The most effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home without exercise equipment. Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home for women

Today, most women have begun to face such a problem as excess body fat on the sides and other parts of the body. This is due to the fact that in modern world There is a wide variety of products containing harmful additives that not only disrupt metabolism, but also lead to obesity.

We present to your attention a variety of exercises that will help tighten your sides and remove fat folds.

Video: Exercises for fat pads on the sides, stomach and back

7 exercises for losing weight on your sides and abdomen without sports equipment

It is worth understanding that getting rid of excess fat on the sides requires not only exercise, but also... You need to give up flour products and sweets containing fast carbohydrates and fats, fatty dairy products, sausages, as well as products containing preservatives.

  • Sit on the floor and bend your knees under you. In this case, your back should be straight.
  • As you inhale, lift left hand up and move it to the right side, hold for a few seconds, and when exhaling, return to the starting position. You should feel the sides stretching.
  • Repeat this exercise with the other hand.
  • Stretch several times, alternating your arms.

Plus this exercise The point is that when you do it, you train not only your sides, but also develop the flexibility of your spine and legs.

Exercise 6 – Plank:

  • Lower your elbows to the floor. Take a position so that your body is perpendicular to the floor.
  • The back is straight, the legs are straight, the head is level with the spine.
  • Try to hold this position for about a minute.
  • In the future, the time can be increased
  • Don’t be embarrassed that your body is shaking, because this exercise uses all muscle groups.
  • When performing the plank, do not lower your pelvis and stay straight until the end of the time.

Exercise 7 – Side Plank:

  • Lie on the floor on your side.
  • Place one hand on the floor.
  • Place your other hand behind your head.
  • As you inhale, lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it to the maximum point and you will stab yourself a little.
  • As you exhale, lower your pelvis.
  • Do side bar 20 times, changing sides.

5 Exercises for fat folds on the sides - perform with sports equipment

Exercise 1 – Rolling on an exercise ball:

  • Place an exercise ball on the floor.
  • Stand with your back to the gymnastic ball.
  • Place your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart and place your feet on the ball.
  • The back, like the legs, should be straight.
  • Bend your knees slightly and roll on the ball to one side, then to the other.
  • Repeat the rolls several times

Exercise 2 – Dumbbell Bends:

  • Hold dumbbells weighing 2 kg or more in both hands.
  • Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.
  • Start stretching the dumbbells down to the side with one hand, come back and bend over to the other side. Do the bends several times.
  • Over time, the weight of the dumbbells can be changed.
  • This exercise can be performed with one arm: tilting the body to the side, the other arm is pulled behind the head.

Exercise 3 – Body turns with a stick or bar:

  • Take a wooden stick or bar in your hands. If you are doing the exercise at home and you do not have such sports equipment, then you can use a mop.
  • Sit on a stool or bench. Keep your back straight.
  • Place the stick behind your back.
  • Start turning your body in one direction to the maximum point, then in the other.
  • Repeat this exercise several times.

Exercise 4 – Hoop Twisting

  • The heavier the device, the more effectively the sides are removed.
  • For this exercise, take a hoop. A good alternative to a hoop is the challah - hoop.
  • Spin the hoop for 10 minutes. In the future, the time can be increased.
  • When twisting a hoop or hula hoop, bruises may appear on the sides - so before performing, wear thick clothes that will be comfortable for twisting.

Exercise 5 – Torso rotations on the disc

  • Stand on the disk next to wall bars or a chair to avoid falling.
  • Keep your back straight and hold onto a chair or wall bars with your hands.
  • Start turning your body to the right and left at an average pace. In this case, the legs should go in one direction, and the body in the other.
  • When turning you should feel how they work lateral muscles belly.

Removing side fats is not so difficult, the main thing is Do these (and many other) exercises regularly , eat right and lead an active lifestyle.

Losing weight on the sides - and not only - also light jogging, stretching exercises and swimming sessions promote .

Are you having trouble fitting into the jeans you wore a few years ago? Do you feel like you are losing confidence due to belly fat? Know that you are not the only woman in the world with this problem. Almost 50-60% of women around the world are dissatisfied with their appearance and are looking for ways and means to reduce their waist size. If you want to beautiful abs If you dream of a perfectly flat stomach and narrow waist, do our exercises for losing belly and sides at home and be ready to make lifestyle changes. This combination will give an impressive effect in the shortest possible time and will stay with you for a long time.

