and small, jump ropes, sandbags, medicine balls flags, plumes.

Tape recorder, projector, disks;


the federal law “On education in the Russian Federation”

Law of the Chuvash Republic No. 50 “On education in the Chuvash Republic”;

Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155;

Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified Russian Federation 09/15/1990 ;

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

o SanPiN;

E. Ya Stepanenkova “Theory and methodology of physical education and child development” Moscow, Publishing Center "Academy" 2007;

M. Yu. Kartushina "Green Light" health» Health program for preschool children, Sfera, Moscow 2007;

Play on health! Programand technology of physical education of children 5-7 years old Author: Voloshina L.N. Publishing house: M. :ARCTI Year: 2004

N. I. Nikolaeva "Ball School", St. Petersburg, Childhood - Press, 2008;

23. Morgunova O. N. “Prevention of flat feet and posture disorders in preschool educational institutions” From work experience. - Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2005.

O. V. Kozyreva « Physiotherapy for preschoolers", Moscow, Education, 2005;

T. O. Kruseva "Handbook for physical education instructors at preschool educational institutions", Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2005;

GPP – general physical fitness. It represents physical development, not only of muscles, but also of endurance, agility, and flexibility. General physical fitness ensures excellent mobility of all joints. Physical fitness for anyone, regardless of age. You can get acquainted with general physical training by visiting the general physical training sections, where anyone can sign up.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the general physical training section, general physical training with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free physical education sections, general physical training clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Finding a suitable place for free classes general physical training in Moscow can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

"Olympic" is a legendary sports facility, one of the main attractions of Moscow. The history of the sports complex goes back four decades. It was built to Olympic Games 1980 and for a long time was the largest indoor sports facility in Europe.

At the end of 2017, the facility was acquired by a group of companies " Kyiv Square» Goda Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev. The holding is currently reconstructing the complex, which is scheduled for completion in 2023.

The new Olimpiyskiy will be equipped with a multifunctional arena intended for concerts, sports and circus events, space for exhibitions and conferences, a multiplex cinema, a children's entertainment center, electronic library, a medical diagnostic center; the project also includes a planetarium. Moving panoramic restaurants will operate on its roof.

After reconstruction, Olimpiyskiy will retain its sports function. Swimming and diving pools will reopen in the renovated Olimpiyskiy, indoor skating rink, gymnasiums, and there will also be a water park, a diving center, tennis courts, spa and fitness areas, etc. In addition, parking will be expanded, which will make visiting the Olympic Stadium more comfortable.

Many people dream that their physical development will be comprehensive and harmonious. Practice shows that you need to think about this as early as possible - from childhood. And general physical training (GPP) can help with this - a set of measures aimed at improving basic physical qualities. This will be useful both for general development and for preparing for classes in a particular sport.

Experienced trainers who are proficient in a variety of physical training techniques will help develop agility, endurance, strength and other important qualities in the children of our city. An important role is played by the harmonious, correct development of the main muscle groups - abdominals, lumbar region, biceps, triceps, etc. the main task- Unleash a person’s full potential. And this can be achieved through hard training, the right techniques, great desire and good sensitivity to stress.

As is known, almost every historical stage imposed its requirements on a certain physical standard of man, and both geographical and national conditions played a role. What was “classic”, for example, in Ancient Rome, differed from the “standards” of Egypt, Sparta also had its own characteristics... However, times change, but the opinion that physical development is one of the most important indicators of overall human development remains unchanged.

We do physical exercise at home. What should parents of a preschooler remember?

Physical activity - required condition for any person. Of course, not everyone can boast of the same endurance, or, in scientific terms, stress tolerance, but this is not the most important thing. It is important that exercise is enjoyable and brings tangible benefits. And for this you need to follow several rules. In particular, the duration of one lesson depends on the age of the child: for example, for children 3-4 years old the optimal time will be 15-20 minutes, and for children 5-7 years old you can allocate half an hour. It is important that the quantity various exercises there were at least 6. And each one must be repeated from 2 to 6 times. Of course, even the shortest activity requires breaks. The exercises themselves are best presented in a playful way; you can name them in an original way so that the child remembers the unusual word. Of course, during classes, various muscle groups and physical qualities of children should develop, and the individual characteristics of the child should be taken into account.

