Aerobics for pregnant women month after month. What gymnastics is recommended in the second trimester of pregnancy (photo and video tips) Aerobics for pregnant women 2nd trimester

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Are sports and childbearing compatible? This question certainly arises among those expectant mothers who are accustomed to keeping their bodies in good shape through training. Find out what are the features of fitness classes while expecting a baby, what types of training can be used in the early stages, and which ones will be useful shortly before giving birth.

Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?

When a woman finds out that she will become a mother in a few months, this fact brings many changes to her usual routine. One of the first questions to arise is about the correction of the regime physical activity in order to ensure maximum good conditions for the formation of the baby in the mother's womb. Is it safe to continue vigorous exercise during pregnancy? How to keep yourself in good shape so that childbirth goes well, and after it you quickly get into optimal shape?

The correct answer to the question of whether pregnant women can engage in fitness can be done only after consulting the expectant mother with her doctor. It must be taken into account that every woman’s body is individual. Some representatives of the fair sex, in anticipation of their unborn child, may go to the gym for classes until the last weeks of pregnancy, while others, in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage, may be recommended bed rest. By general rule, women in this position are advised to exercise moderately, but their type and intensity should be determined in consultation with a specialist.

What sports can you do while pregnant?

Although expectant mothers are prone to fatigue, they should try to maintain a balance between active sports loads and sedentary rest. If a woman’s routine includes gymnastics for pregnant women and regular walking, this will only benefit the baby. Such moderate loads will effectively improve the blood circulation of the mother’s body, as a result of which the fetus will receive the amount of oxygen and nutrients necessary for normal development. Good effect A set of fitness yoga, Pilates, and water aerobics exercises will also help during pregnancy.

In order for exercise for pregnant women to bring only benefits to both the woman and the baby in her womb, we must remember some contraindications. The expectant mother should not do exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles - for example, doing crunches or pumping the abs. Fitness elements such as jumping, back arching, sudden swings and any movements characterized by high intensity. Also, during the gestation period, due to the very high risk of complications, strength training exercises cannot be performed.

Squats during pregnancy

This type of physical exercise correct execution will bring a lot of benefits to a woman. Squats during pregnancy not only strengthen the muscles of the hips and back, but also help the joints pelvic girdle become more flexible, which will be very useful during childbirth. In order to distribute the load evenly during such exercises, you need to do them smoothly, or even better, squat with support. At home, you can use a chair for this purpose. It is even more convenient and effective to do squats in specially equipped rooms, under the supervision of a trainer.

Aqua gymnastics for pregnant women

This type of fitness activity is not only safe, but also very useful for expectant mothers. Performing sets of exercises in aquatic environment is easier, as a result of which not only the physical condition, but also the woman’s mood improves. Aqua gymnastics for pregnant women in most cases is carried out under the guidance of experienced instructors, which guarantees proper distribution of loads during training. Even free swimming without sudden, intense strokes is an excellent sport for pregnant women, from the early stages until the last weeks before childbirth.

Fitness for pregnant women – 1st trimester

An important condition for a woman who wants to continue an active lifestyle in the first months of expecting a child is to receive detailed recommendations on this matter from her doctor. In order to successfully combine pregnancy and sports in the first trimester, a specialist must confirm the absence of any contraindications. You also need to consider the nature of the exercises that will be performed. To ensure that fitness during pregnancy is safe in the early stages and does not cause uterine hypertonicity, a woman should not strain her stomach, do sudden twisting, bending, or swinging her legs.

Fitness for pregnant women – 2nd trimester

During this period, many physiological risks associated with the pregnancy process are reduced, the woman feels better, and toxicosis disappears. This period of time is very favorable for doing fitness for pregnant women and well preparing the body for childbirth. Sports in the second trimester should have the goal of strengthening the muscles of the back, lower back, abdomen, and thighs. You need to know what to avoid oxygen deficiency fetus and dizziness in the pregnant woman herself, she cannot train while lying on her back - she must choose body positions with emphasis on her knees and hands.

