Leg exercises with barbells and dumbbells. Leg exercises with dumbbells: squats, lunges

Hello readers! Today I will tell you about the best exercises with dumbbells for legs and describe correct technique execution. The article also contains a training program, useful tips and analysis common mistakes when pumping your legs.

Legs make up 30-40% of your body weight, which is why it is so important to keep them in good shape. The development of the legs should be harmonious with the development of the whole body, since weak lower muscles slow down the progression of the upper muscle groups. Pumping the legs helps trigger anabolic processes, which leads to weight gain throughout the entire body.

Any man can accelerate growth muscle mass, if it pumps up your legs, chest and back. It's not all in vain basic complexes exercises are aimed at working precisely these muscle groups.

Is it possible to pump up your legs at home?

Most exercises to pump them up can be done at home. This will not make them any less effective. The main thing is to train regularly and follow the correct technique.

You can train your legs using your own weight or using weights. Performing exercises with a load will allow you to quickly gain muscle mass and strength. Dumbbells are universal weights. With their help you can work out almost all muscle groups.

Techniques and types of exercises with dumbbells

  • Squats
  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and stretch them along your torso.
  2. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. As you inhale, slowly squat down until the back of your thigh is parallel to the floor. Lock in the lower position for a couple of seconds.
  4. As you exhale, slowly return to initial position.

You can squat with your feet at different widths. At shoulder width or already, the quadriceps are more heavily loaded. If you place your feet wider than your shoulders and...

  • Lunges
  1. Take dumbbells and place your arms along your body. The back is straight throughout the exercise.
  2. Step forward with your right foot. As you inhale, squat until your right leg is parallel to the floor. The left knee is in weight, and the left toe rests on the floor. The right foot is completely flat on the floor. The size of the step should be such that the projection of the right knee to the floor in the lower position does not extend beyond the foot.
  3. As you exhale, push off with your front leg and return to the starting position. Then do the same, but the left one is in front and the right one is behind.

  • Climbing onto the platform

The exercise simulates climbing stairs with weights. The platform can be replaced with any elevation of 15-25 cm.

Dumbbells along the body. Place one foot on the platform. Then, pushing off upper leg, climb onto the platform. Then repeat the same with the other.

  • Plie squats
  1. Do 3 sets of 11 dumbbell squats.
  2. Do “Deadlifts” – 3 sets of 10-15 deadlifts.
  3. Finish the strength section with a calf strengthening exercise, performing 2 sets of 12-17 reps.
  4. And for dessert, some light stretching.

In the gym

To warm up, run on a treadmill or pedal an exercise bike for 5-10 minutes.

Some exercises from the power section can be performed with a barbell, since the exercise technique remains virtually unchanged. However, the barbell, due to its length, also trains small lateral muscles involved in maintaining balance.

  • Perform squats - 3 to 12. If using a barbell, hold it on your shoulders behind your head.
  • Do plie squats – 3 sets of 9-11 reps.

  • Perform “Deadlifts” – 3 sets of 9-11 repetitions.

  • Then do 3 sets of 15 lifts on each leg.
  • As a cool-down, do stretching or static exercises.


Always warm up before training. This will prepare the muscles, joints and cardiovascular system to the upcoming loads. To do this, you can jump, run or pedal on an exercise bike.

Also, strength exercises performed with your own weight are a good warm-up.

Sets and reps

The number of approaches and repetitions should be chosen based on your level physical training, as well as training goals.

For beginners, it is better to use light weights and increase the number of repetitions to 15. This will allow you to correctly work out the exercise technique and prevent injuries.

If you already have training experience, then the number of repetitions should be chosen based on the final goal. When training for mass, perform 6-9 repetitions. If you are doing fitness to lose weight or increase endurance, then do 17-25 repetitions.

The number of approaches mainly affects the duration of recovery after training. It is considered optimal to perform 3-4 approaches. However, if your body does not have time to recover for the next workout, then you can reduce them to 2-3.

It is enough to train your legs 1-2 times a week.

Nutrition and sports supplements

You need to eat no later than 2 hours before training. Food should be healthy and nutritious. 30 minutes before training, you can eat something easily digestible, such as a banana.

Some people are unable to gain weight or, conversely, lose extra pounds due to physiological characteristics body. The first type of people is called ectomorphs, and the second is endomorphs. In this case, sports nutrition comes to the rescue.