If you are obese, you will find it difficult to get rid of belly fat and get a flat belly. But, if you are determined, then you will have to completely give up your favorite cupcakes, burgers, pizza and ice cream, and instead focus on green leafy vegetables, as well as foods that are high in fiber. This is the only way you can reduce your waist size.

The best ways to purchase slim figure- This is a combination of proper nutrition and a set of physical exercises. A balanced diet will help reduce your calorie intake and create a calorie deficit, and exercise will help burn calories and tone your muscles. We have prepared a complex that you can perform at home every day in order to quickly see the result in the mirror.

A small amount of body fat is normal as it serves to protect bones and internal organs. But excess amounts should be a matter of serious concern. You can get rid excess weight through exercise and a low-carb diet. But first, let's look at the reasons:

1. Poor metabolism

With age, metabolism slows down, and this leads to active weight gain. Women are more predisposed to this than men. You may have wondered why some of your friends eat fried and sweet foods, but in most cases they have slim stomach, and you always accumulate fat in this area. The main reason is that your friends have a higher metabolic rate than you.

2. Genetics

It has been proven that fat cells in the body depend on your genes, or rather their number. If your grandparents or parents are overweight, then you will have the same problem. There are 2 types of body structure: pear-shaped and apple-shaped. If your body is pear-shaped, then weight accumulates in the lower part of the body, such as the buttocks. If your body is apple-shaped, then fat accumulates in the abdominal area.

3. Sedentary lifestyle

If you are driving sedentary image life and do not exercise, spending most of your time watching TV or computer, you will inevitably gain excess weight over the next few years.

4. Overeating

If you eat more than you should, you will definitely gain weight. If overeating is combined with in a sedentary manner life, then you will gain weight in no time, and you will easily gain weight.

5. Incorrect posture when sitting

If you do not maintain proper posture and always slouch when sitting, then you can be sure that you will accumulate fat deposits in the abdominal area. You should always sit with your back straight.

6. Stress and illness

Stress is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of fat around the waist. Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body, which leads to the appearance of extra centimeters. Diseases such as breast cancer, sleep apnea, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in women lead to the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

7. Weak muscles

If the muscles abdominals flabby, then you will easily accumulate excess in this area.

8. Hormonal changes

As a woman approaches middle age, the amount of body fat begins to increase in proportion to her body weight. The risk of fat accumulation around the waist increases during menopause. In women, hormones play an important role in regulating body fat levels.

The most effective exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with photos

This the best complex exercises that will help you get a flat stomach at home, because it consists not only of abdominal crunches, but also includes intense exercise, promoting rapid fat burning not only on the stomach. But you need to clearly understand that the effect will be stronger and more noticeable the more effort you put in and the more comprehensive you approach the issue of fat burning. This means that along with your studies you will comply with proper nutrition and will not rush to extremes, for example, resort to low-calorie diets, which compare to a hunger strike.

1. Crunches

There is no more popular movement than crunches. It's not the most effective, but it will help you strengthen your core muscles if you combine it with proper diet, and you will see results in a short time.

  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Take a deep breath and tear away top part bodies from the floor. Exhale as you rise.
  • Inhale as you lower back into initial position. Inhale as you lower your body to the floor.
  • Do 10 reps and then repeat for 2-3 sets.

2. Reverse crunches

  • Lie face up on the mat. Bend your knees, with your entire feet on the floor.
  • Lower your arms along your body.
  • Raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Lift up bottom part back so that the knees move towards the chest.
  • Inhale as you place your feet on the floor. Exhale as you lift your back off the floor and bring your knees toward your chest.
  • Do 10 reps in 3 sets.

The movement is very similar to a regular crunch, but here you will have to rotate one shoulder towards the other.

  • Lie down on the mat, place your hands behind your head.
  • Bend your knees so that your feet do not touch the floor.
  • Raise your upper body as you would for a regular crunch, while rotating your right shoulder toward your left. Left side the body should be on the floor.
  • Repeat the movement for the other side. Turn your left shoulder towards your right, without lifting the right side of your body from the floor.
  • Do 10-12 reps.

4. Crunches with legs raised

  • Lie face up on the mat. Stretch your legs up and cross them.
  • Make the same movements as when performing regular crunches.
  • Inhale as you lower your torso and cross your legs. Exhale as you rise.
  • Do 10-15 reps for 3 sets in a row.

It's very similar to lateral crunches. The only difference is that here you have to raise right leg, when you move your left shoulder to your right and vice versa. Do 10-12 reps on each side for 2 sets in a row.