Fitness for pregnant women – 3rd trimester

At such late stages, women’s thoughts are occupied with the upcoming birth. Sports in the third trimester are designed to help her prepare her body for this important, responsible process. Expectant mothers need to be careful with physical activity in the last weeks of pregnancy, so as not to provoke the onset of labor ahead of schedule. For this reason, they are not recommended to engage in fitness on their own; it is better to do the exercises under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

You need to know that in the third trimester, the hormone relaxin is actively produced in the pregnant woman’s body, which affects the joints, making them more pliable. If the expectant mother does intensive stretching, she may even provoke a dislocation in herself. For this reason, in the last weeks of pregnancy, fitness classes should be carried out without sudden movements. A woman needs to remember that she is not doing such a complex for the purpose of losing weight or achieving any other goals. sports results– she only relaxes the muscles that bear the greatest load, and prepares for childbirth.

Video: fitness during pregnancy

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Surprisingly, these months (from the fourth to the sixth) are much better suited for intensive training than, despite the fact that the child grows quickly, and his weight grows with him. It is in the fourth month that the body gets used to its new state: hormonal levels stabilize, weakness and nausea disappear, and most importantly, the placenta is formed, reliably protecting the fetus from all kinds of troubles.

Typically, women in the second trimester feel an unprecedented surge of strength. You should definitely take advantage of this and play sports during pregnancy! Moreover, there are a million pluses: according to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in 2010, exercise in the second trimester of pregnancy improves sleep and mood, prevents edema and diabetes during pregnancy, and helps facilitate future childbirth.

"But it's also important not to overdo it during the second trimester," explains Katherine Cram, pregnancy fitness specialist and author of Fit Pregnancy for Dummies. — After the 13th week, active weight gain begins, and many women, taking advantage of their excellent health, push themselves with training in an attempt to lose weight “back.” This should not be done under any circumstances." There are a few more rules that must be followed.

Sports during pregnancy: rules for the second trimester

Monitor your heart rate during fitness: it should not exceed 130 beats per minute. If the heartbeat increases significantly, less blood enters the uterus and the fetus suffers from hypoxia.

In the second trimester, the child grows, the uterus extends beyond the pelvis - this entire structure is very vulnerable. Avoid aggressive and team sports during pregnancy that pose a risk of falling or injury.

Absolute contraindications for sports during pregnancy are placenta previa, threatened miscarriage and anemia. If you feel very tired, short of breath, nausea, headache, or tightness in your stomach or lower back, stop exercising immediately. Do the same for any unusual vaginal discharge (bloody, too much, watery).

After the fourth month, it is better to abandon exercises and asanas that are performed while lying on your back: the so-called kava syndrome may occur. With it, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the large vena cava, and the mother feels severe weakness and nausea, and the child feels acute hypoxia.

Obviously, you should also not lie on your stomach, even if it has not yet enlarged: this impairs blood circulation and can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Be sure to buy comfortable sports underwear: firstly, the old ones are probably not enough for you, and secondly, it is in the fourth month that the breasts become especially painful and sensitive.

During the second trimester, your body's center of gravity shifts and you may feel more unsteady. Don't take risks: refuse difficult exercises on balance, dancing in high heels and jumping sports during pregnancy.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga can be a real salvation in the second trimester: it will relieve shortness of breath, energize, and gently strengthen and stretch the muscles. The best “pregnant” poses are virasanas, which save you from varicose veins and pain in the legs, konasanas, which gently open the pelvis, and standing asanas that straighten your posture (for example, tadasana). Also suitable for pregnant women is the “cat” asana, which has a beneficial effect on the entire spine, which it is advisable to perform daily. But it’s better to avoid inverted poses, bends and leg lifts.

“Centering” exercises from Pilates on the side, all fours and fitball should be performed two to three times a week for half an hour: this safe way strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles (very necessary during childbirth!) and get rid of back pain.

