How to lose weight with yoga. Yoga and excess weight, is it possible to lose weight by doing asanas?

Yoga classes are, first of all, work on yourself, on your mind and body. Special exercises They allow you to get rid of imbalances and bring your body and spirit into a state of harmony. Accordingly, if a person becomes the master of various systems of his body (musculoskeletal, respiratory), he begins to lose weight.

It is muscle relaxation in combination with static loads during yoga that gives the effect. But don’t forget that yoga is not a sport, and certainly not a diet. This is a spiritual teaching, a way of life. And this practice needs to be done regularly.

In addition, it should be excluded bad habits, if you have any. No smoking or alcohol.

Exist different types yoga One of the most popular is hatha yoga. It is a complex respiratory and physical. Don't worry if things don't work out for you at first. After all, the body also needs time to adapt to breathing slowly. The main thing is to learn to relax through breathing.

Hatha yoga includes exercises that directly help you lose weight. For example, uttanasana is an intense stretching pose that removes fat from the waist, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthens the upper legs. Chaturanga Dandasana, or staff pose, tones the abs and improves.

If you start doing yoga, you can also add running or race walking. This will greatly increase the weight loss effect.

Also in yoga there are entire systems of exercises for weight loss. For example, some Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga asanas. The exercises are based on six sets of asanas, which gradually become more complex.

The first complex consists of 90 exercises. Each asana is done for about 30 seconds, then gradually increase the time to two minutes. This type of yoga is considered very dynamic. Its peculiarity is that the exercises smoothly flow into one another. Of course, it is advisable to have an experienced yoga specialist work with you.

Another advantage of this method of losing weight is that after performing breathing and (or) physical exercise appetite decreases. By the way, people who seriously practice yoga often adhere to a healthy, balanced diet. Your body will only thank you for this.

When can I expect results from yoga?

The effectiveness of weight loss from yoga is assessed purely individually. It depends on how diligently and regularly a person practices yoga, whether he has any serious illnesses, and what kind of lifestyle he leads. If everything goes well, results can be seen already in the second month.

It is worth noting that during yoga, the body produces the hormone of happiness – endorphin. This leads to the fact that after exercise a person feels happy. So yoga is beneficial not only for physical but also for mental health.

Yoga is one of the oldest teachings in the world. Researchers have more than once found images of people characteristic of excavations of cultures that existed thousands of years ago. Yoga is not just a way physical activity, is a method of understanding the world that allows you to develop mental, ethical and physical sphere human life. This is done in the name of health, which, as we know, cannot be considered only from a physical point of view.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to lose weight through yoga. We'll talk about this today.

  • radiculitis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • blood problems;
  • oncology;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cardiopathy.

Features of loads in yoga

Yoga involves a complex load on all muscle groups, in contrast to classical strength or aerobic exercise. It is based on the principle of isometric loading - the muscles of the body tense, but no significant change in their shape and movements in the joints occurs. The exercises are combined with a specific breathing technique, which speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

Types of yoga

There are quite a few. The classical versions are Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. When these complexes were combined and partially diluted with modern methods for losing weight, such areas as Ashtanga yoga, Bikram yoga and power yoga appeared.

It is these three types that are most effective for losing excess weight. Those who decide to lose weight with the help of yoga can choose the most suitable and suitable complex for themselves. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Ashtanga yoga

This is the most dynamic variation of yoga. It is suitable for those who have good physical training and endurance, but is looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with yoga. Asanas (static body position) here change quite quickly, in a clear sequence. Between them there are vinyasas - ligaments. The first complex of Ashtanga yoga consists of 90 asanas, in each of which you need to hold from 0.5 to 2 minutes. 70% of the complex is the rest - dynamic.

Power yoga

This one is suitable for those who are interested in whether it is possible to lose weight and tighten muscles with the help of yoga. Here the asanas used in Ashtanga yoga are combined with aerobics. Instead of pauses, stretching is done, which is necessary to remove lactic acid from the muscles, and breathing exercises. Power yoga allows you not only to lose weight, but also to gain weight. muscle mass. Moreover, it is suitable even for those who have not previously encountered such teaching.

Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is perhaps the most exotic variety. The fact is that it requires the creation of Indian climatic conditions. The training room must be at least 40 degrees Celsius and 40% humidity. The essence of the exercise is profuse sweating, which rids the body of toxins and excess moisture.

The Bikram yoga complex includes 26 classical asanas and breathing exercises. This type of exercise helps you burn better than others. body fat. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to lose weight intensively with the help of yoga. People suffering from illnesses of cardio-vascular system or lungs, before starting to practice Bikram yoga, you should definitely consult a doctor.

How should you practice?

Yoga exercises are performed several times a week. Those who cannot or do not want to study with a mentor can do everything on their own at home. All necessary information easy enough to find.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to home workouts. The advantages include a free schedule and no need for special clothing and equipment. Light cotton clothing and simple rug quite enough for home training.

Main disadvantage independent studies is that they tend to be less effective. The thing is that it will be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to choose the optimal program and load level for themselves, as well as master some exercises. Therefore, experts recommend working with a trainer at least at first. Having mastered necessary techniques and having learned to feel your body, you can safely start home exercises without worrying about your health.

Class rules:

  • Before starting the training complex, be sure to ventilate the room.
  • Exercises must be done on a mat.
  • It is best to practice either early in the morning or in the evening before bed.
  • You need to breathe exclusively through your nose.
  • Before training, you should not eat for at least three hours.
  • During training, you should not strain your muscles too much, causing pain.
  • The principle of mastering techniques is “from simple to complex.”

One day in India, a student came to his guru and asked how he could lose weight. The teacher gave him two eggplants different sizes and said, “You can eat them when the larger eggplant gets smaller and the smaller one gets bigger, and they both become the same size.” Being an obedient student, the man waited a month for the vegetables to change and drank only water. Then he returned to his teacher and said: “Sir, nothing has changed!” The Guru replied, “Throw away the eggplants. You've already reached your goal ideal weight and absolute health."

Fasting for a whole month is too radical a way to lose weight, but to lose weight , yoga masters have a simple recipe: drink more, eat less and perform asanas . All together is the only way to stabilize body weight. Modern people have problems with excess weight because they eat much more calories than they lose in daily exercise. Reduce the number of calories you consume and you will extend your life.

Besides, excess weight ages a person by 20 years. It's not just a matter of appearance- obesity puts you in the same risk category of exposure to dangerous diseases as older people.

Today there are voices in favor of excess weight, they say that a too slim figure is unhealthy fashion trends, and every person is beautiful in his weight. However, excess weight causes tumors, cancer, allergies, sleep disturbances, depression, heart disease, and hypertension. And along with the expansion of the waistline, the number of cases of type II diabetes is growing.

Yoga diet

The yogic diet includes several basic rules. Firstly, to reduce body weight, you need eat in small portions. Secondly, never you can't eat while standing. And finally, if you feel hungry between meals, eat light, organic foods- for example, apples from a personal farmstead.

Include the food of a real yogi in your diet, and along with daily exercise you will achieve amazing results!

Wake-up drink

For one serving:

  • juice of half a lemon,
  • 1 cup of warm water.

Pour lemon juice into water and drink through a straw for half an hour while going about your morning routine. If you drink this drink every morning, it will cleanse the liver, intestines and blood, and also suppress your appetite.


Lemon juice is contraindicated during pregnancy and low blood clotting. Also, despite the fact that allergy to citrus fruits is a childhood disease, the drink should be drunk with caution by all allergy sufferers.

Yoga mono-diet for quick weight loss

For 4 servings:

  • 4-5 zucchini with skin,
  • 4 stalks of celery,
  • 1 sprig of parsley,
  • 1 sprig of mint,
  • coarse black pepper - for taste,
  • 1 pack of low-fat cottage cheese.

Wash and dry the zucchini and celery and cut off the stems. Wash and dry the parsley and mint. Steam the zucchini and celery until tender (about 15 minutes), then puree in a blender, adding the parsley, mint and ground black pepper. Serve with low-fat cottage cheese.
For 40 days, eat only this dish. Eat as much as you want, but no more than three times a day. In addition to the fact that such a diet helps you lose weight, the yogic delicacy perfectly cleanses the stomach and cleanses the skin.


