Yoga classes at home for beginners. Yoga exercises for beginners with the Yoga app - Track Yoga

Now there are a huge number of people whose conversations and thoughts revolve only around how much excess weight they have and how to start losing weight if nothing works. I tried every possible diet, re-read every article about the body 5 times and watched every workout video. You know what? None of this worked! But I'm glad it happened, because in desperation I turned to yoga and asanas. And yes, I lost a lot of excess weight.

Many people doubt whether yoga helps you lose weight...

But as they rightly say about yoga,

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga? Certainly! Let's talk in this article about those asanas that will help you tone your body and lose weight.

If you don’t have experience and don’t know where to start and how to practice correctly, we have it in pictures with names and descriptions of the technique.

Yoga exercises for losing weight on the face (about 2 minutes)

1. Simhasana

Also- lion pose

Operating principle

This asana is known to tone the facial muscles. This is a basic and simple pose and therefore anyone can do it regardless of age. When you assume the lion pose and stick out your tongue, your facial muscles, along with the chest and spine, are stretched. If you need to remove your double chin, then this is the ideal asana for you.

Precautionary measures

There are no potential risks. If you have any discomfort in this pose, you can move to a chair to perform it.

2. Jalandhara Bandha

Principle of operation

This is one of the most popular asanas for beginners. You need to tuck your chin to your chest, between your collarbones, holding your breath. This yoga pose also works to sharpen the jawline.

Precautionary measures

If you have breathing problems, do this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor. Do not attempt this if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.

A set of yoga exercises for losing weight in your arms (about 5-6 minutes)

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also- downward facing dog

Operating principle

This is the so-called “weight” pose. You need to shift the weight of your upper body into your arms. This great way tighten your arm muscles and biceps.

Precautionary measures

Do not do this asana if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. Chaturanga-Dandasana

Also- staff pose on four supports, low plank pose

Operating principle

This pose requires you to be off the ground, supporting your body on your arms and squeezing your core. Not only does it tone your arms, but it also strengthens and tones your biceps and triceps. This asana can be performed even at home for effective weight loss.

Precautionary measures

Do not attempt this pose if you are a beginner or if you have a shoulder or hip injury. It's best to work with a certified yoga instructor who can help you with variations.

5. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Also- dolphin pose

Principle of operation

Your arms will become the basis for balancing your entire upper body as you try to “stay afloat”, i.e. to hold balance. This pose helps strengthen and tone your biceps, triceps, and arms.

Precautionary measures

This is a simple asana that everyone can do. However, you need to be careful if you have neck or shoulder injuries.

6. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Also- upward facing dog pose

Operating principle

Yoga at home is an interesting and useful pastime. And this asana is one of the most powerful and effective for toning your arms, biceps and triceps. It involves stretching the arm muscles and balancing the body weight, and can even be done at home.

Precautionary measures

It is better to avoid this asana if you have had severe neck or shoulder injuries.

Asanas for slimming shoulders and upper back (about 4-6 minutes)

7. Bharadvajasana

Also- Bharadwaja twist

Operating principle

The asana involves only a deep turn, so the difficulty level is quite average. Everyone can easily master it with practice. This pose improves the natural flexibility of the upper body and also helps tone the shoulder blade area.

Precautionary measures

8. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Principle of operation

This pose requires simultaneous movement of the shoulders, neck and spine. An intense twist (one side at a time) helps in toning the sides, upper body, as well as the abdominal muscles.

Precautionary measures

Do not attempt this if you have a headache, insomnia, or are menstruating.

Yoga poses for losing weight in the abdomen and diaphragm (about 5-7 minutes)

9. Naukasana

Also- boat pose

Operating principle

Draw a parallel with a boat as you perform this asana. It works in the same way and the diaphragm area becomes the base for balancing the body. If you're having trouble losing that stubborn fat, here's what will give you visible results. This is a big step towards a flat and toned tummy.

Precautionary measures

Do not perform this asana if you suffer from insomnia, hernias or spinal injuries.

10. Matsiasan pose

Also- fish pose

Operating principle

It's all about stretching your lower body, i.e. thighs, intestines, and abdominal muscles. All asanas that include twisting and stretching help in burning excess fat, which is stored in the most famous and “problem” places, such as the stomach and thighs.

Precautionary measures

It is better to avoid this asana if you have high blood pressure, hernias or migraines, or menstruation.