Power training

An enlarged belly is not a reason to quit your favorite strength training activities. Moreover, now they will be even more effective: thanks to the increased weight, the usual exercises will become more difficult and will give you a good load. Never forget about a good warm-up: during pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, all ligaments and tendons relax, and because of this, the risk of injury increases. If you are working with free weights, take lighter dumbbells, no more than 2 kg in one hand, and reduce the number of repetitions.

In the second trimester, emphasis should be placed on working out the arms, legs, chest, back, shoulder girdle and buttocks. Ideal Exercises- lunges, seated press, seated rows with an expander band, lightweight hyperextension options, as well as working out deltoid muscles. Breathe deeply, do not make sudden movements and carefully monitor your well-being. If in doubt, consult your instructor. gym: good coach will always tell you how to do this or that exercise safely and effectively.

Aerobic exercise

Snowboard, skiing, bicycle - from active street species It is better to avoid sports during pregnancy. Your choice is brisk walking (in the park or on a treadmill), any exercise in the pool and an exercise bike (if the handlebars do not put pressure on your stomach). Actually, energetic daily walks in the park - mandatory minimum for every pregnant woman. They improve blood circulation, normalize appetite and give strength. Swimming and water aerobics relieve the spine and relieve the constant feeling of clumsiness. Do not forget that in the second trimester local immunity drops sharply - only go to a proven pool.


Dancing lifts your spirits, helps you feel beautiful and active again, and also strengthens your muscles and keeps you fit. Give up traumatic styles - sports rock and roll, flamenco, tap and Irish dancing. Now is the time to take up belly dancing, social Latin (without heels!) and European ballroom dancing: waltzing pregnant is wonderful.

Choose sports during pregnancy according to your mood and well-being. And remember that doctors not only do not prohibit having sex in the second trimester, but on the contrary, they recommend it.

Do you choose sports during pregnancy?

You can also buy DVDs with classes in our online store.

    The fitness program for pregnant women at the Stikhial Center pursues several goals simultaneously, these are:

    Fitness for pregnant women, instructor classes in Moscow, exercises

  1. , developing skills to work with pain, the ability to feel your body and relax in the tension associated with pain.
  2. , which allows you to relieve chronic tension that arises in the pregnant woman’s body due to weight gain and abdominal growth.
  3. The actual fitness program for pregnant women, which allows you to conduct fitness training during pregnancy, the intensity of which is equal to the loads received during a regular “non-pregnant” workout, and at the same time incomparably safer than all the programs offered on this moment fitness centers.

The "Fitness for Pregnant" program was created for 20 years obstetricians-gynecologists, psychologists and fitness instructors.

The “Fitness for Pregnant Women” training program was initially based on yoga for pregnant women, body-oriented psychological techniques and stretching. Subsequently, additions were made to the program to increase its effectiveness. So, in practice, increasing muscle loads increases the effectiveness of stretching and also more deep relaxation, as a result of which we developed a strength training program for different groups muscles. The author's program "Arabic dance for pregnant women" using elements of belly dance allows pregnant women to have a little aerobic training, develops relaxation skills and also includes elements of stretching.

An important element of the program is correct selection rhythm of training, allowing pregnant women to be gently prepared for strength training and relieve tension as deeply as possible after strength training.

The “Fitness for Pregnant Women” program also uses fitness exercises for balance and training for correct posture.

The usual duration of training is 60 - 90 minutes, regularity 2-3 times a week starting from the 15th week of pregnancy until childbirth.

Fitness classes for pregnant women great way maintain the good health necessary for your health physical fitness. Of course, you shouldn't do weight training or jogging. General muscle tone will be perfectly supported by walking in the fresh air, preferably in the morning and evening. The duration of each such lesson is at least 30 minutes.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother must observe a number of restrictions. After all, at this time the unborn child is still small and extremely susceptible to various negative influences.