How are physical physical training classes conducted in kindergarten?

You should not assume that any activity of kindergarteners depends only on them: whoever wants to, runs, jumps, plays hide and seek or swings on a swing. This only applies to free time and walks. There are certain rules for conducting classes physical culture and in kindergarten - both indoors and outdoors. Here, boys and girls are taught to form and change formations (for example, from one line to several, change places, etc.), running and walking are practiced, and basic types of movements are also taught. In addition to walking and running, these are jumping, climbing, throwing, crawling, throwing. From lesson to lesson, their duration increases, as does the dosage of exercises, which allows them to develop the children’s endurance.

About the rules of hardening

Physical education and hardening almost always went hand in hand. Their relationship has been and is emphasized not only by amateurs, but also by scientists, professional trainers and teachers. You can harden not only with water, but also with air and even the sun! What are the three main rules of this useful procedure? First: it’s never too late to start, but it’s better not to delay, although you can always catch up. Second: unsystematic hardening is practically useless. If you carry out such procedures “on major holidays” - for example, once a month, then no effect can be achieved. If hardening has begun, there is no need to look for a reason to skip it! And the third rule: the time of procedures should be increased step by step. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite: the child may get sick.

For children 8–11 years old

Physical training young football players- one of the most important factors

Further progress in teaching football techniques and tactics. Features of children 8–11

Years of age allow for targeted influence on the development of such qualities as speed,

Agility, flexibility, strength and coordination.

Before starting the learning process, it is necessary to identify the level of development of physical

Qualities of students. Assessment of passing the test is necessary for coaches to make adjustments

Plans for educational training work on general physical training.

To do this, you need to pass the simplest tests: running 15 meters, running 30 meters, jumping

Length from a standstill, and also evaluate dexterity.

Agility assessment exercises are performed on a 25 meter long platform. Start and

The finish line is on the same line. The entire 25-meter section is divided into 5-meter sections.

The segments are marked with chips. The first 5 meters - running facing forward, the second 5 meters -

Run with an extended step on your left side, then turn 90 degrees, run backwards,

Turn 90 degrees, run side step on the right side and finish facing forward.

Table of standards for students 8-11 years old:

8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years

Run 15 meters (sec) 3:50-3:30 3:30-3:15 3:15-3:00 3:00-2:85

Run 30 meters (sec) 5:80-5:60 5:60-5:40 5:45-5:30 5:30-5:15

Long jump (cm) 150-160 160-165 165-170 170-180

Agility (sec) 8:00-7:30 7:30-6:40 6:40-6:10 6:10-5:80

When the initial level of physical fitness of young football players is known, it is possible

To begin work that will allow us to raise these physical qualities to more

Football training session. For children 8-9 years old, it is recommended to spend 3-4

Football lessons per week, for children 10-11 years old - 4-5 lessons.

Sample list of exercises for classes

General physical training

Walking is normal at a moderate pace, on your toes, on your heels, raising your knees high,

Roll from heel to toe, left to right side from heel to toe (two legs together), on the outside and inside feet, cross step, lunges, back forward, etc.

Running is normal; along straight lines and arcs; snake (with high knees); wide,

Small steps with overlapping of the shin; cross step; jumping, slowing down and

Accelerating; with jumping over obstacles; jumping; with a change in direction;

Shuttle; raising straight legs forward; starts from various positions with your back

Forward; side step; various running combinations.