Thanks to natural ingredients, this diet is safe for health and allows you to exclude all other foods from your diet. However, celery, which is part of the serving, is not recommended to be eaten during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. So, put off yogic weight loss until your baby is on a regular diet.

Complex of asanas for weight loss

Any physical activity burns calories and helps you lose weight. You can run in the morning, go to Gym or swim in the pool. But there is often not enough time and energy for dynamic training, and smooth yoga asanas can be performed at home at any convenient time of the day.

These static exercises have the same effect as intense exercises. strength training, but they will bring your body back to normal even faster, without pumping over individual muscles and removing fat from the waist and hips.

There are three types of obesity - we gain weight:

  • on the hips,
  • at the waist,
  • on the forearms and around the chest.

Women are characterized mainly by the first two types, so the complex of asanas for weight loss includes the most effective poses for these areas of the body.

What asanas to do to lose weight?

Asana 1: Pawanmuktasana

Lie on your back and relax. As you inhale, bend one leg at the knee, clasp your ankle with your hands, and as you exhale, pull your leg as close to your chest as possible. Raise your head so that your nose touches your knee. Stay in this position for half a minute, then return to initial position. Repeat the asana with the other leg. This pose prepares your internal organs for more difficult exercises and warms up your abdominal muscles, increasing your flexibility.

How to lose weight with yoga /

Asana 2: Cobra

Lie on your stomach, press your forehead to the floor, and place your palms on the floor near your shoulders. Using force abdominal muscles , lift your chest up, straightening your elbows slightly. Do not lift your palms from the ground and do not strain buttocks . If you can't completely tear off chest off the floor and bending is not scary, the main thing is that you activated the right muscles. Stay in the asana for thirty seconds.

Asana 3: Arc

Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, and grab your ankles with your hands. Keeping your knees together, begin to straighten your legs, lifting your chest up. Climb as high as you can. Look up. Stay in the asana for thirty seconds, trying to breathe through your diaphragm. You will feel your body rise and fall with your breath. Rest in a child's position: sit on your heels, rest your forehead on the floor, and spread your arms freely to the sides.

Asana 4: Padma Paschimottanasana (bending)

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Pull your toes towards you. Keep your knees straight. Inhale and raise your arms above your head, lengthening your spine toward the ceiling. As you exhale, bend your torso forward and grab the thumbs legs If you can't reach your toes, use a strap or towel. Try to relax and stay in the asana for 2 minutes.

Asana 5: Uddiyana bandha

Stand straight, feet slightly apart and knees gently bent. Lean forward slightly and place your palms above your knees. As you inhale, relax your stomach and make it as large as possible, and as you exhale, pull in your stomach, pressing your abdominal muscles towards your spine. Hold your breath for ten seconds, keeping your stomach pulled in. Then take a few breaths in and out, working your abdominal muscles. Hold your breath again, pressing your stomach toward your spine. Repeat the cycle 10 times.

If you think that this physical activity not enough, exercise twice a day, in addition to complex for weight loss choosing any other asanas.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether yoga helps you lose weight quickly, but according to reviews, it gives really noticeable results in working on body correction. In this process, an integrated approach is required: do not forget about proper nutrition, massages, take care of your skin condition. Yoga will ensure harmony of soul and body, give motivation that will direct the accumulated energy in the right direction. People who resort to such activities can boast not only fit figure, but also good health, accompanied by a good mood.

What is yoga

Cultures different nations have many differences, without becoming any less interesting. IN modern world it is possible to intertwine them, to introduce elements of one into the other. Yoga is a representative of Indian culture, which is a combination of physical, spiritual and mental. The purpose of this set of practices is to control the functions of the body, which ultimately allows one to achieve an exalted state.

The classical technique is considered more feminine than masculine. However, there is no evidence that yoga is not suitable for men and does not help them lose weight. The poses of this gymnastics, supported by Eastern philosophy, are called asanas. Among them there are those that require special training, while others are available for beginners. Like any exercise that helps you lose weight, yoga loves consistency - practice regularly and the effect will be!