Fitness in the 1st trimester

In the first trimester, you should avoid training with bending, jumping and other sudden movements. During this period, the baby is not protected at all and there is a real threat of miscarriage. Do not believe those who say that at the beginning of pregnancy you can move actively without changing your usual lifestyle. At the same time, in the first trimester, the placenta begins to form and in order for it to develop normally and be enriched with blood vessels, exercise is still necessary. Dosed physical activity has a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother and reduces the risk of oxygen starvation in the child.

Fitness in the 2nd trimester

The optimal time for fitness is the second trimester of pregnancy. The baby still does not interfere with active movement, and toxicosis is already behind us - physical activity can be gradually increased.

Fitness in the 3rd trimester

And finally, in the last 3rd trimester it is necessary to reduce activity in classes again. Due to increased levels of the hormone relaxin in the body, the likelihood of injury during stretching and flexibility exercises increases. It is also not recommended to stay on your feet for a long time - it is better to spend most of the workout on your knees, leaning on your outstretched arms.

Despite the limitations, modern fitness techniques offer many special exercises for expectant mothers. With the help of an experienced instructor, you can always choose the program to your liking!

    The main module of the pregnancy fitness program includes:
  1. More than 10 options for standard fitness training, including.
    • Warm up
    • Fitness exercises for posture and balance
    • Strength training
    • Exercises to work with tension
    • Aerobic part
    • Stretching
    • Perineal muscle training
  2. Training programs that focus on strength training of specific muscle groups, in addition to strength training, usually including all other blocks of the basic module
  3. Program " "
  4. The “Stretching for Pregnant Women” program, in which the main emphasis is on deep stretching of all muscle groups.
  5. Program " Correct posture" which is based on Chaliapin's method of staging the body for staging the singing voice "Physicalisis", which includes training the muscles that support correct position spine and, with the help of a very “soft” training, helps the pregnant woman’s body “remember” the correct position.
  6. Program "Arabic dance"
  7. Program " Physiotherapy", in which the emphasis is on working with areas of muscle tension - the lumbar, cervical, spinal regions, with the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

All programs have 10 degrees of difficulty, for pregnant women different levels physical fitness, take into account the particular medical history of each pregnant woman and the individual level of comfort when performing fitness exercises.

Can pregnant women do fitness?

An active, mobile lifestyle during pregnancy is the key to excellent health. Physical exercise makes it possible to stay fit, invigorates and gives strength, and improves psychological well-being. Easy workouts necessary throughout pregnancy, but the most comfortable period for their implementation is the second trimester.

Period of time from the fourth to the sixth month the safest and most favorable For sports activities. The body has already become accustomed to the new state, the constant nausea has disappeared, more strength has appeared, and hormonal levels have stabilized.

Now is the time to start preparing for childbirth through exercise. Easy daily workouts will help avoid many problems:

  • reduce and help control it;
  • prepare the skin for gradual stretching as the abdomen grows;
  • teach proper breathing;
  • tones the abdominal muscles, the work of which is important during labor.

Regular exercise during pregnancy allows you to quickly get back into shape after childbirth and lose extra pounds.

Select exercises it is necessary individually for each woman, taking into account all the characteristics of pregnancy and her general condition.

Maximum occupation should last no more than 30 minutes; throughout the entire workout, the expectant mother should monitor her well-being.

When to avoid physical activity

Study exercise Not allowed for all pregnant women. There are some factors that make training should be postponed until after birth:

  • for chronic and;
  • in the second half of the gestation period;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • miscarriages or spontaneous termination of previous pregnancies;
  • uterine tone;
  • and vomiting.

Avoid exercising if you feel unwell. Listen not only to recommendations, but also to your own feelings.

In the second trimester physical activity is prohibited, during which it is required:

  • pump up the press;
  • stand on one leg;
  • jump intensely;
  • run any distance.

As the abdomen grows, the center of gravity of the body shifts, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. The expectant mother becomes unstable and clumsy, dancing and body balance exercises are inappropriate during this period.