Bouncing on your toes; on one, on two legs; jumping from foot to foot; jumping off

Various heights with jumping up and jumping over obstacles; in length and

Standing height; with a jump rope, rotating it forward, backward, on two legs, alternately changing

Legs moving forward; up with the head touching the ball; through various objects

Heights; from foot to foot, jumping in place with turns to the right, left, 180 and 360

degrees; jump up on two legs and on one from two to three steps; sequentially

Through several obstacles of varying heights; running by jumping, jumping right, left

Sideways with moving forward, etc.

Remember that at this age ankle joint is still poorly developed and is developing in children

Formation of posture, so serious attention should be paid to exercises for

Strengthening the muscles of the back and foot.

Exercises to develop speed and agility

Running exercises

All exercises are performed in pairs to maintain a competitive spirit. IN

In running exercises, you can put the ball on the finish line, and the competition is on

Speed ​​and agility will take on a slightly more interesting character - the task of who is faster

Gets to the ball.

A. Starting position – facing forward. At the first signal from the coach, students

Execute fast run(“running frequency”) in place, at the second signal – a jerk forward by

10-15 meters to the finish line. Do 2-3 series 5-7 times, pause between series

– 3–5 minutes.

B. Starting position - turning left side, right side or back to the line

Start. At the coach’s signal, quickly turn around to face the starting line and make a dash

Forward 5–15 meters. The same thing only from a sitting position facing forward, with your back,

Left or right side; lying in support on your hands. Each exercise is performed 3–

C. Starting position – left or right side to the starting line. According to the first

The signal is the frequency of running in place, the second signal is to turn around and face forward

A dash 10–15 meters ahead to the finish line. Repeat 3-5 times.D. From the starting line there are 2 cones every 5 meters. On signal, students

Make a dash to the first cone, touch it with your hand, return to the line

Start by running backwards, touch the starting line with your hand and make a jerk with your face

Forward to the second cone. The exercise is performed 3–8 times. Pause to rest between

Repeats – 1 minute.

E. Starting position – children stand at a distance of 50-60 centimeters facing each other

Friend and sideways to the starting line. Starts after one of the partners touches

Until the second. The task of the second one is to catch up with the first one at a distance of 10-15 meters and show off

(“sully”) it. The exercise is performed 4–8 times. Pause to rest between

Repeats – 1 minute.

F. At a distance of 15 meters, three barriers with a height of 20 to 30 centimeters are set up.

Starting position - children stand at a distance of 50-60 centimeters facing each other

And sideways to the starting line. Start at the coach's signal. The task of the starters is to be first

At the finish line, jumping over these obstacles. Two reps. Pause between them – 1

G. One of the athletes stands on the starting line with his back to the direction of movement, the other -

Facing the first athlete one and a half meters from the start line. At the coach's signal

The person standing with his back quickly turns 180 degrees and tries to be the first to cross

The finish line, which is 10-15 meters from the start. The second partner's task is

Hit the first one to this line. 2-4 reps. The pause between them is 1 minute.

Team relays

A. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 3 meters (4 in total).

The starters, with the ball in their hands, run around each cone. Having run around the fourth,

They come back and pass the ball to the next participant. The team wins

The last participant of which will be the first to reach the finish line.

B. At a distance of 15 meters, there are cones every 5 meters (3 pieces in total). Between

Seven chips are placed in the first and second cones approximately 50 centimeters apart

Friend. On the next five-meter segment there are two barriers 20 centimeters high.

Starters run around 7 chips at speed, overcome barriers, run around the third cone,

They come back and pass the baton to the next participant.

C. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 4 meters (3 in total). By

At the signal, participants run to the first cone, then from the first to the second they jump on the left

Foot to foot, from second to third - on the right. Having reached the third cone, they run around it and

They return, passing the baton to the next partner.