  • Lie down on the floor or mat. Keep your hands on the left and right sides of your head, respectively.
  • Raise your legs and bend your knees.
  • Pull your right knee towards your chest. As you raise your right knee, you should try to reach your left elbow with it.
  • Extend your right leg and pull your left knee toward your chest. Raise your upper body and make sure your right elbow touches your left knee.
  • Do 10-12 reps on both sides in 2 sets in a row.

This movement aims to work on bottom back, hips and abs.

  • Get into a plank position on the floor or mat with your knees and elbows on the floor.
  • The gaze is directed forward, and the neck and spine are lined up.
  • Lift your knees off the floor and place your feet on your toes.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds. Make sure you breathe normally while exercising.
  • Now alternate between moving into a side plank position on each side of your body for 30 seconds.

  • Lie on the floor on your side.
  • Shift your body weight to your right elbow or arm and right leg. Make sure that right hand bent at a right angle.
  • Place your left leg on top of your right. Keep your legs straight. Raise your hips.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds. If you have experience with this movement, you can hold the position for 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

If you're just starting out with abdominal training, you should first try lunges with a torso rotation.

  • Take a step forward with your left leg and bend it at the knee. You will feel a stretch in the back of your right thigh.
  • Raise your arms forward parallel to the floor.
  • Take a big step forward with your left foot and squat down as if sitting on an imaginary chair. The right leg should remain behind and be placed on the toe.
  • Make sure your back is straight.
  • Lunge with your other leg.
  • Do 15 reps.

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Raise your arms above your head and place them together.
  • Bend your torso to the left as much as possible so that you feel a stretch in the right side of your body. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise on the right side of the body. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Once you feel comfortable holding the position for 15 seconds, you can increase this time to 30 seconds or more.

10. Exercise vacuum

Great for strengthening muscles abdominal cavity and focuses mainly on breathing.

  • Get on all fours, supporting your body on your knees and elbows.
  • Take a deep breath. The press should be relaxed.
  • Exhale. As you exhale, tighten and draw in your stomach.
  • Hold this position for about 15-30 seconds
  • Do 15 reps for 2-3 sets per day.

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back.
  • Place your arms at your sides, palms down. Take a deep breath.
  • Exhale and then raise your knees so that they are close to your chest.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Do not round your back or lean forward when your knees are at your chest.
  • Lower your feet to the floor. Do 15 reps.

12. Walking

Walking is another one good exercise for beginners. You must do it if you want to get rid of belly fat, it burns fat deposits throughout the body. Walking briskly for 30 minutes a day at least 5 times a week will allow you to see gradual changes in your weight. This low-intensity exercise will give your heart a good workout and help boost your metabolism.

13. Jogging

Once you have mastered brisk walking, you can switch to jogging, which will help you easily burn extra calories in your body. Jogging will help you maintain physical fitness, stay healthy and fight excess weight.

14. Running

If you want to diversify the daily monotony of doing the same workouts, you can try running 2-3 days a week. Running will get your heart pumping, which will help you burn more calories than walking or jogging.

15. Cardio workout

Cardio exercise is one of the the best ways burn a lot of calories and also get rid of excess fat around the waist. Do them for 30 minutes a day at least 4-5 times a week and you can also reduce stress levels, increase lung capacity, support heart health and improve sleep.

16. Swimming

Swimming is a very good exercise that allows you to keep your entire body in good shape. Swimming will also improve the effects of your cardio workout. You must choose the optimal training pace that will allow you to burn more calories. On initial stage It's best to swim at least 1-2 times a week.

Video complex of 5 effective exercises for a flat stomach

The following program for more fast weight loss in the abdominal area, it consists of advanced level exercises and is not suitable for everyone. But if you are able to master it, then in a short time after starting training, you will see impressive changes in your body.

Delicious foods for weight loss

If you think that you are overweight, then you need to immediately reduce your intake of carbohydrates, fatty foods and start eating foods rich in fiber. Below are the foods that will best help you lose weight.

  1. Apples: You can consume them 3-4 times a day as a replacement for high carbohydrate foods.
  1. Almond: Rich in vitamin E and high in fiber, which promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces hunger.
  1. Green leafy vegetables: Rich in fiber and very low in calories. They will help prevent water retention in the body.
  1. Avocado: High in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids, which help break down fatty acids into energy and water.
  1. Cucumber: Has high water content and very low calories.
  1. Watermelon: 80% water and very few calories. Watermelon will help you achieve your desired waistline.
  1. Beans: Helps in improving digestion and also strengthens muscles, reduces hunger and prevents overeating.