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

When starting any course of physical exercise, be aware that you will have to go through a difficult path before you achieve the result that suits you. If you don't like what you're doing, you won't enjoy it, you'll be tired and want to quit immediately. The answer to the question whether you can lose weight from yoga depends on the following:

  • Your attitude towards her. If you go to each lesson with joy, and not in order to quickly complete all the instructor’s tasks and get one step closer to slim figure, then yoga is yours!
  • Strict adherence to the requirements of the instructor and correct execution asana To avoid injuries, you need to start with less difficult elements, gradually making them more difficult under the guidance of a trainer.
  • Correct breathing. Beautiful body, acquired through practice, is difficult to imagine without the ability to breathe correctly. Breathing exercises are no less important than physical exercises.

How many calories are burned?

I want to remove excess fat and correct the shape of my stomach and hips as soon as possible. Do not forget that sports can only help in combination with proper balanced nutrition. After asking whether yoga helps with weight loss, those planning to start practicing are interested in the number of calories burned. Beginners are recommended to start with the classic course. These workouts help you burn from 250 to 400 kcal per hour. However, in exercise, developing joints and toning muscles plays a more important role than getting rid of fat.

How does it affect your figure?

The benefits of any sport for the body are undeniable. To find out how yoga affects your figure, you can talk to someone who has been practicing it for a long time. If there is no such person in your environment, then you will be interested in reading the following list positive effects from this eastern practice:

  • Strengthening the spine. Gymnastics has a preventive effect on people who suffer from back diseases.
  • Body flexibility. Stretching exercises performed during classes help the ligaments become more elastic.
  • Health improvement. They say that healthy mind can only be in a healthy body, but vice versa this truth also works. Due to proper breathing, many processes in the body are normalized, ensuring its healing and rejuvenation.

Yoga and weight loss

Sport helps to maintain a beautiful figure and, if necessary, can get rid of extra pounds. It is impossible to say for sure whether yoga makes you lose weight. Since it depends on the specific person and his compliance with all conditions. However, if the practitioner follows the rules, then it will be useful for him to know that the exercise system has several varieties, from which you can lose weight by more or less kilograms. To ensure that the results are not long in coming, you must practice under the supervision of an instructor at least for the first time.


An integrated approach to exercise helps to achieve harmony, which is no less important than beautiful appearance. Hatha yoga involves a combination of physical and mental means. When using this practice, it is necessary to comply balanced diet. It is allowed, and sometimes it is simply necessary, to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to performing asanas, it is necessary to monitor breathing, hand placement and control body language. You cannot do this type of yoga without concentration and meditation.


Dynamic movements are what will help to pump up the body and remove excess fat. If you don’t know whether yoga helps you lose weight, choose a more active version, but do not neglect the accompaniment of a trainer. Ashtanga yoga, being a subtype of hatha, is distinguished by combinations of movements called vinyasas, which are combined with a sequence of asanas. The main idea of ​​this teaching is that the practitioner is obliged to achieve compliance with all the rules of practice, and not to adjust it to himself. Only in this case does Ashtanga help you lose weight and improve your body health.


Several thousand years ago in India, a method of performing asanas in an inverted form was invented, when a person was hanging in the air. Air yoga, which is increasingly gaining popularity, helps muscles relax naturally. At the same time, in the process of changing body position and adopting various poses, activity is enough to lose weight. The body is healed and rejuvenated by stimulating blood circulation. Good this type and for mental state: The relaxation achieved by practicing in a suspended hammock helps with meditation.


Psychologist Dina Rodriguez, for a long time who preferred hatha yoga, decided that it was necessary separate species workouts for women. Their goal should be to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, treat insomnia and reduce the impact of stress on the body. By stimulating the functions of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands, the production of hormones is activated. Lose weight with this combination breathing exercises, asanas and gymnastics helps, but you should not expect stunning results. This type is aimed more at raising the tone of the body.