Copious discharge of unknown etiology from the genital tract is a contraindication to gymnastics. From week 13 you will have to forget about extreme sports sports, because now you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the development of the future baby.

How to do exercises correctly for pregnant women

The main requirement is to perform the entire range of movements with pleasure and in good mood. Classes should be fun. Don't force yourself to study through force, if you don’t want to move actively, it’s better to postpone the workout until later or the next day.

Remember, all movements must be smooth and slow, no sharpness when turning. Lifting heavy equipment is also now prohibited. Squats, swings of arms and legs, stretching are performed slowly, with a long rest between approaches.

When exercising in the second trimester, do the following requirements.

  • Wear a bandage to class. Buy new sports underwear that will support your enlarged breasts.
  • Monitor your pulse - the heart rate should not exceed 130 beats, otherwise the access of oxygen to the uterus will be reduced and the fetus may be in danger.
  • Limit exercises that require you to do while lying on your back. The growing uterus in this position compresses the vena cava, oxygen does not reach the unborn child. At such moments, a pregnant woman feels severe dizziness and nausea.
  • Avoid team sports and activities that have a high risk of falls and injury.
  • Target physical activities from 4 to 6 months of pregnancy there is no weight loss, they are designed to increase muscle tone and preparing the body for childbirth.

A set of exercises during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Like any set of exercises, a lesson for pregnant women begins with a warm-up.

Exercise 1

Raise your arms up and lightly stretch your whole body behind them. At this time, you can slightly move your body to the left, then to the right. All movements are made smoothly and slowly. Repeat 3 times and take a short break.

Exercise 2

Sit on a hard surface, it should be hard. Cross your legs in front of you. This pose is called “Turkish”. The back should be level, the spine straight.

Make smooth turns with your head, add body turns to them. Your hands should also work at this time - place them to the sides and do rotational movements, starting from the hand and ending with the shoulders. Repeat 10 times, then rest for 30-60 seconds.

As you warm up, visualize your skin stretching, becoming elastic and firm.

After the preparatory exercises, proceed to the main exercises for different muscle groups. The following exercises are designed to strengthen the chest muscles in order to at least maintain some of its shape.

Exercise 3

In a sitting position, place your open palms against each other. Elbows should be level pectoral muscles. Alternately press one hand onto the other. The movement is reminiscent of squeezing juice from a citrus fruit. Performs 10 times without stopping. You can do several approaches during a session.

Exercise 4

Surely, you have seen the cartoon “The Little Mermaid” more than once, and to perform next exercise you get to play in her role for a little while.

Sit on your thigh, bend your legs slightly forward. Place your arm along your body and lean on it. The second arm extends upward, moves slightly to the side and does not drop down sharply. Then the side is changed to the opposite, and the movements are repeated - 10 swings for each hand.

Exercise 5

Don't forget about the oblique abdominal muscles - there is something for them too.

Lie on your side. Place your arms extended forward on top of each other. Slowly turning your body, move your body away top hand maximum 180 degrees. Return to the starting position. You need to repeat 10 times for each side.

Exercise 6

Are of great importance physical tasks to prepare the muscles of the perineum. A fitball will help a lot with this.

Sit on a large rubber ball with your hips as far apart as possible. We hold for a few seconds until a slight tension is felt, and bring them together.

The pelvis and perineum should be completely relaxed when moving the hips back, and tightened when returning to the starting position. This improves blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Exercise 7

Pay attention to your back. Get on all fours with your feet and hands shoulder-width apart. This pose is called “cat pose.” The entrance is made - bend your back, exhaling - arch it as much as possible. The head should practically touch the floor. Performed 10-15 times, possibly in several approaches.

Exercise 8

Exercise for the feet is also very important in the second trimester, when the legs begin to get more and more tired from long walking.