11. Anantasana

Also- Vishnu pose

Operating principle

This pose tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The focus shifts to both sides of the body as you stretch. This asana also improves blood circulation and digestion.

Precautionary measures

If you experience any discomfort, consult your doctor before performing this asana.

12. Bhujangasana

Also- cobra pose

Principle of operation

The main pose in Surya Namaskar is an elegant asana that works on top part bodies. It gives the abdominal muscles a great stretch and acts as a catalyst for burning unwanted fat.

Precautionary measures

Do not attempt this asana if you are pregnant or have a hernia.

For thighs (about 6-8 minutes)

13. Baddha konasana

Also- butterfly pose

Operating principle

This asana works on the inner and outer thighs. An interesting variation of this pose is to move your legs to imitate the flapping of a butterfly's wings - this is the reason why it is also called the Butterfly Pose. This pose is very good for relaxing your legs.

14. Malasana

Also- garland pose

Operating principle

The most suitable pose for those who sit all day. It stretches the hips, groin and thigh muscles. Also improves flexibility and tones the inner/outer thighs.

15. Anjaneyasana

Also- low forward lunge pose

Operating principle

How to lose weight with yoga? Just! And this pose will help you. It stretches the legs, hamstrings and thighs, thereby helping to tone the muscles from the hips to the ankles. It also releases tension and makes you more flexible.

16. Ardha bhekasana

Also- half frog pose

Operating principle

Half Frog Pose is one of the most difficult poses, but it will give you amazing results. It stretches and strengthens the hips, quadriceps and hamstring muscles. You will feel invigorated as it also stimulates blood circulation.

Precautionary measures

It is better to avoid this asana if you have pain in your neck, shoulders or lower back. It's also a good idea to take a lesson from a yoga instructor before attempting it on your own.

Asanas for weight loss at home for calves, shins and hamstrings

17. Padangusthasana

Also- bending pose with toes grasped

Operating principle

A pose that fully stretches the hamstrings and tones the calf muscles. It strengthens your hips, legs and back while stimulating your kidneys and liver.

Precautionary measures

This is one of the most basic poses and can be done by anyone. However, beginners will need several practice sessions before they can stretch to their full range.

18. Parsvottanasana

Also- pyramid pose

Principle of operation

It is also called the Intense Lateral Extension pose because it involves deep stretching on both sides of the body. This asana strengthens the quadriceps, calf muscles and hamstrings. It also very effectively strengthens and tones the leg muscles.

Precautionary measures

19. Virabhadrasana 2

Also- warrior pose 2

Operating principle

This is a pose that will help you build endurance by stretching all the muscles in your legs. This is the second level of warrior pose and comes with many benefits beyond just toning and strengthening your legs.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you have chronic knee pain, arthritis, high blood pressure or diarrhea.

20. Upavishta konasana

Also- bending over from a sitting position with legs spread wide

Operating principle

This pose resembles a split, and differs only in the forward bend. Deep stretching releases tension in the trunk and hip muscles and tones the thighs.

Precautionary measures

This is an advanced pose, but does not have any potential risks. However, if you have lower back pain, place a soft pillow or blanket under your torso.

Yoga at home for losing weight buttocks (about 5-6 minutes)

21. Garudasana

Also- eagle pose

Operating principle

Eagle pose is a twisting pose that works your hips, legs, and arms while pushing your torso outside your body. Balancing moment helps you find your balance and, in the process, strengthens your core and hip muscles. Is it possible to lose weight by doing yoga? Certainly! And this pose is your main assistant.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you have pain in your knees, shoulders or ankle joints. Also, consult your doctor if you are pregnant.

22. Ananda balasana

Also- pose of a contented child

Operating principle

You will naturally lose weight while doing yoga, but this pose is one of the best for this purpose as it stretches the entire lower body. The main focus is femur, since it runs perpendicular to the floor. The inner thigh, groin and hamstrings are also strengthened in the process.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you are pregnant or menstruating.

23. Rajakapotasana

Also- pigeon pose

Operating principle

Severe stretching of the legs, spine and chest strengthens the thigh muscles. In this asana, the entire body is in front and the hip joint is the only part of the body that remains behind.

Precautionary measures

This asana is thorough and feels impossible, so it's best done under the supervision of a certified instructor, especially if you don't have very good stretching.

