Functional training for women in the gym. A set of exercises for girls in the gym

Why do girls go to the gym? Let us highlight 3 main groups of tasks:

  • loss of excess fat deposits;
  • toning the muscular system without weight correction;
  • weight gain and overall body shape improvement.

All individualization of a training program should begin with the identification of these problems. But you cannot remove excess fat from the buttocks, leaving it in the chest area. You can't remove fat from just your waist and leave it in your hips. Fat deposits, if you work to get rid of their excess, leave evenly from all parts of the body. First of all, it will be reflected on your face. It will begin to lose its roundness. But this shouldn't scare you.

Having noticed changes in your appearance, you should congratulate yourself on starting an important task - shedding excess deposits. Give it a month and you will notice a clear decrease in the circumference of your waist and pelvis, and subsequently your hips. Remember that no most intense exercise to work out the abdominal area will not make your waist slimmer while maintaining other circumferences. Everything will decrease evenly and in proportion to the supply that is already available. Consequently, fat will be removed from those areas where it is most abundant.

At the same time, there is a clear connection between the load on a certain part of the body and the degree of increase in its circumference.

If you are underweight, you need to primarily target those areas that need to be rounded (of course, through the muscles, not the fat layer).

In this regard, the main formative elements of your figure are the skeleton, the muscles attached to it and the layer of subcutaneous fat covering them.

The most flexible and correctable elements are muscles. But not all muscles, unfortunately (or rather, not all muscle fibers). Only white (fast-twitch) muscle fibers grow in thickness and change the overall shape of the entire muscle, and therefore a certain part of the body. But these fibers only respond to power loads (bodybuilding). No “steps”, “slides”, “aqua aerobics” and other exotic training systems “in the crowd” are able to change the shape of your muscles, because in this case the muscle fibers that are able to change shape under the influence of load are not working. The conclusion suggests itself without difficulty: conditioning bodybuilding.

The layer of fat is another form-building (or rather, “shape-distorting”) element. If there is not much of it, and it lies under the skin in the right places, it pleasantly smoothes out the shape of your figure, giving you femininity. If there is a lot of it, it will disgrace your figure. It’s hard to disagree with this, and the myth that most men like fat women was invented and allowed to roam around the world by fat women themselves. Fat can only be lost through aerobic exercise and an appropriate diet. Only aerobic work can mobilize fatty acids and burn them in specific, slow-twitch fibers. These fibers practically do not work at power loads. So one gym will not solve this problem. An integrated approach will solve your problems!

The most “hard” and unchangeable is the backbone. All our lives we will have to live with what our ancestors have endowed us with in this sense. Analyzing the bone structure is the most difficult part in developing an individual training program.

If possible, abstract as much as possible from your layer of fat, regardless of its thickness, as well as from muscle masses, regardless of their shape. Try to imagine your bone structure as if it were on an x-ray. For a person not at least familiar with the basics of anatomy, such abstraction can be difficult.

But you must try to strain all your imagination, since the content of subsequent training will depend on the accuracy of what you can imagine. It's best to stand naked in front of a large mirror and try to get rid of blind adoration of your body. Be critical of yourself. Remember that an uncritical person is almost never constructive. And to eliminate your shortcomings in addition, you need a constructive approach!

To make the task easier, we will not operate with complex anatomical concepts, but we will determine the structure of the skeleton by how much its outline resembles the pattern of the printed letters “A”, “T”, “X” and “H” and in the future we will designate the types of skeleton exactly like this: “A”, “T”, “X” ” and “N”. To make things even easier, let's analyze all these types.

Type “A” frame characterized by narrow shoulders and a wide pelvis. The difference in the width of the shoulders and pelvis can be either quite significant or not very pronounced. But in any case, the figure looks like the letter “A”. It seems to expand downwards, and this expansion is determined not only by the amount of fat accumulated in different parts of the body, but, to a greater extent, by the structure of the skeleton. This type of bone structure is characterized by a predominant accumulation of fat on the lower part of the body - in the pelvic region, lower abdomen and hips. Even extremes are possible: top part body (to the waist) can be thin, and the lower part can be plump. Women and girls with this type of bone structure usually have difficulty losing fat from the lower torso, and their training patterns should reflect this feature.

Typically women with an “A” figure differ thin waist and small in stature, and many men like such features of their build - they find them very feminine. However, often body fat on the lower part of the body they increase to an ugly size, which, of course, spoils the figure, because it turns into some kind of giant pear.

If you have discovered that you have an “A” build type, your the main task will consist of losing fat in the lower body, giving it elasticity, and also building up some muscle mass on the upper body. First of all, in the area of ​​the shoulders, chest and back (so that the decreased difference between the circumferences of the chest and pelvis smooths out some of your disproportion).