Sit on the fitball. Spread your legs hip-width apart. Lay out a ribbon or scarf made of thin material in front of you. Use your toes to finger the fabric, trying to get from one end to the other. Do 3-6 times alternately for each leg.

Exercise 9

Don't forget about breathing! During the birth process, breathing exercises will be of great benefit to you. With their help you can reduce pain and relax.

Sit upright, your back should be straight. Right hand Place one on your stomach, the other on your chest. Take deep breaths in and out through your nose. As you inhale, the chest should remain motionless and the stomach should rise. Then change tactics - let him rise rib cage, A abdomen does not move.

Exercise 10

After each exercise performed, do a light relaxing activity.

Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you so that your buttocks rest on them. Spread your knees slightly so as not to put pressure on your tummy - this way it will fit between them. Slowly lean forward, try to touch your forehead to the floor. Repeat 3 to 5 times. These movements will relieve tension from the spine and relax all muscle groups.

The exercises we have given are not the only ones of their kind. The choice of exercises for home fitness is completely in your hands! Exercise in a good mood by turning on your favorite music. Open the windows and let more fresh air and light into your room.

  1. Pay attention to yoga. Special sets of exercises have been developed for pregnant women, which can be in addition to daily gymnastics or instead of it. It energizes, stretches muscles and strengthens the whole body.
  2. Another type of physical activity is Pilates. Exercising three times a week helps strengthen muscles. abdominals and pelvic floor.
  3. If signs of unwellness occur, exercise should be stopped and a few breathing exercises should be performed. Overwork and forceful exercise are unacceptable.
  4. Start exercising at morning time, before breakfast or a few hours after eating.
  5. Pick up necessary exercises For all muscle groups, pregnant women can be treated by a physical therapist.
  6. If the weather is good, you can train outdoors in a park or on a sports ground.

Video of three sets of exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

We invite you to watch three different complex exercises for the second trimester, developed by a master trainer highest category. It is safe for all pregnant women who have no contraindications.

Did you exercise during pregnancy? Which complex did you choose for yourself? Was it an independent choice or a doctor's advice? Share your experience with us workouts in the second trimester of pregnancy!

Lie down and be afraid or study?

“Pregnancy is not a disease,” we never tire of repeating this in our childbirth preparation courses. Physical and physical activity is important for every person at any age and is especially useful for pregnant women. It is no secret that the expectant mother’s body experiences additional stress due to increasing blood volume and weight. Therefore, the load on joints and other body systems increases. Special training and physical education for pregnant women will give you the opportunity to go through the entire pregnancy journey in a cheerful and harmonious state.
If you have previously been involved in any sports, then you just need to study the features of your new “position” and change the complex accordingly traditional exercises and continue to train your muscles, heart and lungs.
If you didn't do any sports before pregnancy, don't be afraid to start training your body now. Light gymnastics and specially designed fitness programs for expectant mothers will give you the opportunity to approach childbirth in optimal physical condition, and will also help you recover more easily after childbirth.

What is important to know about fitness for pregnant women?

The first and most important thing is a mandatory consultation with a supervising doctor; you must exclude contraindications for doing fitness. This usually includes:

  • diseases and defects of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of muscles and/or joints;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • the position of the placenta is not normal;
  • multiple pregnancy;

Moreover, even if you have certain difficulties with bearing a child, moderate physical activity will be useful not only for you, but also for your baby. Therefore, consult your doctor, he may recommend special classes for you physical therapy or walking and breathing exercises.
If your doctor gives you the green light to exercise, remember the following:
In order for classes to bring tangible benefits, they must be regular throughout the entire pregnancy. At the same time, do not forget that any physical activity should take place in your comfort zone. Exercises that require a serious test of endurance and heavy weights are excluded. Anything related to jumping and jerking is prohibited. Your movements when doing gymnastics should be smooth and without strain. It will be better to postpone abdominal exercises and any crunches until later. The intensity of sports activities should increase gradually, you should enjoy fitness without exercising to the point of exhaustion. Maintain balance, prevent possible falls and traumatic situations, and monitor your well-being.