24. Supta Baddha Konasana

Also- angle pose with backward deviation

Operating principle

This asana stretches the hips and also targets inner part hips The balancing act of keeping your legs connected while pressing your toes helps stimulate the hip muscles. This is a very relaxing asana - it relieves all tension in the thigh muscles.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you have lower back pain or knee or groin injuries.

Have you ever thought that doing yoga can help you lose weight? Yoga is not a religion; this is the lifestyle you are going to adopt. For life. It improves your mental and physical immunity. But always remember that yoga is not just gymnastics, but a full-fledged sport, so consultation with specialists is required.

So, good luck on your journey through the world of yoga!

In an effort to bring their figure to ideal shape, many turn not only to traditional abdominal exercises, jogging or exercise equipment, but also to eastern systems, such as yoga.

She has one undeniable advantage - Yoga asanas are designed not only for weight loss, but also for giving the body smooth lines and a toned look. In addition, performing such complexes perfectly stretches the muscles, makes them more elastic, but does not add relief.

Yoga for beginners is suitable for those who want to practice at home or do not have the opportunity to visit fitness clubs.

Yoga for weight loss - what is the essence

If we talk about yoga in general, it is not gymnastics complex, A a whole philosophy and system of life, therefore, you can improve yourself, reaching new heights, over the course of decades. But if your plans do not include studying the philosophical aspect of yoga, you should focus on the physical side of the issue.

To achieve results, remember that it is best to alternate static asanas and dynamic exercises yoga for weight loss. This will allow you to quickly tighten your muscles and get rid of fat.

To the benefits of yoga It is worth considering the smooth execution of each asana, the minimal risk of injury (of course, with a reasonable approach), and the opportunity to improve the general condition of the body.

Yoga has contraindications:

  • microtrauma of joints, knees;
  • problems with the spine;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncology.

If you have such ailments, consult your doctor before starting classes.

During yoga, muscle elasticity increases, breathing becomes deeper, and the blood is saturated with oxygen. As a result metabolism is normalized, body fat are gradually broken down and “processed” by muscles, which require energy for nutrition.

Of course, this process is not fast, but it is effective and safe.

To quickly and significantly lose weight in India, they used the following yoga system: they refused food for thirty days, drank water and performed asanas to lose belly fat.

Yoga - where to start

The first thing you should take care of is the location of the classes. It is better to perform asanas outdoors, but if this is not possible, at least open the window and ventilate the room.

Prepare a rug or mat, put on comfortable clothes (preferably made from natural materials), take off your shoes. Tune in to receive “muscle joy”, perform the exercises thoughtfully and slowly.

Yoga - nutrition for weight loss

Many yoga adherents are sure that the food system should be radically changed: give up meat and other animal foods, switch to rice and exotic fruits.

Trainers do not agree with this approach, since this teaching claims that the “right” food is the one that is familiar to a particular region and is traditional. You shouldn’t give up your usual dishes, but keep it in moderation.

Try to replace fried, smoked, sweet foods with fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, drink herbal teas and clean water. Give up alcohol. But becoming a vegetarian is not at all necessary.

How to start doing yoga

Please note that there are a huge number of yoga practices, and it can be difficult for a beginner to quickly understand them. Experts advise choosing hatha yoga, especially for beginners, because in this case it is much easier to master the very first poses, and you can do it at home.

But if you have the opportunity take yoga lessons for beginners under coach's guidance, You shouldn’t give it up.

Before you start doing yoga at home on your own, choose a time that is convenient for you: no less than two hours after a meal, but no later than an hour before a meal. Try to do the exercises without haste, putting extraneous muscles out of your head, listening to your breathing and your own well-being.

Do not try to perform complex asanas at once - start with the simplest poses. You need to exercise 3-4 times a week, the length of each lesson should be from fifteen to forty minutes.

Yoga asanas for beginners - photos and description of a set of exercises

You should definitely start your home yoga classes with a warm-up: this rule is especially important for beginners. You can do it by remembering school lessons physical education: tilting the head forward and backward, rotating the arms at the shoulders and elbows, bending the body to the sides and forward, squats.

Or you can perform a Sun Salutation: stand up straight, bring your feet together, and fold your arms in front of your chest, palms together. Take a deep breath. After this, raise your folded palms up, exhaling air.

Lean forward, bending hip joints. Lower your arms, take a step back with one leg, fixing your palms parallel to the floor. The knee of the back leg should be on the floor, and the front leg should be placed clearly between the palms.