Ectomorphs are well suited for using gainer and other high-calorie supplements.

Endomorphs should reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats in their food as much as possible. At the same time, you need to eat a lot of protein foods for muscle growth. A good option There will be protein shakes.

You also need to consume enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. Their lack reduces muscle growth and prolongs the recovery period after training.

Common mistakes

  1. One of the common mistakes when training legs is rounding the back, which creates excessive load on the spinal column. Keep your back straight.
  2. Also, when squats and lunges, the projection of the knees on the floor should not extend beyond the feet. This leads to damage to the knee joint.
  3. You should not straighten your legs all the way. The knees should always be slightly bent to absorb the load.
  4. Avoid sudden jerks. Perform each movement smoothly.
  5. Don't rush to lift heavy weights. They distort the exercise technique and lead to injuries.
  6. First practice all movements without weights or with light weights.

That's all for today. Subscribe to articles! A lot of useful information awaits you. Also, be sure to share useful information on social networks.

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The largest muscle group on our body is, of course, the legs. Large and sculpted legs look very beautiful. Now you will learn various leg exercises with dumbbells which will help you work out these muscles as thoroughly as possible.

If you look at an anatomy textbook, you can see that the legs are divided into many different muscles (large, medium, small). But now we will not consider all the possible muscles that are on the legs. We will analyze only the 4 largest ones that can be seen with the naked eye:

  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Buttocks
  • Shin

To make your legs look harmonious, you need to pump all these parts evenly. But one exercise cannot fully pump up all 4 muscles at once (yes, of course, all parts can participate in one exercise, but 1 - 2 will receive the maximum load, and the rest will work as stabilizers, with a minimum load, which is not enough for development).

Below you will see a set leg exercises, and using them you can create the training program you need, with an even load on all muscles.

Leg exercises with dumbbells:

Squats with dumbbells

This exercise is considered basic and one of best exercises for the development of leg muscles. Squats with dumbbells specifically bomb the quadriceps and glutes. Different squat techniques can place more load on either the quads or the glutes. Narrow staging legs (along the shoulders, or a little narrower) and a squat to parallel (or a little higher), allow you to maximally load the quadriceps. Wide stance of the legs (wider than the shoulders) and a squat below parallel allow maximum load gluteal muscles.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Exercise No. 1 in the development of the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. It is also a basic exercise. If your hamstrings are weak, do deadlifts first and then squats. But if your quadriceps are lagging behind, then the first exercise should be squats with dumbbells.

Lunges with dumbbells

This exercise specifically develops the gluteal muscles. Very much so good exercise, but I would not recommend starting your training program with lunges. Do squats and deadlifts first, then finish off your glutes with lunges. There are many various options, how to do lunges (walking, cross, from a bench, etc.).

Stepping onto a platform with dumbbells

It is a finishing exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. This exercise will not give you big legs. It works effectively as a finisher at the end of a workout (in the single version it is ineffective).

Calf raises with dumbbells (standing or seated)

Basic exercise for developing the lower leg. Standing calf raises purposefully develop calf muscles. Seated calf raises are aimed at developing the soleus muscle, which is located under the gastrocnemius. A well-developed soleus muscle seems to push out the gastrocnemius, making it more massive and impressive. To develop large calf muscles, I recommend using calf raises with dumbbells both standing and sitting.

Sincerely, Garbar Sergey ()

The selected exercises will allow you to work out all groups leg muscles at home. All that men with an average level of training will need are dumbbells. If you don’t have enough experience to train with weights, do it without it using the same program.

How to pump up your legs with dumbbells: effective training

To build up your leg muscles, you don't have to go to Gym. It is enough to perform a set of exercises at home. All you need are dumbbells or kettlebells. Weight training will help you better work and load the target muscle group. A set of basic leg exercises will help develop both the quadriceps and hamstrings, as well as the gluteal and calf muscles. Do a regular leg workout designed by a professional fitness trainer. And soon you will be able to be proud of your beautiful sculpted legs.