An approximate set of exercises for women and girls with addition type "A"(hire a personal trainer to practice movement techniques)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. V-shaped crunches while sitting on the edge of a bench (raising the knees to the chest) – 3×20-25.
  3. Torso raises on an inclined board (legs must be bent and the back must be rounded) – 3×15-25.
  4. Bench press lying on incline bench– 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6.
  5. Lying dumbbell raises – 3×8-10.
  6. Head pull on a high block – 1×12, 1×10, 1×8, 1×6.
  7. Bent-over dumbbell raises 3x8.
  8. Raising the knees to the chest while hanging on the bar – 2xMax.
  9. Squats with a barbell or a light barbell in a wide stance – 3x20-25.
  10. Lying leg curls on a 3x12 machine.
  11. Pelvic lifts lying on your back with back arching – 3×35-50.
  12. Lunges forward on one leg - 3×15-25.
  13. work on the simulator for oblique abdominal muscles 2×30-50.
  14. cardio – 15-25 min.

Recording the dosage of exercises 15-25, 50-70 means that you need to start with 15 repetitions, and gradually, over several weeks, get to the upper limit. Exercises 4 and 6 must be performed using the “pyramid” technique, i.e. from the second to last approach in each of them increase the burden. The word “Max” means that you should strive for the maximum number of repetitions in this exercise.

“T” type frame characterized by wider shoulders compared to the pelvis and a pronounced conical shape of the torso. This is the one sport style a figure that many try to get closer to with the help of overhead hangers. Type “T” is characterized by a predominance of excess fat accumulation in the upper part of the body - from the navel and above. At the same time quite voluminous rib cage can sit on a narrow pelvis and elongated thin legs. The waist with this type of build may become unexpressed; sometimes it is hidden by excess layers of fat.

With tall stature, such imbalances can be slightly smoothed out, but with short stature, they greatly spoil the impression of the figure. Your task, if you have discovered that you have type “T” bones, is to maximize the removal of fat deposits from the upper body and build the muscles of the gluteal and thigh areas (so that their increased circumferences smooth out the existing disproportion).

A set of exercises for women and girls with addition type "T" could be, for example, like this:

(to hone your exercise technique, contact a personal trainer)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.

work on the simulator for the oblique abdominal muscles – 2×30-50.

  1. Squats with a barbell in a wide stance or leg presses in a 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 machine. 5.
  2. Lying leg curl on the machine – 4×10.
  3. Hyperextension (lifting the torso from a position lying prone with your thighs across a high bench with your feet fixed) 3×15-20.
  4. Bench press, lying – 3×12-15.
  5. Bringing your elbows forward on a dec-dec machine – 2×12.
  6. Rows to the chest with a medium grip on a high block - 3x12-15.
  7. Torso raises with turns on an inclined board – 2×15-25.
  8. Hanging leg raises on the bar – 2xMax.

The methodological instructions for this complex are the same as for the previous one.

Backbone type “X” characterized by the same width of the shoulders and pelvis, pronounced waist and overall proportionality. This is, of course, the most feminine type of build, but if you are careless about yourself, it often takes on forms when excess fat deposits on the buttocks, hips, chest and shoulders turn the body into something like a huge guitar.

The task of women and girls with this type of build is to maintain the tone of everyone muscle groups and avoidance of excess fat deposits.

type “X”:

(a personal trainer will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. Torso raises on an inclined board – 3×15-25.
  3. Barbell press – 2×10-12.
  4. Lying dumbbell raises – 2×10-12.
  5. “Pullover” lying across the bench (abduction of straight arms with a dumbbell back and down) 2 × 12-15.
  6. Chest rows with a parallel grip on a high block – 2×12-15.
  7. Pulldowns on the belly on a low block – 2×12-15.
  8. V-crunches, sitting on the edge of a bench – 2x25-30.
  9. Bench leg press – 2×15-20.
  10. Leg bending while lying on the machine – 2×10-12.
  11. Pelvic hyperextension – 2×15-20.
  12. Leg abduction (right or left) on a low block – 2×15-20.
  13. Calf raises, standing – 2×12-15.
  14. Leg raises on an inclined board – 2×12-15

Backbone type “H” completes our anatomical and methodological excursion. This type of build is characterized by approximately equal width of the shoulders and pelvis, and an undefined (and more often than not wide) waist. However, if you suffer from excess body fat, your waist circumference may even exceed the circumference of your pelvis (in extreme cases, giving you a barrel-shaped figure).