Pull your shoulder blades back and take a deep breath. After this, you can master yoga poses for beginners without the risk of damaging your joints and muscles.

Yoga - exercises for beginners for weight loss


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and pull your stomach in. Raise one leg, resting your foot on your thigh and moving your knee out to the side. Stretch your arms as high as possible, clasp your palms together. Hold the asana for 30 seconds for each leg.

Warrior Pose

To exit, pull your stomach in and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward, bend your knee; the angle must be right. Spread your arms to the sides, and then raise them as high as possible, connecting them above your head. 30 seconds on each leg.

Lateral traction

Start with the same starting position as in the previous asanas, then raise one arm up, extend it and bend towards the opposite leg. Don't strain your other hand. Breathe deeply and hold the asana for 40 seconds. At the same time, look at the fingers of the hand that is above your head. Do the asana in the other direction.


Stand up straight, then take a step forward, bending your knee. Relax your pelvis, lower it as far as you can. After this, turn your torso to the side, rest your palm on the floor near your bent knee, and pull your other arm up as much as possible. Look at your fingers. 30 seconds on each side.

Bow pose

Lie on your stomach with your arms back. Bend your legs at the knees and lift them up. Grab your ankles with your hands, tighten your abs as much as possible. Hold the asana for 30-40 seconds.

Yoga for weight loss - reviews


"Since I have sedentary work, decided to take up hatha yoga for beginners. At first, even those muscles that I didn’t even know existed hurt, but then I got used to it. In two months, I lost 4 kg, my waist became thinner, and my body became more flexible. At the same time, my back stopped hurting.”


“For my birthday, I was given a book on yoga - a self-instruction manual for beginners. Out of curiosity, I decided to try it. A month later, I was surprised to discover that there was less fat on my stomach and my waist had tightened. I stepped on the scale – 5.5 kg was gone!”


"Study home yoga I decided not so much for weight loss, but for tightening muscles after childbirth. At first I trained for 15 minutes, then for half an hour. In three months, I lost 6 kg, which I gained with the birth of my daughter.”


“I did yoga back in college, but then I gave it up. When I switched to freelancing, I decided to try again, and realized that this was exactly what I needed: extra pounds go away as if on their own, and the body becomes flexible and slender. My result is 3.8 kg in a month!”


“I tried a lot of exercises to lose weight, but it was yoga that suited me best. The muscles became more elastic, the body became more toned, and 6 kg disappeared in a month without strain.”

Yoga for beginners at home - video

If you decide to master your first asanas, it is better to do it under the guidance of a trainer. Isn't there such a possibility? Then carefully watch the video, which outlines a fifteen-minute complex, which, when performed regularly, you can put your body in order.

Yoga classes really help you lose weight, make your body more flexible and are suitable for both beginners and those who can boast a high level of training: study photos of asanas, watch videos - and you will succeed!

Have you tried yoga? What results did you achieve, how much did you lose? Share your plans and achievements in the comments!

Hello future yogis! Yoga is a very common trend now. You've probably heard about it many times. Perhaps this is a sport for you and additional opportunity for weight loss? Or perhaps with this word you imagine Yog and the letter “Y” from the children's alphabet? Or do you imagine enlightened Indian gurus sitting under a tree and passing on their knowledge to the masses?

There are a lot of myths about her. Today I would like to briefly and succinctly tell you about this teaching in general and what yoga is for beginners and exercises for it at home.

This is a philosophical movement that originated in Ancient India. It is aimed at changing lifestyle, spiritual enlightenment, harmony of body and spirit.

But this is not a sect, as some people think. In modern sports society, yoga has already become a certain type of gymnastics. It has many advantages:

  • This is a way to relax and disconnect from everything external. At this time, you concentrate only on your sensations. Classes are accompanied by soothing music and, in some centers, special scented candles and dim lights
  • Is not strength training. The goal is not to perform every asana with maximum load. This is not cardio training. There is no need to exhaust your body. All asanas must be performed in harmony with oneself
  • During training, meditative techniques are used, in which the mood is set to achieve your goals in order to strive to fulfill your desires
  • During exercises it stretches and. Posture becomes straight, which improves the functioning of all internal organs
  • Breathing is controlled. This has a positive effect on cardiovascular system and blood circulation
  • Besides: positive influence on joints, flexibility, weight loss, normalization of sleep, relief from stress and many more positive aspects

There are also contraindications, but they are significantly fewer than any active species sports. It is worth consulting a doctor for those who have diseases of the internal organs, spine, hernia, high or low intracranial pressure, or those who have recently experienced serious illnesses (oncology, surgeries, strokes). It is better for pregnant women to practice only with an instructor.