A set of leg exercises with dumbbells at home

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 20
3 15
3 12
3 20
3 15
5 30 seconds


  1. Stand up straight. The distance of the legs should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Direct your gaze forward.
  2. Inhale, squat down so that the dumbbells remain level with your calves.
  3. Hold for a few seconds, and exhale, return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise “Dumbbell row on straight legs”


  1. Stand up straight. Initially lower your hands with dumbbells down. Bent legs position no wider than shoulder distance.
  2. Squat down and lower the weights in front of you. Continue until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
  3. Then stand up straight.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.


  1. Stand with dumbbells in your hands. Straighten your back.
  2. Inhale and lunge: bend one leg at the knee, take a step forward. The other limb remains in place, emphasis on the toe.
  3. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 12 reps for each leg.


  1. Stand on any stand with the toe of one foot. Lift the other one and secure it.
  2. Hold the dumbbell in your hand. With the other hand you can grab onto something fixed.
  3. Inhale and rise up onto your toes. Stay for a while. And as you exhale, try to lower your heel as low as possible.

Number of repetitions: 3 times 20 repetitions for each leg.

Leg exercise “Sumo style dumbbell deadlift”


  1. Place your feet wider than shoulder distance. Turn your feet outward. Hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of you. Watch your posture.
  2. Inhale, start squatting. At the same time, tilt your body forward slightly.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your knees and return your torso to its original state.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.


  1. Stand up straight. Place your hands in front of you or grab dumbbells. Feet should be pointing forward. Keep your back straight.
  2. Squat down and stay in this position for 30 seconds. The bend angle at the knees should be about 90 degrees.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 5 times.

1 9125 2 years ago

The buttocks are a rather controversial part for athletes. Many professional bodybuilders work on quality drying with mass gain, constantly measuring the volume of their hips. Beach bodybuilders (crossfitters, weightlifters) and fitnessists, on the contrary, try to exclude these muscle groups from their work as much as possible. And only women, inspired by the successes of Kim Kardashian, strive to increase their muscles in a specific area as much as possible. For this purpose, it is best to use exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells or other weights. Why not simple squats and running? Muscle growth requires constant stress. In particular, light and bodyweight exercises do not place sufficient stress on a fairly large muscle group.

How to select loads?

Before considering programs and exercises for working the buttocks, you need to decide what weight will be used during the exercises. It will come as a shock to many, but the dumbbells and barbells used to shape the buttocks should significantly exceed women's expectations of the maximum weight they can lift. Why? Everything is very simple - this is a very powerful muscle group, which is actually responsible for holding the entire body (from 50 kilograms) throughout the day, and in order to shock them, proportional loads are needed.

Particularly effective for women are exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells with heavy weights, which are needed to sufficiently work the buttocks, reduce the percentage of fat and increase muscle mass. In particular - squats, lunges and farmer's walk with with long strides, are performed with a weight of at least 20 kilograms. But for many, this turns out to be quite a strong overload and the body cannot cope. What to do in this case? Unfortunately, with all the desire to work exclusively on the gluteal leg, as in any other case, you will need to spend a preparatory month, and perhaps more than one, after which the body will get used to working with iron.

Preparatory month as follows:

  • training at least 3 times a week;
  • working with basic exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, squats), with moderate weights (empty bar) to master the technique.
  • usage block simulators;
  • active study lumbar region massive hyperextensions with a barbell plate.

Don’t worry, during this month you won’t turn into Schwarzenegger; moreover, external changes in your figure will be almost unnoticeable, but in the future, when working with heavy weights during squats and lunges, they won’t become an opportunity to get a lower back injury, sprain, or overtraining of the body. If you are looking for good and effective exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells at home, then similar training with deadlifts, squats and push-ups can be done at home.


Are there any special contraindications to working with weights? There are not very many of them, but they are there:

  • spinal injuries;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • presence of joint or ligament injuries;
  • arthritis;
  • poor blood flow in the veins;
  • pregnancy.

In other cases, you can practice without any problems.


Now that you know how to choose the right loads, and that you will have to train hard, you can begin to consider the most effective solutions for pumping up the buttocks. The list of exercises is quite large, but this does not mean that all of them need to be performed in one day:

  • dumbbell plie;
  • squats with wide legs;
  • deep squats;
  • lunges;
  • farmer's walk with long strides;
  • deadlift (bending forward with dumbbells).

Let's look at how it works and how to do each of them correctly.