The main tasks of women and girls with this type of build are to get rid of excess fat as much as possible and to build up some muscle mass in the shoulders, chest, pelvis and hips (so that their increased circumference emphasizes the waistline and gives the figure a more feminine appearance).

An approximate set of exercises for addition type “H”:

(to learn the exercises, contact a specialist)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. Raising the knees while hanging on the bar – 3 x Max.
  3. Raising the torso (arms behind the head) to the knees while lying on a bench, feet placed, for example, on a bar located on the racks of a barbell - 3xMax.
  4. Bench press, lying – 2×8-10.
  5. Raises with dumbbells on an incline bench – 2×8-10.
  6. Crossing arms on blocks while standing at a 2x8-10 incline.
  7. Head pull on a high block – 3×10-12.
  8. Low pulldown to the stomach – 2×8-10.
  9. V-crunches while sitting on the edge of a bench – 2×25-30.
  10. Bench leg press or squats with a barbell in a wide stance - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6.
  11. Lying leg curls on the machine – 4×8-10.
  12. Calf raises while standing on the machine – 3×12.
  13. Pelvic lifts lying on your back with a dumbbell or barbell disc on your stomach – 3×12-15.
  14. Hyperextension with a dumbbell at the chest 3x12-15.
  15. Rotation on the simulator for oblique abdominal muscles – 2×50-100.

Of course, the programs described here are by no means individualized for you. They can be adjusted by your personal trainer in a direction that more closely matches your individual characteristics. But if you train on your own, then the proposed programs will begin to correct your build within 1.5-2 months. These programs really work!

It is very important to understand that the types of skeleton that we analyzed are not very common in their pure form. Most likely, you will find some combination of two types of symptoms. Don’t let this bother you: after carefully reading the article, you will understand the logic of building complexes and will be able to choose those exercises that will solve your specific problems.

Remember also that there is no clear ideal female body type that suits the tastes of all people without exception. Your task is not at all to please everyone, but to make yourself worthy of the admiration and love of the person whose affection you are trying to win. Believe me, if you not only use what nature has given you, but improve your physique to the limit, your self-respect will increase immeasurably. You are quite capable of making yourself even more attractive than you imagine. And the main means of achieving this is an individualized training program.

Based on materials from the book “Fitness Training”

Hello friends!

Recently, I have been asked a lot of questions about creating a strength training plan for girls. The overwhelming number of questions regarding training plan, oddly enough, from women (here’s your motivation, men). Therefore, today I decided, within the framework of one article, to make a more or less detailed analysis of what and how.

Making an ideal plan for everyone is quite problematic, because... All people are different, with different metabolisms and physical training. An individual approach is needed here, but a universal approach to training still exists. Basic principles so to speak.

Because the we're talking about and strength training for women, then I would like to reassure you right away, a woman, due to physiology, will not gain as much muscle mass as a man, so it is simply stupid to be afraid of strength training. Strength training for girls is, first of all, weight loss, muscle development and creating an attractive figure.

The development of muscle mass, for both men and women, means the acceleration of metabolic processes, and therefore the effective burning of excess fat. But any action aimed at creating a slim and beautiful body, starts with what? That's right, from nutrition.

Your workout plan starts with nutrition

Many people think that they will go to the gym and immediately become slim and fit. Unfortunately, they forget about the main thing - diet. Diet or proper nutrition is more than anything else. Diet No. 1, both in terms of muscle development and weight loss.

Many women, in the process of working on their bodies, begin to reduce their carbohydrate intake. They are afraid that carbohydrates will inhibit fat burning or, moreover, accumulate it. From a muscle development perspective, this is not true. Proper carbohydrate consumption is very important during strength training. Of course, nothing good will happen with an excess of carbohydrates, but we are talking about the correct balance of all necessary nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Proteins and carbohydrates (their combination) are needed before and. Especially after, when it is necessary to restore glycogen reserves (due to fast carbohydrates) and build new muscle fibers (due to quickly digestible proteins). Take carbohydrates (preferably fast) an hour before strength training will be of particular importance for strength and endurance. Remember the expression: “What, haven’t you eaten enough porridge?”

If we talk about approximate figures, then women need to create a diet in such a way that per 1 kg of weight they get 1 g of protein and 35-45 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day. Much will depend on the intensity of your workouts, their duration and your overall energy needs. Therefore, I would like to note once again that the numbers are basic, i.e. approximate.

Training action plan

I often observe how many people, including women, do the same thing every day when they visit the gym. But there is still no result. If you really want to develop muscles and keep your body in good shape, then you must stick to a strict plan every day. This means that the training should be progressive - increasing the complexity and changing the exercises, increasing the weight of the equipment, changing the number of repetitions and approaches.

“To get results, you must adhere to a specific plan of action every time you come to the gym to train.”