Exercises at home

Yoga at home is quite possible, and to some extent even more advantageous than sports centers. Training requires regularity, and visiting the gym is not always possible according to the planned schedule. It requires full concentration on the sensations, which is much easier to do if you train alone rather than in a group. You don't have to adapt to others - you can work at your own pace.

Moreover, there are many instructions, videos, photos and pictures on the Internet for performing asanas. But, as always, I recommend consulting with experienced trainer before the beginning independent studies. This will avoid completely unnecessary injuries.

At home you won't need many props:

  • Rug. Many online resources suggest using a regular mat or even a towel. I do not recommend that you listen to such advice from amateurs. Many asanas are based on maintaining balance and balance. On an ordinary towel, standing on one leg (arm, head or some other part of the body), you can very easily slip and get injured. Use a special polyurethane mat
  • Comfortable clothes. You should not wear wide T-shirts and pants, because you will get confused in them and be distracted from your inner state. At the same time, a form that restricts movement will not work either.
  • Blanket and socks. May be useful at the end of the training when conducting meditation practice
  • Over time, you will need a towel and special straps. They will help you do some stretches.

Prepare the room. The room should be warm but ventilated. It is advisable to remove excessively bright light. Let your loved ones not disturb you during the training. You can turn on soothing music or sounds of nature.

Tadasana (mountain pose)

At first glance, the exercise seems simple, but this does not mean that it is not effective. Always remember - yoga is complex exercises. By performing sequences you will get a much greater effect than doing the exercises separately.

Let's get back to the exercise. Stand up straight with your feet together and your arms at your sides. You should be completely straight, but also relaxed. Imagine that your feet are roots and you are holding tightly to the ground.

Urdhva-hastasana (hands up)

Now from Tadasana, at the entrance, pull your arms up and join your palms above your head. Try to stretch out as much as possible. If you do everything correctly, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers and a pleasant stretch in your spine. For better effect It is better to repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Pada-hastasana (forward bend)

Let's move on. From Urdhva-hastasana, as you exhale, bend forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands. It is strictly forbidden to bend your knees in this exercise! It is clear that from the very beginning you are unlikely to be able to perform this exercise perfectly. Just keep practicing and the results will pleasantly surprise you. In the lowest position, try to relax your back and hang.

Malasana (garland)

Next step. While in a bending position, bend your knees and squat. The exercise is done while exhaling. You need to keep your hands in front of you, and sit as “deeply” as possible. This is very useful exercise for the lower back!

Chaturanga Dandasana (four-legged pose)

From the Garland pose we move into the pose. Now you need to go down to the very bottom and stay there for a couple of seconds. Straighten up and repeat this exercise several times. Just don't overwork yourself!

Paschimottanasana (forward bend)

Lower yourself to the floor and stretch your legs forward. The mechanics of this exercise are very important: as you inhale, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, bend forward, trying to touch your feet. At first, you won’t succeed in everything, but the main thing is to try regularly. After staying in this position for a couple of seconds, straighten up again and pull your arms up. We do 3 repetitions.

Ananda Balasana (Happy Child Pose)

Last exercise. It is quite difficult to explain its correct execution in words, so carefully study it in the picture. It is important to be able to clasp your legs with your hands, not strain your neck and, if possible, relax your spine. You need to stay in this position for at least 10 breathing cycles. After you finish, lie down on the floor, relax and rest for 2-3 minutes.

  • Exercise on an empty stomach, or at least 2 hours after eating. This is why morning training will come in handy.
  • You should not take a shower or go to the bathhouse immediately after. Your blood circulation will be altered after exercise
  • Exercise barefoot - take care of your safety. Only during meditation can you wear socks for warmth
  • Control your breathing. Breathe calmly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth
  • Listen to your body. If it says, “Stop.” Do not continue the asana. No one requires you to do the splits on the first approach. Gradually you will come to this
  • Relax your muscles. Being tense increases your risk of injury.
  • Perform all movements smoothly, without jerking. You're not in gym class
  • Don't stress, have fun
  • Regularity is necessary. It is advisable to spend at least 20 minutes daily on techniques
  • Stretch your spine, don't slouch
  • Do some warm-up exercises before your workout


No matter how you spend your day: sitting at your office desk, playing with your children, or, for example, painting the walls, best opportunity relaxing is meditation. Its effect after training will be many times stronger. Thanks to meditation, you will gain control over your emotions, thoughts will flow in the right direction, and your body will relax as much as possible.