There is one more exercise - this. This is extremely difficult exercise, which requires a barbell or Smith bench. At the same time, its effectiveness is extremely low, and the slightest violation of the technique can have a very bad effect on the overall health.

Dumbbell plie

The dumbbell plie is the first basic dumbbell exercise for the buttocks and thighs. It almost completely disables the quadriceps from working. In this case, the entire emphasis shifts exclusively to the gluteal muscles. If your goal is exclusively Beautiful legs, hips and firm buttocks, you won’t be able to do without it.

How to do it?

  1. Spread your legs as wide as possible.
  2. Socks point to the sides.
  3. Bend your back.
  4. Dumbbell – weighing up to 15 kg (for beginners, the optimal weight is 5-8 kg), located in the hands, between the legs.
  5. Get up.

If you have a mirror, looking into it you should see movements very similar to how sumo wrestlers take the starting position before a match.

Wide Leg Squats

This exercise with dumbbells for the buttocks is more suitable for losing weight than for pumping up muscles. Despite its anaerobic nature, it involves all major muscle groups, due to which calorie content and energy consumption during the approach increase several times. All this leads to a calorie deficit and weight loss. From the point of view of using the buttocks, here, depending on the placement of the heels, the load may shift slightly to the front of the legs, which will allow them to be tightened, but in general the load falls precisely on back surface legs

How to do it correctly?

  • For squats with deep legs, you will need 2 heavy dumbbells (weighing 5 kg or more).
  • Dumbbells are placed in their starting position.
  • Legs are placed 1 foot wider than shoulder width on each side
  • Bend your back.
  • The head looks straight ahead. If this is difficult, you can look up, but not down.
  • Squat down as deeply as possible, while maintaining an arch in your back.
  • Fix at the lowest point for 1-2 seconds.
  • Get up.

The technique is very similar to plie, but, unlike the previous exercise with dumbbells for the buttocks and legs, this is somewhat more difficult to perform. In addition, the load is much stronger. The main difference and emphasis in the work occurs solely due to changes in the placement of the legs.

Deep squats

This exercise came into home workouts from classical physical education. At the same time, many underestimate its power, or simply do it incorrectly.

So, let's look at the technique:

  • The dumbbells are placed in the starting position, similar to the previous exercise.
  • Feet become shoulder-width apart.
  • There is a strong arch in the back.
  • Head straight ahead.
  • Next you need to start moving your hips back. That is, do not bend your knees, but tilt your body back and make a maximum descent, simultaneously bending your legs.
  • Fix at the lowest point for 1-2 seconds.
  • Get up.

To emphasize the load, you can place small wooden planks up to 10 centimeters thick under the socks. To remove emphasis, the same planks can be placed under the heels.

It is due to this movement that the load falls entirely on the gluteal muscles, bypassing the quadriceps. If you need to change the load on the contrary, remove the tilt of the body back and keep your back completely straight


Next exercise seems extremely simple, until you start doing it. Yes, yes, these, which, unlike the previous ones, are an isolating exercise. What does it mean? That's right, that exclusively the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh are involved. The quadriceps, calves and back muscles serve exclusively as stabilizers.

How to do it correctly?

  1. Dumbbells are placed on the shoulders.
  2. One leg is placed as wide forward as possible.
  3. Next, bend your back
  4. Stretch towards your leg (make maximum emphasis).
  5. Make 2-3 springing movements.
  6. Change leg.

In total, this should be done 7-12 circles on each leg. Optimal weight for beginners 5-8 kg each dumbbell.

Farmer's Walk with Long Steps

With a wide step, this is a more dynamic technique of the previous exercise. The main difference starts from the 5th point of movement. Namely, instead of just changing legs. From the lunge position, you need to move back leg forward, and lunge at her. To visualize this movement more easily, imagine that you are simply walking very wide, carrying bags of food in your hands. Although the position of the dumbbells plays an important role, since much larger equipment is used in the walk, the main recommendation would be to change their position. Those. can be held as during Plie.

Deadlift (forward bends with dumbbells)

This exercise is actively used in powerlifting, and even experienced athletes cannot always perform it correctly. But at the same time, of all the above, it gives the most heavy load on the back of the thigh, back muscles (responsible for posture), and most importantly on the gluteal muscles.

How to perform a deadlift correctly?