As I said, training should be progressive. One such progress could be the use of dropsets. A drop set is when you perform a working weight (for example, 10-12 repetitions to failure), and then immediately continue to do the exercise with a light weight for maximum repetitions. The advantage lies in the simultaneous impact on different types muscle fibers(including those lagging behind).

This is an additional incentive for increased muscle development and growth in general. By the way, dropsets burn twice as many calories as if it were a regular approach (set). But don't use it in every workout, just experimentally. If drop sets are difficult for you, then do regular sets with pauses of 30 seconds.

Recovery plan

Third important point from the general training plan - rest. Without a full recovery you will not be able to get maximum results. In addition to regular training, there should also be regular days off. At least one day a week is a complete rest from training. I'm not saying you lie on the couch and do nothing. This could be cycling or regular walking. Such activity is cardio activity, and cardio is, first of all, overall health and muscle recovery. Don't ignore cardio exercise. Even - the key to the success of competent recovery of the body and muscles.

Cardio and recovery methods

In this context aerobic training should be considered as a way to restore and preserve hard-earned muscles. Regular cardio in large quantities will simply dry you out (including your muscles). But if you use short interval cardio, you can kill two birds with one stone - burn fat and preserve muscle. ?

Let's say you walk on a treadmill once or twice a week. Walking will consist of a slow and fast pace (almost running). For example, 10 seconds of vigorous walking and 60 seconds of slow walking. And so on in a circle for 25-30 minutes. Remember that in our case we use cardio to restore the body after strength training, and only then to burn fat.


No matter how strange it may seem, motivation is also part of a large training plan. I know very few people who don’t have problems with motivation in sports. Look how many people are in the gym in the spring and look in the summer. Yes, vacations and all that, but a considerable percentage of people simply forget about training. Summer, sun, girls, boys and the like. No system - no result. Going to the gym only in autumn and spring, in my opinion, is a crazy idea.

But there is a way out. If you don't want to go to the gym in the summer, exercise outside. The same outdoor space is now no less popular than the fitness center. True, I have never met women on horizontal bars in courtyards. So what. Why is this not a new women's movement in physical education? In the same Finland, women and men all year round are engaged Nordic walking and this is already the norm. Parks, stairs, bicycles, rowing boats, volleyball, football, basketball, etc. If there is a desire, anything can be invented. This is enough to maintain muscle tone in summer time.

Exercises for women

And now directly about the exercises. Try to distribute them among 3-4 training days in Week. Let's start with training the lower body. Start with a warm-up and then move on to heavy workouts. basic exercises(squats, deadlifts).

First workout (lower body)

Deep squats on a Smith machine with wide legs. 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Romanian single leg deadlift with dumbbell or kettlebell. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Leg abduction on a crossover. 4 sets of 10-12 reps for each leg

Deep squats with a dumbbell or kettlebell with wide legs. 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Reverse lunges with a barbell. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg

Lifting on a bench with dumbbells. Climbing onto the bench begins with one leg and lowering with the other. Then we change legs. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Lunges forward. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Side lunges. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Second workout (upper body)

Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest. 4 sets of 8-12 reps

Extension of arms above the head on the lower block (crossover). 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Extension of arms in front of you upper block(crossover). 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Arm extensions in front of you reverse grip on the upper block (crossover). 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Pull a horizontal block to the stomach. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Swing in front of you with medicine ball, kettlebell or pancake. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Bent-over barbell row. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Reverse crunches. 4 sets of 20 reps

Plank. 4 sets of 25 seconds

Third workout (upper and lower body)

Squats in the Hackenschmidt machine (hack squats). 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Forward lunges with dumbbells. 4 sets of 8-12 reps for each leg.

Deadlift. 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Standing lateral swings with a dumbbell. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

Bent over swings with a dumbbell. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

Arm curls with dumbbells (hammer). 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

Many girls following the training plan in gym, which does not take into account the individual characteristics of the female body, face a number of problems. It turns out that you seem to be training, not missing classes, but there is no result. So what are the features, what are the key differences between men's training and women's training?

1) Hormones.

Testosterone is produced in much larger quantities in men than in women. This determines the speed of muscle mass gain. Therefore, girls, if you are afraid of “accidentally” getting pumped up in the gym, then discard these thoughts, the process of gaining muscle is a very long process, options for excessive hypertrophy (as in the photo below) are possible only with the use of additional anabolic hormones.

2) Cyclic features.

Every month, a number of events occur in the female body that have a significant impact on hormonal levels, metabolic levels and training results. This is all part of the menstrual cycle. The cycle starts with follicular phase, lasting about two weeks, during this part of the cycle there is an increased level of estrogen, and this best time for your workouts, it is during the period of ovulation that the maximum concentration of strength is observed and we can focus on improving results and progress in training.