Along with consuming these foods, it is very important to do certain exercises that will help you get rid of excess fat on your sides. You must combine exercise and diet to burn fat effectively. It is important to include them in your schedule, then you will always stay in better shape.

With an integrated approach, combining proper nutrition and exercise, you will see results within a few weeks. You can do these exercises at home on your own or with the guidance of a professional trainer. If you have the willpower and determination to put in a lot of effort to get rid of belly fat, then you can easily achieve it on your own. Remember that without effort there are no results, and getting rid of extra pounds is no exception. To speed up weight loss due to excess fat, try to avoid foods rich in fast foods and increase your calorie consumption every day through physical activity and healthy image life. For example, replace the elevator with walking up the steps; instead of taking a trolleybus or metro, walk along the street.

How to determine the amount of fat?

It was previously believed that subcutaneous and visceral fat was healthy because it could be used when the body needed extra energy. But times have changed. Research has shown that being overweight leads to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is vital to always monitor your fat levels and keep them under control. Here are some ways to measure your waist.

A) Waist-to-hip ratio

Measure the narrowest part of your waist and then the widest part of your hips. To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio, you need to divide these values. If the result is approximately 8.0 or more, then the risk of cardiovascular disease is very high.

B) Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI) is your body weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. If your BMI is in the range of 25-29.9, then you are in the category overweight. If your BMI is more than 30, then you are obese. Don't want to be at risk? Then you need to significantly reduce the amount of body fat.

B) Waist circumference

Use a measuring tape to find out your waist size at your navel. You should breathe normally during the measurement. If your waist size is greater than 86 cm, you are at risk chronic diseases hearts.

Wanting to correct their figure, girls first of all pay attention to their nutrition. Changing your usual diet is the right decision in the current situation, but you won’t be able to achieve an ideal appearance by adjusting the menu.

Effective exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides at home for women can help solve the problem. Today there is a whole range of effects designed to improve the appearance of the figure around the waist.

Thoughtless impact on the problem area can lead to the fact that the stomach not only does not decrease, but may even increase. So, experts categorically do not recommend starting to mindlessly pump up your abs until the excess weight is removed from the waist. This will lead to muscle growth, but not a decrease in waist size. There are a number of other rules that must be followed in order to achieve perfect figure, we’ll talk about this further.

Often fashionistas are too picky about the condition of their figure. In fact, it turns out that they don’t need it at all, and doing exercises can only be considered as a way to stay in shape. Today there are a number of ways to make sure that weight correction is really required.

Understand whether it is worth losing weight and correcting the problem areawill help:

  • waist to hip ratio,
  • waist circumference

You need to start measuring by checking the ratio of waist and hip sizes. You need to measure the narrowest part of your waist and the widest part of your hips. The resulting values ​​must be divided. If final result is 8.0 or more, there is a high risk of cardiovascular disease. In this case, the girl must urgently adjust the menu and start playing sports.

Another way is to determine your body mass index. The indicator is the number of kg divided by 2 times the height.

If the final value was:

  • less than 16 – underweight,
  • 16-18.5 – underweight,
  • 18.5-25 – normal weight,
  • 25-30 – overweight,
  • 30-35 – 1st degree obesity,
  • 35-40 – 2nd degree obesity,
  • over 40 – 3rd degree obesity.

The final test to determine whether you should start losing weight is measuring your waist circumference. To perform this action, you will need to take a tape measure and measure your stomach and protruding sides at the level of your navel. In this case, you need to breathe as usual. If the resulting value is more than 86 cm, it is urgent to draw up a training program, adjust the menu and begin implementation.

Effective gymnastic complex

For exercise to be beneficial, you need to exercise correctly. In order for the effect on the muscles to produce results, exercise must be regular. You need to train for 30-60 minutes several times a week. Effective can also help you lose weight. A girl should make it a rule to exercise systematically; if she resorts to a set of loads every once in a while, there will be no effect.

You can do fitness not only in the gym. To speed up metabolic processes, experts advise leaving the room and exercising outdoors. To lose weight, you can use not only the usual ones.

Experts say you can burn fat faster intense crunches for abdominal correction. For this reason, it is better to give preference to them. By doing this type of fitness, a girl will train with a heart rate of 60-85% of the maximum heart rate. However, this complex is not suitable for beginners. It is necessary to switch to intense loads under the strict supervision of a trainer.