  • Dumbbells are picked up.
  • Feet are placed shoulder width apart.
  • The arch in the back remains
  • The head looks ahead.
  • Start moving downwards, keeping your back arched and your legs as straight as possible.
  • At the lowest point, try to touch the floor (if stretching allows).
  • Carefully rise from the lower phase, maintaining the deflection.

How to train?

How to train your gluteal muscles. There are slightly different recommendations for men and women in this regard. First you need to put common goal:

  • gaining muscle mass in the indicated places;
  • toning muscles;
  • using the buttocks as the basis for basic growth.

Depending on this training program will be radically different. Women often want to get bigger and firmer buttocks. In this case, for good pumping it is recommended to use two-day split. In which the emphasis will be on basic muscle work with squats in each workout, the remaining muscles are worked on the second day of the split. If you just need to tone your muscles with exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells, then it is better to use frequent loads (up to daily), with light weights and long approaches (20-30 times per exercise). This will help tone both the skin and muscles. But it should be remembered that with this approach, you should never skip scheduled classes, otherwise the entire effect may come to naught. And, if exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells are used as an addition to the basic ones, then an approximate workout should look like this:

  • basic squat;
  • 1-2 exercises from those previously indicated.

You need to work under the maximum possible load, using the maximum possible working weights. In this case, for successful growth, it is not recommended to load the muscles of the buttocks more than once every 7-10 days. Rest training days, better dedicate basic exercises for other muscle groups.


Full complex Exercises with dumbbells for the buttocks look something like this:

Bottom line

Elaboration target zones with help effective exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells allows you to quickly get the desired shape.

Still, there are two main points:

  1. If you are trying to lose weight, it is better to use other complexes that include the active use of cardio exercises. It is impossible to burn fat and build a beautiful, firm butt at the same time.
  2. At incorrect technique exercises will swing anything except the buttocks themselves.

Well, and most importantly, even if you try to study at home, it is better to spend another month on gym, where it will be possible, under the supervision of an instructor, to surely and accurately receive corrections in the execution technique.

For those who want to get better physical fitness, have to use different kinds exercises to pump up your leg muscles and make them slimmer. But this does not always work out, although a lot of time and energy is spent.

Good results can be achieved by performing exercises with dumbbells for the buttocks and thighs at home. Training with weights will help you better work out all your goals. muscle groups.

Progress towards your intended goal consists of two stages - purchasing dumbbells and motivating yourself to do the exercises!

A set of 7 best exercises

Leg exercises with dumbbells for women and men at home are much more effective than the same types of exercises without weights. This complex is selected in such a way as to work the main muscle groups of the legs. It will help pump up and enlarge your legs. But for burning extra muscles.

1. Classic squats with dumbbells

We perform the movement by loading the calf muscles, hamstrings, and secondarily the quadriceps. Girls and women can use a barbell or bodybar.

  1. We stand straight, holding dumbbells in our lowered hands. The chin is slightly raised. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, maintaining natural anatomical curves - lumbar, thoracic and cervical.
  2. While performing the exercise, we constantly monitor our posture. Bend your knees, moving your pelvis back, and squat. The maximum point of a squat is when the hips parallel to the floor. We linger in it for a few seconds.
  3. Extending our legs at the knees, we stand up.

Carefully! Using dumbbells involves a serious increase in load on muscles and joints, so it is very important to follow the exercise technique. Experienced instructors recommend first working out all stages of the exercise without using weights.

2. Lunge walking

We load the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, gluteus maximus and calf muscles. Lunges are great.

  1. We place our feet hip-width apart. When walking, they should not stand on the same line, as it is difficult to maintain balance in this position.
  2. Hands with dumbbells are located along the body. The back is straight, the shoulders are straightened.
  3. We lean forward slightly and take a wider step than when normal walking. Bend both knees at right angles. The thigh of the forward leg and the shin of the supporting leg should be parallel to the floor.
  4. At the maximum point, hold the body position for three seconds. The weight of the body falls on the leg in front. We straighten it and take steps alternately.

We walk in lunges for several minutes. Rest time between sets is thirty seconds. Increase the number of approaches gradually.

Attention! We make sure that the knee of the leg in front maintains a right angle and does not extend beyond the line of the toe.

3. Standing calf raise

We load the calf muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps.