The next phase of the cycle is luteal phase. The body goes into strict energy saving mode. In this phase, it is better to reduce the intensity of strength training and shift the emphasis to cardio training (training on the pulse of fat burning). In addition, due to PMS, you may gain excess weight in the form of water, but don’t be upset here, the effect of fat-burning cardio can be cumulative and appear two weeks later, that is, at the beginning of the cycle, after excess water has left.

3) The principle of load progression.

One of the main problems of girls is working with a small load. We are afraid to work hard in training, justifying it by saying that men are better suited for heavy work. physical activity(that's why they yell so much in Hall J). However, our body adapts very quickly, so as soon as training ceases to be a source of physical stress, the previous loads become easy for us, and our progress immediately slows down, and then we begin to “tread water.” Therefore, it is very important to follow the principle of load progression. The easiest way is to try to increase the weights with which we work (or the number of repetitions, approaches, the overall intensity of the workout), even if it is a small increase, but from training to training these small increases will add up to a tangible result.

4) A large number of repetitions.

If men progress well with low-repetition training, then for women the number of repetitions per approach should be above average, that is, 12-20 times. Why is that? In the video “How to burn fat?” I have already talked about two types of muscle fibers - glycolytic (their energy supply is carbohydrates) and oxidative (use fat). For different types of CF - different workouts, and the whole point is that women have more oxidative MVs than men, so in training it is better to shift the emphasis to high-repetition approaches.

5) Muscle distribution.

In women, most of the muscles are concentrated in the lower body. Our gluteal legs respond much better to loads and progress faster than the muscles of the upper body (back muscles, pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle, arms). And this is good, girls with a more developed bottom look better, so in our training the load on the legs and buttocks, the abs should prevail, but we should not forget that the back muscles, pectoral muscles, and arms need exactly the same target load.

Let me give you an example - 3 workouts per week:

1st – back/biceps/shoulders/abs;

2nd – legs/glutes (light work)/pectorals/triceps/abs;

3rd – legs and glutes (heavy work)/abs.

And finally, I'll give you a few tips for beginners:

— For beginners, it’s better to do a workout for the whole body at once;

— Duration of strength training 40-60 minutes;

— To track progress and analyze results, keep a diet and workout diary;

— We remember the need for good recovery after training; if we feel tired or weak, we give an additional day of rest;

— A systematic approach is important. Follow a single program for at least a month, and only then analyze what “works” or “doesn’t work”, don’t expect immediate results (too many side factors - cycle phase, restructuring of the body, adaptation to new loads...).

Everyone good training, and may the result be with you!

Yes, by the way, if there is useful tips, or some of this worked and helped you, then write, there are comments here 😉

According to my observations, there are sometimes even more women in fitness centers than men, but there is no competent information about how a woman’s training differs from a man’s training. If you ask any instructor in a fitness room what this difference is, you will hear incomprehensible “snot” about the low amount of testosterone and the need for lighter loads. OK. So that next time you don’t have to “chew snot” in response to such a question, we will now look into this topic.

Before delving into the peculiarities of female physiology, I want to talk about MOTIVATION, this good sorceress that helps a person achieve the desired result. So, no matter what they say, women’s motivation is often even better than men’s. I know a lot of girls who are regularly willing to endure strict restrictions in order to bring themselves closer to the desired result. There is a completely logical explanation for this by old man Darwin. Under conditions of natural selection, the main criterion for the success of a female is her health. And the indicator of health is appearance. A man's success can be measured by other measures (for example, the number of Lexuses in the garage), but if a woman is not beautiful, then she is destined to be an outsider. Therefore, most ladies are more sensitive to their appearance than men. And this is great because it MOTIVATS FOR RESULTS! Now let's go.

The main feature of the female body is ACCUMULATION about STOCK

IN female body much less hormones responsible for aggressiveness (testosterone and norepinephrine). This is fine. BUT such a “limitation” greatly affects the possibility of heavy training. When I talk about hard training, I primarily mean failure training. That is, when you are forced to stop an approach due to the physical REFUSAL of your muscles to perform repetitions. A man, thanks to the necessary hormones, can push himself and FORCE him to reach the limit in his approach (to the point of real failure). A woman (if she has not gone crazy and is not using steroids) will most often stop a few repetitions before failure occurs. The muscles can still work, but it becomes very difficult to force yourself to do this work. This is also one of the ways to force a woman to save energy in reserve (in case the child does not have enough during the hungry month).