Achieve perfect abs The following types of loads will help:

By doing exercises to lose belly fat in nature, a girl will not only improve her figure, but will also receive a charge of vivacity and good mood.

If a fashionista suffers from back or joint problems, it is better for her to give preference to exercise on an exercise bike or ellipsoid. You can only exercise after consultation with a specialist. He will study the current situation and tell you how to proceed further in order to reduce your waist size, but without harming your health.

It is better to practice while listening to music; it will create the right mood and help you practice longer and more effectively. Don't forget about warming up. It will help prepare the muscles for further stress and minimize the likelihood of injury and subsequent pain. Cooling down has a similar effect.

Today there is a whole list of exercises that allow you to correct the problem area. They will help the girl give the problem area an ideal appearance. However, we should not forget that it is necessary to exercise regularly. In addition, it will be possible to achieve ideal abs only if the fashionista combines exercise with a diet, in otherwise You won't be able to lose weight.


You need to take the following position: lie on your back, bend your legs, and place your entire feet on the floor. Hands need to be placed behind your head or crossed over your chest. When correct posture accepted, you need to take a deep breath, and as you exhale, raise your torso. Then you need to take a deep breath again and lower yourself to the starting position. During the action, a person puts stress on the abdominal muscles.


Crunches with legs raised

This complex helps to remove the belly; it is performed in the following position: the girl lies on her back, lifts her legs vertically up and crosses them. Then you need to perform the same movements as with classic crunches. Inhalation must be done when lowering the torso and crossing the legs, exiting - during the lifting process. After completing the action, you need to return to the starting position. It is necessary to perform 10-15 times for 3 approaches, which should be done in a row.

Knock Knock

You need to take the following position: lie on a hard surface. Place your arms along your body, raise your legs above the floor and begin to lightly hit them against each other 3-5 times. Next, you need to carefully lower your legs, returning to the starting position, and perform 9 times.

Plank with twists

Take a standard plank position. At the same time, you need to look forward. Hold your body in this position for 30 seconds. Then, if you are still breathing, move to the side plank position. Stand in the accepted position for 30 seconds, perform on the other side.

Circular rotations

To accept correct position You need to lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees and place them on your feet. Slightly tighten your abs and pull your ribs towards your hips. Then slowly make a circle top part body and return to the starting position. The abdominal muscles should be tense all the time. Repeat 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other direction.

Backbend with bent knees

The exercise affects the abdominal and back muscles. To perform it, you need to take the following position: rest your elbows on the floor and kneel. Your feet should be on your toes. Having assumed the pose, you need to tense up and lift your knees off the floor, hold for 3 seconds and return to the starting position. You should try to keep your back straight. Repeat 10 times. Perform 2 approaches.

Better understand the implementation features gymnastics complex The video will help. To lose weight faster, a girl must correctly take the required position and perform the appropriate actions. Performing the complexes described above can be made part of daily exercise.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

I want to say that the topic local fat burning quite “slippery” and causes a lot of controversy among nutritionists and fitness trainers. Numerous studies have shown that physical exercise train muscles in the desired area, but have little effect on the fat located there. Yes, as a result of training, there is a local acceleration of blood flow and lipolysis, but it is so insignificant that it has virtually no effect on the thickness of the fat layer.

A study conducted in 2007 yielded interesting results. It showed that local physical exercise can lead to greater weight loss in areas the person is not training.

So if you intend to lose weight “locally”, do not focus on exercise, but pay attention to proper nutrition. And be sure to take care of local cosmetic procedures. When combined with diet and exercise, they will help you burn fat in the right place much faster. Good effect gives massages, hot and cold wraps, contrast showers.

However, remember that local weight loss does not always give satisfactory results. Yes, you may lose a few extra centimeters, but not where you planned.

Trainers advise people with excess weight and fat folds in the abdominal area to monitor their health status in time, and also resort to rules effective weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Among the main points are the following factors:

  • While eating food, you need to fully concentrate on it. It is important to think positively and not think about negative things.
  • You should not overeat; it is welcome if a person gets up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • You need to practice separate meals - eat 5-6 times a day.
  • Be sure to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night.
  • If you feel hungry, you should first drink a glass of water. Firstly, the stomach becomes full and does not give signals for immediate consumption of food. Secondly, a person often perceives the feeling of thirst erroneously - in the form of a feeling of hunger.
  • It is recommended to find interesting outdoor activities for yourself - hobbies and hobbies that can replace tedious workouts in the gym. At the same time, you should perform light physical exercises - climb the stairs on foot, walk more, carry purchases from the store in your hands, rather than moving in a car.
  • Religious people can read a prayer before each meal. If this is not the case, it is enough to simply thank life for the plate of food you have received.