During meditation, you should be as focused as possible on your own thoughts. Nothing should interfere with you. Turn off the lights, play slow music in the background (or better yet, meditate in complete silence), cover yourself with a blanket and let your thoughts flow.

You must disconnect from everything external, feel every cell of your body, feel your breath and direct your thoughts in the necessary direction.

To enhance the effect, use mantras - sound forms of energy. One of the most famous mantras is the “OM” mantra.

Another technique that enhances the effect of meditation is tantra. This is a practice that will release your inner energy and develop sensuality.

It’s no wonder that yoga is gaining such popularity. This is not only a way to tidy up your body, but also an opportunity to clear your thoughts. Its advantages are undeniable. And if you do it under the guidance of an experienced instructor, who will not only help you perform asanas, but will also guide you in the necessary direction. Then you will get the very necessary effect of relaxation and relaxation from the very first lessons.

And as the famous B.K.S. said. Iyengar: “The most important thing in yoga is not breathing technique, knowledge of asanas or joint flexibility. The most important thing is to lay out the mat and get started.” Get started, and I'll tell you how. Subscribe to me, tell your friends. See you!

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Yogis are like people from another planet. Young and slender, they wake up easily and joyfully early in the morning, can easily stand on their heads or sit for hours in the lotus position, remain calm and surprisingly relaxed, even when everyone around is fussing and worrying, always know what they want, rarely get sick and are usually plump strength They seem to know some secret, thanks to which they remain in good mood and smile much more often than other people. And taking the first steps in yoga is very simple. Especially now, when there is enough available information to start practicing at home.

Well, they are definitely from another planet! The author of this article also thought so 10 years and 30 kilograms ago. And the author of this article certainly would not have believed it if someone had told her then that one day she, too, would stand upside down and rejoice at every opportunity to exercise.

In fact, the practice of yoga changes your life so gently and gradually that you yourself do not notice how you become such a person - as if from another, more prosperous planet.

Step 1. What you need to know about yoga

Step 4. Prepare the necessary equipment. Or don't cook anything!

For your very first lessons, you most likely will not need anything at all. You can exercise in any comfortable clothes, preferably barefoot so that your feet do not slip on the floor. Of course, ideally you need to have a special yoga mat, which you need to select for yourself. But at first, an ordinary tourist “foam” or the cheapest gymnastics mat from the nearest sports store will do.

Then, if you like yoga and become your regular practice, you can buy yourself a special mat - now there is a very wide choice, you can buy very nice option. Except appearance pay attention to the mat being “tenacious”, anti-slip, and to its thickness - if you work out at home, you can buy a thick mat, it will be more comfortable on it; if you want to go somewhere to exercise, then you should prefer a lighter and more compact one.

If you are not a very flexible person, or you have excess weight, you will also need a strap - you can take a regular trouser belt or a small scarf.

Some asanas are more convenient to perform with the help of a “brick”, instead of which you can take a couple of thick books.

Finally, you may need a couple of small pillows and a blanket to relax at the end of the session.

Step 5: Create the Environment

Yoga is always a process of immersion into oneself, it is a conscious activity. If you can watch TV or listen to an audiobook while running or exercising on a machine, then while practicing yoga you need to focus all your attention on your body.

You need to track all your sensations: where it stretches better and where it’s worse, where there is pain or blockage, what emotions emerge, where there is tension.

You need to look at yourself from the outside and learn to relax in every asana. And also maintain calm breathing from the lower abdomen, directing inhalation and exhalation to the most tense areas of the body.

Therefore, you will need a calm environment to practice. Choose a time when your loved ones are not at home, or they are sleeping, or ask them not to disturb you. You can turn on quiet, calm music. You can light incense if you like the smell. And most importantly, turn off your phone.

Let this hour of your life be dedicated only to you.