In addition, in addition to less TESTOSTERONE, women's muscles have fewer muscle fibers (MYOFIBRILLS). This is the reason that strength training for 6-8 repetitions (effective for men), most often useless for women.

MUSCLE DISTRIBUTION is also very different in women. In the fair sex, most of the muscles are concentrated in the lower part of the body (legs, buttocks). Therefore, the female body responds much faster to training these regions than to training the upper body (chest, shoulder girdle, arms, back). Here, perhaps, it makes sense to talk about the female press. Due to the fact that women experience menstrual pain, the lower abdomen has fewer nerve endings (nature has taken care to reduce regular painful sensations), which led to worse neuromuscular connections in this region than in men (the lower abs are much more difficult for women to train than for men).

THE METABOLISM RATE in the female body is SLOWER than in the male body. This means that energy consumption per kilogram of body weight is less (such savings are very relevant if a woman is carrying a child, because food was not always in abundance). Technically, this was realized by the creator due to a smaller percentage of muscles in the female body than in the male (and muscles, as we know, are damn energy-hungry things).

Excess CARBOHYDRATES (porridge, pasta, potatoes, sweets) are STORED INTO FAT reserves much EASIER in women than in men. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, women can more easily use stored fat reserves as energy, unlike men. Technically, this is realized due to a RESPONSE TO INSULIN that is different from that of men, Firstly. And due to the same MUSCLES, secondly. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles. Accordingly, than more muscles, the more carbohydrates can be absorbed into glycogen.

Women's MUSCLES are better able to ACCUMULATE GLYCOGEN when needed than men's muscles. This is a very important point because it seriously affects the correct training for women. Remember: the required CARBOHYDRATE will be stored more easily (than in men) in the muscles (as glycogen). And excess CARBOHYDRATE will be stored much more easily (than in men) as FAT. Glycogen in muscles is good because it will give them shape due to the extra size. But body fat... This, you understand, is bad, because it will be more difficult for such a lady to find a groom.

THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE imposes cyclical features on physical performance among women. After her period ends, a woman feels uplifted physical strength and performance. This lasts on average two weeks, until the egg matures. After two weeks, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs and the female body goes into maximum energy saving mode, regardless of whether the egg was fertilized or not. Therefore, it is important to use micro-periodization in women's training. The first two weeks give a more strength (heavy) load, and the second two weeks give a very light load, excluding leg and abs training.

FAT BURNING in women best occurs from long-term (30-50 minutes or more...) low-intensity exercise with a heart rate in the region of 110-120 beats per minute. In this regard, the body reacts in the same way as a man’s. I focused on this because for most women, the issue of “getting rid” of excess fat is more important than “gaining” excess muscle.

What are the main CONCLUSIONS?

  1. Use MICRO-REDIZATION: two weeks of heavy training + two weeks of light training
  2. HIGH-VOLUME training (many sets and repetitions) changes women's muscles much better than men's due to better accumulation of glycogen in them. In addition, this type of training will be optimal for women, because they are not given the opportunity to “FAILURE” training. It is better for a woman to gain a total workload due to the total amount of work, and not due to the severity of this work. A good solution would be to use “weight drop” techniques on the apparatus.
  3. There should NOT be an excess of CARBOHYDRATES in the diet. Because this will lead to fat deposition faster and easier than in men. It’s better to have a little less carbohydrates than a little more NECESSARY.
  4. Long-term low-intensity exercise at a heart rate of 110-120 beats burns fat even better than in men, because women's fat is better used as energy when it is needed.
  5. Do not overdo it with training your legs and buttocks, because these parts of the body in women easily respond to stress. Emphasize on shoulder girdle, arms and back, because the TOP of a woman’s body always lags significantly behind the BOTTOM.

Nowadays, the saying “You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind” is more relevant than ever, because first of all, when meeting a new person, we form our opinion about him, based on his appearance, and then we look at what is inside. If you want to be successful, both on the personal front and at work, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape.

For a woman, being attractive and pleasant is especially important. The main component of this image fair half population is Therefore, the topic of this article will be “Gym training program for women.”

Familiarization with all stages of weight loss

First, let's discuss the fact that the program for training in the gym for women for the purpose of losing weight and for the purpose of pumping and building certain muscle groups are fundamentally different.

If building and strengthening the muscle frame is important to you, then the most effective strength exercises. If your goal is to lose excess weight, then cardio exercise is something worth focusing on. Special attention. However for best result pay attention to both types of exercises.

In this article, the main task that the training program we have compiled in the gym for women will solve is to remove the stomach and sides, as well as tighten bottom part body or reduce the volume of the legs.

In addition to what you have compiled, you will need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles proper nutrition.