When not to exercise

You should immediately stop the exercise if you experience any of the following:

  • dizziness;
  • pain of any origin;
  • dyspnea;
  • surrounding objects are no longer clearly visible;
  • intense contractions of the uterus;
  • bleeding;
  • difficulty moving and numbness;
  • too strong heartbeat;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • any other unusual events or symptoms;

Fitness and gymnastics for the expectant mother on different dates Pregnancies have their own characteristics.

Classes in the 1st trimester (up to the 13th week of pregnancy)

The latest research confirms that moderate physical activity in the first three months of pregnancy helps smooth out possible unpleasant sensations, such as morning sickness, mood instability, and increased fatigue. What types of training do experts recommend?
Special gymnastics for pregnant women will come in handy; it will keep the muscle corset in good shape, create a great mood and help supply the baby with the oxygen he needs.
Another great opportunity to exercise in the first trimester is swimming. It is believed that swimming, water aerobics and any activities for pregnant women in the pool are best option physical activity for the most unprepared and even non-swimming expectant mothers. In water, all movements are soft, smooth, there is no shock. The body is in the water as if in a state of weightlessness; active movements can be alternated with complete relaxation, depending on how you feel.
Breathing exercises. It turns out that you need to learn to breathe during pregnancy, it’s better to start right at the beginning of pregnancy! Breathing exercises are necessary for pregnant women for several reasons: first of all, correct breathing helps you relax and calm down, and this skill is extremely important for an expectant mother. In addition, stress and tension are constant companions of any modern woman. Owning different ways breathing, a pregnant woman can overcome those states of tension that are not useful for the formation of the baby.

Fitness in the 2nd trimester (from 14th to 27th weeks)

During this period, the placenta begins to fulfill its function as a protector, health improves, and a surge of strength and energy is felt. This lift is good for more regular and intense workouts. Gymnastics for pregnant women in the second trimester will support your health, develop endurance and flexibility, and help strengthen muscles and joints. During this period, fitness, gymnastics, water aerobics and swimming are still useful. Become more acceptable power loads, if they are your favorites.
Great time for yoga or Pilates, special exercises will help you get rid of increasing back pain and gently strengthen your muscles, help prevent varicose veins and other troubles. However, we should not forget about precautions. Your belly is already big enough this period You should avoid all abdominal exercises, and in yoga there are contraindications for some asanas. During exercise, carefully monitor your pulse; it is good if it is no higher than 130 beats per minute. Most of all exercises should now be done in the “standing with support” position, “on all fours”, lying on your side, sitting. The last remark is not a contraindication for water aerobics, since in water your weight is not an obstacle to exercise. vertical position, and in classes, as a rule, special equipment is used for support.

Physical education for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester (from the 28th week until birth)

Physical exercises during this period are aimed at increasing joint mobility, improving stretching, increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor and reducing venous stagnation. From starting points, except for those mentioned in the 2nd trimester, “lying on the right side” should be excluded, since the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the liver. All types of physical activity in the third trimester are not contraindicated until childbirth: going to the gym, swimming pool or yoga, or combining all of the above. It is imperative to work on special breathing and the ability to relax, which will help you faithful assistants in childbirth.
As a rule, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers have already left their jobs and are lovingly arranging their “nest”, where the long-awaited baby will soon appear. Among the many pleasant chores, be sure to make time for walking; scientists have proven that an hour’s walk a day normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep, can protect your child from hypoxia and save you from lethargy or increasing fatigue. Make this time the most enjoyable, invite your spouse or people close to you for a walk, walk in places far from highways.
We hope we were able to inspire you to exercise during pregnancy. It is worth mentioning again that you should always start any physical activity only after consulting a doctor you trust. It is also very important to practice under the strict guidance of gymnastics trainers for pregnant women, who will competently help you stay in good shape during this anxious period for you.