Step 6: Apply the principles of consistency and gradualism

For success in any practice - not only in yoga - it is enough to follow two principles: gradualism and consistency. The principle of consistency means that you exercise regularly. Even if sometimes you are lazy, or you are tired, or you want to lie on the couch and watch a series, but you still force yourself to lay out the mat and start studying. As a rule, this is what turns out to be the most difficult thing - laying out the rug. And then, as you get involved in the process, it becomes easier and easier.

Anyone who practices yoga will tell you that they have never regretted forcing themselves to practice, overcoming some internal resistance. After class, your well-being and mood always improve.

In order for the practice to bring changes, it is advisable to practice every day or at least every other day. And this, by the way, is another advantage of home exercises - finding an hour or at least half an hour for home practice is easier than going to the gym every day. The bare minimum is 2-3 times a week. And it’s better to exercise a little every day than to go through a “marathon” once a month.

The principle of gradualism means that you don't rush into practice like a starving man at a buffet. Some people, having felt the taste of practice for the first time, having experienced the state of meditation, throw themselves into it like a whirlpool - they meditate for hours, stand on their heads for a long time, study literature or practice asanas all day long. After some time, they become satiated and disgusted with their activities. If you are in a hurry, mastering asanas too quickly, your mind and your energy will not have time to readjust, and instead of fullness, you will feel empty.

Therefore, in practice you will have to force yourself to work out in some places, and limit yourself in others. Over time, you should gain an intuitive understanding of how much and how you need to exercise.

But the most main secret effective practice is not the point.

Step 7: Use the Secret to Effective Practice

The main secret is to make the practice bring you joy. Yes, the practice may be difficult, you will have to make an effort, you may be scared to get into an inverted position or it may be painful to stretch your muscles, but the aftertaste after the class should be inner joy.

It's like in a family - you can quarrel over little things, but know that you are still close and dear to each other. Only in this case will you return to practice again and again.

Track your condition before and after class. Yoga practice doesn't have to break you. After class you should feel light and full. If you feel tired and irritated every time, then perhaps this is not your path, not your practice.

Inner joy will motivate you not only to exercise, but also to gradually make changes to your lifestyle that will make you healthier and more energetic.

Step 8. Start slowly changing your lifestyle

It’s not for nothing that many people say that yoga is a way of life. Yoga classes don’t even have to start with asanas - start with awareness. Observe: what makes you want to fly, as if on wings, and what makes you give up and lose your mood.

Start taking the simplest steps. For example, these:

TOP 5 yoga tricks for health and well-being

  1. Get up with or before sunrise - the strength of the beginning of the day will give you additional energy;
  2. Start your day with simple exercises ;
  3. In any incomprehensible situation, breathe deeply from the bottom of your belly - this helps to cope with emotions and calm the mind;
  4. Eat consciously: don’t go on diets, track for yourself which foods bring you down and which ones lift you up, after which foods you feel more strength, and which ones cause heaviness and drowsiness;
  5. Practice... silence - at least once a day, close your eyes, let go of your thoughts and go inside yourself for one minute.

A few more very simple but effective life hacks from yogis that will change the quality of your life can be found in our special guide:

Step 9. Motivate yourself! A budget is not just about money

The practice of yoga and meditation does not bring results immediately, but after quite a long time. So you read the article, watched the video and got excited about the idea of ​​​​changing yourself with the help of yoga. You start getting up early, working out every day, eating right, and after a while you get tired of such constant efforts. But there are no results yet. What to do then?

To create an incentive for yourself, imagine that every time you do yoga, you replenish your “budget.” For example, for each lesson you mentally “put” five hundred rubles into your account. You can even estimate how many classes you'll need to pay off your mortgage or buy a car. And if you break one of your new habits - for example, drinking alcohol at a party, give yourself a fine.

This analogy works - this is how a person works. This will make it easier for you to motivate yourself before tangible results come and new states open up.

Step 10. Find some company

Another important motivating factor is the company of like-minded people. Not everyone can do alone for a long time something that no one around is interested in. So find yourself a good company. Now this is very easy to do - join an online community with similar interests. For example,

One of the main health problems in modern man is overweight. In the United States, for example, obesity affects about 60% of the population. In our country the situation is, of course, better, but the number of people suffering from problems with overweight, is still very large.

This state of affairs is caused by poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, most people do not have enough time to complete physical exercise, which, against the background of poor ecology and consumption of high-calorie foods, leads to sad results.