For simple strengthening muscle, muscle building and cutting diets will vary significantly. We will also consider this point in general detail.

It is important to understand that the gym training program for women and men differs due to differences in body structure. It is worth taking into account the characteristics of a girl’s body before and after the menstrual cycle.

When visiting a gym with exercise equipment, you need to wear clothes specially adapted for this purpose and be sure to take with you the amount of water you need.

Features of female physiology

Due to the amount of hormones such as testosterone and norepinephrine in the female body (women have much less of them than men), the body is prone to the accumulation of fat. Also, these hormones are responsible for aggressiveness and the ability to consciously repeat certain exercises to the point of wear and tear (in this regard, ladies are less resilient).

Despite the rate of accumulation of fatty tissue in the body, girls have the ability to say goodbye to extra pounds than guys.

Women have very well developed lower body muscles, making them very trainable. WITH top part bodies things are worse. It is quite difficult to pump up the muscles of the abs, chest, arms and shoulders, but in combination with proper nutrition it is quite possible.

By the way, due to the smaller number of nerve endings in the lower abdomen, women have a less developed neuromuscular connection than men. On the one hand, this is good, because ladies are more tolerant of pain in this part of the body (in particular pain during menstruation), but because of this, the lower abs are the most problematic part for most of them.

It is very important for women to choose a workout routine according to their menstrual cycle.

In the first half of the time after menstruation, the body is more resilient and strong, and is also less prone to storing carbohydrates in reserve, so training at this time is most productive.

Ovulation usually occurs two weeks after menstruation. These days the body is at its weakest, it is engaged in accumulating and saving energy, so you can be sure that every piece of cake you eat at this time will, without a doubt, lead to the rounding of your shape. Training during this period is the least effective; experts even recommend reducing the load.

Let's summarize what a woman should know when choosing exercises for herself.

A weight loss training program for women is very different from a training program for men due to differences in muscle structure.

The number of calories that a man should consume per day is several times higher than the norm that is indicated for girls.

A gym training program for women should be built according to her menstrual cycle: the most heavy loads in the first two weeks, then the intensity of training should decline.

In women's training, there should be many approaches and repetitions, with a minimum of rest between them. A gym workout program for women 3 times a week is the best option.

Let's talk about nutrition

To ensure that the efforts made in the gym are not in vain, you simply need to control your diet, because no matter how hard you work during training, if you consume excess fat and carbohydrates, your muscles will simply grow under a layer of fat.

So, the basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • You need to eat several times a day (5-7) in small portions.
  • Be sure to consume at least two liters of clean water (tea, coffee, juices, etc. have nothing to do with clean water).
  • Minimize the consumption of so-called junk foods (these are foods that do not provide any benefit to the body). These include: sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup (and other purchased non-natural sauces), sweet carbonated water, etc.
  • Try to avoid consuming too fatty meat and give preference to boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods rather than fried in oil.

  • Do not eat food 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • The main amount of carbohydrates should be taken in the first half of the day.

As you can see, the rules are simple and understandable to everyone. We do not advise you to completely exclude sweets, flour and fried foods from your diet. You just have to try not to use too much healthy foods as little as possible. For example, give yourself a day once a week when you can eat something tasty. But the main thing is not to overeat.

A sample meal plan looks like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Fruits are best as a snack.

The main thing is to remember that no training program in the gym for women (beginners in particular) will help you if you don’t eat right.

What is the difference between a circuit training program and a split program?

So we've talked about the basic principles female workout, understood why a training program for men is not suitable for women, and learned about the basic principles of proper nutrition. Now let's talk about the training itself.

The training program in the gym for weight loss for women for two days (or better yet, three) is divided into two types:

A circuit program is a workout that involves each session in the gym working out all muscle groups at once. This type of training is considered by many to be the most preferable for women. It is, without a doubt, ideal for those whose goal is to lose excess weight and slightly strengthen the muscle frame.

Split training is based on the fact that the person working on it works a certain group (or several groups) of muscles every day. For example, day 1 - back, arms, day 2 - legs, buttocks and day 3 - chest and abs.

Such training is usually chosen by men. However, for girls who want to build muscle mass in a particular area or pay special attention to the most problematic part of the body, this program is also ideal.

Below is a training program in the gym for women (initial) of a circular type.

Circuit training

It is important to remember that no matter what training program in the gym for weight loss for women (and drying is also required in conjunction with training for weight loss) you have, you need to devote 20 minutes at the beginning to warm-up and cardio exercises and 20 minutes at the end to muscle stretching and cardio exercises . We will discuss this point in more detail later.

So, you've warmed up. Now let's see what it should look like round-robin program Gym workouts for women (initial) for a week.