  1. We stand straight, hold dumbbells on straight, lowered arms. The toes to the middle of the foot should be placed on a raised platform, for example, a wooden beam five centimeters high (or another stable hill). Heels are on the floor. We slowly rise on our toes using the strength of our lower leg muscles.
  2. Hold in the maximum position for three seconds and We are slowly descending.

The rest time between sets is thirty seconds. Required amount exercises – ten – twelve with several approaches. If you feel pain in the calves after training,

4. Plie squats

We work the leg muscles, the main load is focused on inner surface hips. Not many movements can work this area well enough. "Plie" - great exercise with dumbbells for inside hips, and therefore it will help create. It is these muscles that are often sluggish and deprive the legs of their slender outline.

  1. Place the dumbbell on the floor opposite your feet. We place our feet wider than our shoulders, with our toes turned outward.
  2. Squat until your knees are formed right angle, take a dumbbell and rise, straightening your legs.
  3. Lifting is carried out by pushing with the feet with emphasis on the heels. In this case, you cannot pull the dumbbell with your hands - we lift it using the strength of the leg muscles.

The number of exercises is ten to twelve with several approaches.

5. Stepping onto the platform

This movement is performed in several variations. The most common is the “classic version”, in which the buttocks, front, back and inner part hips and also Bottom part backs. "Stepping" - extremely effective exercise with dumbbells for slimming legs.

  1. We place dumbbells near the toes. We squat with a straight back and take dumbbells. We hold them on our arms extended along the body.
  2. To avoid back injuries during the exercise must remain level.
  3. We take a step onto the platform with our right foot, which forms a ninety-degree angle when bending the knee. Right leg straighten the knee and rise with muscle effort onto the platform.
  4. Raise your left leg to the level of the platform, stay in this position for a few seconds and lower your right leg to the floor, then your left leg.

We perform ten to twelve repetitions at an average pace. Don't rush, keep your balance! Let's move on to working on the left leg. We do several approaches. Rest time between sets is approximately thirty seconds.

6. Bulgarian lunges

The calf muscles receive the greatest load. The secondary load falls on the gluteus maximus muscle and the cabalus muscle of the leg. The exercise develops a sense of balance, strengthens the main muscle groups of the legs and the knee joint.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and stand with your back to a low bench.
  2. Throw your leg over and rest your leg on the bench.
  3. With your other foot, step forward a distance approximately equal to your shin. The back is straightened, the head is slightly raised.
  4. As you exhale, slowly squat, bending supporting leg in the knee until a right angle is formed. At this time, the knee of the leg that rests on the bench should touch the floor. We hold this position for three seconds.

We begin the ascent by lunging using the strength of the leg muscles, leaning on the entire foot.

Important! Before performing the exercise with dumbbells, you need to work out all the stages without weights.

7. Glute bridge with dumbbells

Works gluteal muscles, thigh muscles, calf muscles

  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor, lie down, bend your knees at a right angle, and let your feet rest comfortably on the floor.
  2. We take dumbbells lying on the floor in the area hip joints. We bend our arms with dumbbells at the elbows and press them to the chest. Hands can also be placed on the front of the thigh
  3. Raise the pelvis, leaning on top part shoulder blades Hold for a few seconds at the maximum point and lower the pelvis to the floor.

Repeat ten times in several approaches. To begin with, we do the exercise without weights, then we connect two-kilogram dumbbells.

In order to achieve maximum effect, you must adhere to some recommendations for training legs with dumbbells:

  • Load calculation. You can calculate the load for yourself using the average number of approaches, which is given in the exercise technique section.
  • Load determination criterion. Fitness level, age and health status are the main factors to consider when determining the number of exercises and approaches to perform. You cannot immediately put a large load on the body, especially if you were not “friends” with physical activity or led a sedentary lifestyle!
  • Using weights. Never start with large scales! The weight of dumbbells should be increased gradually, starting from the minimum. It will be very convenient to do this if you use collapsible dumbbells.
  • These exercises can be use both as a complex and as several types of load, which you find most effective.
  • You can complete the workout stretching or static, For example .

Using a special set of exercises with dumbbells, you can pump up your muscles perfectly, and as a bonus, you can also part with extra pounds. Do the exercises with joy and pleasure, then you will be able to achieve your goal faster. Great motivation to use - your efforts will be rewarded slender legs and toned muscles!