Today, more and more people are embarking on the path to combat excess weight. Some go on a strict diet, others enroll in GYM's, while some prefer to study at home.

The methods by which people regain their good health also vary. physical fitness– these could be classes with own weight, training on simulators, massages, etc. Today we will tell you about one of the ways to combat excess weight, which has recently become increasingly popular - yoga.

Some may be puzzled by the question of how you can lose weight with yoga. Let us immediately note that you will not be able to quickly get rid of extra pounds by performing asanas.

Weight loss in yoga is achieved not through the active burning of fat deposits, but through a qualitative restructuring of your body and its improvement. Losing extra pounds will be a pleasant consequence of the changes that will occur in your body with regular yoga practice.

There is also a special power yoga for weight loss, the exercises of which are aimed specifically at combating excess weight.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga for weight loss has a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish it from other methods of combating excess weight:

Yoga classes have virtually no contraindications and are suitable for people of any level physical training and health.

The only reasons why it is better to refrain from practicing yoga may be spinal ailments, blood diseases, or cancer. You should also refrain from exercising during infectious diseases, influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.

In each individual case, the best way out of the situation would be consult an experienced doctor.

Basic rules of yoga

To achieve the maximum effect from yoga, you must strictly follow the following rules:

Women should remember that during menstruation only relaxing exercises can be performed, and during pregnancy only light practices are allowed.

Yoga video lessons

Especially for you, dear readers, we have selected yoga lessons with videos for beginners, which describe weight loss exercises that you can perform at home.

Yoga for weight loss in 30 minutes

This lesson presents a set of yoga exercises for beginners, ideal for performing in morning time.

The exercises are selected in such a way that they involve all muscle groups, which is especially important for effective weight loss. All exercises are as simple as possible and can be done by people of any level of training.

Expert review:

Calm and simple complex effective exercises, aimed at strengthening the body and burning fat deposits throughout the body.

Perform it in the morning, try to follow the speaker’s recommendations as closely as possible. The calm atmosphere created by the music will help you concentrate on doing the exercises.

Yoga exercises for weight loss

This video presents a simple set of hatha yoga exercises suitable for beginners. Yulia Lemeshko, experienced teacher hatha yoga, shows all the intricacies of performing the exercises, explaining each action.

Expert review:

This set of exercises is designed to normalize metabolism, which, subject to compliance proper diet will help you quickly lose weight, as well as remove harmful substances accumulated in it from the body.

Yoga for weight loss from Denise Austin

This video presents a set of exercises aimed specifically at losing weight with the help of yoga. Its author, Denise Austin, accompanies the implementation of the complex with detailed explanations, and the duplication of movements by her two assistants allows you to consider all the intricacies of performing the exercises.

Expert review:

Denise Austin's set of exercises is good because all the exercises in it are selected to combat excess weight.

The training program is divided into 4 parts: burning fat, strengthening the leg muscles to make them slim, working out the abdominal area and relaxing exercises to complete the workout. This combination provides maximum fat burning effect.

Yoga for beginners from Ekaterina Buida

In this video, famous yoga teacher Katerina Buida demonstrates a set of exercises for beginners. The exercises of the complex are aimed at overall strengthening of all muscle groups of the body, including the abdominal and leg areas, which has a beneficial effect on burning fat deposits in this area.

Expert review:

The main notability of this video is that it contains the “sun salutation” exercise - one of the most useful yoga classes for beginners, since its implementation involves almost all muscle groups, which has a positive effect on the tone of the whole body.

Yoga for Beginners

An excellent video for those who are just starting to practice yoga. Simple exercises, demonstrated in it, are accompanied by a detailed explanation of all actions.

Expert review:

A good complex for working out the basics muscle groups. Relatively short fixation of asanas is aimed at developing flexibility and improving control of your body. Detailed description each movement makes the complex understandable to perform.

We have selected for you the easiest sets of yoga exercises to perform, which can be performed even by a person who has never exercised before. You can also read the article “Yoga for Beginners at Home”

If you want to get acquainted with a large number of yoga complexes for beginners, pay attention to the lessons of teachers such as Olga Bulanova, Andrei Sidersky, Karina Kharchinskaya and Ravi Kumar. For women starting to practice yoga, the advice of teacher Tatyana Borodaenko will also be useful.

Do you think it’s possible to get rid of extra pounds with the help of yoga? Maybe you practice yoga for other purposes? Tell us about it in the comments!