You can forget about all the recommendations if you think positively. You can lose weight with an active lifestyle - meeting with friends and family, engaging in exciting activities, as well as constantly having fun and smiling your radiant smile.

Problems of excess weight have recently worried not only women and men. This is especially true for “traditional” problem areas. Therefore, in this article we will present fairly simple but effective exercises that will help remove folds from the abdomen and sides. By following the weight loss instructions below, you can get in shape in your usual home conditions in a few weeks.

The layer of fatty deposits that forms folds in the areas of the sides, abdomen and back is quite difficult to remove and takes a long period of time. Therefore, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine physical fat-burning exercises with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Making every effort to get rid of extra centimeters in the waist, sides and stomach is not enough. It is necessary to choose the most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides, and also review your diet. With an integrated approach at home, you can get sculpted lines and a flat, toned stomach in just 2-3 months, as in the photo in sports magazines.

First of all, regularity helps to acquire toned shape. Therefore, if you want to get the maximum weight loss effect in problem areas, perform the complex physical activities regularly. In this case, the exercises must begin with a warm-up and cardio exercises, then move on to stretching and complete the training with strength training.

For women and men there are special exercises from the stomach and sides. By doing them, you can simultaneously stimulate fat burning and strengthen muscles, forming problem area beautiful relief. This is the main difference between such activities and ordinary ones. power loads and simple warm-ups.

Sticking to a strict diet while losing weight on your sides and abdomen is not recommended. It will be enough to reduce the consumption of fatty foods and fast food, salt, sugar, carbonated drinks, hot seasonings and flour. It would also be appropriate to limit yourself from smoked and salted foods, as they can cause fluid stagnation in the body. It is strongly recommended to remove bad habits(alcohol, smoking).

At the same time, your diet can be diluted:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • fish;
  • lean meat (poultry, rabbit).

Set of exercises

To get a flat stomach, thin waist and sculpted sides at home, we offer a special set of exercises. It is divided into two parts and is suitable for both women and men. It is recommended to perform these exercises every other day.

Part 1

This part includes exercises aimed at removing folds, excess fat, and flabbiness from the abdomen as quickly as possible.

We take the starting position - lying on your back. We place our hands with palms facing upward behind our heads, but do not fasten them together. Meanwhile, we bend our legs at the knees, leaving our feet shoulder-width apart and bringing our knees together. When exhaling, you need to raise your body, trying to touch your knees with your nose, while inhaling, lower your body to the floor. Basic exercises for beginners, they require about 10 repetitions for women and 15 for men. For people with higher physical capabilities you can safely perform 20 times or more.

Such exercises help not only pump up muscles and make your stomach flat, but also remove fat from the sides, which is why they are called “fat burning.” Starting position – lying on your back. Place your hands, palms down, under your buttocks. The legs should be kept together and straight. We perform “scissors”, raising the heels to a height of no more than 15 cm, and pressing the shoulders to the floor. You need to perform these manipulations 10 times, increasing the number of passes to 3.

You can remove fat from the sides and abdomen by performing 10 repetitions of the following exercise.

Starting position - lying straight on your side, one hand should be under your head, and the other should touch the floor in front of your stomach with your palm. You need to simultaneously raise both legs as high as possible above the floor, returning to the starting position. After doing 10 repetitions, you can roll over to the other side. When performing the exercise, you should try to do everything slowly.

To perform the next exercise, you need to take a lying position on the floor, with straight legs and straight arms extended along the body. While exhaling, you should slowly lift your pelvis up, while trying to draw in your stomach. As you inhale, you can return to the starting position. When performing these manipulations, try to hold your pelvis at the top for 20-30 seconds and do 10 repetitions in 2 sets.

Part 2

Below are simple and effective fat burning exercises that are designed for the sides. By doing them, you will get a flat stomach and elastic, sculpted sides. These classes are great for women and men. For home use, this is a great option to get in shape in 1-2 months.

Starting position - place your feet slightly wider than the line of your shoulders, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and put your hands behind your head and lock them together. It is advisable to move the body forward a little. In this position, it is necessary to slowly tilt - first to the left, then to the right.