There are variations of the system that were invented and became widespread relatively recently. These include strength, which appeared in 1995 and is vaguely reminiscent of Ashtanga. The workout consists of several parts, separated by breathing exercises. Each block is a continuous performance of asanas, interspersed with intense combinations. Such trainings help build endurance. Activity of this type, combined with correct breathing, nourishes the blood with oxygen.


Sports clubs constantly practice introducing new interesting lessons in order to attract customers. For example, for those who are wondering whether yoga helps you lose weight, there is a variety with the fitness prefix. By eliminating the shortcomings of each of these areas, a synthesis is obtained that is suitable for most people. A significant disadvantage of fitness training is the frantic pace, while fitness yoga has a large meditative part. It occurs in a calmer rhythm, and meditation is given the same amount of time as physical exercise.

Lesson results

Whether the desired effect will be achieved depends on the individual and his aspirations. All types of yoga have a positive effect on the body, making joints flexible and muscles elastic. In addition, it will be an excellent assistant in saturating the blood with oxygen. Answering the question whether yoga will help you lose weight, instructors claim that classes, if followed, light diet normalize digestion and stimulate metabolic processes. It is important to enjoy the process, then the result will definitely come!


In this article I want to answer the question “Is it possible to lose weight by doing yoga?” And not just answer, but show you how and why this happens!

As you may have guessed, my answer is of course. YES!

And now I'll tell you HOW it happens. And I will start with the reasons why excess weight is formed, and I will also immediately answer why you can lose weight by doing yoga.

The first reason for excess weight sedentary image life. Sedentary work, traveling by car or on public transport, at home - sitting at the computer or watching TV on the sofa. All this has little to do with burning extra calories. How does yoga help in this case, you ask? After all, in yoga there are mainly static poses. The thing is that when performing static yoga poses (asanas), there is a lot of work done by muscles for which such a position is unusual. Also, in stationary poses, excess fat deposits in the body are burned well. Thus, we get a double effect - we strengthen and tighten the muscles and at the same time “dry” our body.

The second reason for excess weight - overeating and poor nutrition. By doing yoga, you learn to listen to your body and understand its signals. And you stop eating when you are simply bored or lonely, you begin to distinguish between these sensations and not confuse them with the feeling of hunger. When you do yoga, your body detoxifies, your metabolism improves, and your body stops craving junk food. That is, at some point you realize that you don’t want chips, lemonade, sausage, etc. Your clean body begins to crave simple, wholesome food.

The third reason for excess weight - psychological reasons, stress. Everyone knows that we also tend to eat away stress. And again, it’s no secret that yoga primarily has a positive effect on the psyche, calms, relaxes, restores nervous system. Thus, a person is less susceptible to stress, becomes emotionally stable, and feels harmonious.

The fourth reason for excess weight - various hormonal disorders in the body. Yoga can help you here too. The fact is that yoga asanas (postures) are designed in such a way that at a certain position of the body there is an impact on certain organs and systems, including the endocrine glands, which are precisely responsible for the hormonal balance in our body. And with constant yoga practice, your hormonal balance returns to normal.

The fifth reason for excess weight - it can become any disease in which metabolism and other body functions are disrupted. And here you need to know that yoga improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system and heals the entire body as a whole. And also the fact that there are practically no contraindications to yoga. Therefore, after consulting with your doctor, you can also begin to heal your body from the inside.

The sixth reason for excess weight - Women often gain excess weight during or after pregnancy. There may be several reasons listed above: hormonal imbalance, stress, and, as a result, overeating. And in the same way, doing yoga will help you cope with all this (see above).

I answered the question “Is it possible to lose weight by doing yoga”. I would like to add that yoga really heals the body very well, improves its flexibility and mobility, and gives a feeling of joy in life. Gives you the ability to better understand and hear your body.

It should be noted that those who want quick, instant results are definitely not here! Here, the body’s recovery occurs naturally and this, of course, takes time. Especially when there is already real problems. But if you want to solve these problems, if you have enough patience and understanding, then you will be rewarded with a great healthy body that will delight you for many years!

What do you think about this? I really look forward to your comments on this article!

In the future, I plan to write down ones that are most aimed at the problem of excess weight. So as not to miss important information, subscribe to site updates!