Outdoor games

1. Game "Day and Night"

Two teams take part in the game - “Day” and “Night”. The middle line is drawn

Dividing platform. Each team has its own “home” (line, at a distance of 10–15

meters from the center line in either direction), in which the opponent has no right

To grease. Teams line up on the line of their “homes” and, at the coach’s signal, go

Toward each other (toward the center line), when there is a meter left to the center line

One and a half times the coach names a team (for example, “Day”). Then this team must quickly turn around and run to its “home”, and the players of the other team

(“Night”) must try to harass the opponent to the home line. The team wins

The players of which will defeat more opponent players.

2. Game “Simple tag”

Players on teams. One team (A) is outside the rectangle, and the other (B) is

Inside. At the signal, one of the players of team “A” (the driver) tries in 20 seconds

Kill as many players from team B as possible, who only run inside

Rectangle. The upset players go outside the rectangle. After the shift

The driver everyone returns to the playground, and the game continues until everyone

Team A will not play. Then the teams change roles. The team that wins

In the allotted time, she defeated more opponent players.

3. Game “Fishermen and Fishes”

The game takes place on a square platform, the size of which depends on the number of

Players in teams (if teams have 10 people, the size of the court is approximately 20x20

Meters). Players are divided into two teams - “Fishermen” and “Fish”. The fishermen join hands and

The fish move freely around the site. According to a signal, fishermen for a certain time

(1-2 minutes) try to catch the fish by surrounding them with a chain and closing it. At the end

At a certain time, the catch is counted. Then the teams change roles.

3. Game “Find your captain”

All players are divided into several groups and form circles. Inside everyone

The circle is the player with the ball, the so-called captain of the group. On signal, that's it

The players scatter around the site. At the second signal they stop, crouch and

They close their eyes. At this time, the “captains” change places. At the next signal everything

They run to their “captains” and form an initial circle. Groups gathered

They win against their “captains” first. Three or four repetitions, a pause between them 1

4. Game “Find your ball”

Two circles nested inside each other are drawn on the ground - a small one (4 meters in diameter) and

Large (diameter 16 meters). The players (12 people) stand around the perimeter of the small

Circle. 10 balls are placed at equal distances around the perimeter of a large circle. By

At the first signal from the coach, the players begin an easy run in their circle, at the second -

They make a dash and try to take possession of one of the balls. Those who didn't get the balls

They are eliminated from the game. At each next stage, the number of participants and the number of balls

Decreased by two.

Back muscle strengthening exercises

A. Starting position – lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise on the count of one or two

At the same time, lower your arms and legs from the floor, three or four times. Perform 10–15 times.

B. Starting position – lie on your stomach, bend your arms behind your head. On the count of one or two

Lift your body off the floor, turn around and look over your right shoulder at your heels, on the count of three or four - lower yourself into initial position. Raise your body five to six times and

Look over your left shoulder, at seven or eight - lower to the starting position, etc.

Perform 6–10 times, depending on your level of training.

C. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position – players lie on their stomachs

Face each other at a distance of 3–4 meters. One of the partners has a ball in his hands. Players

They throw the ball into each other's hands, lifting their bodies off the floor. Complete two series of 10-16

Broskov. The pause between series is 1 minute.

Abdominal exercises

A. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position – players lie on their backs

Kicking each other. The players simultaneously rise and pass the ball from hand to hand.

After the transfer, they lie down and take their starting position. Complete two series of 10–

14 gears. The pause between series is 1 minute.

B. Starting position – players lie on their backs, legs bent at the knees, feet on

On the floor, arms bent at the elbows, palms behind the head. Participants should raise their torso

And reach the left knee with your right elbow, then the right knee with your left elbow, etc.

Perform 10 to 20 times.

C. similar position - players lie on their backs, arms to the sides, legs bent at the knees

And raised up (shin parallel to the floor). On the count of one or two, players lower their legs to the right

From yourself, without taking your hands off the floor; on the count of three or four, take the starting position; on

Five or six lower their legs to the left of themselves, seven or eight - to the starting position.

Perform 6–10 times in each direction.

Exercises to develop strength

Exercises A–D are performed in pairs.