It is necessary to ensure that the body remains level during the sag and do not turn it or bend it backwards.

You can do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

To achieve the most desired effect from exercise and weight loss at home, you cannot do without this: take a lying position on the floor, placing your hands behind your head and clasping them together. Then you need to place your left heel on your right knee and raise your body, trying to touch the knee of your right leg with your left elbow. After this, you can return to the starting position and swap the lower limbs.

These classes are quite simple, but no less effective. And they can be included in a set of exercises that allow you to remove your sides, for women and men. Starting position - lying on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, legs bent at the knees. We raise our hands, pointing them straight up, and begin to reach them one by one towards the chandelier. When performing these manipulations, you must ensure that the shoulder blades come off the floor.

Fat-burning workouts usually include exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, which can be performed at home as follows: take the starting position lying on your back on the floor. You need to bend your knees and slightly pull your feet towards your buttocks. Your arms should be straightened and placed evenly along your body. We perform twists. To do this, we try to press our shoulders to the floor and lower our knees first to the floor on the right side, then on the left.

This training will bring maximum effect for both women and men provided that the manipulations are performed slowly and the shoulders do not come off the floor.

We also invite you to watch a video that will teach you how to remove sides and sagging belly at home.

Additional methods for removing fat from problem areas

The basis of losing weight is not only exercise and proper nutrition. It is also an active lifestyle and the presence of daily sports loads. Additional activities can be organized at home. As a rule, these are not only simple, but also effective exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides:

  • spin the hoop every day for 30-60 minutes;
  • do shallow squats and bends;
  • Jump rope every day for 5-30 minutes.

Self-massage of the problem area will be effective for both the fairer sex and men. So, for example, to quickly lose weight in the abdomen and sides, you can do pinch and water massage.

The first option is considered a warm-up. After it, you can begin to perform fat-burning physical exercises. The second option will be more relevant after training. With the help of a shower, you can massage with a stream of water not only your stomach and sides, but also other problem areas.

Of course, classes in conditions gym under the direction of personal trainer will be more effective. But if you use the exercises described above, provided they are performed regularly, at home in a few weeks you can give yourself a flat stomach, a “wasp” waist and remove unattractive folds.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

A protruding tummy is a problem for many girls and women. The reason for this lies in the rhythm of life “on the run”, without having time, a much larger portion is eaten for dinner than required. And there is always not enough time to visit sports or fitness centers. As a result, a blurry figure appears, which leads to psychological and health problems.

Getting rid of excess fat around the waist with just one thing is a waste of time. After all, with regular training you can achieve a triple effect: reduce fat deposits, make the skin more elastic, improve blood circulation in the pelvis by training the abdominal muscles. And if you include exercises for the abdomen in a general set of exercises, then a visible effect can be achieved much earlier.

Advice: If possible, try to practice under supervision professional trainers– this will allow you to quickly remove your belly and bulging sides, and new Pilates classes and water aerobics programs will help you achieve the desired abs.
Let's start our exercises.

To perform the exercises you will need:

  • sports mat,
  • comfortable clothes that breathe.

Exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

  1. Classic and proven squats.
    Starting position – stand with a straight back and fix your hands on your belt. Feet are shoulder width apart. You need to squat and stretch your arms, then return to the starting position. We are following correct breathing- while inhaling, squat, while exhaling, rise. Number of repetitions – 15.
  2. Twisting.
    The starting position is to lie on the floor so that your lower back is pressed tightly against it. Bend your legs at the knees and place your hands behind your head so that your elbows are spread in different directions. When inhaling, you need to lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, pointing your chin up, as if trying to reach the surface of the ceiling with them. When you reach the highest point, tighten your waist area as much as possible and freeze for 5 seconds. Then exhale and return to the starting position. You need to perform 12 repetitions.
    With this exercise, the rectus abdominis muscles are well trained.
  3. Letter with feet in the air.
    Starting position - you need to sit on the floor and focus on your arms, which are pulled back. You need to raise your legs connected together and, without separating them, draw numbers from 0 to 9 in the air. You need to breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat the exercise 3 times, resting 30 seconds between each.
  4. Knock Knock.
    Starting position – lie on a hard surface, stretch your legs and arms. It is necessary to raise your legs above the floor, to a height of 30 centimeters in the air, and lightly hit your feet against each other 3-5 times. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 9 times.
  5. Bike.
    The starting position is to lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head, clasping them together. You need to raise your legs at an angle of 30 degrees, and you can start turning the so-called imaginary pedals. One approach lasts a minute. You need to perform several repetitions, with breaks of 2 minutes between them.
  6. An exercise performed with a pillow.
    Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended upward. You need to hold a pillow between your feet and, together with it, draw circles in the air, starting with small ones and gradually reaching large ones. Return to the starting position in the reverse order, from large circles to small ones. It is necessary to draw at least 30 circles.
  7. Lifts.
    Starting position - lying on the floor, place your hands behind your head, while your elbows look in different directions, and bend your knees. Inhaling, raise your pelvis until a straight line is formed with your knees. At maximum height, freeze for a few seconds and tense all your muscles. Afterwards, exhale and, slowly, return to the starting position. Perform 3 repetitions.
  8. Candle fire.
    Starting position: lying on your back with your arms extended along your torso. You need to raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor and cross them in the air. Support must be done on your hands. After three crossings, hold your breath, keeping your legs extended. Then return to the starting position, first lowering the pelvis, and then the legs. Breathing must be correct - at the entrance, lift the leg, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. For beginners, the exercise is very difficult, so 5 repetitions will be enough; increasing your level of training, you can increase this number to 15.
  9. Vanka-stand-up.
    Starting position - lie on your back and place your arms along your body. Need to supine position turn into a sitting position, slowly leaning forward until your fingers touch your feet. In the same way, slowly return to the starting position. The legs and shoulders remain straight throughout the entire execution. Breathing is repeated from the previous exercise - rise as you inhale, and descend as you exhale.
    News – Exercises For Losing Belly Weight Photo
  10. Mermaid.
    The starting position is to lie on your back, with your hands behind your head and your knees bent. You need to throw your right foot over your left, and, slightly lifting your torso, turn it to the right. Tighten your entire body for 5 seconds and hold your breath. Then return to the starting position, and after 7 repetitions, perform the same exercise on the other side.
  11. Gymnastic hoop.
    For classes, you can purchase either a regular metal hoop or one with various attachments and heavy weight. The weight of the hoop should be around 1-2 kg. If it is less, then the effect will not appear, and if it is heavier, then bruises and contusions on the sides will accompany the classes. After purchasing the hoop, you can start twisting it, first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. There is complete freedom of choice here - the legs can be either together or apart.
    Working out with a hoop will help you forget about such troubles as loose skin with stretch marks, and even cellulite. Plus, flexibility and dexterity will increase, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus will improve.
  12. The simplest static exercise, but no less effective.
    Starting position – any. You can do the exercises even while sitting at work. When inhaling, you need to tense all your muscles and pull in your stomach, holding in this position for 10 seconds. Then exhale and relax. After resting for 30 seconds, repeat 10 times.

  13. The starting position is to lie on your back with your legs extended, and make sure that your heels, head, shoulder blades and lower back are pressed tightly to the floor, and your hands are clasped behind your head. Needs to be raised left leg to form a 90 degree angle, tighten lower muscles abdomen and attach the right leg to the left. Freeze for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position, lowering first your left and then your right leg. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

At the moment, there are more than enough video collections on the Internet with training for. You can calmly study using them.

It is imperative to remember that before a set of exercises for losing belly fat, a warm-up is always carried out to warm up the muscles, if the workout is independent and not included in the general complex. When performing general occupation, the warm-up is carried out at the very beginning, and there is no need for additional warm-up before exercises for the abdomen.

After mastering the above exercises, which you can perform at home without wasting time and money on Sport halls, within a few weeks the first results will be noticeable, which will be reflected in a decrease in waist size, more toned muscles and skin, improved well-being and mood.

Advice from trainers and nutritionists for effective belly fat loss

To avoid the problem of excess weight in the abdominal area over time, you must follow the golden rules of a healthy lifestyle!

  1. While eating, you should not be distracted by negative sources of information, but focus on eating and think positively.
  2. Getting up from the table with a half-starved feeling, it’s impossible to convey, control the quantity and quality of food.
  3. Eat 5-6 times a day.
  4. Before going to bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  5. If you feel a strong desire to eat something, drink a glass of clean water, it helps satisfy your hunger for several hours.
  6. Light physical activity and doing what you love will do wonders for your figure.
  7. Before eating, thank life for every plate of food, love yourself and your life.

Enjoy every day you live and give those around you a radiant smile and a great mood!

Video with a set of exercises for losing belly fat