The first day

Press. The first exercise you will perform will be crunching the body on a bench. Perform the maximum number of repetitions in 4 sets ( professional trainers They advise you to do as many as you think you can, plus 5 more times. These 5 repetitions will be most effective).

Gluteal muscles. Lunge forward on both legs 15 times, while holding dumbbells with a minimum weight of 3 kg in your hands. 3 approaches.

Back. Vertical block pull. This exercise should be done 4 sets of 8-15 repetitions, concentrating on the back muscles.

Dumbbell bench press. This exercise tightens and shapes the breasts beautiful shape, which, you see, is important for a woman (it is especially important that the training program in the gym for women over 45 includes chest exercises). Perform 15 times in 2 approaches.

Flying arms with dumbbells while lying on a bench. This exercise will enlarge and strengthen your breasts. Perform 15 times 2 approaches.

to the sides. Do 25 swings with each leg, 2 sets.

Complete 2-4 rounds of this program. Remember that in the breaks between approaches and exercises you cannot sit and it is undesirable to stand in one place; it is better to go drink some water or warm up and stretch your muscles.

Day two - rest.

Day three

Squats holding a barbell on your shoulders, will perfectly pump up your buttocks and legs. The weight of the bar should be such that you can squat with it at least 15 times without hurting yourself (we recommend starting with 8-10 kilograms). The first time you need to be insured. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

Floor press. Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise is good for the chest muscles.

Twisting with a fitball. The point of the exercise is that you need to lift your body and legs at the same time, while holding the fitball in outstretched arms, pass the ball from your hands to your legs and lower yourself, squeezing it with your feet. This difficult exercise Involves the muscles of the upper and lower abs, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs. Minimum number of repetitions 10 times, 2 sets.

Leg press on the machine. This exercise works the thigh muscles. Do it 15 times, 2 sets.

Arm curl with a dumbbell. Perform 2 sets of 15 times on each arm. With this point you can pump up your biceps, which will relieve you of problem areas on your arms.

Plank stand for 1-1.5 minutes. The plank tightens the muscles of the entire body.
Complete 2-4 rounds of this program.

Day four - rest.

Day five

Hyperextension. This exercise trains gluteal muscle and back extensor muscles. Perform 15-20 times for 0.5 kg. 2 approaches.

Leg raises on the horizontal bar (hanging). This way you will perfectly pump up the muscles of the lower and upper press, oblique muscles of the abdomen and arms. If you are a beginner, then pull your knees bent up. If your level of training allows you, then raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor. Such twisting should be done in the following order: forward, left, right. Perform 10-20 repetitions in 2 sets.

Bent-over arm raises with dumbbells alternately. Perform 15-25 times on each arm, 2 approaches. This exercise will strengthen your shoulders.

Calf raises with dumbbells will work the calf muscles. Do 3 sets of 40 reps.

Deadlift Perfectly suited for working out the back, buttocks, thighs and forearms. This row must be performed with dumbbells or a barbell. 15-20 times, 2 approaches.

Swing dumbbells to the sides let us down middle delta hands. 2 sets of 10-15 times.

Warm-up, stretching and cardio

Before performing the exercises, be sure to spend 10 minutes warming up and 10 minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike.

You may ask, “Why do you need a warm-up if it doesn’t build muscle or help you lose weight?” The answer is simple: only by warming up first will you prepare your body for heavy exercise, which will significantly improve the quality and safety of subsequent training.

So, what is the warm-up responsible for:

  • Warms up and tones all the muscles of the body.
  • Accelerates the heartbeat to 100 beats/min.
  • Increases the activity of the cardiovascular system, due to which blood flows to the muscles faster.
  • Reduces the risk of muscle tearing or straining during strength training.
  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • Helps you get ready for training.

Now you know the important role warm-up plays. It may include: jumping rope, rotational exercises to warm up the joints, bending and turning the body, abducting and stretching the arms in different directions.

After you've finished warming up, run for 10 minutes on the treadmill.

After completing your basic workout program, spend 10 minutes stretching. It will make the shape of your muscles more neat and feminine, and will also reduce pain the day after training. And, of course, a plastic body never hurts a girl.

Women over 40 years old

Many people think that the training program in the gym for a woman 40 years of age and older is very different from the training for the younger generation or is not available at all. This is a misconception. The sport is shown at any age, but in this case several rules must be followed:

  1. Before you start going to the gym, you should consult your doctor.
  2. The rest between exercises and approaches should be longer - 1-1.5 minutes.
  3. Perform all exercises carefully and not at a very fast pace.
  4. Spend more time stretching and warming up.

By following all the rules described in this article, you will achieve incredible results at any age.